Using a variable hangs build process when accessed via import - node.js

GitHub discussion w/ solution:
I'm building a full-stack app and I'm using Prisma and Web3. As part of Prisma's build process I use yarn generate to compile the schema. I've run into some strange issue where my program is hanging on a return statement.
// ./modules/Wallet.ts
import Web3 from 'web3'
// create a Web3 connection
export const web3 = new Web3(
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? 'wss://'
: 'wss://'
// load an Ethereum wallet from a private key (env var)
const envWallet = () => {
if (!process.env.ETH_PRIVATE_KEY) {
const _wallet = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(process.env.ETH_PRIVATE_KEY!)
// successfully logs the loaded wallet on `yarn generate`
// Issue: `yarn generate` hangs on this line
return _wallet
// initialize the wallet
const wallet = envWallet()
// get the address of the wallet
export const getAddress = () => {
return wallet.address
// ./types/Query.ts
// If I omit this file from the schema, it will compile successfully
import { queryType } from '#nexus/schema'
import { getAddress } from '../modules/Wallet'
console.log('Test 1') // logged after the console.log(_wallet)
const Query = queryType({
definition(t) {
// simply a GraphQL query that returns the address of the loaded wallet
t.string('getAddress', {
nullable: true,
resolve: (root, args, ctx) => {
console.log('Test 2') // never hits
const address = getAddress()
console.log('Test 3') // never hits
return address
export default Query


Error: Module name "cassandra-driver" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])

I am using datastax cassandra-driver to make a database.
This is connect-database:
import { require } from "./requirejs.mjs";
export async function run() {
const { Client } = require("cassandra-driver");
const client1 = new Client({
cloud: {
get secureConnectBundle(){
return ""}
credentials: {
get username(){
return "<my username>"},
get password(){
return "<my password>"}
await client1.connect();
const rs = await client1.execute("SELECT * FROM feud.users");
const results = await client1.execute("update feud.users set score=250 where id=1")
console.log(`Your cluster returned ${rs.rowLength} row(s)`);
await client1.shutdown();
This is main.js:
import { run } from "./connect-database.mjs";
When I run connect-database.mjs, it works, but when I run main.js it gives me error "Uncaught Error Error: Module name "cassandra-driver" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])"
When I change the format to be require[], it says "Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Client is not a constructor"
Please help
If you're using a custom require in order to require cassandra-driver, you don't need to do that. Client function is exposed using module.exports in cassandra-driver so you can use a simple import.
An example that worked for me:
import { Client } from 'cassandra-driver';
import { inspect } from 'util';
const client = new Client({
contactPoints: ['cp'],
localDataCenter: 'dc1',
keyspace: 'ks'
const query = '<query>';
.then(result => console.log('User with email %s', result.rows[0].some_data,));

How to override url for RTK query

I'm writing pact integration tests which require to perform actual call to specific mock server during running tests.
I found that I cannot find a way to change RTK query baseUrl after initialisation of api.
it('works with rtk', async () => {
// ... setup pact expectations
const reducer = {
[rtkApi.reducerPath]: rtkApi.reducer,
// proxy call to configureStore()
const { store } = setupStoreAndPersistor({
enableLog: true,
rootReducer: reducer,
isProduction: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const dispatch = store.dispatch as any;
// sleep for 1 second
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
const data = store.getState().api;
expect(data.queries['GetModules(undefined)']).toEqual({modules: []});
Base api
import { createApi } from '#reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';
import { graphqlRequestBaseQuery } from '#rtk-query/graphql-request-base-query';
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
export const client = new GraphQLClient('http://localhost:12355/graphql');
export const api = createApi({
baseQuery: graphqlRequestBaseQuery({ client }),
endpoints: () => ({}),
query is very basic
query GetModules {
modules {
I tried digging into customizing baseQuery but were not able to get it working.

How to mock #google-cloud/kms using jest

I'm trying to write unit test cases for decrypt. I've my own implementation of decrypting an encrypted file. While trying to import the decrypt.mjs facing the following error.
Must use import to load ES Module: /node_modules/bignumber.js/bignumber.mjs
My application is a react frontend and NodeJS backend. I've used ES6 modules for NodeJS. Here is my decrypt.mjs file
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
import path from 'path';
import { KeyManagementServiceClient } from '#google-cloud/kms';
const decrypt = async (APP_MODE, __dirname) => {
const keys = await readFile(
new URL(`./stagingfile.json`, import.meta.url)
).then((data) => JSON.parse(data));
return keys;
const { projectId, locationId, keyRingId, cryptoKeyId, fileName } =
const ciphertext = await readFile(
path.join(__dirname, `/${fileName}`)
const formattedName = client.cryptoKeyPath(
const request = {
name: formattedName,
const client = new KeyManagementServiceClient();
const [result] = await client.decrypt(request);
return JSON.parse(result.plaintext.toString('utf8'));
const getKMSDefaults = (APP_MODE) => {
//Based on APP_MODE the following object contains different values
return {
projectId: PROJECT_ID,
locationId: LOCATION_ID,
keyRingId: KEY_RING_ID,
cryptoKeyId: CRYPTO_KEY_ID,
fileName: FILE_NAME,
export default decrypt;
I tried to mock the #google-cloud/kms using manual mock (jest) but it didn't work. I tried multiple solutions to mock but nothing worked and it ended with the Must use import to load ES Module error.
I've had successfully used jest to mock #google-cloud/kms with TypeScript, so hopefully this will be the same process for ES modules that you can use.
Example working code:
// jest will "hoist" jest.mock to top of the file on its own anyway
jest.mock("#google-cloud/kms", () => {
return {
KeyManagementServiceClient: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
encrypt: kmsEncryptMock,
decrypt: kmsDecryptMock,
cryptoKeyPath: () => kmsKeyPath,
// give names to mocked functions for easier access in tests
const kmsEncryptMock = jest.fn();
const kmsDecryptMock = jest.fn();
const kmsKeyPath = `project/location/keyring/keyname`;
// import of SUT must be after the variables used in jest.mock() are defined, not before.
import { encrypt } from "../../src/crypto/google-kms";
describe("Google KMS encryption service wrapper", () => {
const plaintext = "some text to encrypt";
const plaintextCrc32 = 1897295827;
it("sends the correct request to kms service and raise error on empty response", async () => {
// encrypt function is async that throws a "new Error(...)"
await expect(encrypt(plaintext)).rejects.toMatchObject({
message: "Encrypt: no response from KMS",
expect(kmsEncryptMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, {
name: kmsKeyPath,
plaintext: Buffer.from(plaintext),
plaintextCrc32c: { value: plaintextCrc32 },

