Is it possible to loop through excel worksheets and run slightly different code on each one? - excel

I would like to loop through 4 certain worksheets in a workbook.
Bulk of the code I am running is the same in each sheet.
I am also opening and linking different cells from other workbooks and these will be different on each sheet, hence why my code will be slightly different as it will change variables.
The problem I have is It's working but ignores the rest of my if statements except the first so doesn't run the way I want it to. Example below
Sub CompleteSummary()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim x As Workbook
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim Sshts As Variant
Dim Ssht As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Set x = Workbooks.Open(s, ReadOnly:=True)
If Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Then
Else: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
Sshts = Array("First1", "Second1", "Third1", "Fourth1")
For i = 0 To UBound(Sshts)
Set sht = x.Worksheets(Sshts(i))
Debug.Print "print me " & Sshts(i)
If sht.Name = "First1" Then
Debug.Print "opened 1st"
ElseIf sht.Name = "Second1" Then
Debug.Print "opened 2nd"
ElseIf sht.Name = "Third1" Then
Debug.Print "opened 3rd"
ElseIf sht.Name = "Fourth1" Then
Debug.Print "opened 4th"
End If
Debug.Print "Complete"
Next i
The output result is as follows:
print me First1
opened 1st
print me Second1
print me Third1
print me Fourth1
What I would like it to do is this:
print me First1
opened 1st
print me Second1
opened 2nd
print me Third1
opened 3rd
print me Fourth1
opened 4th
As you can see it just takes the first if condition throughout the loop and ignores the rest despite it cycling through all of the sheets.
Any ideas or even if there is a better way than a loop and if conditions?

I think this would be an easier approach:
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim x As Workbook
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set x = Workbooks.Open(s, ReadOnly:=True)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'just do it...
For Each sht In x.Worksheets
Debug.Print "Checking: " & sht.Name
Select Case sht.Name
Case "First1": Debug.Print "opened 1st"
Case "Second1": Debug.Print "opened 2nd"
Case "Third1": Debug.Print "opened 3rd"
Case "Fourth1": Debug.Print "opened 4th"
End Select
Debug.Print "Done checking"
Next sht
For extra robustness compare the lower-cased names.

By your description you don't need an Ifs or Elses. Instead just call a sub that has the repetitive code and feed it arguments that make up the difference. Here is a schematic example.
Option Explicit
Sub CompleteSummary()
' 113
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim WsName() As String
Dim i As Integer
If Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Then
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
WsName = Split("First1,Second1,Third1,Fourth1", ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(WsName)
If DoTheWork(WsName(i)) Then Debug.Print "Complete"
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Private Function DoTheWork(WsName As String) As Boolean
' 113
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print "Opened " & WsName
DoTheWork = (Err.Number = 0) ' no error occurred
End Function
If there are different workbooks to be opened depending upon which worksheet is being worked on you can make this choice either in the main procedure or the sub. In the latter case you would pass 2 parameters instead of the one in my example. I think you could pass up to 255 arguments.
I developed the sub as a function which returns True or False depending upon whether the action was executed without error. You could also let the function return another value, such as the result of a calculation which is slightly different for each set of arguments and that you may use to continue whatever the Main procedure is doing.

