Typeorm Database not starting? - node.js

I bootstrapped typeorm with option init typeorm --database postgres --express.
I changed ormconfig to match my info in database.
There's no error. But it seems like nothing is running.
It seems that my database isn't the problem, as it does not throw the error.
Anything I am missing?
Below is the default setting
// index.ts
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import { Routes } from './routes';
import { User } from './entity/User';
.then(async (connection) => {
// create express app
const app = express();
// register express routes from defined application routes
Routes.forEach((route) => {
(app as any)[route.method](
(req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) => {
const result = new (route.controller as any)()[route.action](
if (result instanceof Promise) {
result.then((result) =>
result !== null && result !== undefined
? res.send(result)
: undefined
} else if (result !== null && result !== undefined) {
// setup express app here
// ...
// start express server
// insert new users for test
await connection.manager.save(
connection.manager.create(User, {
firstName: 'Timber',
lastName: 'Saw',
age: 27,
await connection.manager.save(
connection.manager.create(User, {
firstName: 'Phantom',
lastName: 'Assassin',
age: 24,
'Express server has started on port 3000. Open http://localhost:3000/users to see results'
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

I think you didn't config your database details. You have to add ormconfig file to your project.
Step 1 :- Create a file called ormconfig.ts in root directory.
Step 2:- Add these below code to that file and put your database details here.
"type": "postgres",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306,
"username": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "test",
"synchronize": true,
"entities": ["here put paths for your entities"],

First you have to config your typeorm configurations using ormconfig file.


How to get query result from postgraphile running as a library

I have postgraphile running as an express middleware. For example:
const pgMiddleware = postgraphile(pool, SCHEMA, postgraphileConfig);
How to get or intercept the result of a query or mutation without having a separate client?
For example when I send the below query
query {
personById(id: 1){
I want to be able to get the data sent back inside the same express app. How can I do that?
I believe what you are asking for is to be able to execute GraphQL operations against a PostGraphile schema from other routes/middlewares in Express without needing to make additional http requests. This is called schema only usage and you will specifically want to use withPostGraphileContext to execute your request and process results:
import type { Express } from "express";
import type { Pool } from "pg";
import {
} from "postgraphile";
import PgSimplifyInflectorPlugin from "#graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector";
import type { GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
import { graphql } from "graphql";
// Register your middlewares with express
const schemaOnlyUsageApp = (app: Express, pool: Pool) => {
let schema: GraphQLSchema;
// This plugin will execute a callback each time the PostGraphile
// GraphQl schema is rebuit.
const schemaProcessorPlugin = makeProcessSchemaPlugin((newSchema) => {
schema = newSchema;
return schema;
// Register the PostGraphile middleware as normal for requests on /graphql (and /graphiql)
postgraphile(pool, "my_schema", {
simpleCollections: "omit",
dynamicJson: true,
legacyRelations: "omit",
setofFunctionsContainNulls: false,
appendPlugins: [PgSimplifyInflectorPlugin, schemaProcessorPlugin],
watchPg: true,
graphiql: true,
enhanceGraphiql: true,
showErrorStack: true,
allowExplain: true,
// custom route that will execute a predefined gql query directly against the schema
app.get("/posts", async (req, res) => {
// arbitrary gql query
const query = gql`
query posts {
posts {
edges {
node {
const result = await withPostGraphileContext(
// Reuse your pool to avoid creating additional connections
pgPool: pool,
async (context) => {
// execute your query directly and get results without making
// an additional http request!
const queryResult = await graphql({
source: query.loc?.source || "",
contextValue: { ...context },
return queryResult;
export default schemaOnlyUsageApp;

