Querying mongoDB using pymongo (completely new to mongo/pymongo) - python-3.x

If this question seems too trivial then please let me know in the comments, I will do further research on how to solve it.
I have a collection called products where I store details of a particular product from different retailers. The schema of a document looks like this -
"_id": "uuid of a product",
"created_at": "timestamp",
"offers": [{
"retailer_id": 123,
"product_url": "url - of -a - product.com",
"price": "1"
"retailer_id": 456,
"product_url": "url - of -a - product.com",
"price": "1"
_id of a product is system generated. Consider a product like 'iPhone X'. This will be a single document with URLs and prices from multiple retailers like Amazon, eBay, etc.
Now if a new URL comes into the system, I need to make a query if this URL already exists in our database. The obvious way to do this is to iterate every offer of every product document and see if the product_url field matches with the input URL. That would require loading up all the documents into the memory and iterate through the offers of every product one by one. Now my question arises -
Is there a simpler method to achieve this? Using pymongo?
Or my database schema needs to be changed since this basic check_if_product_url_exists() is too complex?

MongoDB provides searching within arrays using dot notation.
So your query would be:
db.collection.find({'offers.product_url': 'url - of -a - product.com'})
The same syntax works in MongoDB shell or pymongo.


Case insensitive search in arrays for CosmosDB / DocumentDB

Lets say I have these documents in my CosmosDB. (DocumentDB API, .NET SDK)
// partition key of the collection
"userId" : "0000-0000-0000-0000",
"emailAddresses": [
"someaddress#somedomain.com", "Another.Address#someotherdomain.com"
// some more fields
I now need to find out if I have a document for a given email address. However, I need the query to be case insensitive.
There are ways to search case insensitive on a field (they do a full scan however):
How to do a Case Insensitive search on Azure DocumentDb?
select * from json j where LOWER(j.name) = 'timbaktu'
e => e.Id.ToLower() == key.ToLower()
These do not work for arrays. Is there an alternative way? A user defined function looks like it could help.
I am mainly looking for a temporary low-effort solution to support the scenario (I have multiple collections like this). I probably need to switch to a data structure like this at some point:
"userId" : "0000-0000-0000-0000",
// Option A
"emailAddresses": [
"displayName": "someaddress#somedomain.com",
"normalizedName" : "someaddress#somedomain.com"
"displayName": "Another.Address#someotherdomain.com",
"normalizedName" : "another.address#someotherdomain.com"
// Option B
"emailAddressesNormalized": {
"someaddress#somedomain.com", "another.address#someotherdomain.com"
Unfortunately, my production database already contains documents that would need to be updated to support the new structure.
My production collections contain only 100s of these items, so I am even tempted to just get all items and do the comparison in memory on the client.
If performance matters then you should consider one of the normalization solution you have proposed yourself in question. Then you could index the normalized field and get results without doing a full scan.
If for some reason you really don't want to retouch the documents then perhaps the feature you are missing is simple join?
Example query which will do case-insensitive search from within array with a scan:
join email in c.emailAddresses
where lower(email) = lower('ANOTHER.ADDRESS#someotherdomain.com')
You can find more examples about joining from Getting started with SQL commands in Cosmos DB.
Note that where-criteria in given example cannot use an index, so consider using it only along another more selective (indexed) criteria.

Marklogic QueryByExample in collection NodeJS

Is there a way to limit queryByExample to a collection in NodeJS?
Problem faced
I have a complex query with some optional fields (i.e. sometimes some search fields will be omitted). So I need to create a query dynamically, e.g. in JSON. QueryByExample seems to be the right tool to use here as it gives me that flexibility to pass a JSON. However my problem is that I would like to limit my search to only one collection or directory.
e.g. I was hoping for something like
searchJSON = {
title: { $word: "test" },
description: { $word: "desc" }
In this case searchJSON could have been built dynamically, for example maybe sometimes title may be omitted from the search.
This doesn't work because the query builder only allows queryByExample to be the only query. But I'd instead like to built a dynamic search query which is limited to a collection or directory.
At present, I think you would have to express the query with QueryBuilder instead of Query By Example using
qb.word('title', 'test'),
qb.word('description', 'desc')
See http://docs.marklogic.com/jsdoc/queryBuilder.html#word
That said, it should be possible for the Node.js API to relax that restriction based on the fixes in MarkLogic 9.0-2
Please file an issue on https://github.com/marklogic/node-client-api