Multiple Worksheets
I suspect what happened was that your last three worksheets had slightly different names i.e. their case was different.
The First Procedure CompleteSummary
The contents of the Sheet Names Array demonstrate the opposite of the previous case: the worksheet names are intentionally written in a different case to show that case doesn't matter when accessing a worksheet (or opening a workbook).
The use of the Opened Array allows us to avoid the If clause and therefore avoid checking the worksheet names.
With the With statements we can avoid using additional variables.
The first Debug.Print line will print the actual worksheet names and the names in the Sheet Names Array in parentheses.
The second Debug.Print line further shows how the If clause is avoided.
The Second Procedure StringCompare
When comparing strings where there might be a difference in case, you can use one of the ways presented in this procedure.
Most often I have seen the use of LCase or UCase, but I prefer StrComp whose only purpose is to compare two strings.
In your particular case, for all comparisons you could have e.g. used one of the following options:
If LCase(sht.Name) = LCase("First1") Then
If UCase(sht.Name) = UCase("First1") Then
If StrComp(sht.Name, "First1", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Additionally there is an option of using Option Compare Text right after Option Explicit i.e. before any procedure. Then you could safely use your solution without any changes.
The Code
Option Explicit
'Option Compare Text
Sub CompleteSummary()
Const wbPath As String = "F:\Test\2020\64688445\Test.xlsm"
Dim SheetNames As Variant
SheetNames = Array("FiRst1", "SecOnd1", "ThiRd1", "FouRth1")
Dim Opened As Variant
Opened = Array("1st", "2nd", "3nd", "4th")
Dim n As Long
With Workbooks.Open(Filename:=wbPath, ReadOnly:=True)
For n = LBound(SheetNames) To UBound(SheetNames)
With .Worksheets(SheetNames(n))
Debug.Print "print me " & .Name & " (" & SheetNames(n) & ")"
Debug.Print "opened " & Opened(n)
Debug.Print "Complete"
End With
Next n
' Since each workbook was only read from we can safely close it.
'.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
End Sub
Sub StringCompare()
Debug.Print "Assign: ", "A" = "a"
Debug.Print "Like: ", "A" Like "a"
Debug.Print "StrComp0:", StrComp("A", "a") = 0
Debug.Print "LCase: ", LCase("A") = LCase("a")
Debug.Print "UCase: ", UCase("A") = UCase("a")
Debug.Print "StrComp1:", StrComp("A", "a", vbTextCompare) = 0
Debug.Print "StrCpmvL:", StrConv("A", vbLowerCase) _
= StrConv("a", vbLowerCase)
Debug.Print "StrConvU:", StrConv("A", vbUpperCase) _
= StrConv("a", vbUpperCase)
End Sub


Using a collection to check if Names exist

I am trying to create a subroutine that will take a collection of a bunch of strings, step through it, and check for the existence of a named range or formula that has that string as it's name. Trying it with just one item first:
Dim colCritNames As New Collection
colCritNames.Add "Version" 'the name of a named formula
For i = 1 To colCritNames.Count
nm = CStr(colCritNames(i).Name)
nmchk = Check_UW_For_Name(nm)
If Not nmchk Then Call Fail("Critical Name") 'prints a msgbox with the error type so I know what happened
Next i
'...code for if all the names are there...
Function Check_UW_For_Name(find_name As String) As Boolean
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = UserFileBook 'global ref to the workbook to check
On Error Goto Fail