import runs all code from module instead of just the imported function

This is my index.js file, located in the ./src directory:
import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";
import CharacterDAO from "./dao/character";
import GearDAO from "./dao/gear";
import { startServer } from "./server";
import { seedData } from "./dataSeed";
// connect mongoDb, seed data if needed, run fastify server
export const runServer = async ({ dbUrl, dbName, environment, port }) => {
// test seed data when starting server if running a test suite
if (environment === "test") {
await seedData({
hostUrl: dbUrl,
databaseName: dbName
await MongoClient.connect(dbUrl, {
poolSize: 50,
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
wtimeout: 2500
.then(async conn => {
const database = await conn.db(dbName);
// inject database connection into DAO objects
// start the fastify server
.catch(err => {
// process.exit(1);
const serverArguments = process.argv.slice(2).map(arg => {
return arg.split("=")[1];
const serverOptions = {
dbUrl: serverArguments[0],
dbName: serverArguments[1],
environment: serverArguments[2],
port: serverArguments[3]
"transform": {
"^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$": "ts-jest"
"testEnvironment": "node",
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.(jsx?|tsx?)$",
"moduleFileExtensions": ["ts", "tsx", "js", "jsx", "json", "node"]
Test script from package.json used to run the test (db credentials are omitted)
"test": "dbUrl=mongodb+srv://sdaw-dsawdad-dsadsawd#cluster0-jopi5.mongodb.net dbName=untitled-combat-game-test environment=test port=4000 jest --config jestconfig.json"
My test file:
import { runServer } from "../index";
beforeAll(async () => {
const serverOptions = {
dbUrl: process.env.dbUrl,
dbName: process.env.dbName,
environment: process.env.environment,
port: process.env.port
await runServer({
describe("mock test", () => {
it("should run a basic test", () => {
What happens when I run the test:
the test script runs runServer
the index.js file runs runServer
This causes a invalid URI error (since the process.argv referenced in index.js does not include a valid mongodb URI). I double-checked this by commenting out the runServer call at the bottom of my index.js file - and everything runs fine.
Moving the runServer function to a different file and importing it from there also solves the issue. So importing in both index.js and the test file does not result in multiple calls.
What am I doing wrong?
Importing/requiring a file evaluates the code inside of it (read: runs the code inside of it). You're not technically doing anything wrong, but for the purpose of your tests the code as you have written it won't work.
In your index.js file you are executing runServer(). Whenever that file is imported/required, that function call is also run.
Having a start.js file or similar which will actually start your server is a common pattern. This will help you avoid the issue you're experiencing.
I would split the definition of your server and invoking your server into two different files, say server.js and index.js. I will leave the fixing up of the imports to you, but this is the idea:
// connect mongoDb, seed data if needed, run fastify server
export const runServer = async ({ dbUrl, dbName, environment, port }) => {
// test seed data when starting server if running a test suite
if (environment === "test") {
await seedData({
hostUrl: dbUrl,
databaseName: dbName
await MongoClient.connect(dbUrl, {
poolSize: 50,
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
wtimeout: 2500
.then(async conn => {
const database = await conn.db(dbName);
// inject database connection into DAO objects
// start the fastify server
.catch(err => {
// process.exit(1);
import { runServer } from './server';
const serverArguments = process.argv.slice(2).map(arg => {
return arg.split("=")[1];
const serverOptions = {
dbUrl: serverArguments[0],
dbName: serverArguments[1],
environment: serverArguments[2],
port: serverArguments[3]

