App services on azure seems to be very slow - azure

I am trying to track down when our frontend started to work that slow. Recently I created new app services within the same service plan.
so now I have six apps (2 frontend, 4 backend) running under same App Service plan using Basic pricing tier. Also, we use Kudu for deployments.
Could that be the reason? or how to look for the reason?
this is overview of that service plan
appreciating any ideas and suggestions

#user122222 This is a high CPU issue and not a slow request issue as others have pointed out.
An immediate action you can take is to scale up. If you are using a B1 instance in the basic tier, try to scale up to a B3, which will provide you with more CPU cores and RAM. See if that provides you relief. If so, then you likely need to remain at this instance level. At this point it would also be worth while to analyze your number of requests. You should scale up when you are running many sites or resource intensive sites and you should scale out when you are receiving a high number of requests.
My money is on the fact that you likely have an issue with your code that is causing a deadlock or similar. Your CPU usage graph is stuck at 100% usage over many hours. Even an overloaded ASP will see a few dips over the course of a few hours.
To troubleshoot high CPU usage, start by using the diagnose and solve problems blade in your app service plan. This is the same troubleshooting tool that a support engineer would use in a paid technical support case. Use it to troubleshoot high CPU (not slow requests as based on your screenshot, it would appear the CPU is the culprit of the slow requests).
This can tell you what app in the ASP is causing the issue and sometimes even tell you the process in that app that is causing the issue. Beyond this, I'd suggest creating and analyzing a memory dump of the problematic web app. More steps on how to do that here.

Please try to restart the worker instance.


How do I reduce cpu percentage in portal azure?

Right now my website is slow and when I see the xxxx-cd-hp it looks like picture below. CPU: 90, 36%. Is this still normal?
Apparently at certain times, CPU percentage increased. Maybe because many users have access
How can I solve this problem?
CPU time or process time is an indication of how much processing time on the CPU, a process has used since the process has started and CPU Percentage = Process time/Total CPU Time* 100
Suppose If the process has been running for 5 hours and the CPU time is 5 hours, and it is a single core machine, then that means that the process has been utilizing 100% of the resources of the CPU. This may either be a good or bad thing depending on whether you want to keep resource consumption low or want to utilize the entire power of the system.
App Service Diagnostics is an intelligent and interactive experience to help you troubleshoot your app with no configuration required. When you run into issues with your app, App Service Diagnostics points out what’s wrong to guide you to the right information to more easily troubleshoot and resolve issues. To access App Service diagnostics, navigate to your App Service web app in the Azure portal. In the left navigation, click on Diagnose and solve problems.

100% Memory usage on Azure App Service Plan with two Apps - working set used 10gb+

I've got an app service plan with 14gb of memory - it should be plenty for my application's needs. There are two application services running on it, each identical - the private memory consumption of these hovers around 1gb but can spike to 4gb during periods of high usage. One app has a heavier usage pattern than the other.
Lately, during periods of high usage, I've noticed that the heavily used service can become unresponsive, and memory usage stays at 100% in the App Service Plan.
The high traffic service is using 4gb of private memory and starting to massively slow down. When I head over to the /scm.../ProcessExplorer/ page, I can see that the low traffic service has 1gb private memory used and 10gb of 'Working Set'.
As I understand it, on a single machine at least, the working set should be freed up when that memory is needed on another process. Does this happen naturally when two App Services share a single Plan?
It looks to me like the working set on the low-traffic instance is not being freed up to supply the needs of the high-traffic App Service.
If this is indeed the case, the simple fix is to move them to separate App Service Plans, each with 7gb of memory. However this seems like it might potentially be just shifting the problem around - has anyone else noticed similar issues with multiple Apps on a single App Service Plan? As far as I understand it, these shouldn't interfere with one another to the extent that they all need to be separated. Or have I got the wrong diagnosis?
In some high memory-consumption scenarios, your app might truly require more computing resources. In that case, consider scaling to a higher service tier so the application gets all the resources it needs. Other times, a bug in the code might cause a memory leak. A coding practice also might increase memory consumption. Getting insight into what's triggering high memory consumption is a two-part process. First, create a process dump, and then analyze the process dump. Crash Diagnoser from the Azure Site Extension Gallery can efficiently perform both these steps. For more information.
refer Capture and analyze a dump file for intermittent high memory for Web Apps.
In the end we solved this one via mitigation, rather than getting to the root cause.
We found a mitigation strategy to our previous memory issues several months ago, which was just to restart the server each night using a powershell script. This seems to prevent the memory just building up over time, and only costs us a few seconds of downtime. Our system doesn't have much overnight traffic as our users are all based in the same geographic location.
However we recently found that the overnight restart was reporting 'success' but actually failing each night due to expired credentials. Which meant that the memory issues we were having in the question I posted were actually exacerbated by server uptimes of several weeks. Restoring the overnight restart resolved the memory issues we were seeing, and we certainly don't see our system ever using 10gb+ again.
We'll investigate the memory issues if they rear their heads again. KetanChawda-MSFT's suggestion of using memory dumps to analyse the memory usage will be employed for this investigation when it's needed.

What would cause high KUDU usage (and eventual 502 errors) on an Azure App Service Plan?

