Azure users must only be assigned to groups - azure

At the moment most users are given default roles in Azure such as Contributor or User. We need to prevent this and only allow users to be added only in AD groups. And these groups need to be provided Azure access(IAM). I am thinking of using Azure Policy for this. But cannot find any documentation in this regard.

Unfortunately, as of today (Oct 20, 2020), I do not believe this is possible with policy. It is my understanding that Azure Policy intentionally draws a distinct line between Azure Resources and anything Azure Active Directory or RBAC related. Azure Policy is meant to be agnostic of roles and users with an exception to the roles required to perform a remediation in deployIfNotExists policies.


Azure RBAC Custom Roles

I am currently trying to work out a concept for a roles and rights concept. Azure RBAC already has a few built-in roles but I am trying to create a few more custom roles. Are custom roles directly linked to the RBAC? And does anyone have any suggestions which roles I should definitely add? I'm not familiar with all applications in Azure at the moment since i have only been working with azure for a few weeks, so I would appreciate some suggestions. I am also trying to understand the hierarchy and structure behind Azure RBAC.
If anyone has worked out such a concept themselves or works a lot with azure rbac, feel free to share your experiences or results!
Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) helps manage who has access to Azure resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to.
Azure RBAC is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources.
Create your own custom roles. Just like built-in roles, assign custom roles to users, groups, and service principals at management group (in preview only), subscription, and resource group scopes.
Custom roles can be shared between subscriptions that trust the same Azure AD directory. There is a limit of 5,000 custom roles per directory. Custom roles can be created using the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the REST API.

Azure IAM - is it possible to audit group memberships using Azure Policy?

I want to first audit (and later enforce) that user names added to a specific AD Group follow certain naming convention. Is this achievable via Azure Policy? It would be straightforward to get such report through scripting, but in our case we want to see clear audit status with Azure policies and eventually prevent them from being added in the first place with Policy deny effect.
No, I believe Azure Policy can only be used on the Azure Resource Manager scope. Azure AD objects like users and groups can't be managed using Azure Policy. So one way to think of it is that if you can deploy something with an ARM template, you can likely govern only those objects using Azure Policy.
The alternative to having nice audit reports for Azure AD stuff would be Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM). It's pretty awesome but I don't think your use case around enforcing and auditing naming conventions of users is supported. Cheers!

Azure Policy to limit number of global administrator users

We need to create azure policy to restrict user count with global administrator role to 5 at a time. But there is no reference of how can we get the role and count its member in azure policy. Please let me know no how can I approach this.
Note We need azure policy and not power-shell or portal steps to limit the restriction.
It is not possible to manage Azure AD roles using Azure Policies, Global Administrator is an Azure Ad role. Please refer this document .
Azure Policy doesn't restrict actions (also called operations)and azure policies are different, its for Azure Resources not for Azure AD.

What is the difference between IAM and Azure AD on the azure cloud?

What is the difference between IAM and Azure AD on the azure cloud?
They don't make it clear.
Identity Access Management is what they call the Role-Based Access Control system in Azure subscriptions. Basically, it allows you to give users certain roles on subscriptions, resource groups, or individual resources.
Azure AD is a more general identity management solution. It allows you to manage users and applications, users' access to those applications and more. Calling it the "same as on-prem AD" is not really quite right, since their features differ quite a lot. The general purpose is similar to on-prem AD of course.
Logically Azure subscriptions exist within one Azure AD (they are linked to one). But having your user account in Azure AD does not give you access to Azure subscriptions! In addition to a user having to be a member (or invited guest user) of the AAD assigned to the subscription, you also have to use the RBAC (IAM) system to assign roles for users.
Azure AD is for Authentiction - User must prove who they are using a Username and Password
IAM (RBAC) is for Authorization - a User is assigned a role or permissions to use a specific resource.
What is the difference between IAM and Azure AD on the azure cloud?
Azure IAM is Azure Role-Based Access control (RBAC). Work for Azure subscription, to manage Azure resources.
Using RBAC, you can segregate duties within your team and grant only
the amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs.
Instead of giving everybody unrestricted permissions in your Azure
subscription or resources, you can allow only certain actions. For
example, use RBAC to let one employee manage virtual machines in a
subscription, while another can manage SQL databases within the same
Azure AD same as on-prem AD, create users to access or manage some applications.
Azure IAM same as Active directory group(have some permissions), Azure AD users in this group will have those permissions.
Identify and access management (IAM) is called RBAC (Role-Based Access Control). This is used to grant level of access such as reader , contributor , owner to Azure resources and hence perform role assignment.
Azure AD is identity management solution for Azure. It is a live directory or a database that stores the user accounts and their password.

Azure Active Directory B2C deployment via resource manager (or code)

Our company is considering using AAD B2C as the backing store for our SaaS user accounts. Our plan is use Resource Manager templates to deploy the Azure infrastructure (web, storage, sql, etc) for each client. AAD B2C will be part of that if this works out, but as of now there doesn't appear to be a way to include AAD B2C in resource manager templates.
My view of the intent of the B2C product is that it serves as a replacement for the auth and user store components of an app, and should therefore be considered infrastructure. Right now the hierarchy between AAD and resource groups in the new azure portal doesn't reflect that - resource groups (and their resources) appear 'under' an identity in an AAD account. But why is that? Is an AAD a parent to a resource group? I'm trying to understand how the two fit together.
If AAD B2C is really intended to serve this purpose when it leaves preview, it will need to support automation. After a quick search I can't even find code samples to provision a new directory, let alone do so using Resource Manager templates.
Am I looking at this all wrong?
Currently there is no way to automate the creation of an AAD B2C tenant like there is also no way to automate the creation of an AAD tenant.
After you created a tenant you can access it programmatically via the Graph API. You can read more about this in the documentation:
The first paragraph of this documentation mentions the following:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C tenants tend to be very large. This means that many common tenant management tasks need to be performed programmatically. A primary example is user management. You might need to migrate an existing user store to a B2C tenant. You may want to host user registration on your own page and create user accounts in Azure AD behind the scenes. These types of tasks require the ability to create, read, update, and delete user accounts. You can do these tasks by using the Azure AD Graph API.
Caution: at the point of writing this is still in preview so the API can change any time and you have no SLA.
For the latest status about which Azure services support ARM you can read this page:
