I have a domain (i.e. https://www.example.com). This domain points to content in an Azure Storage container. I have set up this container as a static website following these steps. Now, I need to add a subdomain (i.e. https://subdomain.example.com) that points to a separate Azure Storage container.
I thought I could do this by adding a CNAME record to my DNS that points to the container url. However, my domain provider will not let me use a URL that includes a path. I don't know if this is a DNS rule or something my domain provider does. Regardless, the Azure Storage container has a path (i.e. http://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer). For this reason, I can't point a subdomain to an Azure Storage container via a CNAME record. My domain provider will only allow me to use (http://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net) which clearly doesn't reference the container.
How do I point a subdomain to an Azure Storage container?
Thank you!
According to the docs, the only available workflow now is to replace storage domain with custom domain, so you can't specify container there.
You could use url rewrite feature instead to redirect HTTP calls to specific route (in your case to your container).
Alternatively, take a look at Azure Storage static website hosting. It should allow defining custom "route entry" according to your logic
I have a domain registered through GoDaddy.
Currently there is an A record where:
Host: #
Points To: IP Address
This is pointing to a server that is currently serving the site.
I also have the site in an Azure Storage static web blob, and the endpoint is serving up the site and all is good.
I have tried registering a custom domain via the "asverify" method (see below), and Azure reports that it works. My custom domain "example.com" is accepted and all appears good except, navigating to https://example.com never works (after disabling the A record above).
Create a CNAME record with your DNS provider that points from the "asverify" subdomain (like asverify.www.contoso.com) to asverify.staticweb.blob.core.windows.net or asverify.staticweb.z5.web.core.windows.net. After this step completes, enter your domain below (exclude the 'asverify' subdomain). This method does not incur any downtime. To use this method, select the 'Use indirect CNAME validation' checkbox.
I have done something similar previously with AppServices. I have another domain that I have added to an AppService that is not a subdomain (so it is https://anotherexample.com NOT https://www.anotherexample.com). That was done with adding a TXT record to the DNS at GoDaddy, and works perfectly.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain? That is the only way that I want to access the site.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain?
Unfortunately, Azure Storage does not allow you to use non-subdomains to perform this operation. The subdomain is required, root domains are not supported.
please see:here.
While Azure Storage doesn't allow it as stated by the other anwser. You could very easily place an Azure CDN infront of it that does. To do this from the portal just go to the storage resource and search for the Azure CDN blade. From there you can create an endpoint to the storage or its static website. After creating the endpoint you can go to the resource and use the Custom Domain blade to set it up using a CNAME record.
We have hosted our static website under storage account and we want to point that to our custom domain(not .com we have a .lk domain(srilanka)). As per microsoft documentation we have added a CNAME record under our domain. Even we have added the cdnverify also. But that domain is not recognized under the azure cdn custom domain. We have waited more than a day. But we have tested with one .com domain that works fine. Any extra configurations we need to do for .lk domains?
As mentioned in the comment
Make sure your blob container is public .
To confirm that your custom domain is mapped to your blob service
endpoint, create a blob in a public container within your storage
Validate the CDN endpoint is properly configured
Problem about setting custom domain for static web on Files Storage Azure.
I already added domain in config screen and set cname in domain but still didn't worked.
enter image description here
The problem is that you are mapping a root domain, not subdomains. From Configure a custom domain name for your Azure storage account,
The mapping does only work for subdomains (e.g. www.contoso.com). If
you want to have your web endpoint available on the root domain (e.g.
contoso.com), then you have to Add a custom domain to your Azure CDN
In this case, you can try to use a subdomain like sub.contoso.com in your DNS provider. Otherwise, you need a CDN endpoint for that root domain. For more details, you can get from this blog.
I own a domain name with cloudflare nameservers. I've set up an Azure Container Instance with a running container hosted in Docker-Hub container registry. When i created the container instance i specified dns-name-label in azure's namespace, but i want to point my custom domain to this running container instead of the azure's one.
I've searching in Azure Docs for a way to point my custom domain name to this running container in ACI, but i didn't found any information about this configuration in Azure Container Instances.
I did found some information regarding custom domains for blob storages, or cloud services, but none of those applied to ACI, as the custom domain setting doesn't appear in my ACI dashboard, neither in Azure CLI help commands.
Any information will be appreciated. I hope there is a solution to this that doesn't involve switching my NS to Azure's as cloudlflare is working just fine.
As for as I know, ACI exposes the DNS name using a dns-name-label in azure's namespace. The FQDN like customlabel.azureregion.azurecontainer.io. is provided by Azure DNS service. Unfortunately, there is no way to directly set the custom domain for ACI, but you could create a CNAME record in your DNS provider to redirect your subdomain like www.example.com to this FQDN.
If so, you can access your ACI via subdomain www.example.com.
You may consider creating a web app for the container. Then you can create a custom domain for the web app.
cname won`t work since docker sees that the ssl cert is from *.azurecr.io and not example.expemple.com and then proceeds to do nothing. it also doenst work with cloudflare ssl
edit: i just did more research and i found something very very promising
I have a domain name that I want to point to my Azure blob storage account, but point to a specific storage container, and even more specifically that storage container's index.html page. When I go to create the CNAME I can't target a specific container or its index page, the CNAME only allows me to stop at .blob.core.windows.net vs .blob.core.windows.net/container/index.html. What am I missing or doing wrong?
I deleted my previous answer because i misunderstood the question.
What you are trying to do, i believe, is not possible. CNAME is a part of DNS records so it is able to map IP address to hostnames. What are you trying to do is called HTTP redirect on the web server side.