How do I compare two files in unix based on their columns - linux

I am fairly new to unix commands, but i have two .csv files where i would like to compare the first column either with diff or comm. Every line is different, if i were to compare the whole line, thats why i want to compare the first column in each file and then have the difference printed out in numbers where the landcode sould not be counted more than once. The first file has also has a header i want to skip when it compares.
sample from file1:
AND,Denver ,America,2020-07-26,897.0
ABW,Copenhagen Denmark,,2020-03-13,2.0
sample from file2:
AND,Denver ,America,2020-07-26,897.0
ABW,Copenhagen Denmark,,2020-03-13,5.0
ABW,Chil Ukrain,Aruba,2020-10-06,4449.0
The expected output should be "2", as there are two occurrences of the same land code in the two files. Duplicates of the contry code sould only be counted one time. That is why expected out should be 2 and not 3
I have tried multiple solutions:
awk 'NR==FNR{c[$1]++;next};c[$1] == 0' owid-covid-data-filtered.csv owid-covid-data.csv | wc -l
with the awk i get output: 1
diff owid-covid-data.csv owid-covid-data-filtered.csv |cut -d' ' -f1 owid-covid-data-filtered.csv| wc -l
overall i want the occurrences that are similar in both file1 and file2 column 1

From the condition c[$1] == 0 in the awk script from the question I assumed you want to print lines from file2 that contain a code that is not present in file1.
As it is clarified now, that you want to count the codes that are present in both files, see below at the end of the answer for the reverse check.
Slight modifications to your script will fix the problems:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR { if(NR!=1)c[$1]++; next} c[$1]++ == 0' file1 file2
Option -F , specifies comma (,) as field separator.
The condition if(NR!=1)c[$1]++; skips the header line in file1.
The post-increment operator in c[$1]++ == 0 will make the condition fail for the second or later occurrence of the same code in file2.
I omit the trailing | wc -l here to show the output lines.
I modified file2 to contain two lines with the same code in column 1 that is not present in file1.
With file2 shown here
ABW,North America,Aruba,2020-03-13,2.0
ABW,North America,Aruba,2020-10-06,4079.0
and file1 from the question I get this output:
(Only the first line with ALB is printed`.)
You can also implemente the counting in awk instead of using wc -l.
awk -F , 'NR==FNR { if(NR!=1)c[$1]++; next } c[$1]++ == 0 {count++} END {print count}' file1 file2
If you want to print the lines from file2 that contain a code that is present in file1, the script can be modified like this:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR { if(NR!=1)c[$1]++; next} c[$1] { c[$1]=0; print}' file1 file2
This prints
ABW,North America,Aruba,2020-03-13,2.0
(The first line with code ABW.)
Alternative solution as requested in a comment.
tail -n +2 file1|cut -f1 -d,|sort -u>code1
cut -f1 -d, file2|sort -u>code2
fgrep -vf code1 code2
rm code1 code2
Or combined in one command without using temporary files code1 and code2:
fgrep -f <(tail -n +2 file1|cut -f1 -d,|sort -u) <(cut -f1 -d, file2|sort -u)
Add | wc -l to count the lines instead of printing them.
tail -n +2 print everything starting from the 2nd line
cut -f1 -d, print the first field, delimited with ,
sort -u sort lines and remove duplicates
fgrep -f code1 code2 print all lines from code2 that contain any of the strings from code1

occurrences that are similar in both file1 and file2 column 1:
$ awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next}$1 in a' file1 file2
ABW,North America,Aruba,2020-03-13,2.0
ABW,North America,Aruba,2020-10-06,4079.0


