How to use Docusign C# SDK without the webapp? - docusignapi

I'm using the C# sdk for Docusign. My original plan is to make it receive POST data from another webapp, and from there, it will automatically send emails to the signers (akin to Remote Signing).
My question is, is there a way to do remote signing without having to run the webapp, go to the webapp url, and clicking the Remote signing option?

Well, you can, but then you won't be using remote signing.
You could use embedded signing and generate your own URLs.
Your server would get the information needed (presumably the envelopeID at least) and then on the fly generate an embedded signing and show it to the user in your own app.
This is not recommended, mostly because DocuSign is doing a lot on the email front, to ensure no spam/phishing issues etc. But you can do it if you wanted to for some reason.


How to sign a document via api call?

How can I sign a document via API call without email client and UI interaction? Or if there is no way to sign, perhaps there is a way to force change status of a document?
I've seen many people asked for this and the answer was no, but all those posts are 2 years old. Perhaps there is a solution to it today?
It is possible to do everything via UI, but it is a terrible idea to spend time on an external service instead of your system under test.
Some say it defeats the purpose as the signer must view the document first, yes, but it is irrelevant, I simply want to test the flow of the system under test.
Please advise!
For testing purposes, you do not need to unit test the DocuSign signing ceremony since we test it all of the time. Instead, test that your API calls create the DocuSign envelope correctly.
For example, after your application creates the DocuSign envelope, your tests can interrogate DocuSign (via the API) that the envelope exists, is ready to be signed, etc.
If you're using embedded signing, you can test that your app can successfully obtain the URL for the signing via the DocuSign API.
For an end to end test, test software is available (from test software organizations) to interact with a web browser as a human does. Only test envelopes can be "signed" in this way.
For production signing of documents, the DocuSign signature appliance supports programmatic signing of documents using standards-based signatures (digital signatures). Your workflow must be authorized to sign documents on behalf of the signer.
For example, programmatically signing invoices sent by a company to its customers.

Getting issue with Docusign Envelope View response Url

I am getting an issue in the sandbox account of DocuSign I need to create an envelope and send it through Url so I used an envelope View response give and Url it is working fine with the same browser were where I logged in with the DocuSign sandbox account but in the incognito mode, it gives an error.
need to know it will work in the production account or not?
The URL for the embedded signing view should be used immediately and must be used within 5 minutes.
In addition, any specific envelope cannot have more than one embedded signing view active at a time. So if an envelope has two embedded signers, your application must ensure that only one the signers will be signing at a time.
I think you let the url expire.
Whatever works in demo (developer account) will work in production. (Assuming your paid account includes the features that your app is using.) Your app should never cause the error that you're seeing.
I suggest that you start with the QuickStart code examples and see how they handle embedded signing.

Are there immutable direct access URLs to DocuSign Home or Management page?

My team is working on an integration between a Web Application and DocuSign, where the user may send files to signing from our App to DocuSign (creating an envelope with the files).
In the envelope info inside our app, the user should have a link to be redirected to DocuSign (preferably to the Management page, but Home one is also acceptable).
Since there isn't an endpoint on DocuSign eSignature API for getting a redirect URL (such as EnvelopeViews), and I couldn't find a document mentioning direct access to DocuSign eSignature (such as the one existing for DocuSign eSignature Admin), my question is...
Is there a known redirect URL to DocuSign eSignature that I could trust it won't change, so I can use it on our application?
I found out (looking at the authentication process) that the following URLs work for what I want... (Sandbox) (Prod) (Sandbox) (Prod)
But can I trust they won't change (since they aren't documented) and use them on my app?
For the management/web app for users, there's a way to do that with the API, you get back a URL that is pre-authenticated and is the recommended way to do that.
See here for code examples in different languages.
As for the administration/settings part, you would have to do it the way you indicated. We cannot guarantee this URL would never change, but it's not something that happen often if at all. However, users would have to log in (authenticate) when they are redirected unless in the same browser and already logged in.

I want to add the docusign API with my web application software

I want to add the docusign API with my application I create the docusign development account. I dont want to go mail to the signer. Its work automatically when my a user enter in my website and click to button go to docosign application. How i can do that. any one can help me?
Marco is right that you need to be careful about how you authenticate users who are coming into your application. The proof that the signature took place is only as strong as your authentication system. DocuSign has over 7 security options and the e-mail activation gives it more validity.
Having said all that you can absolutely embed DocuSign into your application. Here is a walkthrough on how you can embed DocuSign into your web application:
You cannot have a link in your application because this would reduce the value of the electronic signature: it would be more difficult to proof that the real signatory signed the document if the link was accessible not only to the recipient of the email.
DocuSign wants to be sure that their servers are the only one who manage the links for signatories.
There is no API to get the link.

How does actual "signing" happen "offline" via API?

We currently use the API for embedded signing in our web application. When reviewing doc reference guide for offline signing, I'd say it's less than crystal clear how that really works. If I'm offline when I obviously can't call the API, so how does one in fact "sign" with DS?
I can appreciate how our client app (again, which currently does embedded signing) can prepare an envelope 'request' offline, and then send that request once we have connectivity. However the REST API guide says the user in fact "signs" the doc while offline -- how does the user ever get to the Docusign interface to do signing?
from the docs
To use Offline Signing, the customer using a client application to
create an envelope on an Internet-capable device, such as a smart
phone or tablet, that is not connected to the Internet and has a
recipient fill out and sign (or initial) the envelope documents. When
the device later connects to the Internet, the client application
uploads the envelope information to DocuSign where it is processed.
Does our offline app (running, say, in/as a Chrome app) somehow connect to local client Docusign software onboard the laptop or mobile device while offline? Any pointers to more complete documentation?
From the docs:
"IMPORTANT: Access to the offline signing capability is limited by
integrator key information. If your integrator key does not have the
correct authorization, you cannot use offline signing. Access to the
offline signing capability will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis."
The reason is because your software would be responsible for providing the legal evidence that the transaction actually happened with the proper security checks. This requires a tighter business arrangement and agreement between your company and DocuSign.
Please get in touch with your business development manager and they can set up a time to talk.
