how to Handle promise error in nodeJS / express - node.js

I'm building a nodeJS authentication API, I found a lot of resources on GitHub, I'm confused about writing and hundle promise error and I want to understand it to change some code on the cloned project.
The first function is register located on register service :
async function register(params, origin) {
// validate
if (await db.Account.findOne({ email: })) {
// send already registered error in email to prevent account enumeration
return await sendAlreadyRegisteredEmail(, origin);
// create account object
const account = new db.Account(params);
// first registered account is an admin
const isFirstAccount = (await db.Account.countDocuments({})) === 0;
account.role = isFirstAccount ? Role.Admin : Role.User;
account.verificationToken = randomTokenString();
// hash password
account.passwordHash = hash(params.password);
// save account
// send email
await sendVerificationEmail(account, origin);
when an account is already registered I want to return an error not sending an email ( line 5 )
account controller
here is the controller where I want to handle the promise returned from account service :'/register', registerSchema, register);
function register(req, res, next) {
accountService.register(req.body, req.get('origin'))
.then(() => res.json({ message: 'Registration successful, please check your email for verification instructions' }))
I thought that .catch function trait a rejected promise isn't it ? what does .catch(next) do exactly ? and in case where an account exist already when register how to return an api error with a status code ?

You are mixing 2 ways of handling promise in Javascript in one
.catch is to handle promise rejection from .then block.
With the async-await syntax, we need to handle promise rejection with a try-catch block.
In your register function just wrap all await part in one try-catch block and it will be handled.

You could handle an "account exists" condition as an error, using throw & catch.
However, I'd make the register function return a status message or other indicator to the caller so it can be used in a more flexible & reusable way.
async function register(params, origin) {
// validate
if (await db.Account.findOne({ email: })) {
// send already registered error in email to prevent account enumeration
return {success: false, await sendAlreadyRegisteredEmail(, origin)};
// create account object
const account = new db.Account(params);
// first registered account is an admin
const isFirstAccount = (await db.Account.countDocuments({})) === 0;
account.role = isFirstAccount ? Role.Admin : Role.User;
account.verificationToken = randomTokenString();
// hash password
account.passwordHash = hash(params.password);
// save account
// send email
return {success: true, await sendVerificationEmail(account, origin)};
And then you could handle the message here:
function register(req, res, next) {
accountService.register(req.body, req.get('origin'))
.then((results) => {
if (results.success) {
res.json({ message: 'Registration successful, please check your email for verification instructions' })
} else {
// send failure message


Delete User and Logout that user from all Devices

I wanted to implement a feature in my app. Where an Admin can delete the user. So basically the delete is working fine but somehow i cannot logout the logged in user. Let me explain it more briefly, Suppose there is a User A which is currently using my app and the admin decided to remove that user from the app so they can't no longer access the features of the app. To remove the user i can call an API and delete that user but if i completely delete the user it loses all the access to the API's call coz user with the certain ID isn't available anymore and the app breaks coz the API call will fail for that deleted User. So I was wondering is there anyway to logout the user after admin deletes it.
The Frontend is on ReactJs and Backend is on NodeJs. And i am using JWT for authentication. Any help will be appreciated and if this question isn't clear enough please let me know so i can explain it more.
In backend in every protected route you should verify the token and token should contain user id or email using that you will verify the token. After deleting the user throw error with no user found and in frontend make sure if there are the error no user found then it will delete the JWT token.
What comes into my mind is to put a middleware between your requests and server. By doing so, instead of trying to log out from all devices, we will not allow any action if user does not exist; in this very example, we will prevent the user to delete a place and toast a message on the front end. I will share an example of that, but you need to tweak the code according to your needs.
Http Error Model
class HttpError extends Error {
constructor(message, errorCode) {
this.code = errorCode;
module.exports = HttpError;
const HttpError = require('../models/http-error');
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
try {
// Check user if exists
User.findById(req.userData.userId).exec(function (error, user) {
if (error) {
throw new Error('Authentication failed!');
else {
return next();
catch (error) {
return next(new HttpError('Authentication failed!', 403));
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const checkAuth = require('../middleware/check-auth');
// Put after any routes that you want the user to be logged in
router.delete('/:placeId', placesControllers.deletePlace); //e.x.
module.exports = router;
E.x. controller (with MongoDB)
const deletePlace = async (req, res, next) => {
const placeId = req.params.placeId;
let foundPlace;
try {
foundPlace = await Place.findById(placeId).populate('userId').exec();
catch (error) {
return next(new HttpError('Could not find the place, please try again', 500));
// Delete place
res.status(200).json({message: 'Deleted place'});
import toastr from 'toastr';
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {method, body, headers});
const data = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(data.message);
catch(error) {
// handle the error, user not found
toastr.error(error.message, 'Error', {
closeButton: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
timeOut: 2000,
extendedTimeOut: 1,

Node.js middleware to read more than one mongoose collection

I am new to authentication with node.js and am struggling to implement the following:
I currently have a middleware function that checks the access token sent with the request and pulls the user relating to that token, then appends that user onto the request so I can use their details. This works completely fine for my Users collection, however I am wanting to add a new collection for a completely different type of user, called Owners.
Based on the function I currently have, I cannot seem to find a way to have it check both collections - this is my current function that works with my one Users collection.
// Middleware that authenticates token and appends user to request
module.exports.required = function (req, res, next) {
const auth_header = req.header("authorization").split(" ");
const auth_type = auth_header[0];
const auth_token = auth_header[1] || null;
// Check token
if (auth_type !== "Bearer" || !auth_token) {
return next(HttpError(401, "Token is invalid."));
// Find user matching access token
return User.findOne({ access_token: auth_token })
.orFail(HttpError(401, "Token does not exist."))
.then((user) => {
try {
// Check if token has no expired
} catch (err) {
if ( !== "TokenExpiredError") return next(err);
// Refresh token
// Save and return new user
return user;
.then((user) => {
// Append user object to the incoming request
req.user = user;
return next();
Can anyone help me understand out how I would check both collections (Users & Owners)?

Best way to handle multiple functions/scenarios inside an express route?

I have many endpoints in my express app that have many conditions. I want to find what is the best design pattern for them without repeating myself so much.
This is one of my simpler routes:'/reset/:token',
asyncMiddleware(async(req, res, next) => { await reset(req, res, next, pino); })
Inside reset()I need to check a couple of things, such as:
If all the required body params are there
If the email from the decrypted token matches the one from the database
If the password was saved successfully.
I would like to check those conditions that without having a huge function, but I don't know what is the best way to do so.
Entire Route Code
export async function reset(req, res, next) {
const email =;
if (!email) return res.status(400).json(Error.paramsMissing('email'));
const user = await userAssociatedWithEmail(;
if (!user) {
return res.status(501).json(Error.noActiveUserAssociatedWithEmail);
// Generate token
const token = await jwt.sign({ email:, id: }, 'shhhhh');
const emailSent = await sendForgotEmail(token, user);
if (!emailSent) return res.status(500).json(Error.emailNotSent);
else return res.json({ status: 'success', message: 'Email sent successfully.' });
What I would like to do
Final Result I'd like to have
export async function reset(req, res, next) {
const email =;
if (!email) return res.status(400).json(Error.paramsMissing('email'));
// If error inside userAssociatedWithEmail, I'd like to stop execution and
// return res.status(501).json(Error.noActiveUserAssociatedWithEmail) from inside
// that function, without having to add an if condition below as exists in the
// original code above
const user = await userAssociatedWithEmail(;
const token = await jwt.sign({ email:, id: }, 'shhhhh');
// Again I'd like to return res.status(500).json(Error.emailNotSent)
// from inside sendForgotEmail IF there is an error
const emailSent = await sendForgotEmail(token, user);
// If everything is successful, finally I'd return this
return res.json({ status: 'success', message: 'Email sent successfully.' });
Explanation of the result in word:
I'd like to be able to handle the conditions and scenarios without having to handle it in the main reset function if that's possible (aka, without having to store a response in a variable, check the variable and return in the main function in the case of error).
So for example, instead of:
const allParamsAreValid = validParams(token, email, new_password, res);
if (!allParamsAreValid) return;
I'd like to do something like:
validateParams(token, email, new_password, res);
And then inside validateParams() if a param is missing, I'd force exit the program besides also setting the response with res.json({}).
Is that possible?
You can make all your asynchronous functions that return promises reject their promise with the status and value you want sent. Then, you can handle that rejected promise in one place:
export async function reset(req, res, next) {
try {
const email =;
if (!email) return res.status(400).json(Error.paramsMissing('email'));
// If error inside userAssociatedWithEmail, I'd like to stop execution and
// return res.status(501).json(Error.noActiveUserAssociatedWithEmail) from inside
// that function, without having to add an if condition below as exists in the
// original code above
const user = await userAssociatedWithEmail(;
const token = await jwt.sign({ email:, id: }, 'shhhhh');
// Again I'd like to return res.status(500).json(Error.emailNotSent)
// from inside sendForgotEmail IF there is an error
const emailSent = await sendForgotEmail(token, user);
// If everything is successful, finally I'd return this
res.json({ status: 'success', message: 'Email sent successfully.' });
} catch(e) {
res.status(e.status || 500).json(e.errData)
And, then all of your asynchronous functions would reject if they have an error condition and set both e.status and e.errData on the rejected reason. That would allow you to have one common error handler and let the async function collect any rejected promise into your try/catch for you. This is meant to be the clean way you handle rejections in a series of await calls where you want the whole function to finish.
Then, you also need to make sure your asyncMiddleware() function is NOT also sending a response (can't really tell what its purpose is). You don't show that code, so I can't see what it's doing.
You don't show any code that uses validateParams(), but if it was synchronous, then it could just throw an exception with the right fields set on it and the try/catch would also catch it just like it would catch the async rejections.
For example:
function validateParams(token, email, new_password) {
let err = new Error();
err.errData = {status: 'error'};
if (!token) {
err.errData.message = 'invalid token';
throw err;
if (!email) {
err.errData = Error.paramsMissing('email');
throw err;
if (!new_password) {
err.errData.message = 'invalid new password');
throw err;
If you wanted to, you could also send an error response in validateParams(), but I think it's cleaner not to because they you can collect all errors including all your await asynchronous calls in one try/catch in the route handler and frankly, it's a lot more readable and understandable code not to send a response in some function calls, but not in others. I try to keep all my responses both error and success sent at the same level. Then, it's really easy to keep track of and to avoid accidentally trying to send multiple responses.
Then, in your route handler, you'd just call validateParams(...) just like that. If it throws, your try/catch would catch it and send the appropriate error. If no error, then execution would just continue.
Since you are passing res object to the validateParams method, you can do something like this,
async function validateParams(token, email, new_password, res) {
if (token && emal && new_password && res) {
// all values are available
// perform your desired operation
} else {
// exit from the method and pass info to the client
return res.json({ message: 'Invalid parameter' });
In this case, all you have to do is invoking the validateParams.
await validateParams(token, email, new_password, res);
If there is a missing parameter, the server passes the control to the client immediately. Otherwise, you can perform your operation there.

