how to connect flutter web(hummingbird) app to mysql - flutter-web

can I bypass building backend-server which connecting to mysql?
I want my flutter web app directly connects to mysql server without writing a backend server.


Can i run flutter web build offline

I have a Flutter Web Application which uses a NodeJS and ExpressJS server as a backend. I have deployed this application on a server which is connected to a LAN. When I browse to the server on a computer which has permission to access the internet, the application works fine. But when I browse to the website on a computer with no internet connection, it gives me an error:'Failed to load resource:net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET canvaskit.js:1'.
Do i always need to have internet access for a Flutter Web Application to work? Can I make the app work without internet connection?

How to connect my Heroku hosted Node REST services to remote SQL?

Can anyone please tell me about how to connect REST based services on Heroku to a Linux based Remote SQL?
I'm new to hosting REST based services. I've created some REST services via Node.js and Express and I'm trying to connect those services with a remote SQL database on my hosting plan on
But it always shows server closed the connection because it requires an IP address to setup a connection between server and heroku.

How to set up HTTPS with flask and node.js?

On a linux server, I have a node.js web server that hosts a UI, and a flask webserver that holds the API for a neo4j database that the UI hits to get database information. I am setting up HTTPS for the app, should the configuration for it go into the flask web server or the node.js server? I have seen it set up with the flask web server only and don't know why/how this works. Thanks!

Unable to connect Node app hosted on Heroku with MongoDB Cluster

i am making NodeJS app hosted on heroku and using MongoDB atlas as a backend.When i am sending POST request to app via POSTMAN it is showing:
Error: 503 service unavailable
In my opinion node app is failed to connect with MongoDB atlas cluster.If so then how can i connect it with MongoDB.
See Connecting Heroku App to Atlas MongoDB Cloud service, you need to either connect via SSL or whitelist the relevant Heroku IP address ranges for your app.

Create a REST Web Service using Node.JS

i need to create a web service to connect to an oracle database from a mobile application
i found some tutorial about creating a web service by using NODE.JS
my question : is it possible to create a REST web service with Node.js to connect to oracle database from my mobile apps ??
if you have an other idea how to create a rest web service using php plz tell me
Php is one thing: a language; NodeJS is another thing: a software platform used to build network applications in JavaScript. I assume you want to develop in JavaScript and not Php.
Yes, it is possible to do what you want. Look into the following packages:
oracle db driver: driver to connect from your node.js app to the oracle db
express: a web development framework
In summary, express will serve as your web server, it will define the REST service endpoints, receive the mobile client's requests, fetch the data from the Oracle db with the help of the aforementioned db driver, and return this data to the mobile client.
You can get started fast with express by generating a base skeleton app just by running:
$ express myAppName
Absolutely. For the REST server side of things, you might be interested in express or restify From the REST server / application you can use something like node-oracle to connect to the Oracle database.