why does grep produce this behavior with these files

I have two files in this format, although they have the same amount of columns, the actual files have significantly more rows.
Both files have the same amount of columns and rows, and are formatted exactly the same, to my knowledge. None of the files have an extension, so no .csv or .txt it's simply the file name. I wanted to compare each row in the files and output the count of the matching rows. So look at row 1 in file1 and then row 1 in file2 and if the match that gets a one and so forth.
To do this I've done grep -c -f file1 file2 in the past however, this time when I try to do it, grep never stops running, and it takes up an entire core. Now when I do grep -w -c -f file1 file2 I do get back a count of the matching lines in the files, however what is strange is if I change the order so if I do grep -w -c -f file2 file1 I get back a different number.
The actual files each have 2983 rows and 61 columns. For those files if I do grep -w -c -f file1 file2 I get back 2021 but if I do grep -w -c -f file2 file1 I get back 1950
Also if I do diff file1 file2 I get this output at the end of the other output \ No newline at end of file but if I do diff -w file1 file2 the no newline message is no longer returned.
If you want to find the common lines, use comm or grep -Fx
comm -12 file1 file2
grep -Fx -f file1 file2
You comment: "it worked the way I want it to. by adding a column with numbers that correspond to the line number"
So, you only want to match if line number N in file1 is the same as line number N in file2:
awk 'NR==FNR {line[FNR] = $0; next} $0 == line[FNR]' file1 file2
or with bash (this will likely be slower, but consume less memory):
while IFS= read -u3 -r line1; IFS= read -u4 -r line2; do
[ "$line1" = "$line2" ] && echo "$line1"
done 3<file1 4<file2
There is an excellent tool called diff designed for exactly this purpose:
diff -c file1 file2 #Difference
comm -1 -2 file1 file2 #Common
This will tell you matching lines, and also exactly specify where lines differ.

How to use sed and wc command to handle whitespace

If I have a CSV file and I want to know the number of columns, I'll use the following command:
head -1 CSVFile.csv | sed 's/,/\t/g' | wc -w
However, whenever each column has a column name with a space in it, the command doesn't work and gives me a nonsense figure.
What would be the way to edit this command such that it gives me the correct number of columns?
e.g. in my file I could have column name (t - ZK) or (e - 22)
For example my file could be (first 2 row);
ZZ(v - 1),Tat(t - 1000)
You are piping the sed output to wc -w which would return the number of words in the output. So if a field header contains spaces, those would be considered as different words.
You can use awk:
head -1 CSVFile.csv | awk -F, '{print NF}'
This would return the number of columns in the file (assuming the file is comma-delimited).
Maybe use the last line instead of the first. Change "head" to "tail". That would be a quick, easy solution.
Try using awk
awk -F, 'NR==1 {print NF; exit}' CSVFile.csv
If you wish to use chain of head, sed and wc
Try using sed replace deliminator as newline \n instead of tab \t and then count number of lines using wc -l instead of counting number of words with wc -w
head -1 CSVFile.csv | sed 's/,/\n/g' | wc -l
perl -ane 'print scalar(#F)-1 if($.==1)' your_file
Assuming there is no "," in header name (like field1,"Surname,name",field3, ...)
sed "1 s/[^,]//g;q" CSVFile.csv | wc -c
Could also be made only in sed but a bit heavy for counting.

unix - count of columns in file

Given a file with data like this (i.e. stores.dat file)
What would be a command to output the number of column names?
i.e. In the example above it would be 4. (number of pipe characters + 1 in the first line)
I was thinking something like:
awk '{ FS = "|" } ; { print NF}' stores.dat
but it returns all lines instead of just the first and for the first line it returns 1 instead of 4
awk -F'|' '{print NF; exit}' stores.dat
Just quit right after the first line.
This is a workaround (for me: I don't use awk very often):
Display the first row of the file containing the data, replace all pipes with newlines and then count the lines:
$ head -1 stores.dat | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
Unless you're using spaces in there, you should be able to use | wc -w on the first line.
wc is "Word Count", which simply counts the words in the input file. If you send only one line, it'll tell you the amount of columns.
You could try
cat FILE | awk '{print NF}'
Perl solution similar to Mat's awk solution:
perl -F'\|' -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat
I've tested this on a file with 1000000 columns.
If the field separator is whitespace (one or more spaces or tabs) instead of a pipe:
perl -lane 'print $#F+1; exit' stores.dat
If you have python installed you could try:
python -c 'import sys;f=open(sys.argv[1]);print len(f.readline().split("|"))' \
This is usually what I use for counting the number of fields:
head -n 1 | awk -F'|' '{print NF; exit}'
select any row in the file (in the example below, it's the 2nd row) and count the number of columns, where the delimiter is a space:
sed -n 2p text_file.dat | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l
Proper pure bash way
Simply counting columns in file
Under bash, you could simply:
IFS=\| read -ra headline <stores.dat
echo ${#headline[#]}
A lot quicker as without forks, and reusable as $headline hold the full head line. You could, for sample:
printf " - %s\n" "${headline[#]}"
- sid
- storeNo
- latitude
- longitude
Nota This syntax will drive correctly spaces and others characters in column names.
Alternative: strong binary checking for max columns on each rows
What if some row do contain some extra columns?
This command will search for bigger line, counting separators:
tr -dc $'\n|' <stores.dat |wc -L
If there are max 3 separators, then there are 4 fields... Or if you consider:
each separator (|) is prepended by a Before and followed by an After, trimed to 1 letter by word:
tr -dc $'\n|' <stores.dat|sed 's/./b&a/g;s/ab/a/g;s/[^ab]//g'|wc -L
Counting columns in a CSV file
Under bash, you may use csv loadable plugins:
enable -f /usr/lib/bash/csv csv
IFS= read -r line <file.csv
csv -a fields <<<"$line"
echo ${#fields[#]}
For more infos, see How to parse a CSV file in Bash?.
Based on Cat Kerr response.
This command is working on solaris
awk '{print NF; exit}' stores.dat
you may try:
head -1 stores.dat | grep -o \| | wc -l