Check_UW_For_Name = CBool(Len(wb.Names(find_name).Name) <> 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Thats edited from the full thing. Check_UW_For_Name was working fine when I just called it with "Version" as the argument Check_UW_For_Name("Version"); it found it in USerFIleBook, and when I called it with "Nope", since there is no Nope name it went to my error handler. But when I try to use a collection to store the names I want to look for I keep getting 'ByRef argument mismatch'. I tried just nm = colCritNames(i) and nm=colCritNames(i).Name, I tried having find_name be Variant and adding a ByVal, and I originally tried having nm be a Name, having Check_UW_For_Name(find_name as Name) and using a for each (for each nm in colCritNames...) and none of it has worked.
How could I set a collection of names and step through it to see if there's a named range/formula that matches in the relevant workbook? Or is there a better way to do this? (I need the collection in other places too)
I don't quite understand what your plan is with a collection, but this will add any cell with the specified string in, as well as any ranges. What you're doing once they've been identified (added to collection) is not clear to me, but hopefully this makes sense and gets you going.
Sub RunForEachString()
Const yourStrings = "foo,bar,hope,this,works"
Dim stringsAsArray() As String
stringsAsArray = Split(yourStrings, ",")
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(stringsAsArray) To UBound(stringsAsArray)
Call findAllNamesFormulas(stringsAsArray(i), ThisWorkbook)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub findAllNamesFormulas(theText As String, theWorkbook As Workbook)
Dim ws As Worksheet, n As Name, aCell As Range
Dim aCollection As New Collection
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each aCell In ws.UsedRange.Cells
If InStr(1, aCell.Formula, theText, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
aCollection.Add (aCell)
End If
Next aCell
Next ws
For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names
If InStr(1, n.Name, theText, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
aCollection.Add (n)
End If
Next n
'not sure what you plan to do after collection?
Debug.Print aCollection.Count
End Sub
This works for me:
Sub Tester()
Dim colCritNames As New Collection, nm, wb As Workbook, msg As String
colCritNames.Add "Version"
colCritNames.Add "NotThere"
colCritNames.Add "AlsoNotThere"
Set wb = ThisWorkbook 'for example
For Each nm In colCritNames
If Not Check_UW_For_Name(wb, CStr(nm)) Then
msg = msg & vbLf & " - " & nm
End If
Next nm
If Len(msg) > 0 Then
MsgBox "One or more required names are missing:" & msg, _
vbExclamation, "Oops"
Exit Sub
End If
'proceed if OK...
End Sub
'check for a defined Name `find_name` in workbook `wb`
' prefer wb as parameter over using a Global....
Function Check_UW_For_Name(wb As Workbook, find_name As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Check_UW_For_Name = (wb.Names(find_name).Name = find_name)
End Function
You could create a collection of all named ranges in the workbook like this:
Private Sub NamedRangesDemo()
Dim NamedRanges As New Collection, NamedRange As Variant
For Each NamedRange In ThisWorkbook.Names
NamedRanges.Add NamedRange.Name
Next NamedRange
End Sub
And then compare the whatever strings you want to the NamedRanges collection.
By the way, this question is somewhat similar to yours.

