How to display default text when translation is missing using jhiTranslate - jhipster

in JHipster application I want to display a default text within a html element when a translation is missing.
I use angular ngFor directive to display elements in an array, some of which have a translation and some of which are inserted by a user, and therefore have no translation in i18n json. I couldn't find any documentation that explained how to use jhiTranslate
I was thinking about syntax like this
<div jhiTranslate="example.1">Default Text</div>
and if this particular translation was missing a "Default Text" would be shown. for now it shows "translation-not-found[example.1]".
Is there a way to achieve this using jhiTranslate?


Docusign API - Setting margins for HTML documents

I'm working on integrating a PHP app with the DocuSign REST API. I'm creating new documents from HTML, similar to document 1 in the example here. The structure comes through just fine, but the margins on the resulting document are way too wide for my purposes, and I can't find a way to set them to a custom value. It seems to ignore the margins on my HTML body and just set it to a default of 1 inch.
Normally if you create a document using a pdf for example, the custom margins on the pdf would be used, so it seems like there should be some way to do this for HTML. Am I missing something?
I would try a negative value for the outermost div's margin value. Eg
<div style="margin:-2em;">
<p>Blah blah blah</p>

Kentico 9 search result transformation

We've noticed a bug when looking at French search results. in the CMS Desk, i've kept the Page Name in English for the French content. The issue is, these are showing on the French results page.
in the transformation, based off the default one, I present the clickable title like this:
<a href='<%# SearchResultUrl() %>' data-type="title" target="_blank" ><%#SearchHighlight(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(CMS.ExtendedControls.ControlsHelper.RemoveDynamicControls(DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(Eval("Title"), ""))), "<span class='highLight'>", "</span>")%></a>
Here's my thinking, if the Menu Caption is filled out, use that rather than title. How do i output DocumentMenuCaption without adjust the search fields on the menu page type?
I think my logic is, check if DocumentMenuCaption is emtpy, if it use, use Title.
You should be able to continue using GetNotEmpty and just pass in the DocumentMenuCaption first, something like this:
<%# GetNotEmpty(GetSearchValue("DocumentMenuCaption");Eval("Title")) %>
You may or may not need the "GetSearchValue" function, but that allows you to grab values from the object that may not be available in the default set of columns for the search results.
Alternatively, you should be able to use the IfEmpty() method:
<%# IfEmpty(GetSearchValue("DocumentMenuCaption"), Eval("Title"), GetSearchValue("DocumentMenuCaption")) %>
Both transformation methods taken from here (double check syntax on "GetNotEmpty" as there are different ways it's implemented:
You can read more about the search transformations here:

HTML Agility pack + Select node by its inner text

I have gotten the hang of using the html agility pack to find specific nodes using their attributes and xpaths. The problem is, I've been doing this manually for each of my projects (opening the website html and scanning for the nodes that have the text i need). Is there a way to select a single node by its inner text? This would make it easier to write an update script for websites whose content scheme is the same, but attribute tags change values over time. Thanks in advance!
Would be better if you have provided sample HTML, but since you haven't, let's assume we have HTML containing this markup :
<div class="foo">bar</div>
You can select the <div> by it's attribute using HtmlAgilityPack's SelectSingleNode() and XPath like so :
or you can select the same by the inner text like so :
Hope this help.

Dynamic database search result on a website

This question regards website programming. My primary languages are c++/c# and I don't know much about web development, except that say I understand html and css. That's why I'm looking for a relatively simple solution, preferably something out of the box. I don't have any experience with JavaScript, but for the sake of this project I'm willing to learn it if necessary.
Let's say I have a database, where each entry is about a book. It contains the fields: title, author(s) and publication date.
I would like to create a simple website with a search box that has this dynamic result feature, so that you get suggestions after you type in a few letters. All those suggestions, as well as search results, need to be based purely on the database.
This could be a static website or based on any Content Management System, I'm familiar with Joomla, but was unable to find an out-of-the box component that would do just that. All those search modules search the entire website and I only need to search the database.
Probably I can help you with how to implement this feature. We used to call this feature as autocomplete menu.
First you decide minimum characters to populate autocomplete menu. For example 2
By using javascript you write keyup event. Once the characters count reaches to the minimum character count. You send AJAX request to the server.
The server should process this request and do the database search and form a json or xml response or plain text to the client.
The client parses that response into javascript object and construct a dynamic html for autocomplete menu with the data and render it into the DOM hence display's just below the search text box.
Now if you want to display the first result inside the textbox as you type. Here is the method I can suggest as similar as google search box
Place one label or span just below the input text box. By using css make its position exactly match with the position of the text box. Make sure the starting of text of both input text and label matches. Make the text color of the label less brighter than the font color of text. The font size and font family of the label should match the input text field's style. Now by using Javascript display the first or most matched text inside the label. Please find the sample code below
<!DOCTYPE html>
label {
body, input {
font-family: 'verdana';
font-size: 12px;
<form action="demo_form.asp">
<input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="Matched Text" /><br>
<label> Matched Text</label><br>

Symfony TinyMCE Implementation

I have a small issue implementing TinyMCE into a Symfony project. I get the text editor to come up and save rich text to a database field. But when I go to "echo" it on a page, I get all the HTML tags instead of the rich text itself. Is there a special way that I need to "echo" this so that it parses the html? I also want it so that when people manually type in html tags, that they are displayed as regular text (to avoid people people adding hyperlinks and other unwanted things to their posts). Here is what displays:
<p>Test</p> <p><strong>Bold Test</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Underline Text</strong></span></p>
Instead of this:
Test Bold Test Underline Text
Symfony2 uses output escaping for security. You can read about it here:
To echo a variable without escaping it you can do this:
{{ article.body|raw }}
In order to clean up and restrict which tags can be used you will want to use HTMLPurifier which has a bundle here:
For Symfony 1.4
Symfony 1.4 has similar output escaping. You can get the raw data with:
or if it's a method on an object you can add ESC_RAW as a parameter to the method call (warning: symfony will do some magic here)
more on 1.4 output escaping here
