Unable to publish customization from Customization Project Browser screen - acumatica

I am having a weird case where I am unable to publish customization from Customization Project Browser. Whenever I click on Publish Current Project menu item from Publish menu, it opens up Compilation immediate window with Publish Customization heading but then it just stuck there with no further process.
But, I can publish the same project from Customization Projects Screen where I select the Customization Project with checkbox and click on Publish action icon.
Currently, that's the workaround I am using to publish but is there any other way that I can do to fix this issue?
I have cleaned up ASP.NET Temporary Files and Acumatica's Apply Updates.

that's due to some update in .net framework.
the solution is to update acumaticaERP to the latest, or do some workaround.
publish from custom project form
edit web.config and add <add key="aspnet:DisableAppPathModifier" value="false" /> to appSettings

I discovered the reason for this strange behavior, as well as the solution. It happened to me as well.
Reason: the w3wp process encounters an error during publishing. The folder permissions for c:\Program Files\Acumatica ERP\TemporaryAspFiles[yourAppName]
have been removed or deleted for the speficic windows account, which is used by the ERP, and the temporary sub-folders can't be created without create permission. I can't see how it happened, but I noticed the strange behavior occurred after the last "major" windows update. See the screenshot for the proof.
Solution: re-apply the user account security for your application folder. That is how I fixed the publish problem on my end.


How to deploy Azure service fabric project on to a remote cluster(Azure)

I have Created a cluster in Azure http://******.######.cloudapp.azure.com:19080
but don't know how to deploy my service fabric project on to it.
Link to application manifest
It's pretty well documented, unless you are getting specific errors, which you then will need to reference to get some worthwhile help
Your first option is to use the powershell commands. You can also right-click your application in visual studio and select "Publish". Make sure you are using the correct publish profile.
Within Visual Studio, navigate to your Publish Profiles folder under the application and copy/paste the existing cloud.xml file and then rename appropriately. Ensure that you use the correct public facing I.P for your cluster, which will most likely be the load balancer.
The line should look like the following.
<ClusterConnectionParameters ConnectionEndpoint="<YOUR IP>:19000" />
<ClusterConnectionParameters ConnectionEndpoint="" />
However, if the cluster is secured you may need additional information. These options are shown within the commented Cluster Connection Parameters of the cloud.xml file.
Right click on the application, select publish and ensure the new publish profile is selected. Visual studio will attempt to validate the connection. Try to publish and keep an eye on the output window for insight in to the process.

Error WAT200: No default service configuration "ServiceConfiguration.cscfg" could be found in the project

After installing Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (Version 15.1 (26403.7)) my Azure Cloud Service does no longer build and gives me the 'Error WAT200: No default service configuration "ServiceConfiguration.cscfg" could be found in the project'. Although it still works fine with Visual Studio Enterprise 2015. (The right TargetProfile is also specified...)
I ran into this last night.
It actually happens when you rename Cloud Service configurations away from Cloud and Local.
In my case, I had deleted the Cloud configuration and created a new, differently named one.
By ensuring that the configurations are called Cloud and Local, the Cloud Service projects will build again using "Resharper build", and (most likely) under "Lightweight solution load".
The configurations can be renamed by right-clicking one of the service roles under the Cloud Service node in Solution Explorer, choosing Properties, then opening up the "Service Configuration" dropdown and clicking <Manage...>.
Now, in the resulting dialog, the configurations can be renamed:
The following bug report got me on the right track:
The best way is to change the service configuration prefix in ccproj of your project, add yourprojectname.configurationname
Dot is the life saver.
Add these in itemgroup:
<ServiceDefinition Include="yourproject.ServiceDefinition.csdef" />
<ServiceConfiguration Include="yourproject.ServiceConfiguration.cscfg" />
Make sure you have renamed your cscfg files from the folder it resides.
Bingo. It works.
Ok I found it, after disabling the 'Lightweight Solution Load' (which in VS 2017 u can disable by right click on the Solution and then Disable Lightweight Solution Load), the error disappears and the Cloud Service builds again.
Similar to Rishikesh mentioned, but I added a service config entry
<ServiceConfiguration Include="ServiceConfiguration.cscfg" />
to the ccproj. Then copied a configuration, e.g. Production and named it ServiceConfiguration.cscfg. Then reloaded the project. That got the ReSharper to build, but MORE importantly for me at the moment was to figure out how to the get Azure DevOps pipeline to build the solution with multiple Classic WebRole projects in it. That was failing for the SAME reason.

