iis site binding issue. got This site can’t be reached error. how to solve it - iis

I am new to iis. I have create a website in my iis for my website content. Want to ask how can i bind the domain name with the site in iis for internal use.
this is what i have tried so far.

When you want to bind the domain name locally you have to bind it in the host file which is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
add your machine IP and domain name as suggested in the below format: domian.com
by using this method you can only access it on your machine. the host file is only for the machine in which you are accessing the site.
now set the iis site binding as shown below:
clear browser cache and history and browse your site.


Host IIS Server applications on the internet

I know this may be straight forward and may have already been asked but I have been unable to get proper online articles on this or atleast I don't know how to ask google. so here's a scenerio.
I have a Windows Server which will be hosting applications.
These applications need to be accessible over the internet.
NOTE I'm aware I can just port forward and users can access the apps via a public IP. This isn't how I want it.
Users should be able to access my apps through www.my-apps.com. This domain will be registered with e.g. Godaddy, etc.
How do I go on about this ? No matter how complicated this maybe, I am ready to get my hands as dirty as possible to implement this.
You can modify the hosts file of the server hosting your site to point to the local machine's IP when visiting the www.my-apps.com domain should do it.
Open the IIS Manager, in the Connections pane of IIS, expand the Sites and select the website which you want to access via IP address.
Click on Bindings link and you will see current bindings of that website.
Click on Add button to add a new binding, On the Add Site Binding window, keep website Type as http. Select an IP address from the drop-down menu upon which you want to bind the website, then type www.my-apps.com in the Host name, click OK and then Close.
open this file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
Add the following entry to the file: IP Address www.my-apps.com
Save to save your changes

Windows 10 IIS 10 Error 404 Resource Not Found

I have two websites on a Windows 10 Pro box using IIs 10. Both websites have their bindings set for HTTP, a hostname, any IP address and both using Port 80. IT has added a DNS entry that resolves the website hostname set in bindings. From inside IIS I can browse either web site. On the machine that is hosting the web sites I can open them just using the web site host name. However, on another machine on the network you put in the FQDN of the web site and you immediately get a Error 404 Resource Not Found. When you do a nslookup on the FGDN is resolves correctly.
I am stumped. Anyone who might have an answer?
The solution was to create a new site in IIS! This time I made sure that the hostname was all lower case and matched the host name in DNS. I am suspecting that everything is case sensitive.

Accessing web pages on Azure VM

I would like to have my webserver on AzureVM. I will use multiple sites via host header.
Bindings: All unassigned and host header = www.site.com
My VM is configured and sites running locally (I can show website on erver in IIS.. Browse...) with no problem. Endpoints are configured too. Default web page of IIS is accessible on address .cloudapp.net
I cant access my second website from internet:
service.cloudapp.net/www.site.com (this is maybe wrong)
Nothing working :-(
Haw can i access it?
Thank you in
You can have multiple websites hosted on the same IIS Server.
To access the websites individually over the Internet, you need to suffix the DNS Name with the Public Port.
For Example :
DNS Name : myvm.cloudapp.net
Website 1 : myvm.cloudapp.net:52477
Website 2 : myvm.cloudapp.net: 51998
However if you are using Host Headers in IIS, you might want to refer to the below link which gives more insight
Hope this helps !

Plesk 12 - Access domain/webspace before DNS point to server

I'm using Plesk 12 to manage my domains and websites. At the moment I need to move a website from another provider to me.
Before I change the DNS entries to point to my server. I'd like to check if everything is working correct. So is there a way to access a webspace with a domain set up, that is actually not pointing to my server?
If you have Linux on your local computer, you can edit the hosts file and add the domain and IP address of the new server.
Remember to add your domain to new plesk.
Your web browser will direct you to your client website with the new provider.

how to set an ip address as the host header in IIS 7.5 bindings

I am having an issue getting an IIS 7.5 website to answer when I connect to it using an IP address.
I have a Win2008 Server set up with IIS 7.5. It has only one IP address bound to it (, and IIS listens on it just fine. I have IIS hosting two websites: defaultsite and mysite. Both of these two are necessary to be present. (To be fair, I have many more sites, but 2 will simplify things.)
Defaultsite is your typical IIS default site and has an IIS binding of "*:80:"
I want to access "mysite" via the DNS name but also the public IP address So I've added the appropriate bindings:
My DNS and load balancer are moving traffic just fine to the IIS server. Everything works fine when hitting the server via "mysite.com" and I get the defaultsite if I try other ways to get to the server.
The problem is when I use to get to the server, I get there, but I'm still sent over to the "defaultsite" rather than "mysite." My IIS logs and the file contents I retrieve verify this behavior.
Any ideas on how to get an IP address set as the host header on a site binding? (Searching for this situation is vexing; since all my key terms are present any time you work with host headers/bindings.)
Remove the binding for *.80 from the default site and make it respond to and then your other site will get picked up when you type the site. IIS is responding to the request but the rule states 'If any site comes through on port 80, respond to the default site'. The DNS name works because you are going by name and the lookup is not there on the default site.
