is it a good practice to use string manipulation in c# - string

I need to extract parts of string, I found 2 methods which one is better in coding practices and is it a good coding practice to use string manipulation? is there any other way in which this task can be done?
string test = "name.jpg_add1_srcimages_pagetest.htm";
string img_name = test.substring(0,str.LastIndexOf("_add"));
string[] img_prop = test.Split('_');
string img_n = img_prop[0]

For performance string.Split is optimized.


How to print specific number of words from a string in scala?

I have a strings:
str = "this is a great place...."
I want to print only 30 words from this string. How to do that?
Use split and take methods:
val str = "this is a great place...."
str.split("\\W").take(30).mkString(" ")
// res0: String = this is a great place
You could just do something like:
"""(\b\w+\b\W*){0,30}""".r findPrefixOf "this is a great place...."
Or using a different notation:
"""(\b\w+\b\W*){0,30}""".r.findPrefixOf("this is a great place....")
Here is some pseudo code you can work with
Split string using the split method into an Array[String] of the words.
Iterate across the array and concatenate the words together that you want to include
Print out the string
I can't think of any external libraries or built-in functions that will do that for you. You will need to write your own code to do this.

Start and stop parsing of a string

I grab a url and I want to parse and store two sections of the url
So I want to start at (Confirmation?=) and stop at (&) and store the results
string = QVNERkFTREY
then for the second one I want to start at (&code=) and go to the end of the string and store that result
string = MTAvMjMvMjAxMyAxMjowMDowMCBBTQ==
I was have tried a few different things
Uri myUri = new Uri(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
string param1 = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("Confirmation?=");
string param2 = myUri.Query.Split();
Pretty sure I should be going a different route here but any help would be appreciate. I am going to continue to google search for now. I appreciate the help.
EDIT: I feel as though LINQ should be able to help me here..hmm
I would use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString rather than try to parse the URL myself.
String val = "User/Confirmation?=QVNERkFTREY=&code=MTAvMjMvMjAxMyAxMjowMDowMCBBTQ==";
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection parameters = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(val);
Console.Out.WriteLine(parameters[0]); // QVNERkFTREY=
Console.Out.WriteLine(parameters.Get("code"); // MTAvMjMvMjAxMyAxMjowMDowMCBBTQ==
You will need to add System.Web.dll, which you can read about here: Cannot add System.Web.dll reference

How to implement string manipulation in efficienct way?

I have a string ="/show/search/All.aspx?Att=A1". How to get the last value after the 'Att=' in efficient way ?
You could do a split on the '=' character.
Example (in C#):
string line = "/show/search/All.aspx?Att=A1";
string[] parts = line.Split('=');
//parts[1] contains A1;
Hope this helps
If you're only dealing with this one URL then both of the other answers would work fine. I would consider using the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString method and just pull out the item you want by key.
Whatever an
efficient way
Try this:
var str = "/show/search/All.aspx?Att=A1";
var searchString = "Att=";
var answer = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(searchString) + searchString.Length);

String text to long value

Well, thats it!
I need to convert a string text (like"Hrd$457"), into a long value.
The blackberry IDE has a button that do it, but i need do this by code.
Please note that the string is alpha numeric.
Sorry if my question was not really clear. The IDE button that im talkin about converts the entire string in a long value that makes that string a unique number. The BlackBerry documentation says:
"To create a unique long key, in the BlackBerry® Integrated Development Environment, type a string value.
Right-click the string and click Convert ‘’ to long."
So, i need to do exactly the same but by code.
I really appreciate your help buddies, and thanks so much for trying to help.
If you are just looking for a number constant for a string you can do the following.
String str = "asdfasdf345asdfasdf";
int asInt = str.hashCode();
long asLong = (long) asInt;
Returns the first 8 bytes of a SHA1 digest as a long. The same result can be obtained interactively using the BlackBerry JDE by highlighting a string, right-clicking, and choosing "Convert '' to long" from the context menu.
long net.rim.device.api.util.StringUtilities.stringHashToLong(String key)
This is another approach. If there are multiple numbers you can loop through the String using the scanner.
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(str);
Long number = scanner.nextLong();
Not sure I fully grasp your example, but how's this?
String match = Pattern.compile("\\d+").matcher("Hrd$457").group();
long longValue = Long.parseLong(match).longValue();

extract string with linq

Is there a nice way to extract part of a string with linq, example:
I have
string s = "System.Collections.*";
string s2 = "System.Collections.Somethingelse.*";
my goal is to extract anything in the string without the last '.*'
thankx I am using C#
The simplest way might be to use String.LastIndexOf followed by String.Substring
int index = s.LastIndexOf('.');
string output = s.Substring(0, index);
Unless you have a specific requirement to use LINQ for learning purposes of course.
You might want a regex instead. (.*)\.\*
With the regex:
string input="System.Collections.Somethingelse.*";
string output=Regex.Matches(input,#"\b.*\b").Value;
output is:
(because "*" is not a word) although a simple
would have worked :P
