Custom Teams theming with fluentui/-react-northstar - theming

Docs for fluentui-react-northstar theming can be found here.
I am struggling to understand how to make use of a custom theme. It seems I need one provider for the Teams base theme, and then a nested one for my own theme (which may well be wrong)
<Provider theme={teamsTheme}>
<Provider theme={myTheme}>
But I only want to make a few changes to the base theme, for example making the brand colour red. The documentation doesn't really explain how to make use of it.
For example, the docs show this:
const theme = {
siteVariables: {
brand: 'darkred',
but this does nothing to change the primary colour in the app...
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
NOTE: I originally went to post this question on the github page, but it said questions should be asked here

After a bit of trial and error, I found that this works:
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button, Provider, mergeThemes, teamsTheme } from '#fluentui/react-northstar';
const customTheme = {
siteVariables: {
colorScheme: {
brand: {
'background': 'darkred',
<Provider theme={mergeThemes(teamsTheme, customTheme)}>
<Button primary content="Hello" />
Gives this:


Troubleshooting SVG error in Gatsby build

I'm trying to get a simple Gatsby site online -- gatsby develop works fine but on gatsby build I get this error message:
- Error in parsing SVG:
- Unencoded <
- Line: 0
- Column: 2
- Char: <
I'm not explicitly using any SVGs so struggling to troubleshoot this - any advice?
My project is here, adapted from the lumen starter theme.
In your Icon.js (line 14) file you are using a <svg>. This is causing your issue:
// #flow strict
import React from 'react';
import styles from './Icon.module.scss';
type Props = {
name: string,
icon: {
viewBox?: string,
path?: string
const Icon = ({ name, icon }: Props) => (
<svg className={styles['icon']} viewBox={icon.viewBox}>
<path d={icon.path} />
export default Icon;
When dealing with SVG I would recommend using gatsby-plugin-react-svg or using a React built-in usage.
With gatsby-plugin-react-svg you just to isolate the SVG in a separate folder that must only contain SVGs):
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-react-svg',
options: {
rule: {
include: /assets/
Then import it as a React component:
import Icon from "./path/assets/icon.svg";
// ...
<Icon />;
React built-in usage (only available with react-scripts#2.0.0 or higher, and react#16.3.0 or higher, more details in
import { ReactComponent as FacebookIcon } from '../images/svg/facebookF.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Email } from '../images/svg/email.svg';
<FacebookIcon />
<Email />
Since you are extending from a starter theme, remove that component and it's using from your project and add it on-demand if needed.
You can read this StackOverflow answer for further details about dealing SVG in Gatsby.

Material-UI Theme : How to manage order or priority the .MuiXXX classes are applied?

[EDIT April 19th]
I have created a CODESANDBOX to show the problem, of course, that doesn't occur in sandbox.
The only difference between this code and mine is that I have duplicated the code of the Button component in the SANDBOX example, whereas in my App the Button component is imported from a library (that belongs to the same yarn workspace as the app). The library is built with webpack and babel, excluding React and Material-UI
externals: {
react: "react",
"react-dom": "react-dom",
"react-router": "react-router",
"react-router-dom": "react-router-dom",
"#material-ui/core": "#material-ui/core",
"#material-ui/icons": "#material-ui/icons",
"#material-ui/lab": "#material-ui/lab",
"#material-ui/styles": "#material-ui/styles",
formik: "formik",
Inspecting the components in the Browser shows the difference when styling, between sandbox and my app :
on both sides, the class are applied to the component the same way:
in sandbox
in my app
but on sandBox, the MuiButtonBase-root background-color is overridden by the MuiButton-root background-color
whereas it is the opposite in my app. The MuiButton-root backGroundColor seems to be overriden bu the MuiButtonBase-root background-color
However, if I create a component RecreatedButton in the App by just importing the Button component of my UI Library, and re-exported it without changing anything (just passing a specific props the component is requested), then the styling is applied correctly, as in the sandbox example.
this is kind of weird to me...
Why such a behavior ?
just importing and rexporting as is the component
import {
Button as LibraryButton,
} from "#mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon"; <---- importing the button
import React from "react";
const RecreatedButton: React.FC<IButtonProps> = (
props: IButtonProps
): JSX.Element => {
return (
<LibraryButton type={EButtonTypes.BUTTON}>
export { RecreatedButton };
Using both in app.ts. One got the theme, the other not
import { ThemeProvider } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
import {
Button as LibraryButton,
} from "#mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon"
import React from "react";
import AppBar from "../../UIComponents/AppBar";
import { RecreatedButton } from "../../UIComponents/Button";
import { MUITheme } from "./../../Theming/defaultTheme";
export const MainApp: React.FC = (): JSX.Element => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={MUITheme}>
<AppBar />
<LibraryButton type={EButtonTypes.BUTTON}> I'm the library component, directly used as is, and background color is NOT CORRECT ></LibraryButton>
I'm recreated button, just rexporting the library component, and the backgroundcolor is correct !?!?{" "}
finally I found one solution (not sure that it fixes the root cause as I still do not understand where it comes from).
I Guess it may helps some people here that are facing a similar issue with global theming in Material-Ui.
It turned out that I had to change the way to build my react/material-Ui components library #mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon.
1- Make sure that in the library, all imports where such as import { Button} from "#material-ui/core" and not for example import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button"
2- Remove the usage of file-loader plugin in the .babelrc to make sure it doesn't change the way to import material-ui components
3- Push #material-ui/core and #material-ui/icons as a dev and peer dependencies in the package.json of the library.
4- Rebuilt the library using webpack and babel to compile typescript tsx to js.
All issues of priority seems to disappear (have done a lot of tests and checked in the chrome dev tools). In the example above, the .MuiButton-root class is well applied after the .MuiButtonBase-root one, thus overriding as expected the backgroundColor.
Would admit that I'm a little bit confused why this fixed the issue...
For me, i just had to import "makeStyles" and "createStyles" from "#material-ui/core" not from "#material-ui/core/styles". i just did this and it fixed the issue but took me a lot of time to figure this out.
so import them like this:
import { makeStyles, createStyles } from "#material-ui/core";
not like this:
import { makeStyles, createStyles } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
You may try overriding default globals for MuiButtonBase
const theme = createMuiTheme({
props: {
// Name of the component ⚛️
MuiButtonBase: {
// The default props to change
backgroundColor: 'red'
function DefaultProps() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Button>Change default props</Button>
Working sandbox here -

