Comparing elements from 2 list kotlin - android-studio

im having 2 list of different variable, so i want to compare and update the 'Check' value from list 2 if the 'Brand' from list 2 is found in list 1
-------------------- --------------------
| Name | Brand | | Brand | Check |
-------------------- --------------------
| vga x | Asus | | MSI | X |
| vga b | Asus | | ASUS | - |
| mobo x | MSI | | KINGSTON | - |
| memory | Kingston| | SAMSUNG | - |
-------------------- --------------------
so usually i just did
for(x in list1){
for(y in list2){
if(y.brand == x.brand){
y.check == true
is there any simple solution for that?

Since you're mutating the objects, it doesn't really get any cleaner than what you have. It can be done using any like this, but in my opinion is not any clearer to read:
list2.forEach { bar ->
bar.check = bar.check || list1.any { it.brand == bar.brand }
The above is slightly more efficient than what you have since it inverts the iteration of the two lists so you don't have to check every element of list1 unless it's necessary. The same could be done with yours like this:
for(x in list2){
for(y in list1){
if(y.brand == x.brand){
x.check = true

data class Item(val name: String, val brand: String)
fun main() {
val list1 = listOf(
Item("vga_x", "Asus"),
Item("vga_b", "Asus"),
Item("mobo_x", "MSI"),
Item("memory", "Kingston")
val list2 = listOf(
Item("", "MSI"),
Item("", "ASUS"),
Item("", "KINGSTON"),
Item("", "SAMSUNG")
// Get intersections
val intersections ={it.brand}.intersect({it.brand})
// Returns => [MSI]
// Has any intersections
val intersected ={it.brand}.any { it in{it.brand} }
// Returns ==> true
UPDATE: I just see that this isn't a solution for your problem. But I'll leave it here.


I get Key Error: "po5" after everything is done

vocar = list(car.keys())
def cal(car,vocar,inter):
while len(car)!=1:
for inter in range(len(car)):
if car.get(vocar[inter],0)=="+":
elif car.get(vocar[inter],0)=="-":
I keep getting a key error even if I get what I wanted, which is {'po1': 47}.
But after everything is done, it gives me a key error. Please help!
At first:
while len(car)!=1
You pop item from car and try to make a recursion function then you can use:
if not car:
for inter in range(len(car)):
# ....
When you make a loop like this:
for inter in range(len(car))
that means:
| loop | inter |
| 1 | 0 | car => [X, X, X ,X ,X]
| 2 | 1 | car => [X, X, X ,X]
| 3 | 2 | car => [X, X, X] ! ERR !
| 4 | 3 |
| 5 | 4 |
in loop 3 you have an error (maybe ;))
you can use the main dict:
for inter in car:
According above, You didn't need vocar anymore:
if car.get(inter,0)=="+":
"po1" is str and "po2" is int then you can't use + operator between int and int.
dictionaries are unordered
That means, every time you run it, item arrangments may be changed! so I change it:
car = [("po1",50), ("po2","-"),("po3",15),("po4","+"),("po5",12)]
We changed car then we can do this:
if inter[1] == "+":
car[head-1] = (inter[0], car[head-1][1]+car[head+1][1])
finally, we MUST remove car[head+1] at first and then remove car[inter].
car = [("po1",50), ("po2","-"),("po3",15),("po4","+"),("po5",12)]
def cal(car):
head = 0
if not car:
for inter in car:
if inter[1] == "+":
car[head-1] = (inter[0], car[head-1][1]+car[head+1][1])
elif inter[1] =="-":
car[head-1] = (inter[0], car[head-1][1]-car[head+1][1])
head += 1
return car[0][1]

