Can &hint= be disabled on forgot password links? - azure-ad-b2c

When a user tries to log in but fails with a bad password and then clicks the forgot password link, they are directed to a URL containing their PII email.
The hint is not injected until the link is clicked, so it can probably be fudged with some custom JS, but we would like to use configuration rather than customisation..
This PII has potential to be captured/logged/etc, which we would really like to avoid.
So, can we turn that off?
Yes, we understand this is a convenience/quality-of-life feature to help clients, but revealing their PII seems a poor trade-off.

If you initiate Password Reset by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link at the sign-in page, clicking this link doesn't automatically trigger a password reset user flow. Instead, the error code AADB2C90118 is returned to your application. Your application needs to handle this error code by running a specific user flow that resets the password. You should be able to handle the URL and forgot password from the application.

The Azure AD B2C guidelines for using custom JS ( direct prohibit binding the click event on anchors/links, but we can use the mousedown event.
With that, we can use a JS snippet as below to clear the signInName field, and so prevent the link from containing the hint parameter:
$("#forgotPassword").mousedown(function () {
This addresses the issue with customisation, so now we wait to see if we can replace it with an official configuration option.


Azure Self Service Password Reset - redirect on final step after successful password change

We are hitting a bit of a brick wall with this one – if you go to this article and look at the final screenshot, it includes a message 'To sign in with your new password, click here' and the click here must be configurable:
Can anyone tell us how to config that link on the success page please? Otherwise, the user will have to manually enter in the URL to login which seems a bit bonk.
Any help appreciated!
That option isn't configurable for SSPR and it's most likely by design for security reasons.
I don't see any legitimate use case for configuring this URL either. When the user clicks the link they should be taken to and after successfully logging in will be taken to the original site the user was trying to access since it's embedded in all links across the SSPR experience by means of query parameters.

We need a way to redirect user back to our application on successful change password on azure

In our website, we are displaying a change password link which redirects user to "", where user will be able to change the password.
On successful change password, we need a way to redirect user back to our application. Currently it is redirecting user to "".
Any help or hint is appreciated.
This is the default behaviour and currently this is not possible. There is already a similar feature request on where you can suggest new features, enhancements or bugs.
If you would love to see this feature you can upvote this feature ->
My experience is that they are actively looking at these features and also implement them (when enough users request them).

how can I create a user session for a specific private resource group on the frontend?

I have a full website with two contexts for two different languages. The only public page is the landing page of both languages. The rest should be private/protected. This I have achieved with resource groups and limits on the anonymous users.
On the landing page all the menu entries that are protected should be seen by the anonymous user and if clicked a popup with two login-forms should be displayed. These login-form are from other sites and will return if the users has permission or not when they've entered their credentials. And as long as this session exists the user should be able to view all pages if the user was approved of course.
My guess as a non modx- or php- pro is that I should check if a session exists when the landing page is loaded (and all sub-pages). If no user is logged in all links will point to the popup. The user then logs in, sends info to the external server and is redirected to the private/protected landing page if successful. And this is what I can't find any info about, probably because I'm not entirely sure what to look for.
I need one snippet that checks if a valid session exists for the protected pages, if not display the logins.
The other code I would need is something that creates the session for the user if the external login was successful. Should this be a snippet or just a php document on the server. And how can I start a session for the protected pages?
You could do this in two different ways:
Make a user-system that is not connected to Modx. I find this the easies and I've done this several times before. You'll need to make a table for users with usernames and password, and make an object out of it, so you can use xpdo to do the queries. With this system up and running, it would be no problem to include a snippet in every template to make sure the user is indeed logged in. If not, just redirect him to the correct frontpage/landingpage. This will require some coding, but as I said, it works like a charm.
Download the snippet (by Spittingred, a true legend), and look at the code. I haven't used this Extra before, but I am pretty sure it uses the same user-system as Modx, and therefor you should be able to achieve what you want. I can't give you any more help than "look at the source and figure out how Spittingred did it".
MODX Revolution checks if the user is logged in when trying to access a protected page, but if you would like to check it manually this snippet would do:
if (!$modx->user->hasSessionContext($modx->context->get('key'))) {
$modx->sendUnauthorizedPage(); // redirect to the informative page for non-logged users
If you need to check for the user being logged in and display a login popup if not, then using the output modifier with simple user id check may work:
[[`[[]]`:eq:=`0`:then=`Not logged in`:else=`logged in`]]
When it goes to the session creation for the users authenticated from outside of MODX site, I would suggest to write a snippet which checks the status from the eternal page and logs user in. This way the session checking will be ommited but still, the functionality goal should be achieved.

