Windows userprofile folder showing different items depending on how it's accessed - windows-10

I was recently cleaning up my %USERPROFILE% folder, this included deleting the documents and pictures folders from the OneDrive folder, changing some registry entries, etc.
However, Now when I go to my userprofile folder via the pinned link in Quick Access I do not see my Documents folder, but when I got to the userprofile folder through C:\Users\user it is there. If I type C:\Users\Username\Documents in search, I also reach the right folder.
The problem persists after refreshes of file explorer and after restarts.
Image of folder through quick access shortcut
Image of folder through manual navigation
Image of registry keys I edited

I was able to fix the problem by deleting some other registry values pointing to (the non-existent) %USERPROFILE%/OneDrive in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders


How do you allow IIS to access a symlink folder?

I have a two webservers, on each webserver in the C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles I have created a symbolic link to the other servers log file folders, so essentially I can be logged in to one of the webservers and see the logs on both servers in one place. This works perfectly.
I am building a webpage to make the log files available via a webpage, the code simply goes to the C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles directory and lists the files in each sub folder, i.e. W3SVC1 (the local folder) and webserver2-w3svc1 (the remote log folder).
For the local folders it works fine, but I am getting the "access denied" error when trying to call Directory.GetFiles on the symlinkd folder. I suspect this is some sort of permissions error, but I tried giving the symlinkd folder full permissions to "everyone" but I still get the same error.
Is this something to do with the fact that when I created the symlinkd I had to enter the username and password of the webserver2, and these credentials cannot be accessed/used by IIS when trying to get access to the folder?
Is there anything I can do allow IIS to access the contents of this symlinkd folder?
I don't think you need to use a symlink, you can create a virtual directory mapping to that directory in IIS, just map it to the target path. In IIS, right click on the website and select Add Virtual Directory.
For more information, please refer to this official document.
After much experimentation, the only way to do this is as follows:
Create a new user on the computer.
Run the AppPool in IIS under this new users' identity as opposed to the default IUSR account.
Give the folder you are sharing permissions to this user AND 'share' this folder with the new user.

IIS Application Pool User AppData folder doesn't contain a TEMP folder

I try to host a website that needs the user profile tempfolder due to a requirement to load the User Profile
The User folder created in Users contains an AppData folder, but that in turn doesnt contain a TEMP folder
I tried to add the folder before the deploy, but then the profile folder doesnt exist, and it creates another folder for the profile when it tries to start
One workaround would be to trigger a call which creates the User profile folder, and then add it
But i would like to know if there are any better/cleaner option to do it?
The issue was with my previous sysprepping of the machine, my script ran it as the system account, and that caused a lot of funky behavior!

How to check in a new project to Team Foundation Server?

I created a new project in my solution under a newly created folder. Not just a solution folder. It is placed under a physical folder also.
Say, my original solution is like this:
- MySolution.Web
- MySolution.Domain
Now the structure is:
- App
- MySolution.Web
- Lib
- MySolution.Domain
- MySolution.Repositories
- MySolution.WorkerServices
- Test
- MySolution.Specs
- MySolution.Unit
Please note in addition to the newly added projects, MySolution.Web and MySolution.Domain are moved to a physical subfolder also.
To move MySolution.Web into the App folder, I moved the files outside Visual Studio and then edit the MySolution.sln manually with a text editor so that the project entry can point to the correct physical location.
Since those two projects are almost empty, I don't really care about losing history.
Then I find I could not check in the change to TFS!
I got Team Foundation Error, saying Could not find a part of the path.
As suggested by comments/answers to this question, I have done an Add Items to Folder in my Source Control Explorer. Now the new folders and projects have a plus sign ahead of their icons. But the MySolution.Web and MySolution.Domain still stubbornly exists in the root. If I try to delete them, it says One or more children have pending changes. It appears TFS tracking failed to understand what I am doing and pending changes are related to those projects even though they are not in existence physically on my local computer.
How can I fix it? What is the correct way to add a project into another folder?
It sounds like you need to add these new folders to source control.
In Source Control Explorer, use the tree view and right-click on the folder above the folders you want to add. You should see an "Add Items to Folder" menu item. Click that, and follow the instructions.
Note that all involved folders must be mapped into your workspace in order for this to work.

MonoDevelop's Images directory does not seen on XCode(IB)

In my project files marshalling shown below ,Mono Develop doesn't show Images directory(group) in XCode and they are not seen on xib interfaces,also crashes on runtime. But when I put images under Project's root directory works fine!
Fine! But seeing dozens of images on root directory make things confusing.
Here goes details;
My images built actions are content.
I have tried adding them to Xcode by creating a group named Images then this time all images copied to Mono Develop's root again.
Am I missing something?
---- FaceOff.Png
---- icons
I think you are experiencing a limitation of the XCode integration with MonoDevelop.
Images only show up in XCode if they are in the root directory of your project. To combat this, there are two ways you can setup your image folders for MonoTouch projects:
Use build action Content, put your images anywhere, but they will only show up in XCode if they are in the root of the project
Use the build action BundleResource and put all your images in the Resources folder, this is the same as putting your images in the root of the project, but you get to package them nicely in a subfolder
I have not experimented with BundleResource and XCode to see if subfolders work via that method or not.
This is from my experience, someone from Xamarin, feel free to chime in.
Further to Jonathan's great answer, I have a nice organised setup for my images using BundleResource and the Resources Folder.
On the filesystem I have all my images in a nice directory structure, for example: img/common/title.png.
I then add all the image files (not directories) into the iOS project Resources folder, using the 'Add Files' option and selecting BundleResource for the files I select.
When given the copy, move or link option, because my files are outside the target directory, I select the 'Add a link to the file' option.
This procedure allows me to:
Happily keep all my images in an organised directory structure on the file system
Have access to them in XCode Interface Builder
Access them as root when in code, such as Image.FromFile("title.png")
Easily update them in the filesystem and have them automatically change in Xamarin Studio

linux - can not view directory contents in text editor (coda), but can view in terminal

I am using a linux machine hosted via Amazon's EC2. Today, I moved all of the contents over to a larger hard drive. I use Coda as my text editor.
Problem: I can not view the contents of many of the directories inside my new data drive via Coda. I can view all of the contents in these directories via Terminal.
Things I have tried:
- Checked to make sure permissions were set for said directories, sub-directories, and their contents. These are all set to 775
- I moved the files to another directory via terminal and then moved them back to their original folder. This allowed me to view the files and directories that I moved, but none of their sub-directories or files within these sub-directories.
- Refreshed all folders, quit out of Coda, deleted the site connection, and re-created it. This did not change anything.
Any ideas of what is going on?
Weird.... I had changed all permission to 775 at once, but some of the directories were still set to 755, so I had to change these manually.
