SIGIO vs epoll for Linux sockets - linux

The socket documentation for linux (man 7 socket) says that you can set your socket to be O_ASYNC and then receive a signal when the socket is ready for read/write.
However, it seems most people use epoll instead. What is the reason for using epoll rather than this asynchronous signaling system?

If you have a central loop where you catch all kind of events makes it very easy to write a single threaded application and you don't have to take care about all the synchronization problems which may occur if you are running with different execution contexts.
If you use a signal handler you must take care that you never call a non-reentrant function from the signal handler context. There is a list of Async-signal-safe functions you are allowed to call. And as you can see, it is a short list! As a result your signal handler can not do much, maybe only set a flag or send a message and the real work must be done "somewhere". In fact, signal handlers are very limited.
And using signal handlers in multi threaded applications is also not so easy as it looks in the first place, as the handler is per task and not per thread. Read more: signal handler function in multithreaded environment


sigwaitinfo() - Is it typically used in thread only?

I am reading Linux book about signals and wondering what is the typical use model of sigwaitinfo().
Since sigwaitinfo() halts the current process, if I use it in the main function flow of the process, that will stop the process until the signals arrive. This essentially makes the process to function as a signal handler. In many cases I'd say a process needs to delivery some functionality and at the same time it needs to handle some particular signals. Then in such cases, if I do not want to use signal handler to handle signals asynchronously, then I launch a thread and use sigwaitinfo() in that thread. Is this understanding right?

How to log signals to an application signals with a log handler?

There are ways to do some work with linux signal handlers.
We can either register system handlers for every signals (if we have sourcecode) or
Run the process under strace to view them.
Stratergy 1:
But if we dont have source code, how can we catch a signals to an application to do something with it and return back? (not a one time debugging but permanent feature). [may be hack a system call?]
Stratergy 2:
And in case we do have source code, is writing to a file safe in case of multiple signals ? or is it more safe to execute signal handler in a fork() process and discard SIGCHLD? what happens if another signals comes in when handling previous signal?
For your Stratergy 2, depends on how your log files are written and how the signals are triggered (asynchronously or not). Normally stdio library functions are not async-signal-safe.
See details in
To avoid problems with unsafe functions, there are two possible
1. Ensure that (a) the signal handler calls only async-signal-safe
functions, and (b) the signal handler itself is reentrant with
respect to global variables in the main program.
2. Block signal delivery in the main program when calling functions
that are unsafe or operating on global data that is also accessed
by the signal handler.
Stratergy 1: But if we dont have source code, how can we catch a signals to an application to do something with it and return back? (not a one time debugging but permanent feature). [may be hack a system call?]
To intercept a signal delivered to a process there are at least 2 ways:
ptrace(2) (which is what strace uses) see this answer for an example.
LD_PRELOAD: (I'd not advise this approach) you can use it to set handlers for every signal and replace signal and sigaction with two wrapper functions to prevent the program from overriding your signal handlers (please note the recommendations in this other answer).

Proper way to chain signal handlers in linux?

I've got a couple signal handlers I'm using to exit my program cleanly, and I'd like to play nicely with whatever else has hooked them by chaining the signal handlers calls. I'm using sigaction per the man page for signal saying it's not preferred anymore.
Looking at the sigaction struct, there's signal masks and such that are specified, along with several flags. What's the "right" way to call the currently installed handler so that all those options are taken into account?
The answer is "it depends": on what the signal handlers do:
The first reaction from many will be that a signal handler will be used to handle a SIGINT, etc., and terminate a program cleanly.
On the other hand, there are (more or less) benign signals such as SIGWINCH (which you would like to not stop your program).
In "terminate a program cleanly", there may not be room for other programs to do something useful. For instance, the proposed chained-handler may close files that you rely upon. So you have to start with a good knowledge of what the other handlers do.
If the signal handler is in the latter class, simply updating a variable which the application can test, then the signal handler function is just another function. When you call signal to associate a signal with a function, that returns the previous handler (which may be one of the magic values, e.g.,. SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN). If you save that, it's possible to check if it is none of those, and (presumably) a genuine function. Calling that function would continue execution as if it were part of your current signal handler.
It is not a new idea (I used it in the late 1990s), and is discussed occasionally:
signal() overwriting other signal handlers
sigaction - how to find and invoke previous signal handler (sa_handler)
Use reentrant functions for safer signal handling
And of course:
signal - signal management
signal.h - signals
Well, the proper answer IMO is "Don't do that". I think you should reconsider if you plan to chain signal handlers.
Basically, if you have something so critical it has to be cleaned up even if a fatal signal arrives, then you should do that part quickly and reset the signal handlers before letting any other code run.
Signals such as SIGTERM and SIGQUIT should be handled by events that terminate your program in the normal fashion. Typically your signal handler writes on a pipe to message the normal event loop in the application, or sets a global variable if you don't have an event loop.
Perhaps you know this, but please also make sure to read the list of functions that are safe to call from a signal handler. It should be in the man page. Anything except for that list is not safe.