Assigning Macro with ParamArray: Formula is Too Complex to add to the Object

I have a macro (below) that inserts a new row into an un-defined number of Named ranges using ParamArray, it works fine except for when I try to assign the macro with more than 5-6 arguments I get a message box that says "Formula Too Complex to Assign To Object" (see picture above)
(see assignment string below)
'InsertNewRow "ServiceCrewDay_EmployeeList", "SAP_SCD_InPool", "SAP_SCD_OutPool", "SAP_SCD_SecondaryIn", "SAP_SCD_SecondaryOut", "SAP_SCD_ORD","SAP_SCD_THF","SAP_SCD_LH", "SAP_SCD_LH"'
Sub InsertNewRow(ParamArray args() As Variant)
Dim ans: ans = MsgBox("WARNING: " & vbNewLine _
& "Action Cannot be undone!" & vbNewLine & "Continue?", vbYesNo, "Warning!")
If ans = vbNo Then: Exit Sub
Call HaltOperations
Call ActiveSheet.Unprotect()
Call Sheets("SAP Timesheet").Unprotect()
On Error GoTo OnError_Exit
'Loop and Check All Named Ranges Exist Before Proceeding
For Each a In args
If RangeExists(a) = False Then
MsgBox ("Named Range: " & a & " Not Defined!" & vbNewLine & "Operation Cancelled")
Exit Sub
End If
Next a
Dim rng As Range
For Each a In args
Set rng = Range(a)
With rng
.Rows(.Rows.count - 2).EntireRow.Copy
.Rows(.Rows.count - 1).EntireRow.PasteSpecial (xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats)
On Error Resume Next: .Rows(.Rows.count - 1).EntireRow.PasteSpecial (xlPasteFormats)
End With
Next a
On Error GoTo OnError_Exit
Set rng = Range(args(0))
Dim col As Integer
col = rng.Column
Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 2, col).Offset(0, -1).Value _
= Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 3, col).Offset(0, -1).Value + 1
Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 1, col).Offset(0, -1).Value _
= Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 3, col).Offset(0, -1).Value + 2
Call ResumeOperations
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Call ActiveSheet.Protect()
Call Sheets("SAP Timesheet").Protect()
Exit Sub
Call ResumeOperations
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Call ActiveSheet.Protect()
Call Sheets("SAP Timesheet").Protect()
End Sub
Private Function RangeExists(rng As Variant) As Boolean
Dim Test As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set Test = Range(rng)
RangeExists = Err.Number = 0
End Function
Private Sub HaltOperations()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub
Private Sub ResumeOperations()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
The Macro itself runs as expected it's just the assigning the named ranges that is causing the issue.
is there a better way to do this?
or is there a way to get around the Formula is too complex method?
and if there is will that need to be done on all end user pc's or just on mine and the settings will carry over?
What I have thought about doing was just taking in 2 Named ranges and then for the following ranges Just offsetting those by the Row Count of the previous range so if Range2 = Sheets().Range("A1:A10") then Range3 = Range2.Offset(Range2.Rows.Count,0) then the assingment input would only need to be Range1 as string, Range2 as string, NumberOfExtraRanges as integer the reason I need atleast two ranges is because every range after range 1 is on a different tab and is essentially a raw data version of all pay info hours etc. in the first tab which will be Range1_EmployeeList
which I will play around with while I wait for a response.
Not a Complete answer but I did find that inside the ParamArray I could just assign One Input Range using a , to seperate each defined range. I haven't tested the limitations doing it this way but it does seem to atleast let me use a few extra inputs.
Example (Not Working):
Note: Each Defined Range is a Separate Input
'InsertNewRow "ServiceCrewDay_EmployeeList", "SAP_SCD_InPool" ," SAP_SCD_OutPool","SAP_SCD_SecondaryIn", "SAP_SCD_SecondaryOut"'
Example (Working):
Note Each Defined Range is passed as 1 input
'InsertNewRow "ServiceCrewDay_EmployeeList", "SAP_SCD_InPool, SAP_SCD_OutPool,SAP_SCD_SecondaryIn,SAP_SCD_SecondaryOut"'

