What is context_today? - odoo-13

Does anyone know about context_today? I have seen it on sales module. sale.py file.
record.remaining_validity_days = (record.validity_date - fields.Date. context_today (record)). days + 1

Its returns the current date as seen in the clients timezone.


Error message "cannot find function getFullYear(...)" when entering date and trying to save the record

We are trying in a RESTLet to access the sublist "demandplandetail" from a NetSuite Item Demand Plan. Everything goes fine until a certain point. We are able to load it and process the demandplan for 2020. However, here it gets frustrating.
We know (can see from NetSuite) that there is data also for 2021. However, to access that from SuiteScript seems very difficult.
1st solution) The item demand plan has the field "year". OK, just set that to 2021, save and reload the record. Result: saving ignored, year still is 2020.
2nd solution) Set the year using a Date object as in:
var demandPlan = record.load(...)
var d = new Date();
fieldId: 'year',
value: d
Gives the following:
:"TypeError: Cannot find function getFullYear in object NaN. (NLRecordScripting.scriptInit$lib#59)","stack":["setDatesForMonthAndYear(NLRecordScripting.scriptInit:108)","anonymous(N/serverRecordService)"
on saving the record. I also get the same using (various) strings adhering to acceptable date formats (as in '1/1/2021'). I have also tried the format package giving me a date string -> the same result.
Also read somewhere that you may need to set the start date (field 'startdate') in the record. Tried several variations but it stubbornly refuses :(.
Wonder if anyone has seen anything similar?
Best Regards,
Hi Please try the below code also check if you're passing date object to the field not the date string.
function formatDate() {
var dateROBD = format.parse({
value: new Date(),
type: format.Type.DATE
// this line optional if you want to try with or else ignore this
dateROBD = convertUTCDateToLocalDate(new Date(dateROBD));
return dateROBD;
function convertUTCDateToLocalDate(date) {
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
var offset = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
var hours = date.getHours();
newDate.setHours(hours - offset);
return newDate;
OK, mystery solved. Turned out that this is not supported in SuiteScript 2.0 but you need to use 1.0.

How to fix mongoose "gt" and "lt" not working

I'm trying to get all staff members within a given date range using mongoose ODM, but can't seem to find a way.
I tried using different date formats, but came up with storing ISO date in my db. Now it saves and retrieves dates as ISODate("2018-12-23T00:00:00Z") format.
But, what I want is to get all staff members using a date range given using $gte and $lte
* Get all attendance of one member for a specific time frame(a month)
module.exports.getAttendanceTimeFrame = function(params,callback){
console.log(new Date(params.frm).toISOString());
AttendanceStaff.find({staff_id: params.staff_id, date:{$gte:params.frm, $lte:params.to}},callback);
This gives nothing but this gives all staff members who signed that day
That's because your params are sending date+time, whereas gte and lte only take date. The output of your log console.log(new Date(params.frm).toISOString()); should show timestamp
A foolish question. Pardon me..
I actually found what was wrong with it.. It was a friggin TYPO
here is it we can implement this using different approaches
since we store only a date, the mongoose will automatically convert all values we provide to ISODate format (date+time). Its actually very good because a similar pattern for a date or a time. So simply we can use the above code i have given It will work fine
* Get all attendance of one member for a specific time frame(a month)
module.exports.getAttendanceTimeFrame = function(params,callback){
console.log(new Date(params.frm).toISOString());
AttendanceStaff.find({staff_id: params.id, date:{$gte:params.frm, $lte:params.to}},callback);
actually instead of staff_id: params.staff_id, all I had to do was params.id
because thats how I defined the staff_id in http GET req. which is /staff/:id/:frm/:to
anyways we can even use where to do this as well a different approach...
* Get all attendance of one member for a specific time frame(a month)
module.exports.getAttendanceTimeFrame = function(params,callback){
AttendanceStaff.find({date:{$gte:params.frm, $lte:params.to}}).sort({date:-1}).where({staff_id:params.id}).exec(callback);
so that's it ...

SuiteScript 2 can send pdf statements

I am having a hard time getting a statement to render in SS2, I had found an answer is SS1 and hadn't used it sometime back but it doesn't seem to work in ss2. I am using the SS2 render.statement method but I am getting an "error.SuiteScriptError","name":"UNEXPECTED_ERROR","message":null,"stack":["renderStatement(N/render.js)" I am unclear as to what some of the arguments actually are. the entityid I think is the customer id, the printMode is the pdf enum, the formId I have no idea, it says it wants a number but I don't see internal ids next to the forms in the list like other objects in NetSuite, I have the InternalIds on. StartDate is a date before you want to start pulling in transactions from? Statement date? Todays Date? OpentransactionOnly true. Any help with this is appreciated.
Many of the parameters in this API call mimic the UI options on the 'Print Individual Statement' page. I've copied some of the field level help there to help explain each setting.
entityId - internal ID of the customer. NOTE: I have had errors in the past which were solved by using parseInt(customer).
printMode - the print mode to render this statement in (eitherrender.PrintMode.HTML or render.PrintMode.PDF)
formId - internal ID of the form to use to print the statement. Leave this option off to use the default statement form.
startDate - If you choose to enter a date, this is the date of the oldest transaction that appears on the statement. If you choose to note enter a date, all transactions in the customer's history appear on the statement.
statementDate - Statement date. The date in this field is the date used to calculate aging and the date that appears on the statement form.
openTransactionsOnly - Select this option to include only open transactions on statements. If you have entered a start date, open transactions from that start date appear. If you have not entered a start date, all open transactions appear. The Show Only Open Transaction option is most useful for statements printed as of your current today date. If you select Show Only Open Transactions and are using a date other that today’s date, you may have balance discrepancies.
Here is an code snippet. It uses the moment.js for calculating the dates of the first and last day of the previous month.
var startDate = format.format({
value: moment().subtract(1, 'months').startOf('month').toDate(),
type: format.Type.DATE
var statementDate = format.format({
value: moment().subtract(1, 'months').endOf('month').toDate(),
type: format.Type.DATE
var statement = render.statement({
entityId: parseInt(customer),
printMode: render.PrintMode.PDF,
startDate: startDate,
statementDate: statementDate

