Add reviewers to azure devops pull request in api call - azure

I'm successfully creating PR requests in Azure DevOps using API-call.
However, I would like to add the reviewer's name to my PR. As per the sample in the link, I have to add the reviewer id in the body.
So, my question is how to dynamically find the reviewer's id prior to submitting the PR from my project? I was following Pull Request Reviewers and nothing seems coming up to provide me the id based on name.
As per branch policy, I have to add 2 reviewers' name.
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/npaulk/my_work",
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/new_feature",
"title": "A new feature",
"description": "Adding a new feature",
"reviewers": [
"id": "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db"

Like #Krzysztof Madej suggested in his answer, you can use the Subject Query endpoint to search and get the GraphSubject response.
However, the Id values in the GraphSubject response does not work for the IdentityRef Id used as parameter for the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint (used to add Reviewers to an existing pull request).
To get the correct IdentityRef Id, you need to do a GET on the URL from the storageKey.href value in the GraphSubject Response. E.g.:
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
The response should look something like this:
"value": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": {
"href": ""
The GUID for value is what you use for IdentityRef.Id. The payload to POST to the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint would look something like this:
"id": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234"

You can use Subject Query Endpoint
Body should look like this:
"query": "Term to search (e.g. Krzysztof)",
"subjectKind": [ "User" ]
and then you will get response like this:
"count": 3,
"value": [
"subjectKind": "user",
"metaType": "member",
"domain": "Windows Live ID",
"principalName": ",
"mailAddress": "",
"origin": "msa",
"originId": "0006BFFDBC3FE9A1",
"displayName": "Krzysztof Madej",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"memberships": {
"href": ""
"membershipState": {
"href": ""
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"url": "",
"descriptor": "msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
as next ise originId in reviewers collection.

You can use Identities - Read Identities API to get user id. For example:
Get{org}/_apis/identities?searchFilter=General&filterValue=cece dong&api-version=6.1-preview.1


How to build a more complex query to get a Rresponse from different URLs in Microsoft Graph explorer in a single request

I want to get the Name, ID, Name of the assigned Role and the ID of the role of one user in one single request.
To get all the Roles assigned to one user I used this Query:
GET$filter=principalId eq '55c07278-7109-4a46-ae60-4b644bc83a31'
The problem with this query is, that it will return the roleDefinitionId (ID of the Role) but it wont return the name of the Role. I could get the name with the next query down below but then it shows me all of the possible roles and not the roles of the specific user.
So as I see it I need to combine 3 queries into one to get all the information I need. The Response should look something like this:
"body": {
"value": [
"id": "RhIJaeggVsdfglgdbKnqH7iZeBasdGEush5pky7SmE-1",
"principalId": "55c07278-7109-4a46-ae60-4b644bc83a31",
"userDisplayName": "Ben Dover"
"roleDisplayName": "Global Administrator",
"roleDefinitionId": "69091246-20e8-4a56-aa4d-066075b2a7a8"
To achieve that I tried this:
"requests": [
"id": "1",
"method": "GET",
"url": "directoryRoles/0f564192-5db7-4c5e-a9bc-8d5sdgfaf7af/members"
"id": "2",
"method": "GET",
"url": "rolemanagement/directory/roleAssignments?$filter=principalId eq 'e065e27e-b675-443c-bac8-79a453bb4a61'"
"id": "3",
"method": "GET",
"url": "me/?$select=displayName,id"
Now this works. And I get all the Information that I need, but the response is pretty long and hard to read even if you know what you are looking for. Is it possible to get the response in a shortened form like in the example above?

Unable to create user through API of Azure DevOps

I'm a newbie with Azure DevOps API, and for a future migration case, I want to create new users on my Azure DevOps organization. The users is Azure Active Directory users.
So I tried to do it with that documentation :
The body of my API request look like this:
"principalName": ""
It return a status 201 (created) with this informations (for security reason i've put '.' on some lines):
"subjectKind": "user",
"metaType": "member",
"directoryAlias": "test_user",
"domain": "....",
"principalName": "",
"mailAddress": "",
"origin": "aad",
"originId": "....",
"displayName": "test user",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "....."
"memberships": {
"href": "....."
"membershipState": {
"href": "...."
"storageKey": {
"href": "...."
"avatar": {
"href": "...."
"url": "....",
"descriptor": "....."
But when I look on the organization users, I don't see any users who was created.
Did I miss something ? When I list users thourgh API it don't appear either...
Thanks in advance for your help.
P.S: It work well in the graphic UI.
Ok, I've finaly solve my own problem...
The parameter groupDescriptors is mandatory in the HTTP request in order to activate the account.
The command should look like that:{{COMPANY}}/_apis/graph/users?groupDescriptors=vssgp.{{GROUPDESCRIPTORS}}&api-version=6.0-preview.1
If you don't add the user to a group when you do the creation, he will not be able to connect.
Get the group descriptor:{{COMPANY}}/_apis/graph/groups?api-version=5.1-preview.1
Hope this will help someone else in the internet.