We have a number of API apps and WebApps on an Azure App Service P2v2 instance. We've been experiencing an amount of platform instability: the App Service becomes unhealthy and we get a rash of 502 errors across various of the Apps (different ones each time), attributable to very high CPU and Memory usage on the app service. We've tried scaling all the way up to P3v2, but whatever the issue is seems eventually to consume all resources available.
Whenever we've been able to trace a culprit among the apps, it has turned dout not to be the app itself but the Kudu service related to it.
A sample error message is High physical memory usage detected on multiple occasions. The kudu process for the app [sitename]'pe-services-color' is the most common cause of high memory usage. The most common cause of high memory usage for the kudu process is web jobs. where the actual app whose Kudu service is named changes quite frequently.
What could be causing the Kudu services to consume so much CPU/Memory, and what can we do to stabilise this app service?
Is it simply that we have too many apps running on one plan? This seems unlikely since all these apps ran previously on a single classic cloud service instance, but if so, what are the limits for apps and slots on a single plan?
(I have seen this question but the answer doesn't help)
From Azure support, these are apparently the limits on Small - Medium - Large non-shared app services:
Worker Size Max sites
Small 5 Medium 10 Large 20
with 'sites' comprising app services/api apps and their slots.
They seem ridiculously low, and make the larger App Service units highly uneconomic. Can anyone confirm these numbers?
(Incidentally, we found that turning off Always On across the board fixed the issue - it was only causing a problem on empty sites though - we haven't had a chance yet to see if performance is good with all the sites filled.)
High CPU and memory utilization would be mostly caused by your program/code itself. If there are lot of CPU intensive tasks and you applied lot of parallel programming that spawn lot of new threads can contribute to high cpu and memory utilization. So review your code and see such instances. When number of parallel threads increased cpu utilization goes high and it starts scaling up frequently that adds up your cost also sometime thread loss and unexpected results. As Azure resources costs are high you need to plan your performance accordingly.
You can monitor this using the Metrics option of the app service plan in the blade .

AspNet Core on Azure App Service peaks to 100% CPU and app gateway load balancer not working

We have few of our internal business services hosted on an isolated ASE in Azure.
These services run on a medium app service plan with 2 instances.
This environment has been in production and use for little more than a month now and has been performing fairly well apart from the occasional sudden CPU spike to 100% in one of the instance which bring down the services.
We don't have auto scaling setup but have 2 instances running all the time.
The services are `aspnetcore` webapi and the runtime is dotnet core 2.0.
Every time I have come across this issue in the last couple of weeks I have not been lucky enough to login to kudu and get a process dump to investigate further. The business are literally behind my back to get the service up and running as quick as possible and the easiest route is to restart one of the faulting service or swap slots with a pre-prod environment.
Access to the ASE are also restricted from our network and makes it all the more difficult for me to switch to a WiFi and then go through jump boxes to login to kudu, I had asked our Ops engineer to get me the dump when this issue is reported but he has not been listening to me either, mostly for the same reasons as me not able to do it myself.
All exceptions I can see in Application Insights are due to the service themselves going down and there are no exceptions there which can cause the issue in the first place(at least I've not found it yet)
This lead me to take few guess and look for metrics, the only thing raising my
suspicions is garbage collection. I don't see any sudden spike in GC graphs as well, each time the service is re started the graph is fairly a straight line(24 hours) but increases day by day and ends up like below.
But the working memory is a sinusoid graph letting me think there are no memory leaks. But is the above graph over 3 days normal?
The drop is when I restart the service. But all services have a similar trajectory even the one that has not gone down.
I am not sure if this is a problem with an individual service or an environment configuration I have overlooked.
The API endpoints are simple CRUD operations and publish events to a service bus topic after each operation. There is a static `HttpClient` instance used to fetch data from another service. Apart from that there are no unmanaged resources and the DB connections are always wrapped in `using` statements.
I understand I would need a process dump to investigate further but my biggest concern is why is the application gateway(load balancer) not sending traffic to the healthy instance. Because of the gateway going unhealthy cloudflare returns a `502` response to clients using the api.
MS support haven't been able to help and have not answered if we have our load balancers working correctly.
The average number of requests is about 50-60 per minute.
CPU runs at less than 10% apart this sudden surge.
It could be that the backend is pegged at 100% CPU and is unable to respond to Application Gateway health probes. When such an issue occurs, were you able to verify, using Backend health logs, the health state of your backends? If both backend instances were unhealthy, it would explain the 502s. If one of them was healthy and responding to probes, then new requests sent to Application Gateway would indeed flow to the healthy instance. If you suspect that is not the case then please reply back with subscription id, gateway name and approximate time window of incident for us to take a look.

Azure App Service Plan CPU spikes for no obvious reason

We're experiencing CPU spikes on our Azure App Service Plan for no obvious reason. Its not something that stops the service, but we'd like to have an understanding of when&how that kind of things happen.
For example, CPU percentage sits at 0-1% range for days but then all of the sudden it spikes to 98%, 45%, 60% and comes back to 0-1% range very quickly. Memory stays unchanged at comfortable 40-45% level, no incoming requests to it, no web jobs, nothing unusual in logs, no failures, service health ok, nothing we could point our finger to as a reason.
We tried to find out through kudu > support > analyze (metrics)...but we couldn't get request submited. It just keeps giving error to try later.
There is only one web app running in that app service plan, its a core 2.0. web api.
Could someone shed some light on this kind of behavior? Is this normal, expected? If so, why it happens? Is there a danger that it spikes to 90% and don't immediately come back?
Just, what's going on?
After speaking with MS support i've got an answer it is a normal behavior coming from their monitoring tool:
We reviewed our internal tools taking as starting point 12/26 and
today 12/29 and we could notice that this was majority System
processes doing background tasks, which is normal for each sandbox
environment. In your case, it was mostly MonAgentCore.exe fluctuating
in CPU which is our diagnostic log capturing process and this looks
like a very temporary spike and appears normal.