Momentjs timezone - getting date at time in specific timezone

I am attempting to create a date from a UTC base in a user's specific timezone, in this case "America/Los Angeles" using momentjs/momentjs timezone. However, I'm not getting the results I expect:
var tempDate = moment(1448841600000); //moment("2015-11-30"); //monday 11/30 in UTC
var adjustedStart = moment.tz(tempDate, "America/Los_Angeles");
console.log("adjustedStart in milliseconds:" + adjustedStart.valueOf());
The console output is 1448875800000 which is 11/30/15 9:30AM in UTC/GMT, I was expecting 1448904600000 which is 11/30/15 9:30AM in Pacific Coast time. How can I translate this start date to the right time in the user's timezone?
Yes, 1448841600000 is the date you said:
// "2015-11-30T00:00:00+00:00"
But that is a day earlier in Pacific time
// "2015-11-29T16:00:00-08:00"
When you adjust it to 9:30 pacific, it's on the 29th, not the 30th.
// "2015-11-29T09:30:00-08:00"
When you call valueOf, the result is:
// 1448818200000
This is the correct value, however it's different than the one you provided. However, it is indeed what I get when I run your code as well.
Screenshot from Chrome debug window, with your exact code:
Also, in comments you wrote:
//moment("2015-11-30"); //monday 11/30 in UTC
Actually, that would be in local time, not UTC. If you wanted UTC, you'd use:
Though it's unclear to me whether you are using this string input or the numeric timestamp.
If what you are asking is that you want the UTC date to be treated as if it were local and then have an arbitrary local time applied - that is a somewhat strange operation, but it would go something like this:
var tempDate = moment.utc(1448841600000);
var adjustedStart = moment.tz([tempDate.year(), tempDate.month(), tempDate.date(), 9, 30],
console.log("adjustedStart in milliseconds:" + adjustedStart.valueOf());
// adjustedStart in milliseconds:1448904600000
This gives the value you asked for, but to me - this is a smell that something is wrong with the expectation. I'd look a lot closer at the requirement and the other parts of the system.
From http://momentjs.com/docs/:
moment#valueOf simply outputs the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch
It is important to note that though the displays differ above, they are both the same moment in time.
var a = moment();
var b = moment.utc();
a.format(); // 2013-02-04T10:35:24-08:00
b.format(); // 2013-02-04T18:35:24+00:00
a.valueOf(); // 1360002924000
b.valueOf(); // 1360002924000
So it shouldn't differ for different timezones.
You should use adjustedStart.format(); to see the difference

Issue in timezone with Node.js Module 'time'

I just came across an issue that has happened today (due to being 31st of January here in Australia Sydney). Basically, given a year,date,hour,minute,second. I want to create a date as if I am in a timezone (Australia/Sydney) and then convert it to UTC (i.e. getting the milliseconds).
This is done due to the fact that the database (and the server) works in UTC, where as the client can be in any given timezone (when a post request is done, the client provides both the timezone and the year,month,date,hour,minute,second values)
The problem is, that when I am creating a date for today, its throwing off the date all the way back to January the 3rd of this month, here is the code that illustrates the problem
var scheduled, someTime, time, timeinfo, timezone;
process.env.TZ = 'UTC';
time = require('time');
timeinfo = {
hour: 14,
minute: '47',
year: 2013,
month: 1,
date: 31
timezone = 'Australia/Sydney';
someTime = new Date(timeinfo.year, timeinfo.month - 1, timeinfo.date, timeinfo.hour, timeinfo.minute, 1, 1);
scheduled = time.Date(timeinfo.year, timeinfo.month - 1, timeinfo.date, timeinfo.hour, timeinfo.minute, 1, 1, timezone);
When you run this in Node.js, the time outputted by console.log(scheduled); is completely off.
Note: I am using the time npm library.
Seems to be a bug with how node-time calculates timezones, related to the order of the operations when doing the transform. There's an open issue (#28) on github.com as of now.
I have submitted a pull request, try that in the mean-time and see if it works for your particular case.
Please try the following codes
1.For GMT Time
var GMTtimeObj = new Date();
2.For UTC Time:
var UTCtimeObj = +new Date();
Let me know does it works for your requirement.
Go through this post's answers as well it might help you..
This was a bug that was fixed recently, please look at https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-time/pull/30
Its working perfectly now