Using socket.io with React and Google App Engine

I've created a Node(express)/React app that uses socket.io and Redux's store as follows:
import io from "socket.io-client";
import * as types from "../actions/types";
import { cancelReview, startReview } from "./actions";
const socket = io("http://localhost:8080", {
transports: ["websocket"]
export const init = store => {
socket.on("connect", () => {
console.log("websocket connection successful...");
socket.on("cancelReview", (id, name) => {
cancelReview(store, id, name);
socket.on("startReview", (id, name) => {
startReview(store, id, name);
This function is then called from store.js as follows:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { composeWithDevTools } from "redux-devtools-extension/developmentOnly";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import rootReducer from "./reducers";
import { init } from "./socket/socket";
// Initial state
const initialState = {};
// Middleware
const middleware = [thunk];
const store = createStore(
export default store;
Everything works fine on my local machine, but I'm now realizing after doing some research that this will not work on Google's app engine because instead of http://localhost:8080 I need to get the actual IP address from Google's metadata server and pass in EXTERNAL_IP + ":65080". So I'm able to get the external IP in my express app as follows:
function getExternalIp(cb) {
const request = axios.create({
headers: { "Metadata-Flavor": "Google" }
.get("/", (req, res) => {
return cb(res.data);
.catch(err => {
console.log("Error while talking to metadata server, assuming localhost");
return cb("localhost");
However, if I pass this value into my render function as seen below, React creates a prop to pass into components (as far as I understand from the info I could find):
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
getExternalIp(extIp => {
res.render(path.resolve(__dirname, "client", "build", "index.html"), {
externalIp: extIp
I am not able to access this value via the window global. So my question is, how do I access this external IP from my store initialization, since it is not an actual React component?
Thanks in advance.

socket io on sails js as API and node+react as Frontend

I have an API build using sailsjs and a react redux attach to a nodejs backend, and i am trying to implement socket.io for a realtime communication, how does this work?
is it
socket.io client on the react side that connects to a socket.io server on its nodejs backend that connects to a socket.io server on the API
socket.io client on the react side and on its nodejs backend that connects to a socket.io server on the API
i have tried looking around for some answers, but none seems to meet my requirements.
to try things out, i put the hello endpoint on my API, using the sailsjs realtime documentation, but when i do a sails lift i got this error Could not fetch session, since connecting socket has no cookie (is this a cross-origin socket?) i figure that i need to pass an auth code inside the request headers Authorization property.
Assuming i went for my #1 question, and by using redux-socket.io,
In my redux middleware i created a socketMiddleware
import createSocketIoMiddleware from 'redux-socket.io'
import io from 'socket.io-client'
import config from '../../../config'
const socket = io(config.host)
export default function socketMiddleware() {
return createSocketIoMiddleware(
() => next => (action) => {
const { nextAction, shuttle, ...rest } = action
if (!shuttle) {
return next(action)
const { socket_url: shuttleUrl = '' } = config
const apiParams = {
data: shuttle,
const nextParams = {
promise: api => api.post(apiParams),
return next(nextParams)
and in my redux store
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'
import createSocketIoMiddleware from 'redux-socket.io'
import rootReducers from '../reducer'
import socketMiddleware from '../middleware/socketMiddleware'
import promiseMiddleware from '../middleware/promiseMiddleware'
import config from '../../../config'
export default function configStore(initialState) {
const socket = socketMiddleware()
const promise = promiseMiddleware(new ApiCall())
const middleware = [
if (config.env !== 'production') {
const createStoreWithMiddleware = compose(...middleware)
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(createStore)(rootReducers, initialState)
return store
in my promiseMiddleware
export default function promiseMiddleware(api) {
return () => next => (action) => {
const { nextAction, promise, type, ...rest } = action
if (!promise) {
return next(action)
next({ ...rest, type: REQUEST })
function success(res) {
next({ ...rest, payload: res, type: SUCCESS })
if (nextAction) {
function error(err) {
next({ ...rest, payload: err, type: FAILURE })
if (nextAction) {
nextAction({}, err)
return promise(api)
.then(success, error)
.catch((err) => {
console.error('ERROR ON THE MIDDLEWARE: ', REQUEST, err) // eslint-disable-line no-console
next({ ...rest, payload: err, type: FAILURE })
my ApiCall
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import superagent from 'superagent'
const methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'del']
export default class ApiCall {
constructor() {
methods.forEach(method =>
this[method] = ({ params, data, shuttleUrl, savePath, mediaType, files } = {}) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = superagent[method](shuttleUrl)
if (params) {
if (data) {
request.end((err, { body } = {}) => err ? reject(body || err) : resolve(body))
All this relation between the middlewares and the store works well on regular http api call. My question is, am i on the right path? if i am, then what should i write on this reactjs server part to communicate with the api socket? should i also use socket.io-client?
You need to add sails.io.js at your node server. Sails socket behavior it's quite tricky. Since, it's not using on method to listen the event.
Create sails endpoint which handle socket request. The documentation is here. The documentation is such a pain in the ass, but please bear with it.
On your node server. You can use it like
import socketIOClient from 'socket.io-client'
import sailsIOClient from 'sails.io.js'
const ioClient = sailsIOClient(socketIOClient)
ioClient.sails.url = "YOUR SOCKET SERVER URL"
ioClient.socket.get("SAILS ENDPOINT WHICH HANDLE SOCKET", function(data) {
console.log('Socket Data', data);