Missing File Publish Options

I was going to Publish my website today, but Im missing a few options so I can disable Precompile (as it breaks my website, related question). I'm glad I took a screenshot of the publish settings 2 weeks ago or I would think I have gone crazy!
Is this caused by a new update in VS2012 (I noticed that a new upgrade was availble, but I didn't do anything) or have I screwed up a setting somewhere?
Now Im missing the file publish options:
This screen was taken 2 weeks ago:
I found a workaround to disable the Precompile:
Open the Properties folder in the project and then the PublishProfiles folder. Find the publish profile, open it and set PrecompileBeforePublish to False
The last used web publish profile must be MSDeploy.
You can set the publish profile in the Web Publish Activity window.
To show it go to View -> Other Windows -> Web Publish Activity.
And now you'll see your missing configuration

Visual Studio 2012 Build Process Template Dropdown does not populate

My issue is that I cannot select a build process template after migrating to TFS/VS2012.
I managed to google and find one article which suggest the same problem here,
Possible Bug
Any ideas how I can get the dropdown to load the Build Process Templates or why they may not be getting loaded?
Also, I am able to click New->Copy Template, and copy successfully, but it never populates the dropdown list after accepting.
Possibly the same issue
I recently ran into the same problem but not related to upgrading the server. We were not able to see build process templates when trying to add a new build definition. We are in TFS 2012. This team project also appeared not to have any build definitions. That was expected though because we had not yet used the TFS builds on this team project.
The problem was caused by someone with admin rights setting the "View build definition" and the "View Builds" access rights to Deny for everyone.
By just setting that back to allow on the TFS group, we suddenly could see the build definitions and also were able to select build process templates.
It was really strange that it let us add new build process templates, but we couldn't select them.
I was finally able to get the templates loading by doing the following.
Unmapped the entire TFS project which had been mapped in a sub folder and not at the root.
Deleted files from disk completely
Remapped the TFS project, this time from the root TFS project level
Accepted the "get"
After doing this my build definitions loaded and worked. (Seems to be a mapping issue...bug...)
This may be an extream solution and I am still not sure what happened but it now works.

Visual Web Part with referenced DLL not checking GAC

I have a SharePoint project with a visual web part (WebPartA inherits from OtherWebPartC) - the web part references two DLL's, (ClassLibraryB and OtherWebPartC), and they are included in the package, set to be deployed to GAC.
When I deploy the project, the DLL's are successfully deployed to GAC, and the web part successfully shows up in the gallery in SharePoint.
However, when I try to add the visual web part (WebPartA) to a page, the page breaks - I enabled error display and stack trace - it says it can't find ClassLibraryB.dll. I used fuslogvw and procmon to determine that it was trying to load the DLL from typical locations (Virtual directory/bin, temporary asp.net folders), even though the DLL was not in these locations (but as I said, it was successfully deployed to GAC).
So I manually added ClassLibraryB.dll and OtherWebPart.dll to virtual directory/bin, and it worked successfully.
How do I get SharePoint to see the ClassLibraryB.dll and OtherWebPart.dll in the GAC? Or do I have to manually deploy the DLL to the site's Virtual Directory/bin?
Try to:
Change the WebPart/assemblies deployment target to "WebApplication" (instead of the GAC);
Retract the Solution and remove corresponding assemblies from the GAC;
Re-build and re-deploy the Solution together with the assemblies to the SharePoint Bin folder (the selected "WebApplication" deployment target).
Are all the necessary assemblies copied to the Bin folder? Does the Solution work in this case?
Just a heads up to all of you digging through these ancient questions...
I stumbled upon this issue today, so i decided to leave a comment in order to claridy things.
Most of the info can be taken from this great article by Waldek Mastykarz
Using the Project you would like to package the Controls project including the SafeControls entries.
Double click on the Package project item and the Package Designer will open.
In the Package Designer you click the Advanced button. In the Advanced view you click the Add button and choose the Add Assembly from Project Output (the options are different in VS17 but they are similar)… menu option.
From the Source Project dropdown list you choose your other Project.
Then in the Safe Controls section, you click the Click here to add a new item button to add a new Safe Controls entry.
Use the $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$ token so that you can specify that you want to include the fully qualified name of your assembly.