Mocha, Supertest and Mongo Memory server, cannot setup hooks properly

I have a Nodejs, Express server that uses Mongodb as the Database. I am trying to write some tests but I cannot get it configured properly. I need to create a mongoose connection for each block ( .test.ts file) once and then clean up the db for the other tests. Depending on how I approach this I get two different behaviours. But first my setup.
import { suite, test, expect } from "../utils/index";
import expressLoader from "#/loaders/express";
import { Logger } from "winston";
import express from "express";
import request from "supertest";
import { UserAccountModel } from "#/models/UserAccount";
import setup from "../setup";
import { app } from "#/server";
let loggerMock: Logger;
describe("POST /api/user/account/", function () {
it("it should have status code 200 and create an user account", async function () {
const userCreateRequest = {
email: "",
userId: "testUserId",
await request(app)
const cnt: number = await UserAccountModel.count();
And my other test post.repository.test.ts
import { suite, test, expect } from "../../utils/index";
import { PostModel } from "#/models/Posts/Post";
import PostRepository from "#/repositories/posts.repository";
import { PostType } from "#/interfaces/Posts";
import { Logger } from "winston";
class PostRepositoryTests {
private loggerMock: Logger;
private SUT: PostRepository = new PostRepository({});
#test async "Should create two posts"() {
const given = {
id: "jobId123",
await this.SUT.CreatePost(given);
const cnt: number = await PostModel.count();
And my setup
import { MongoMemoryServer } from "mongodb-memory-server";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
export = () => {
let mongoServer: MongoMemoryServer;
before(function () {
return MongoMemoryServer.create().then(function (mServer) {
mongoServer = mServer;
const mongoUri = mongoServer.getUri();
return mongoose.connect(mongoUri);
after(function () {
return mongoose.disconnect().then(function () {
return mongoServer.stop(true);
With the above setup I get
1) "before all" hook in "{root}":
MongooseError: Can't call `openUri()` on an active connection with different connection strings. Make sure you aren't calling `mongoose.connect()` multiple times. See:
But if I don't import the setup.ts and I rename it to setup.test.ts, then it works but the data isn't cleared after each run so I actually have 10 new users created instead of 1. Every time I run it, it works and doesn't clear the data after it's finished.
Also I have a big issue where the tests hang and don't seem to finish. I am guessing that is because of the async, await in the tests or because of the hooks hanging.
What I want to happen is:
Each test should have it's own setup, the mongo memory server should be clean every time.
The tests should use async and await and not hang.
Somehow export the setup from 1) as a utility function so that I can reuse it in my code

Using with React and Google App Engine

I've created a Node(express)/React app that uses and Redux's store as follows:
import io from "";
import * as types from "../actions/types";
import { cancelReview, startReview } from "./actions";
const socket = io("http://localhost:8080", {
transports: ["websocket"]
export const init = store => {
socket.on("connect", () => {
console.log("websocket connection successful...");
socket.on("cancelReview", (id, name) => {
cancelReview(store, id, name);
socket.on("startReview", (id, name) => {
startReview(store, id, name);
This function is then called from store.js as follows:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { composeWithDevTools } from "redux-devtools-extension/developmentOnly";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import rootReducer from "./reducers";
import { init } from "./socket/socket";
// Initial state
const initialState = {};
// Middleware
const middleware = [thunk];
const store = createStore(
export default store;
Everything works fine on my local machine, but I'm now realizing after doing some research that this will not work on Google's app engine because instead of http://localhost:8080 I need to get the actual IP address from Google's metadata server and pass in EXTERNAL_IP + ":65080". So I'm able to get the external IP in my express app as follows:
function getExternalIp(cb) {
const request = axios.create({
headers: { "Metadata-Flavor": "Google" }
.get("/", (req, res) => {
return cb(;
.catch(err => {
console.log("Error while talking to metadata server, assuming localhost");
return cb("localhost");
However, if I pass this value into my render function as seen below, React creates a prop to pass into components (as far as I understand from the info I could find):
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
getExternalIp(extIp => {
res.render(path.resolve(__dirname, "client", "build", "index.html"), {
externalIp: extIp
I am not able to access this value via the window global. So my question is, how do I access this external IP from my store initialization, since it is not an actual React component?
Thanks in advance.