Pass parameter from VbScript to vba function

I want to call a vba function from vbscript which has a parameter, I Know how to call a parameterized sub but having issue with function
Here is what I have tried, I tried the code here Calling vba function(with parameters) from vbscript and show the result , but this also didn't work, it gave an error as expected end of statement
Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = xlObj.Workbooks.Open("E:\Headers.xlsm")
xlObj.Application.Visible = False
Dim result
result = xlObj.Application.Run("Headers.xlsm!Headers",filename)
xlFile.Close True
this my vba function
Function Headers(filename As String) As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myWb As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Set myWb = Workbooks.Open(filename:=filename)
Dim arr
arr = Array("col1","col2")
For i = 1 To 2
If Cells(1, i).Value = arr(i - 1) Then
Headers = "True"
Headers = "False , Not Found Header " & arr(i - 1)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
In your VBScript xlObj is set to be an application Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application"). That means xlObj.Application should be xlObj only.
In your VBScript Filename is not declared nor set to a value therefore it is empty. You need to define value to it.
Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = xlObj.Workbooks.Open("E:\Headers.xlsm")
xlObj.Visible = False
Dim Filename 'declare filename and set a value to it
Filename = "E:\YourPath\Yourfile.xlsx"
Dim Result
Result = xlObj.Run("Headers.xlsm!Headers", Filename)
xlFile.Close True
In your function you use Exit Function. This will stop the code immediately at this point, which means your workbook myWb will not be closed! It stays open because myWb.Close is never reached. Change Exit Function to Exit For to just exit the loop and continue to close the workbook.
Cells(1, i).Value is neither specified which workbook it is in nor which worksheet. This is not very reliable never call Cells or Range without specifying workbook and worksheet (or Excel will guess which one you mean, and Excel can fail if you are not precise).
Therfore I recommend to use something like myWb.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, i).Value if you always mean the first worsheet in that workbook. Alternatively if it has a defined name using its name would be more reliable: myWb.Worksheets("SheetName").Cells(1, i).Value
If you turn off ScreenUpdating don't forget to turn it on in the end.
Error handling in case filename does not exist would be nice to not break the function.
You can slightly improve speed by assuming Headers = "True" as default and just turn it False in case you find any non matching header. This way the variable is only set once to True instead of multiple times for every correct header.
Public Function Headers(ByVal Filename As String) As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim flag As Boolean 'flag is never used! you can remove it
On Error Resume Next 'error handling here would be nice to not break if filename does not exist.
Dim myWb As Workbook
Set myWb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Filename)
On Error Goro 0 'always reactivate error reporting after Resume Next!!!
If Not myWb Is Nothing Then
Dim Arr() As Variant
Arr = Array("col1", "col2")
Headers = "True" 'assume True as default and just change it to False if a non matching header was found (faster because variable is only set true once instead for every column).
Dim i As Long 'better use Long since there is no benefit in using Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(arr) + 1 'use `ubound to find the upper index of the array, so if you add col3 you don't need to change the loop boundings
If Not myWb.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, i).Value = Arr(i - 1) Then 'define workbook and worksheet for cells
Headers = "False , Not Found Header " & Arr(i - 1)
Exit For '<-- just exit loop but still close the workbook
End If
Next i
Headers = "File '" & Filename & "' not found!"
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function