Aggregate query for IBM Cloudant which is basically couchDB

I am a contributor at http://airpollution.online/ which is open environment web platform built open source having IBM Cloudant as it's Database service.
Platform's architecture is such way that we need to fetch latest data of each air pollution measurement devices from a collection. As far as my experience go with MongoDB, I have wrote aggregate query to fetch each devices' latest data as per epoch time key in each and every document available in respective collection.
Sample Aggregate query is :
$sort: {
"time": -1,
"Id": -1
}, {
$project: {
"Id": 1,
"data": 1,
"_id": 0
}, {
$group: {
"_id": "$Id",
"data": {
"$last": "$$ROOT"
If someone has idea/suggestions about how can I write design documents in IBM Cloudant, Please help me! Thanks!
P.S. We still have to make backend open source for this project. (may take some time)
In CouchDB/Cloudant this is usually better done as a view than an ad-hoc query. It's a tricky one but try this:
- a map step that emits the device ID and timestamp as two parts of a composite key, plus the device reading as the value
- a reduce step that looks for the largest timestamp and returns both the biggest (most recent) timestamp and the reading that goes with it (both values are needed because when rereducing, we need to know the timestamp so we can compare them)
- the view with group_level set to 1 will give you the newest reading for each device.
In most cases in Cloudant you can use the built-in reduce functions but here you want a function of a key.
(The way that I solved this problem previously was to copy incoming data into a "newest readings" store as well as writing it to a database in the normal way. This makes it very quick to access if you only ever want the newest reading.)

How to properly use 'exist' function in mongodb like in sql?

I'm using Node.js + mongodb. I have few documents in my collection and i want to know does my collection have any document matched my condition. Of course i can simply use
myModel.find({ myField: someValue }) and check is anything comes or not. But i want to use solution like sql provides exists keyword? Help me, please
Edit: my bad. I forget to tell that "performance first".
MongoDB's $exists actually doesn't help you very much to find out if a certain document exists in your collection. It is used for example to give you all documents that have a specific field set.
MongoDB has no native support for an sql like exists. What you can use, however, is myModel.findOne({ myField: someValue }) and then check if it is null.
To enhance performance you can tell MongoDB to only load the object id via projection, like this:
myModel.findOne({ myField: someValue }, {_id: 1})
There is an exist mechanism in mongodb, I'll demonstrate a sample below.
For example below, I'm looking for records that have tomato.consensus fields and that it's empty, so I can delete them or avoid them. In case I was looking for "tomato.consensus": Dublin, I'd change Null to Dublin, to match that.
I hope this is helpful, if not fire away any questions
db.movieDetails.updateMany({$and: [
{"tomato.consensus": {$exists: true} },
{"tomato.consensus": null} ] },

How to find an object which is at nth nested level in mongoDB? (single collection, single document)

I am trying to find an nth object using '_id', which is in the same document.
Any suggestions or references or code samples would be appreciated.
Document will look as below:
"_id": "xxxxx",
"name": "One",
"pocket": [{
"_id": "xxx123",
"name": "NestedOne",
"pocket": []
}, {
"_id": "xxx1234",
"name": "NestedTwo",
"pocket": [{
"_id": "xxx123456",
"name": "NestedTwoNested",
"pocket": [{"_id": "xxx123666",
"name": "NestedNestedOne",
"pocket": []
The pockets shall hold more pockets and it is dynamic.
Here, I would like to search "pocket" using "_id" , say "xxx123456", but without using static reference.
Thanks again.
I highly recommend you change your document structure to something easier to manage/search, as this will only become more of a pain to work with.
Why not use multiple collections, like explained in this answer?
So an easy way to think about this for your situation, which I hope is easier for you to reason about than dropping some schema code...
Store all of your things as children in the same document. Give them unique _ids.
Store all of the contents of their pockets as collections. The collections simply hold all the ids that would normally be inside the pocket (instead of referencing the pockets themselves).
That way, a lot of your work can happen outside of DB calls. You just batch pull out the items you need when you need them, instead of searching nested documents!
However, if you can work with the entire document:
Looks like you want to do a recursive search a certain of number of levels deep. I'll give you a general idea with some pseudocode, in hopes that you'll be able to figure the rest out.
Say your function will be:
function SearchNDeep(obj, n, id){
You want to go down 1 level, to pocket
see if pocket has any things in it. If so:
Check all of the things...for further pockets...
Once you've checked one level of things, increment the counter.
When the counter reaches the right level, you'd want to then see if the object you're checking has a `'_id'` of `id`.
That's the general idea. There is a cleaner, recursive way to do this where you call SearchNDeep while passing a number for how deep you are, base case being no more levels to go, or the object is found.
Remember to return false or undefined if you don't find it, and the right object if you do! Good luck!