do something 'before' login in loopback

I am pretty new to loopback and here is what I am doing:
I am using standard login route provided by the loopback to log in the users - extended base Users to my own model say orgadmin.
With prebuilt route /api/orgadmin/login, I can easily login.
Now, I have a flag in orgadmins say 'status' which can be either 'active' or 'inactive' based on which I have to defer user login.
I was thinking something with remote hooks like beforeRemote as below but it doesn't work:
//this file is in the boot directory
module.exports = function(orgadmin) {
orgadmin.beforeRemote('login', function(context, user, next) {
// =;
// = context.req.accessToken.userId;
So what is the best way to accomplish this?
The user attribute will only be available if the request is coming with a valid access token. The attribute is unused for unauthenticated requests, which login is.
Here's a possible alternative:
module.exports = (OrgAdmin) => {
OrgAdmin.on('dataSourceAttached', () => {
const { login } = OrgAdmin;
OrgAdmin.login = async (credentials, include) => {
const accessToken = await, credentials, include);
const orgAdmin = await OrgAdmin.findById(accessToken.userId);
if (orgAdmin.status !== 'active') {
const err = new Error('Your account has not been activated');
err.code = 'NOT_ACTIVE_USER';
err.statusCode = 403;
throw err
return accessToken;
The above code overrides the login method and does the following:
Login the user, using loopback's built-in login
Take the response of login, which is an access token, and use it to get the user.
If the user is active, return the access token, satisfying the expected successful response of login.
If the user is not active, remove the access token that was created (which is what logout does), and throw an error.

passport-local-mongoose changePassword function

I want to have the functionality that user can change their password.
I've implemented a route ('/resetPasswd') like this:
.post(function (req, res, next) {
passport.authenticate('local', function (err, user, info) {
user.changePassword(req.body.oldPassword, req.body.newPassword, function (err, user) {
if (err) next(err);
res.json('password changes successfully !');
})(req, res, next);
this is what I send as the body:
"oldpassword": "secret",
"newPassword": "new"
But I get this error as response:
"message": "user.changePassword is not a function",
"error": {}
and this is a picture of my schema:
user schema:
I don't think I should declare the changePassword function in my schema (since it is provided by the passport-local-mongoose, although I added it but still get the same error) What mistake am I making here?
Someone had the same issue last night actually. Their problem was the package needed to be updated. I would check that you're on the latest version.
Here is what i did in my controller handling the reset password,
exports.editPassword = async (req, res) => {
const user = await User.findOne({
username: req.user.username
await user.setPassword(req.body.password);
const updatedUser = await;
req.flash('success', 'Password Changed Successfully') res.redirect('back')
from the Documentation Passport-local-mongoose ,you first need to get the specific user to update the password , here in my case the current login user , which is available on the req.user which we are exposed to , you can use any of the return property to query your collection, using async await i made a variable to hold the return object, in my case 'user', thereafter i chained the setProperty on it passing in the new password(req.body.password) since it return a promise i await it and assign a variable to it. from here you are good ...Note: since it is a promise it either resolved of reject, handling error can be done by rapping your code in a safe blanket, try..catch . You can read more Here
Since changePassword is a schema method, it must be used on an instance of a model, not the model itself or the imported passportLocalMongoose.
// I assume you already have authentication and the req.user is generated
.then(foundUser => {
.then(() => {
console.log('password changed');
.catch((error) => {
.catch((error) => {
the user object passport sends in callback function is just an object and not a schema instance document object, thus it does not have the changePassword function.