How to retrieve Work Item linked to specific commit - Azure Devops REST API

I need to be able to retrieve the linked work item of any given specific commit. I'm currently using the following api call
with the following response
"parents": [],
"treeId": "7fa1a3523ffef51c525ea476bffff7d648b8cb3d",
"push": {
"pushedBy": {
"id": "8c8c7d32-6b1b-47f4-b2e9-30b477b5ab3d",
"displayName": "Chuck Reinhart",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"imageUrl": ""
"pushId": 1,
"date": "2014-01-29T23:33:15.2434002Z"
"commitId": "be67f8871a4d2c75f13a51c1d3c30ac0d74d4ef4",
"author": {
"name": "Chuck Reinhart",
"email": "",
"date": "2014-01-29T23:32:09Z"
"committer": {
"name": "Chuck Reinhart",
"email": "",
"date": "2014-01-29T23:32:09Z"
"comment": "First cut\n",
"url": "",
"remoteUrl": "",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"repository": {
"href": ""
"changes": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"tree": {
"href": ""
from and am missing a way to see what work item its linked to or if it is linked at all. Does anyone know of a way to get this information? Thanks
You could use the Get Commits API, docs here. The base request looks like:
You could then add the following parameters:
fromCommitId - string - If provided, a lower bound for filtering commits alphabetically
toCommitId - string - If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically
includeWorkItems - boolean - Whether to include linked work items
So that your final query would look something like, with your toCommitId and fromCommitId parameters being your commit id that you are after (the documentation doesn't specificy whether these are inclusive or exclusive so your might have to tweak this slightly):
The result should contain a workItems property inside each commit object of the response as per this documentation.
Parameters that use the searchCriteria prefix in their name can be specified without it as query parameters, e.g. searchCriteria.$top -> $top
There is also:
ids - array - If provided, specifies the exact commit ids of the commits to fetch. May not be combined with other parameters.
Which could allow you to forgo passing in the to and from commit ids but the docs state that it May not be combined with other parameters - even though the example request does combine it with other parameters. I haven't tried this myself so please do comment when you find out whether you go with from-to id or just ids.
OPs action
The OP ended up using the following request as they didn't mind all commits being returned:

How to include fields in api server and remove it before returning to results to client in Graphql

I have a Node.js GraphQL server. From the client, I am trying get all the user entries using a query like this:
user {
entries {
In the Node.js GraphQL server, however I want to return user entries that are currently valid based on publishDate and expiryDate in the entries object.
For example:
"user": "john",
"entries": [
"title": "entry1",
"body": "body1",
"publishDate": "2019-02-12",
"expiryDate": "2019-02-13"
"title": "entry2",
"body": "body2",
"publishDate": "2019-02-13",
"expiryDate": "2019-03-01"
"title": "entry3",
"body": "body3",
"publishDate": "2020-01-01",
"expiryDate": "2020-01-31"
should return this
"user": "john",
"entries": [
"title": "entry2",
"body": "body2",
"publishDate": "2019-02-13",
"expiryDate": "2019-03-01"
The entries is fetched via a delegateToSchema call ( and I don't have an option to pass publishDate and expiryDate as query parameters. Essentially, I need to get the results and then filter them in memory.
The issue I face is that the original query doesn't have publishDate and expiryDate in it to support this. Is there a way to add these fields to delegateToSchema call and then remove them while sending them back to the client?
You are looking for transformResult
Implementation details are:
At delegateToSchema you need to define transforms array.
At Transform you need to define transformResult function for filtering results.
If you have ability to send arguments to remote GraphQL server, then you should use

Is it possible to change verbiage of listAuditEvents?

The current [Envelopes: listAuditEvents] creates the following verbiage for correction:
"eventFields": [
"name": "logTime",
"value": "2018-09-18T19:09:01.3603686Z"
"name": "Source",
"value": "api"
"name": "UserName",
"value": "Staging"
"name": "UserId",
"value": "8c57af14-e46a-4965-ae8b-42bb0c29b706"
"name": "Action",
"value": "Correction Initiated"
"name": "Message",
"value": "Staging initiated correction"
"name": "EnvelopeStatus",
"value": "correct"
I would like to modify the Message values. I have gone through Docusigns API but I have not found any indication that this is possible.
Has anyone had the same need? and if so were you able to add custom message verbiage for certain events/actions?
It's not possible for you to configure the contents of the API response for the listAuditEvents operation. However, you could (in your code) include logic to parse the API response and based on certain values in the response, substitute values (for purposes in your app) with the verbiage you prefer.
For example, let's say that you have a page in your app that displays the various events that have occurred for an Envelope, but you don't want to display the verbiage "[UserName] initiated correction" as the text in your UI when a user initiates an envelope correction -- instead you want to display the text "[UserName] changed envelope settings." The logic in your code could do something like this psuedo code shows (where auditEvent represents an object within the API response body for the listAuditEvents operation):
if (auditEvent.ActionInitiated == "Correction Initiated") {
displayMessageInUI(auditEvent.UserName + " changed envelope settings.");