Accessing shared data from a signal handler

I want to know if it is a good idea to access shared data from a signal handler. I mean consider the scenario of multi process system and multithreaded system with a single process. In multi process system, lets say I have the processes handle a particular signal and update certain shared variable or memory by the processes. Can I do that from the signal handler itself.
However, in the case of threads using pthreads, I don't think it is doable. As given in this article, they have mentioned that it is not asynchronous signal safe and have suggested to use sigwait for that. I am not why it is not asynchronous signal safe. I mean lets say, I handle a signal by a thread and is in the signal handler routing. I acquire a lock on the shared memory to update it. In the mean time another signal of the same type arrives and another thread responsible for handling it executes the signal handler again. Here the signal handler is same for the process but it is called multiple time. The second time around, it cannot see the lock and updates/overrides the data. Is this the issue with multithreaded signal handlers using shared data.
I am a bit confused, in multi process systems, I have a copy of the signal handler for each process. But in multithreaded system, there is a single copy of the signal handler used by the multiple threads isn't it. So when multiple signals of the same type arrives and we have two threads that are responsible for handling it try to handle it, then both of them will try to execute the same piece of handler code? How does it all fit in?
I read through the article that you reference and found some interesting information in the "Threads in Signal Handlers" section. In that section, you'll see that they have a list of Posix function calls that can be made from within signal handlers. Then soon after that list, they mention the following:
But where are the Pthreads calls? They're not in either of these
lists! In fact, the Pthreads standard specifies that the behavior of
all Pthreads functions is undefined when the function is called from a
signal handler. If your handler needs to manipulate data that is
shared with other threads≈buffers, flags, or state variables≈it's out
of luck. The Pthreads mutex and condition variable synchronization
calls are off limits.
Notice the last sentence: "Pthreads mutex and condition variable synchronization calls are off limits"
The aforementioned functions that can be called from a signal handler are described as follows:
These functions have a special property known as reentrancy that
allows a process to have multiple calls to these functions in progress
at the same time.
The pthread synchronization functions dont have the special property known as reentrancy, so I imagine that if these functions (pthread_mutex_lock() for instance) are interrupted by an arriving signal, then the behavior is not "safe".
Imagine that your application calls pthread_mutex_lock(&theMutex) and at exactly that moment (that is, while in the pthread_mutex_lock() function) a signal arrives. If the signal handler also calls pthread_mutex_lock(&theMutex), the previous pthread call may not have terminated, so it cant be guaranteed which call to pthread_mutex_lock() will get the lock. So the resulting behavior will be undefined/undeterministic.
I would imagine that the call to sigwait() from a particular thread would guarantee that no important, non-reentrancy function calls may get interrupted, thus allowing calls to the pthread synchronization functions to be "safe".

Can an Interrupt handler write to a FIFO

I have a thread that is waiting for events received on a FIFO.
Most of events are configuration events send from another thread in the same process.
I would like the thread also to be able to handle interrupt events by having the interrupt handler writing to the FIFO is that possible?
Any other suggestion instead of using FIFO is welcome!
Yes, it can. Using interrupt handlers is one of the newer ways of handling asynchronous I/O.
The more typical way of doing this, is with a select, poll, or Linux epoll command.
These are arguably a bit more preferred, because rather than "interrupting" your code when an event is available - you are able to handle events and return to the "poll" loop to get more events when you're done with the prior event. These mechanisms can wait on a number of different file descriptors at the same time, and return whichever one is available.
An interrupt handler is probably not what you want to do - because you don't necessarily want to be interrupted while processing one event, to know that another is ready. If you did, you'd probably wind up queuing the request anyway for later handling - which is exactly what poll and epoll to to begin with.
If you're under Linux, "epoll" is the most optimum. If your not, (or want POSIX compliance), use "poll". "select" is an "older" method, and doesn't queue requests as well.
