Two row header to one row header for a data frame in Pandas - python-3.x

I have a data set with a multi-index, 2-dimensional header. I would like to merge it into one header row by removing empty column names in the first row by previous non nan column name in the same row.
Below showing structure of dataframe I have.
First two rows are header.
id One Two
response X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2
0 0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.11 1.22
1 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.11 1.22
2 2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.11 1.22
I want to change above data frame to one in below,
id One 1.X1 One 2.Y1 One 3.Z1 Two 1.X2 Two 2.Y2
0 0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.11 1.22
1 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.11 1.22
2 2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.11 1.22
Actual data frame has more than 100 columns.
Hope someone can help me here.
Than you so much.
Mary Abin.

if your columns are indeed a MultiIndex
MultiIndex([( 'id', 'response'),
('One', 'X1'),
('One', 'Y1'),
('One', 'Z1'),
('Two', 'X2'),
('Two', 'Y2')],
then we can pass them into a new data frame and use a cumulative count on the first level before flattening the columns.
s = pd.DataFrame.from_records(df.columns)
s['col'] = (s.groupby(0).cumcount()+1).astype(str) + '.'
#skip the first row and re-order columns to match your desired order.
df.columns = ['id'] + s.iloc[1:, [0,2,1]].astype(str).agg(' '.join,1).tolist()
id One 1. X1 One 2. Y1 One 3. Z1 Two 1. X2 Two 2. Y2
0 0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.11 1.22
1 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.11 1.22
2 2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.11 1.22
0 1 col
0 id response 1.
1 One X1 1.
2 One Y1 2.
3 One Z1 3.
4 Two X2 1.
5 Two Y2 2.

df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)
Check this


how to get quartiles and classify a value according to this quartile range

I have this df:
d = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Andres','Lars','Paul','Mike'],
And I want classify each number in a quartile. I am doing this:
But as you can see, the 4 quartiles are all equal because the code above is calculating per row so if there's one 1 number per row all quartiles are equal.
If a run instead:
Then I have the 4 quartiles I am looking for:
0.25 9.000
0.50 10.500
0.75 11.325
1.00 12.300
What I need as output(showing only first 2 rows)
Name target number 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Rank
0 Andres A 10.0 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.30 1
1 Lars A 12.3 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.30 4
you can see all quartiles has the the values considering tall values in the number column. Besides that, now we have a column names Rank that classify the number according to it's quartile. ex. In the first row 10 is within the 1st quartile.
Here's one way that build on the quantiles you've created by making it a DataFrame and joining it to d. Also assigns "Rank" column using rank method:
out = (d.join(d['number'].quantile([0.25,0.5,0.75,1])
.set_axis([f'{i}Q' for i in range(1,5)], axis=0)
.pipe(lambda x: x.loc[x.index.repeat(len(d))])
Name target number 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Rank
0 Andres A 10.0 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.3 2.0
1 Lars A 12.3 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.3 4.0
2 Paul B 11.0 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.3 3.0
3 Mike C 6.0 9.0 10.5 11.325 12.3 1.0

python pandas data frame: single column to multiple columns based on values

I am new to pandas.
I am trying to split a single column to multiple columns based on index value using Groupby. Below is the program wrote.
import pandas as pd
data = [(0,1.1),
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['ID','test_data'])
df = df.groupby('ID',sort=True).apply(lambda g: pd.Series(g['test_data'].values))
df=df.unstack(level=-1).rename(columns=lambda x: 'test_data%s' %x)
I have to use unstack(level=-1) because when we have uneven column size, the groupie and series stores the result as shown below.
0 0 1.1
1 2.1
2 3.1
1 0 1.2
1 2.2
2 3.2
2 0 1.3
1 3.3
3 0 3.4
dtype: float64
End result I am getting after unstack is like below
test_data0 test_data1 test_data2
0 1.1 2.1 3.1
1 1.2 2.2 3.2
2 1.3 3.3 NaN
3 3.4 NaN NaN
but what I am expecting is
test_data0 test_data1 test_data2
0 1.1 2.1 3.1
1 1.2 2.2 3.2
2 1.3 NAN 3.3
3 NAN NAN 3.4
Let me know if there is any better way to do this other than groupby.
This will work if your dataframe is sorted as you show
df['num_zeros_seen'] = df['ID'].eq(0).cumsum()
#reshape the table
df = df.pivot(
num_zeros_seen 1 2 3
0 1.1 2.1 3.1
1 1.2 2.2 3.2
2 1.3 NaN 3.3
3 NaN NaN 3.4