processing network packets in spark in a stateful manner

I would like to use Spark to parse network messages and group them into logical entities in a stateful manner.
Problem Description
Let's assume each message is in one row of an input dataframe, depicted below.
| row | time | raw payload |
| 1 | 10 | TEXT1; |
| 2 | 20 | TEXT2;TEXT3; |
| 3 | 30 | LONG- |
| 4 | 40 | TEXT1; |
| 5 | 50 | TEXT4;TEXT5;L |
| 6 | 60 | ONG |
| 7 | 70 | -TEX |
| 8 | 80 | T2; |
The task is to parse the logical messages in the raw payload, and provide them in a new output dataframe. In the example each logical message in the payload ends with a semicolon (delimiter).
The desired output dataframe could then look as follows:
| row | time | message |
| 1 | 10 | TEXT1; |
| 2 | 20 | TEXT2; |
| 3 | 20 | TEXT3; |
| 4 | 30 | LONG-TEXT1; |
| 5 | 50 | TEXT4; |
| 6 | 50 | TEXT5; |
| 7 | 50 | LONG-TEXT2; |
Note that some messages rows do not yield a new row in the result (e.g. rows 4, 6,7,8), and some yield even multiple rows (e.g. rows 2, 5)
My questions:
is this a use case for UDAF? If so, how for example should i implement the merge function? i have no idea what its purpose is.
since the message ordering matters (i cannot process LONGTEXT-1, LONGTEXT-2 properly without respecting the message order), can i tell spark to parallelize perhaps on a higer level (e.g. per calendar day of messages) but not parallelize within a day (e.g. events at time 50,60,70,80 need to be processed in order).
follow up question: is it conceivable that the solution will be usable not just in traditional spark, but also in spark structured streaming? Or does the latter require its own kind of stateful processing method?
Generally, you can run arbitrary stateful aggregations on spark streaming by using mapGroupsWithState of flatMapGroupsWithState. You can find some examples here. None of those though will guarantee that the processing of the stream will be ordered by event time.
If you need to enforce data ordering, you should try to use window operations on event time. In that case, you need to run stateless operations instead, but if the number of elements in each window group is small enough, you can use collectList for instance and then apply a UDF (where you can manage the state for each window group) on each list.
ok i figured it out in the meantime how to do this with an UDAF.
class TagParser extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
override def inputSchema: StructType = StructType(StructField("value", StringType) :: Nil)
override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
StructField("parsed", ArrayType(StringType)) ::
StructField("rest", StringType)
:: Nil)
override def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(StringType)
override def deterministic: Boolean = true
override def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
buffer(0) = IndexedSeq[String]()
buffer(1) = null
def doParse(str: String, buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
buffer(0) = IndexedSeq[String]()
val prevRest = buffer(1)
var idx = -1
val strToParse = if (prevRest != null) prevRest + str else str
do {
val oldIdx = idx;
idx = strToParse.indexOf(';', oldIdx + 1)
if (idx == -1) {
buffer(1) = strToParse.substring(oldIdx + 1)
} else {
val newlyParsed = strToParse.substring(oldIdx + 1, idx)
buffer(0) = buffer(0).asInstanceOf[IndexedSeq[String]] :+ newlyParsed
buffer(1) = null
} while (idx != -1)
override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row): Unit = {
if (buffer == null) {
doParse(input.getAs[String](0), buffer)
override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = buffer(0)
Here a demo app the uses the above UDAF to solve the problem from above:
case class Packet(time: Int, payload: String)
object TagParserApp extends App {
val spark, sc = ... // kept out for brevity
val df = sc.parallelize(List(
Packet(10, "TEXT1;"),
Packet(20, "TEXT2;TEXT3;"),
Packet(30, "LONG-"),
Packet(40, "TEXT1;"),
Packet(50, "TEXT4;TEXT5;L"),
Packet(60, "ONG"),
Packet(70, "-TEX"),
Packet(80, "T2;")
val tp = new TagParser
val window = Window.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
val df2 = df.withColumn("msg", tp.apply(df.col("payload")).over(window))
this yields:
|time| payload| msg|
| 10| TEXT1;| [TEXT1]|
| 20| TEXT2;TEXT3;|[TEXT2, TEXT3]|
| 30| LONG-| []|
| 40| TEXT1;| [LONG-TEXT1]|
| 50|TEXT4;TEXT5;L|[TEXT4, TEXT5]|
| 60| ONG| []|
| 70| -TEX| []|
| 80| T2;| [LONG-TEXT2]|
the main issue for me was to figure out how to actually apply this UDAF, namely using this:
df.withColumn("msg", tp.apply(df.col("payload")).over(window))
the only thing i need now to figure out are the aspects of parallelization (which i only want to happen where we do not rely on ordering) but that's a separate issue for me.

Excel Power Query from Json with missing fields

I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to get around missing full row errors when having a list of json objects which have optional fields, like this example:
Source = Json.Document("[
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42, ""email"": ""something""},
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42 }]"),
Tabled = Table.FromRecords(Source)
That gives me a big fat error on the second row:
# | name | age | email |
1 | Peter | 42 | something |
2 | Error | Error | Error |
Expression.Error: The field 'email' of the record wasn't found.
But I really just wan't it to "ignore" that, so I get something like:
# | name | age | email |
1 | Peter | 42 | something |
2 | Peter | 42 | |
Ok so managed to find a solution that is ok for now in my case, although i think a better one could certainly be made as it is a bit crude...
Source = Json.Document("[
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42, ""email"": ""something""},
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42 }]"),
Transformed = List.Transform(Source, each Record.TransformFields(_, {
{ "email", Text.Trim },
{ "name", Text.Trim },
{ "age", Int64.From }
}, MissingField.UseNull)),
Tabled = Table.FromRecords(Transformed)
Which yields
# | name | age | email |
1 | Peter | 42 | something |
2 | Peter | 42 | null |
(null goes away when applied to a sheet)
Ideally something that would require far less "code" would be ideal, but for now this will do.
If anyone has any better solutions feel free to share >.<
Table.FromRecords() stop parse when missing fields, use Table.FromList() instead.
Try below, you can use expand menu genereate table2 code.
Source = Json.Document("[
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42, ""email"": ""something""},
{ ""name"": ""Peter"", ""age"": 42 }]"),
table1 = Table.FromList(Source,Splitter.SplitByNothing(),null,null,ExtraValues.Error),
table2 = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(table1, "Column1", {"name", "age", "email"}, {"", "Column1.age", ""})