Adding new and removing old VBA to all workbooks in a folder

I have about 60 workbooks with several modules and I need to remove one sub routine in one module then add code to a specific worksheet.
I currently have code running every time you open the workbook asking to run and archive data to another worksheet, it works. Problem is we are in the workbooks several times, so every time we open them, we have to answer the question.
I found a more elegant way to ask to archive when I go to the first worksheet where we go to change data at the end of the month. Only when we open this are we needing to archive the old data. Some times we go here to look at the data, but it's not the usual. I have new code now for the specific worksheet using on select, that works.
I'm trying to update the code across all my workbooks without having to open them up 1 by 1 and make the changes, copy, paste, delete, save, open next file, repeat.
'code to remove from module named ArchiveHistoricalData
Sub Auto_Open()
End Sub
'Code to add to worksheet named Data Dump
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
I'd like to remove the first sub, then add the second sub to a specific worksheet (Named the same across all workbooks). Then if I have changes in the future, I can easily update all my workbooks with other changes.
Posting another answer structured as generalized tools to delete and/or add or replace any number of procedures from any number of files. As mentioned earlier it is assumed that Trust Access to Visual Basics Project must be enabled.
In a new excel file with added reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Application extensibility, add a module named “Copy_Module”. Specifically in your case, copy Worksheet_SelectionChange code in a module named “Copy_Module”.
Its AddReplaceProc function would copy any procedure from a module named “Copy_Module” in the source workbook while DeleteProc function would delete a procedure.
Sub test4()
Dim Wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim Path As String, Fname As String
Dim Fno As Long
Path = "C:\Users\User\Documents\TestFolder\"
Fname = Dir(Path & "*.xlsm")
Fno = 1
Do While Fname <> ""
Set Wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(Path & Fname)
If Wb.VBProject.Protection = vbext_pp_none Then
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Fno = Fno + 1
ws.Cells(Fno, 1).Value = Fname
'ws.Cells(Fno, 2).Value = AddReplaceProc(Wb, "ArchiveHistoricalData", "DoStuff2")
ws.Cells(Fno, 2).Value = DeleteProc(Wb, "ArchiveHistoricalData", "Auto_Open")
ws.Cells(Fno, 3).Value = AddReplaceProc(Wb, Wb.Worksheets("Data Dump").CodeName, "Worksheet_SelectionChange")
Wb.Close True
Wb.Close False
End If
Fname = Dir
End Sub
Private Function DeleteProc(Wb As Workbook, CompName As String, ProcName As String) As Boolean
Dim Vbc As CodeModule, Vbcomp As VBComponent
DeleteProc = False
For Each Vbcomp In Wb.VBProject.VBComponents
If Vbcomp.Name = CompName Then
Set Vbc = Vbcomp.CodeModule
On Error GoTo XExit
If Vbc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0) > 0 Then
Vbc.DeleteLines Vbc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0), Vbc.ProcCountLines(ProcName, 0)
DeleteProc = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next Vbcomp
XExit: On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function AddReplaceProc(Wb As Workbook, CompName As String, ProcName As String) As Boolean
Dim Vbc As CodeModule, Vbcomp As VBComponent
Dim VbcSrc As CodeModule, StLine As Long, EndLine As Long
Dim i As Long, X As Long
'Check for older version of the procedure and delete the same before coping new version
AddReplaceProc = DeleteProc(Wb, CompName, ProcName)
Debug.Print "Old Proc " & ProcName & " Found and Deleted : " & AddReplaceProc
AddReplaceProc = False
For Each Vbcomp In Wb.VBProject.VBComponents
If Vbcomp.Name = CompName Then
Set Vbc = Vbcomp.CodeModule
Set VbcSrc = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Copy_Module").CodeModule
StLine = VbcSrc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0)
EndLine = StLine + VbcSrc.ProcCountLines(ProcName, 0) - 1
X = 0
For i = StLine To EndLine
X = X + 1
Vbc.InsertLines X, VbcSrc.Lines(i, 1)
Next i
AddReplaceProc = True
Exit For
End If
Next Vbcomp
End Function
Proper caution is a must for this type of remote changes. It is always wise to try the code first only to copies of target files and confirm proper working etc.
It only works with files with unprotected VBA projects. For files with protected VBA files refer SO post Unprotect VBProject from VB code.
Try the code from any workbook (not in the same target folder) module. Add reference to Microsoft visual basic for applications extensibility. and/or make vbext_pk_Proc as 0.
Sub test3()
Dim ws As Workbook
Dim Vbc As CodeModule
Dim Path As String, Fname As String
Dim Wx As Worksheet
Dim HaveAll As Boolean
Dim VbComp As VBComponent
Path = "C:\Users\User\Documents\TestFolder\"
Fname = Dir(Path & "*.xlsm")
Do While Fname <> ""
' Debug.Print Fname
Set ws = Application.Workbooks.Open(Path & Fname)
HaveAll = False
For Each VbComp In ws.VBProject.VBComponents
If VbComp.Name = "ArchiveHistoricalData" Then
'used erron handler instead of iterating through all the lines for keeping code short
On Error GoTo failex
If VbComp.CodeModule.ProcStartLine("Auto_Open", 0) > 0 Then
HaveAll = True
failex: Resume failex2
failex2: On Error GoTo 0
Exit For
End If
End If
Next VbComp
If HaveAll Then
HaveAll = False
For Each Wx In ws.Worksheets
If Wx.Name = "Data Dump" Then
HaveAll = True
Exit For
End If
Next Wx
End If
If HaveAll Then
Set Vbc = ws.VBProject.VBComponents("ArchiveHistoricalData").CodeModule
Vbc.DeleteLines Vbc.ProcStartLine("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc), Vbc.ProcCountLines("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc)
Set Vbc = ws.VBProject.VBComponents(ws.Worksheets("Data Dump").CodeName).CodeModule
Vbc.InsertLines 1, "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)"
Vbc.InsertLines 2, "AskArchive"
Vbc.InsertLines 3, "End Sub"
ws.Close True
ws.Close False
End If
Debug.Print Fname, HaveAll
Fname = Dir
End Sub
However code will encounter error if the stated Worksheets, code modules and procedures are not available. Please take due care, if not confirmed about availability of the stated Worksheets, code modules and procedures in all the target files. (may use error handler or check for existence for the Sheets, code modules and procedures by iterating through after opening the target file and skip accordingly). Also Trust Access To Visual Basics Project must be enabled.