Pandas groupby and append the original values. Count the mean of per row

I have a dataframe of IDs and Values. Where IDs are kind of repetition of trial and Values are the results.
I want to do groupby by ID and for same IDs the Values will be added to adjacent columns. Finally I want to calculate the mean of each of the rows.
ID Value
0 1 1.1
1 2 1.2
2 3 2.4
3 1 1.7
4 2 4.3
5 3 2.2
>>>groups = df.groupby(by='ID')
#Now I cannot figure it what to do for my desired output.
I want the output like
ID Value_1 Value_2 Mean
0 1 1.1 1.7 1.9
1 2 1.2 4.3 2.75
2 3 2.4 2.2 2.3
Use DataFrame.assign for new column created by counter per groups by GroupBy.cumcount, reshape by DataFrame.pivot, change columns names by DataFrame.add_prefix, add new column filled by means and last data cleaning - DataFrame.reset_index with DataFrame.rename_axis:
df = (df.assign(g = df.groupby('ID').cumcount().add(1))
.assign(Mean = lambda x: x.mean(axis=1))
.rename_axis(None, axis=1))
print (df)
ID Value_1 Value_2 Mean
0 1 1.1 1.7 1.40
1 2 1.2 4.3 2.75
2 3 2.4 2.2 2.30
One of possible solutions, assuming that you have 2 rows for each ID:
Define a function to be applied to groups:
def fn(grp):
vals = grp.Value.values
return [ vals[0], vals[-1], grp.Value.mean() ]
Then apply it and "move" ID column from index to regular column:
df2 = df.groupby('ID').apply(fn).apply(pd.Series).reset_index()
And the last point is to set proper column names:
df2.columns=[ 'ID', 'Value_1', 'Value_2', 'Mean' ]

python-3: how to create a new pandas column as subtraction of two consecutive rows of another column?

I have a pandas dataframe
I want to create a new column y as y[i] = x[i] - x[i-1] (and y[0] = x[0]).
So the above data frame will become:
x y
1 1
3 2
4 1
7 3
10 3
How to do that with python-3? Many thanks
Using .shift() and fillna():
df['y'] = (df['x'] - df['x'].shift(1)).fillna(df['x'])
To explain what this is doing, if we print(df['x'].shift(1)) we get the following series:
0 NaN
1 1.0
2 3.0
3 4.0
4 7.0
Which is your values from 'x' shifted down one row. The first row gets NaN because there is no value above it to shift down. So, when we do:
print(df['x'] - df['x'].shift(1))
We get:
0 NaN
1 2.0
2 1.0
3 3.0
4 3.0
Which is your subtracted values, but in our first row we get a NaN again. To clear this, we use .fillna(), telling it that we want to just take the value from df['x'] whenever a null value is encountered.

Pandas Pivot and Summarize For Multiple Rows Vertically

Given the following data frame:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Site':['a','a','a','b','b','b'],
Site y x
0 a 1.0 1
1 a NaN 1
2 a 0.0 0
3 b 1.0 1
4 b 1.0 0
5 b 0.0 0
I am looking for the most efficient way, for each numerical column (y and x), to produce a percent per group, label the column name, and stack them in one column.
Here's how I accomplish this for 'y':
df=df.loc[~np.isnan(df['y'])] #do not count non-numbers
sum len Item Perc
a 1.0 2.0 y 50.0
b 2.0 3.0 y 66.7
Now all I need is a way to add 2 more rows to this; the results for 'x' if I had pivoted with its values above, like this:
sum len Item Perc
a 1.0 2.0 y 50.0
b 2.0 3.0 y 66.7
a 1 2 x 50.0
b 1 3 x 33.3
In reality, I have 48 such numerical data columns that need to be stacked as such.
Thanks in advance!
First you can use notnull. Then omit in pivot_table parameter value, stack and sort_values by new column Item. Last you can use pandas function round:
t=pd.pivot_table(df,index='Site', aggfunc=[sum,len])
.sort_values('Item', ascending=False)
t['Perc']= (t['sum']/t['len']*100).round(1)
#reorder columns
t = t[['sum','len','Item','Perc']]
print t
sum len Item Perc
a 1.0 2.0 y 50.0
b 2.0 3.0 y 66.7
a 1.0 2.0 x 50.0
b 1.0 3.0 x 33.3
Another solution if is neccessary define values columns in pivot_table:
t=pd.pivot_table(df,index='Site',values=['y', 'x'], aggfunc=[sum,len])
.sort_values('Item', ascending=False)
t['Perc']= (t['sum']/t['len']*100).round(1)
#reorder columns
t = t[['sum','len','Item','Perc']]
print t
sum len Item Perc
a 1.0 2.0 y 50.0
b 2.0 3.0 y 66.7
a 1.0 2.0 x 50.0
b 1.0 3.0 x 33.3