Cannot resolve constructor 'Stage(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.Viewport,'

I am beginner in libgdx . When trying to make a game I get this error in Android Studio :
Error:(39, 16) Gradle: error: no suitable constructor found for
Stage(Viewport,SpriteBatch) constructor Stage.Stage() is not
applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor Stage.Stage(StageStyle) is not applicable (actual and
formal argument lists differ in length)
public class Hud {
| public Stage stage;
| private Viewport viewport;
| private Integer worldTimer;
| private float timeCount;
| private Integer score;
| Label countdownLabel;
| Label scoreLabel;
| Label timeLabel;
| Label levelLabel;
| Label worldLabel;
| Label snakeLabel;
| public Hud(SpriteBatch sb) {
| | worldTimer = 300;
| | timeCount = 0;
| | score = 0;
| |
| | viewport = new FitViewport(Snake.V_WIDTH, Snake.V_HEIGHT, new OrthographicCamera());
| | stage = new Stage(viewport,sb);
| }
Here is the error:
stage = new Stage(viewport,sb);
I searched the internet some solution but I have not found anything. I'm a little lost.
Excuse me for my bad english :)
I hope you can help me . I will be grateful.
You have the wrong Stage class imported, it should be:
But you probably have this or some other package:

How to add an increasing integer ID to items in a Spark DStream

I am developing a Spark Streaming application where I want to have one global numeric ID per item in my data stream. Having an interval/RDD-local ID is trivial:
This will result in a DStream like:
// key: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 || 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || 0
// val: a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i || j | k | l | m | n || o
(where the double bar || indicates the beginning of a new RDD).
What I finally want to have is:
// key: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 || 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 || 14
// val: a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i || j | k | l | m | n || o
How can I do that in a safe and performant way?
This seems like a trivial task, but I feel it very hard to preserve state (state = "number of items seen so far") between RDDs. Here are two approaches I tried, updating the number of seen so far (plus the number in the current interval) using updateStateByKey with a bogus key:
val intervalItemCounts = inputStream.count().map((1, _))
// intervalItemCounts looks like:
// K: 1 || 1 || 1
// V: 9 || 5 || 1
val updateCountState: (Seq[Long], Option[ItemCount]) => Option[ItemCount] =
(itemCounts, maybePreviousState) => {
val previousState = maybePreviousState.getOrElse((0L, 0L))
val previousItemCount = previousState._2
Some((previousItemCount, previousItemCount + itemCounts.head))
val totalNumSeenItems: DStream[ItemCount] = intervalItemCounts.
// totalNumSeenItems looks like:
// V: (0,9) || (9,14) || (14,15)
// The first approach uses a cartesian product with the
// 1-element state DStream. (Is this performant?)
val increaseRDDIndex1: (RDD[(Long, Char)], RDD[ItemCount]) =>
RDD[(Long, Char)] =
(streamData, totalCount) => {
val product = streamData.cartesian(totalCount) => {
val ((localIndex: Long, data: Char),
(offset: Long, _)) = dataAndOffset
(localIndex + offset, data)
val globallyIndexedItems1: DStream[(Long, Char)] = inputStream.
transformWith(totalNumSeenItems, increaseRDDIndex1)
// The second approach uses a take() output operation on the
// 1-element state DStream beforehand. (Is this valid?? Will
// the closure be serialized and shipped in every interval?)
val increaseRDDIndex2: (RDD[(Long, Char)], RDD[ItemCount]) =>
RDD[(Long, Char)] = (streamData, totalCount) => {
val offset = totalCount.take(1).head._1 => (keyValue._1 + offset, keyValue._2))
val globallyIndexedItems2: DStream[(Long, Char)] = inputStream.
transformWith(totalNumSeenItems, increaseRDDIndex2)
Both approaches give the correct result (with local[*] master), but I am wondering about performance (shuffle etc.), whether it works in a truly distributed environment and whether it shouldn't be a lot easier than that...
