Peer fails to join the channel due to identity problems - hyperledger-fabric

I've created a network based on 2 organizations under one two CA's (one normal, and one for TLS certificates). There's one orderer and one peer per organization.
I run the network as binaries on separate virtual machines.
After I create identities for organizations, I add the signcert directory from the CA admin to their respective msp directories as admincerts. I then enroll the identities on their respective machines, and add the admincerts directory. I create the ordererchannel genesis block and run the orderer binary. Next I generate mychannel.tx sign it with the peer's identity and submit the channel creation transaction (as far as I know, admin privilages are needed to successfully run peer channel create). Then, with the same identity, I try to join my peer to mychannel with peer channel join,and I get this error:
Error: proposal failed (err: bad proposal response 500: access denied for [JoinChain][mychannel]: [Failed verifying that proposal's creator satisfies local MSP principal during channelless check policy with policy [Admins]: [This identity is not an admin]])
Which is weird, because I could create the channel without problems, so the identity I'm using must be an admin. This happens on both peers. I would appreciate some input on the issue.

JoinChannel checks that the submitter is an admin of the peer itself. Peer admin(s) is(are) stores in local MSP admincerts directory.


How to update (renewed) org's admin certificate in the channel config (which has expired org's admin certificate) - hyperledger fabric

I created a test network which has 2 orgs (each with one peer), 1 orderer in kubernetes using BAF. Orgs are joined in the channel called testchannel. Orderer msp, peer msp and tls certs expired within 1 day. Before it expired, I renewed all the certs using dcm tool and kept it in my local. First I updated the orderer tls cert in system channel and in application channel from orderer cli, by fetching the channel config, decoded, updated renewed orderer tls certs under consenters, encoded and updated the channel config using peer channel update command. I received a successfully submitted message.
Later replaced orderer msp, peer msp and tls certs in the vault and restarted all the services. When I checked the orderer logs, it didn't show any expiry error.
Now my network's previous certificate expired. Now it is using renewed certs. I am able to invoke and query transactions.
Now I want to add a new org called org3 to the existing (testchannel).
I created a new org (org3). When I tried to join that org to the channel, during peer channel update it failed. It shows the following error,
Error: got unexpected status: BAD_REQUEST -- error applying config update to existing channel 'testchannel': error authorizing update: error validating DeltaSet: policy for [Group] /Channel/Application not satisfied: implicit policy evaluation failed - 0 sub-policies were satisfied, but this policy requires 2 of the 'Admins' sub-policies to be satisfied
This error is because of wrong admin certs. Then only I found that during certificate renewal, I updated only orderer tls certs. But the channel config also contains each org's admin certs and cacerts. Now the channel config contains expired certs. But the orgs and vault contain renewed certs.
This is the cause for the above mentioned error.
Can anyone suggest a way to resolve this? How can we update org's admin certificate in the channel config which has expired certificate?
Thanks in advance......

Hyperledger Fabric NodeOUs with CA Server Failed validating bootstrap block. MSP manager failed

setting up the MSP manager failed: administrators must be declared when no admin ou classification is set.
CA Server seems fine. I register and enroll caadmin, orgadmin, ordereradmin. I create the genesis.block with orgadmin. orgadmin has admin in OU. orderer has OU=orderer.
It seems to use the config.yaml, as it gives a WARN on Failed loading ClientOU certificate. (Just a warning and not required, per the docs).
But even though I set the AdminOUIdentifier:
# Certificate: "cacerts/cacert.pem"
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "admin"
and the OrgAdmin has OU=admin in the subject, it errors and says no admin ou is set.
What am I missing?
The OU definition needs to be set like you are doing using config.yaml file. You need to define the OUs for every MSP in your channel, before creating the network. Then you start the network, such that the local MSPs (the MSP configurations of nodes: peers and orderers) also get this config.yaml in their MSP directories respectively.
This way, the NodeOUs will be enabled in the channel and the local MSPs of the nodes will also respect the same configuration.
If the NodeOUs are not set, then while creating the node containers, in the MSP directory that you mount inside the respective nodes, must have an admincerts sub-folder which will contain the certificate issued by the CA of that organization (or at least is a valid certificate in the chain of trust for that organization's MSP).
NOTE: If admincerts have been configured, i.e. the NodeOUs are disabled, then the Hyperledger Fabric network, will recognize only the identity of that organization holding the certificate present in the admincerts directory as the admin of that organization.