extracting unique values between 2 sets/files

Working in linux/shell env, how can I accomplish the following:
text file 1 contains:
text file 2 contains:
I need to extract the entries in file 2 which are not in file 1. So '6' and '7' in this example.
How do I do this from the command line?
many thanks!
$ awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0]++; next} !($0 in a)' file1 file2
Explanation of how the code works:
If we're working on file1, track each line of text we see.
If we're working on file2, and have not seen the line text, then print it.
Explanation of details:
FNR is the current file's record number
NR is the current overall record number from all input files
FNR==NR is true only when we are reading file1
$0 is the current line of text
a[$0] is a hash with the key set to the current line of text
a[$0]++ tracks that we've seen the current line of text
!($0 in a) is true only when we have not seen the line text
Print the line of text if the above pattern returns true, this is the default awk behavior when no explicit action is given
Using some lesser-known utilities:
sort file1 > file1.sorted
sort file2 > file2.sorted
comm -1 -3 file1.sorted file2.sorted
This will output duplicates, so if there is 1 3 in file1, but 2 in file2, this will still output 1 3. If this is not what you want, pipe the output from sort through uniq before writing it to a file:
sort file1 | uniq > file1.sorted
sort file2 | uniq > file2.sorted
comm -1 -3 file1.sorted file2.sorted
There are lots of utilities in the GNU coreutils package that allow for all sorts of text manipulations.
I was wondering which of the following solutions was the "fastest" for "larger" files:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++}FNR!=NR && !a[$0]{print}' file1 file2 # awk1 by SiegeX
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++;next}!($0 in a)' file1 file2 # awk2 by ghostdog74
comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
join -v 2 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
grep -v -F -x -f file1 file2
Results of my benchmarks in short:
Do not use grep -Fxf, it's much slower (2-4 times in my tests).
comm is slightly faster than join.
If file1 and file2 are already sorted, comm and join are much faster than awk1 + awk2. (Of course, they do not assume sorted files.)
awk1 + awk2, supposedly, use more RAM and less CPU. Real run times are lower for comm probably due to the fact that it uses more threads. CPU times are lower for awk1 + awk2.
For the sake of brevity I omit full details. However, I assume that anyone interested can contact me or just repeat the tests. Roughly, the setup was
# Debian Squeeze, Bash 4.1.5, LC_ALL=C, slow 4 core CPU
$ wc file1 file2
321599 321599 8098710 file1
321603 321603 8098794 file2
Typical results of fastest runs
awk2: real 0m1.145s user 0m1.088s sys 0m0.056s user+sys 1.144
awk1: real 0m1.369s user 0m1.324s sys 0m0.044s user+sys 1.368
comm: real 0m0.980s user 0m1.608s sys 0m0.184s user+sys 1.792
join: real 0m1.080s user 0m1.756s sys 0m0.140s user+sys 1.896
grep: real 0m4.005s user 0m3.844s sys 0m0.160s user+sys 4.004
BTW, for the awkies: It seems that a[$0]=1 is faster than a[$0]++, and (!($0 in a)) is faster than (!a[$0]). So, for an awk solution I suggest:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]=1;next}!($0 in a)' file1 file2
How about:
diff file_1 file_2 | grep '^>' | cut -c 3-
This would print the entries in file_2 which are not in file_1. For the opposite result one just has to replace '>' with '<'. 'cut' removes the first two characters added by 'diff', that are not part of the original content.
The files don't even need to be sorted.
with grep:
grep -F -x -v -f file_1 file_2
here's another awk solution
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++;next}(!($0 in a))' file1 file2
$ cat file1 file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u
uniq -- report or filter out repeated lines in a file
... Repeated
lines in the input will not be detected if they are not adjacent, so
it may be necessary to sort the files first.
-u Only output lines that are not repeated in the input.
Print file1 twice to make sure all entries from file1 are skipped by uniq -u .
cat file1 file2 | sort -u > unique
If you are really set on doing this from the command line, this site (search for "no duplicates found") has an awk example that searches for duplicates. It may be a good starting point to look at that.
However, I'd encourage you to use Perl or Python for this. Basically, the flow of the program would be:
findUniqueValues(file1, file2){
contents1 = array of values from file1
contents2 = array of values from file2
foreach(value2 in contents2){
foreach(value1 in contents1){
if (value2 == value1) found=true
if(!found) print value2
This isn't the most elegant way of doing this, since it has a O(n^2) time complexity, but it will do the job.