Replace text in a cell

I have a sheet that has names, SSNs and 4 columns filled with the following values: S, MB, B.
For said columns I wish to replace S with the number 4, MB with the number 3 and B with the number 2.
Sub replace()
Dim str1, str2, str3, filename, pathname As String
Dim i As Integer
str1 = "MB"
str2 = "B"
str3 = "S"
filename = "p"
pathname = ActiveWorkbook.Path
i = 1
Do While filename <> ""
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(pathname & filename + i)
DoWork wb
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
filename = Dir()
End Sub
Sub DoWork(wb As Workbook)
With wb
End With
End Sub
In the function DoWork, how do I create a loop to replace each of the values?
I mostly agree with Michael--to learn the most, you should get started on your own, and come back with more specific questions. However, I am looking to reach 50 rep so I will pander to you. But do please try to go through the code and understand it.
Your name suggests you are a programmer, so the concepts we make use of should be familiar. I like to work from the inside out, so here goes:
here are my variables:
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim wbBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Double
Dim wsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rRange As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim dReplace As Double
At the core, you'll want a select case statement to read each cell and decide what the new value should be. Then you will assign the new value to the cell:
Select Case c.value 'c being the cell we are currently examining
Case "S"
dReplace = 4
Case "M"
dReplace = 3
Case "B"
dReplace = 2
Case Else
'Assuming you should only encounter the above values,
'then anything else is an error
'.assert false will stop the code, or you can replace
'with more refined error handling
Debug.Assert False
End Select
c.value = dReplace
Around that you'll want a for each loop to define the current cell and iterate through all the cells in the range you specify for that particular worksheet:
set rRange = wsSheet.Range("C2:E5000") 'Customize to your range
for each c in rRange.Cells
Next level up is the for next loop to iterate through all the worksheets in the current file:
For i = 1 To 30
If wbBook.Sheets(i).Name = "" Then
GoTo NextOne
End If
Set wsSheet = wbBook.Sheets(i)
Next i
The if then statement at the top prevents an error if there are fewer than 30 worksheets in a workbook. If the number of sheets per file varies then this will be useful, if the number is fixed, just adjust the loop to stop and the right spot. Of course, this assumes your workbooks have information on multiple sheets. If not skip the loop altogether.
I'm sure many will criticize my use of goto, but since VBA loops lack a continue command, this is the workaround I employ.
Around that you'll want another iterator to loop through your multiple files. Assuming they are all in the same folder, you can use the Dir() function to grab the file names one-by-one. You give it the file path and (optionally) the file type, and it will return the first file name it finds that meets your cirteria. Run it again and it returns the second file name, etc. Assign that to a string variable, then use the file path plus the file name to open the workbook. Use a do loop to keep going until runs out of files:
sFilePath = "C:\Your File Path Here\"
sFileName = Dir(sFilePath & "*.xlsx")
Do Until sFileName = ""
Set wbBook = Workbooks.Open(sFilePath & sFileName)
sFileName = Dir()
Now Put it all together:
Sub ReplaceLetterCodewithNumberCode()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim wbBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Double
Dim wsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rRange As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim dReplace As Double
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
sFilePath = "C:\Your File Path Here\"
sFileName = Dir(sFilePath & "*.xlsx")
Do Until sFileName = ""
Set wbBook = Workbooks.Open(sFilePath & sFileName)
For i = 1 To 30
If wbBook.Sheets(i).Name = "" Then
GoTo NextOne
End If
Set wsSheet = wbBook.Sheets(i)
Set rRange = wsSheet.Cells("C2:E5000") 'Customize to your range. Assumes the range will be the same
For Each c In rRange.Cells
Select Case c.value 'c being the cell we are currently examining
Case "S"
dReplace = 4
Case "M"
dReplace = 3
Case "B"
dReplace = 2
Case Else
'Assuming you should only encounter the above values,
'then anything else is an error
'.assert false will stop the code, or you can replace
'with more refined error handling
Debug.Assert False
End Select
c.value = dReplace
Next i
sFileName = Dir()
'Clean up
Set wbBook = Nothing
Set wsSheet = Nothing
Set rRange = Nothing
Set c = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I'll provide a high level explanation of this; implementation will be up to you. You'll start with a crawler to open all of these files one by one (a google search should help you with this).
I'm not exactly sure how your sheets are organized but the general idea is to open each sheet and perform the action, so you'll need a list of filenames/paths or do it sequentially. Then once inside the file assuming the structure is the same of each you'll grab the column and input the appropriate value then save and close the file.
If you're looking for how to open the VBA editor go to options and enable the Developer tab.
This is a good beginner project and while you may struggle you'll learn a lot in the process.