Hyperledger fabric join-channel: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [] creator org [Org1MSP]

New Peer is unable to join the channel.
I have created a new peer in an existing organization and when I am running
docker network inspect bridge I can see that new peer is part of the organization.
When I am trying this peer to join the channel (mychannel) it is throwing below error.
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [] creator org [Org1MSP]
In the above error, channel is an empty string while I am sending the mychannel as an argument.
I am using the join-channel script of balance transfer. It is working perfectly fine for the peers which created during the network creation.
Any idea why it is taking an empty string?
I figured out the reason.
Actually, the new peer is generated using different CA.
Previously I moved my organization's crypto-config directory to a different folder and then when I created new Peer it created new certificates for complete organization.
But I don't know the significance of the error as it must be different in this scenario.

Hyperledger Fabric - How to limit Org2 to install/instantiate/upgrade the chaincode to the channel?

My fabric network's consortium(in configtx.yaml) has two organizations: ORG1 and ORG2. ORG1 has 4 main peers and ORG2 has only 1 peer. ORG2 peer's only purpose is to have the copy of the ledger(for the auditing purpose).
They all joined the same channel and let's say ORG1's admin already installed/instantiated the chaincode version 0.1
Now, ORG2's admin will be also able to 'peer chaincode upgrade" to version 0.2 with the same chaincode name and when the proposal reaches one of the ORG1 peers, it will say something like :
endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"cannot retrieve package for chaincode [chaincode name]/0.2, error open /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/[chaincode name]/0.2: no such file or directory"
How we completely prevent ORG2 from upgrading the chaincode version? so that only ORG1's admin can perform the administrative operations?
I have searched the ACL, but it seems the administrative operations are not controlled by ACL settings.
After the research, we figured out we can set this on the instantiate policy on chaincode package.
please see below fabric document:
with the flag -i, you can set the instantiate policy when packing the chaincode. Then only the Org(s) allowed on the policy will be able to instantiate or upgrade the chaincode on the channel

If peers use the same chain code, is there any chance that Endorsement of Endorsement Policy will be different?

I will ask you thought Endorsement Policy example below
peer chaincode instantiate -C <channelid> -n mycc -P "AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')"
My understanding(Promise)
Org1.member or Org2.member refer to Peer.
The example means that Org1.member and Org2.member should have to get the same result as instantiating mycc.
If Org1.member and Org2.member have same chaincode, could their
result be different?
Are Org1.member and Org2.member refer to one peer of Organization?
(2-1. If so, does the peer be set on organization randomly?)
Can I use regular expressions like "AND('Org1.member > 10', 'Org2.member > 10')"
I hope you have referred to the fabric documentation on endorsement already. If not, then please find it here endorsement-policies
A principal is described in terms of the MSP that is tasked to validate the identity of the signer and of the role that the signer has within that MSP. Currently, two roles are supported: member and admin. Principals are described as MSP.ROLE, where MSP is the MSP ID that is required, and ROLE is either one of the two strings member and admin. Examples of valid principals are 'Org0.admin' (any administrator of the Org0 MSP) or 'Org1.member' (any member of the Org1 MSP).
AND (Org1.member, Org2.member) means that for successful endorsement, the transaction proposal response which is sent to Orderer ( from the client SDK) is expected to be signed by the member certificate of Peer of org1 and member certificate of the Peer of org2
It is possible to have different result if your chaincode is Non-Deterministic ( ie, say its getting current time etc and putState() ). So write sets can be different.
Org1.member & Org2.member are two different Peers. One peer belonging to Org1 and another peer belonging to Org2. [ You cannot have the Peer belonging to two organizations randomly ]
I am not sure. Please check the link of Fabric Documentation above.