How to count number of unique values of a field in a tab-delimited text file?

I have a text file with a large amount of data which is tab delimited. I want to have a look at the data such that I can see the unique values in a column. For example,
Red Ball 1 Sold
Blue Bat 5 OnSale
So, its like the first column has colors, so I want to know how many different unique values are there in that column and I want to be able to do that for each column.
I need to do this in a Linux command line, so probably using some bash script, sed, awk or something.
What if I wanted a count of these unique values as well?
Update: I guess I didn't put the second part clearly enough. What I wanted to do is to have a count of "each" of these unique values not know how many unique values are there. For instance, in the first column I want to know how many Red, Blue, Green etc coloured objects are there.
You can make use of cut, sort and uniq commands as follows:
cat input_file | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq
gets unique values in field 1, replacing 1 by 2 will give you unique values in field 2.
Avoiding UUOC :)
cut -f 1 input_file | sort | uniq
To count the number of unique occurences you can make use of wc command in the chain as:
cut -f 1 input_file | sort | uniq | wc -l
awk -F '\t' '{ a[$1]++ } END { for (n in a) print n, a[n] } ' test.csv
You can use awk, sort & uniq to do this, for example to list all the unique values in the first column
awk < test.txt '{print $1}' | sort | uniq
As posted elsewhere, if you want to count the number of instances of something you can pipe the unique list into wc -l
Assuming the data file is actually Tab separated, not space aligned:
<test.tsv awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq
Where $4 will be:
$1 - Red
$2 - Ball
$3 - 1
$4 - Sold
# COLUMN is integer column number
# INPUT_FILE is input file name
cut -f ${COLUMN} < ${INPUT_FILE} | sort -u | wc -l
Here is a bash script that fully answers the (revised) original question. That is, given any .tsv file, it provides the synopsis for each of the columns in turn. Apart from bash itself, it only uses standard *ix/Mac tools: sed tr wc cut sort uniq.
# Syntax: $0 filename
# The input is assumed to be a .tsv file
cols=$(sed -n 1p $FILE | tr -cd '\t' | wc -c)
cols=$((cols + 2 ))
for ((i=1; i < $cols; i++))
echo Column $i ::
cut -f $i < "$FILE" | sort | uniq -c
This script outputs the number of unique values in each column of a given file. It assumes that first line of given file is header line. There is no need for defining number of fields. Simply save the script in a bash file (.sh) and provide the tab delimited file as a parameter to this script.
awk '
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++){
for (item in arr[fname[fi]])
' $1
Execution Example:
bash> ./ <path to tab-delimited file>
Output Example
isRef A_15 C_42 G_24 T_18
isCar YEA_10 NO_40 NA_50
isTv FALSE_33 TRUE_66