Can not render custom form field in Liferay 7.2

I was migrating a 7.1 DXP portal to 7.2 DXP but I can not bring my custom form field to work.
I used the dynamic-data-mapping-form-field-type module as a blueprint. My new field is available inside of the form builder - but when using it, nothing gets rendered. I don't have an errors on build, deploy or in JS console. Unfortunately, there is no blade example for 7.2 yet so that I could not start with a simple example.
My question is: how to hook in the field Soy template to render?
It is being implemented in and it is true there is no blade example.
Meanwhile you can download following example code:
In case anyone is here for Liferay 7.3. Liferay 7.3 moved from soy templates to pure react components. You could use Liferay's module as a blueprint again.
import { FieldBase } from 'dynamic-data-mapping-form-fieldtype/FieldBase/'
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
const Text = ({ readOnly,
value: initialValue }) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
return (
<input type="text" />
const Main = (props) => {
return (
<FieldBase {...props}>
<Text {...props} />
export default Main;
In this case we are importing FieldBase component that is the Liferay field wrapper that will take care of adding any default Liferay behavior (validation, names, placeholder, tooltip etc...). We did the same when we used Soy templates.
You can create the module from form-field blade template. Then remove the soy template files along with the following line in package.json
"build-soy": "metalsoy --externalMsgFormat \"Liferay.Language.get(‘\\$2’)\" --soyDeps \"./node_modules/clay-*/src/**/*.soy\" \"./node_modules/|components)/**/*.soy\""
since we don't have any soy template to generate JS from.
What you will end up is just an es.js file.
If you are using blade to generate the template, you can use this option to generate a react based component:
--js-framework react

Access theme variables outside withStyles function (react-native-ui-kitten)

I want to use theme variables to style my Icon accordingly. However i cant use style property to fill the Icon element of react-native-ui-kitten but instead have to use the fill property. How can I access theme variables outside of the withStyles function of react-native-ui-kitten
You can use theme property if you wrap your component into withStyles.
Here is an example code:
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { Button, Icon, withStyles } from 'react-native-ui-kitten';
const ScreenComponent = (props) => {
const iconColor = props.theme['color-primary-default'];
const FacebookIcon = (style) => (
<Icon {} fill={iconColor} name='facebook' />
return (
<Button icon={FacebookIcon}>LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK</Button>
export const Screen = withStyles(ScreenComponent);
I'm not quite sure I understand your question completely. Usually when you have a question, you should post some of your code for context.
Here is my answer assuming 'Theme variable' is a hash... Try string interpolation:

mwc-icon 0.7.1 not rendering (with lit-element/pwa-starter-kit)?

Has any one got mwc-icon (0.7.1) to work with lit-element (pwa-starter-kit)?
mwc-button renders OK but mwc-icon does not render the icon just the icon index text.
import { html } from 'lit-element';
import { PageViewElement } from './page-view-element.js';
import {Icon} from "#material/mwc-icon" //does not work
import {Button} from "#material/mwc-button"
import { SharedStyles } from './shared-styles.js';
class MyView1 extends PageViewElement {
static get styles() {
return [
render() {
return html`
<mwc-button outlined label="outlined"></mwc-button>
window.customElements.define('my-view1', MyView1);
I think you encounter the same problem I did.
It happens because Chrome process the #font-face attribute only once at first page load.
when you import the mwc styles you expect them to enable in the lit-element render - after the first initial load of the page. that will work, you'll see the new styles except for the #font-face attribute.
That's why you don't see the icon.
A quick workaround is to append the link both on the head section in
index.html and in the lit-element as you did.
you can see example that don't work
and example that work
The difference is the added link in index.html head section.
More details here: github thread
Hope I helped you with this.
I was stuck on it myself for quite some time