How to login to a webpage in Nessus and perform a SecTest?

I am trying to test a webpage using Nessus. I have tested all the stuff about the Server. But now I want to proceed by login to the webpage and test all possible pages behind the login form. But I couldn't achieve it. I gave all(text, password and hidden fields) the form fields' values including the ticket generated by Central Authentication System. But nothing happens. Either there isn't any security issue behind the login page ( :P ), or I couldn't login to the page (100% possibility :D ). For extra info:
These are login fields. ;)
Is there anyone who used Nessus and know how to solve this problem? And is there anyone who knows how to import Cookies to Nessus?
Thanks in advance. ;)
I had similar problems; can't speak for you, but sounds like you have about as much website knowledge as I do (which ain't much!) - no offense intended. In my case I'm not sure I'm understanding the most most basic structural elements of the website, such as what URL to point the scan at, and then concatenating that correctly with the login pages in the policy. I'm far better at the network and infrastructure penetration testing :D
I did a search in a search engine for "Nessus HTTP cookie import", and found that Tenable discussed this on their podcast, episode 14:
If you look at the "Stories" note on the above web page, there's a hint to use the "Export Cookies" Firefox add-on. The add-on has some guidance, but essentially:
Install the add-on to your browser (I'm using the OWASP Mantra browser; I urge you to look at it)
Restart your browser
Login into the subject website and authenticate
From the Tools menu, go for "Export Cookies"
Save to file, and point your Nessus scan policy at that file
NOTE: I'm still trying this now, but thought I'd post the possibility anyway in case I forget - I will update this thread with a confirm or deny shortly.
Best of luck!
UPDATE: Well, it didn't work for me on first attempt. I'm confirming I don't have any conflicting or superseding settings in the policy, but if that doesn't work it's on to Tenable Support, I fear...
According to the documentation, besides importing cookies, the other way to do it (currently at 7.0) is:
Create new scan
Web Application Tests
which are filled out like these (taken from documentation):
Username: Login user’s name.
Password: Password of the user specified.
Login page: The absolute path to the login page of the application, e.g., /login.html
Login submission page: The action parameter for the form method. For example, the login form for: <form method="POST" name="auth_form" action="/login.php"> would be: /login.php
Login parameters: Specify the authentication parameters (e.g., login=%USER%&password=%PASS%). If the keywords %USER% and %PASS% are used, they will be substituted with values supplied on the Login configurations drop-down menu. This field can be used to provide
more than two parameters if required (e.g., a group name or some other piece of information is required for the authentication process).
Check authentication on page: The absolute path of a protected web page that requires authentication, to better assist Nessus in determining authentication status, e.g., /admin.html.
Regex to verify successful authentication: A regex pattern to look for on the login page. Simply receiving a 200 response code is not always sufficient to determine session state. Nessus can attempt to match a given string such as Authentication successful
However, looking at the reports, in my case, it couldn't authenticate for some reason

Grails + Acegi: How to handle password renewal ? Logged vs not logged user

I'm writing a module to force a user whose password has expired to renew its password. This app uses the acegi security plugin. After the expired credentials are detected, the user is redirected to a "insert a new password" page. However, when the form is submitted, the auth action is executed, instead of the desired one (renewPassword).
I suspect that this happens because the user is not logged in, so I was wondering if there exists a better approach for this.
For example, letting the user log in, but disabling its account until he/she refreshes his password.
Is this the right way to go? Can anyone share his/her experience ?
Come to think about it, as acegi is doing all the "check for expired credentials" work, I wont be able to log the user in and then change it, as I get an CredentialsExpiredException at authentication fail. So is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance
I would suggest allowing the login, but setting a redirect flag in your code to push them to the password change page, so even if they try to change to another location in the site, it will push them back to the password change page. (I don't know how to code it in this language, as I've never used it, but it's how I would suggest to work around the seeming limitation)
finally solved it the "easy, not programmatic , conf. file" way.
In SecurityConfig.groovy I added an entry to the requestMapString
This way, the renewpassword action inside the loginController can be executed without having the user logged in.
Thanks everyone for your time.