localhost REST API request error ionic2 angular2

I am making a get/post request to my locally hosted REST API server in an Ionic 2 app. The errow below shows up afer a couple of seconds.
3 387557 group EXCEPTION: Response with status: 0 for URL: null
4 387558 error EXCEPTION: Response with status: 0 for URL: null
5 387558 groupEnd
6 387568 error Uncaught Response with status: 0 for URL: null, http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js, Line: 88826
I am able to make a successful curl request to the local server. Here is my code for reference.
var express = require("express");
var mysql = require("mysql");
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");
var SHA256 = require("sha256");
var rest = require("./REST.js");
var app = express();
function REST(){
var self = this;
REST.prototype.connectMysql = function() {
var self = this;
var pool = mysql.createPool({
connectionLimit : 100,
host : 'host',
user : 'user',
password : 'password',
database : 'database',
debug : false
if(err) {
} else {
REST.prototype.configureExpress = function(connection) {
var self = this;
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
var router = express.Router();
app.use('/api', router);
var rest_router = new rest(router,connection,SHA256);
REST.prototype.startServer = function() {
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log("All right ! I am alive at Port 3000. OKAY BUDDY");
REST.prototype.stop = function(err) {
console.log("ISSUE WITH MYSQL n" + err);
new REST();
var mysql = require("mysql");
function REST_ROUTER(router, connection, SHA256) {
var self = this;
self.handleRoutes(router, connection, SHA256);
REST_ROUTER.prototype.handleRoutes= function(router,connection,SHA256) {
res.json({'foo': 'bar'});
login.js (component)
import {Component} from '#angular/core';
import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {AuthProvider} from '../../providers/auth/auth';
Generated class for the LoginPage page.
See http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/components/#navigation for more info on
Ionic pages and navigation.
templateUrl: 'build/pages/login/login.html',
providers: [AuthProvider]
export class LoginPage {
static get parameters() {
return [[NavController], [AuthProvider]];
constructor(nav, AuthProvider) {
this.nav = nav;
this.authProvider = AuthProvider;
this.form = {};
login(form) {
this.authProvider.login(form).then(res => {
auth.js (provider)
import {Injectable} from '#angular/core';
import {Http, Headers, RequestOptions} from '#angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
Generated class for the Auth provider.
See https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/dependency-injection.html
for more info on providers and Angular 2 DI.
export class AuthProvider {
static get parameters(){
return [[Http]]
constructor(http) {
this.url = 'http://localhost:3000/api';
this.http = http;
login(form) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
I had the same problem, and was able to resolve it. I was serving my API on localhost:8000. When ionic makes a request to localhost or, I think it is blocked. I instead found my computer's IP address and hosted my webserver on and instead of hitting http://localhost:8000/api/my/endpoint I hit http://mycomputerip:8000/api/my/endpoint, and it worked!
You are trying to request empty URL bacause of typo in auth.js login function:
this.getUrl is not defined in your code samples. Easy fix:
