Gitlab CI/CD - deploy node application on Azure Linux WebApp - node.js

image: node:9.2.0
- build
stage: build
- set NODE_ENV=production
- npm install
- npm run transpile
- ls
- cd dist-server
- ls
- node /bin/www
#- npm run prod
expire_in: 1 day
- dist/
Above is my yaml file for ci can anyone share how to deploy this on the linux Azure Web App.

There is no out-of-the-box solution to deploy to Azure using Gitlab.
What you can do in your Gitlab pipeline is the following proces:
Build docker container
Push docker container to Gitlab Container Registry (is included in your Gitlab Repository)
Run a curl command to trigger the Azure App Service webhook to update
You can host this Docker container in Azure (after creating the App Service, you can find the webhook url in the Deployment settings)


Trying to deploy Vue App to Azure App Service, results in Error: Cannot find module '../package.json'

I've got a simple Vue SPA that builds and can be served without problem locally, but when I try and build and deploy via GitHub Actions to an Azure App Service, it just results in the ':( Application Error' page when launching.
Below is the pretty much default workflow .yml, the app service configuration, and the error log from trying to build the app.
I assume the files are built from the /dist folder at /home/site/wwwroot, where node_modules are installed and package.json is generated.. but it doesn't seem like it is (there are no files when checking wwwroot, so build failed?)
Any help would be appreciated, I've been stuck on this for a whole day and will happily provide more info. I've also deployed the NodeJS backend to an app service without too much hassle, so I'm familiar with the process -- just can't get this frontend up!
name: Build and deploy Node.js app to Azure Web App - shelf-library
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- name: Set up Node.js version
uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: '16.x'
- name: npm install, build, and test
run: |
npm install
npm run build --if-present
- name: Upload artifact for deployment job
uses: actions/upload-artifact#v2
name: node-app
path: dist/
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
name: 'Production'
url: ${{ steps.deploy-to-webapp.outputs.webapp-url }}
- name: Download artifact from build job
uses: actions/download-artifact#v2
name: node-app
- name: 'Deploy to Azure Web App'
id: deploy-to-webapp
uses: azure/webapps-deploy#v2
app-name: 'shelf-library'
slot-name: 'Production'
publish-profile: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_PUBLISHPROFILE_11D7C84BF0CE47B68181C49B9ED47D19 }}
package: .
Check the below steps to create VueJS and deploy to Azure App Service using Git Hub Actions.
Thanks #Anthony Salemo for the clear steps.
In Command prompt, run the below command to create a Vue App.
vue create myvueapp
Navigate to the root directory of the application cd myvueapp and run
yarn serve
npm run serve
Run npm run build command for production build.dist folder will be created.
Push the application to GitHub Repository.
You can check the code available in my GitHub Repository.
My GitHub folder structure
Create an Azure App service
Navigate to your App Service =>Deployment Center and select the code repo from your GitHub.
Initially I got the below content page when I tried to access the App.
Add the Startup Command in Configuration => General Settings.
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot/dist --spa --no-daemon
Initially even I got the same Application Error.
In Git Hub I can see the build and deploy action is not yet completed.
Wait for the build to deploy successfully.
My deployed folder structure in KUDU Console
Now Iam able to access the Application without any issues.
I saw you are running your stages with different agents, so I suppose that your issue could be resulted from that the configuration in the build stage agent could not be inherited into the deploy stage agent.
So you could test to add the npm task to install the vue-cli-service module in your deploy agent again.
Updated on 12/22
I suppose that in deploy stage, you could add the npm and node installation with below.
- name: Set up Node.js version
uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: '16.x'
- name: npm install, build, and test
run: |
npm install
npm run build --if-present
- name: npm install, build, and test
run: |
npm install -g #vue/cli#latest
npm i -g #vue/cli-service-global
echo '<template><h1>Hello!</h1></template>' > App.vue
vue serve

How to deploy Angular App with GitLab CI/CD

I've been trying to setup a CI/CD Pipeline on my Repo which runs common tasks like linting/tests etc. I've successfully setup a Gitlab-Runner which is working fine. The only part I'm stuck is the "deploy" part.
When I run my build, how do I actually get the files into my /var/www/xyz folder.
I get that everything is running in a Docker Container and I can't just magically copy paste my files there, but i don't get how I get the files on my actual server-directory. I've been searching for days for good docs / explanations, so as always, StackOverflow is my last resort for help.
I'm running on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VPS and a SaaS GitLab-Repository if that info is needed. That's my .gitlab-ci.yml:
image: timbru31/node-alpine-git
- git fetch origin
- setup
- test
- build
- deploy
#All Setup Jobs
Install Dependencies:
stage: setup
interruptible: true
- npm install
- npm i -g #nrwl/cli
- node_modules/
# All Test Jobs
stage: test
script: npx nx run nx-fun:lint
stage: test
script: npx nx run nx-fun:test
stage: build
- ls /var/www/
- npx nx build --prod --output-path=dist/
- cp -r dist/* /var/www/html/neostax/
- master
Normally I would ssh into my server, run the build, and then copy the build to the corresponding web-directory.
TL;DR - How do I get files from a GitLab-Runner to an actual directory on the server?

GitLabCI deploy expressjs app dont finish the deploy stage

just finished the ci cd build at gitlab, and i'm using a nodejs image with docker to build, and in the last step of deploy, the log show that is running yarn dev fine but the gitlab ci has a 1 hour limit of running pipeline.
What i need to do to run de expressjs app and finish the pipeline execution without stopping the app ?
I know that with docker i can ran with the detached option, but there is any way to do without build the app docker image ?
CICD Log with the app running:
image: node:12.18.1
- build
- test
- deploy
- yarn
stage: build
- yarn
stage: deploy
- yarn dev
- dev
Like this works fine, but in one hour the timeout will finish the runner execution.
Bump up the timeout. The default is 60 minutes:
Note: on the gitlab-runner -

Azure App service slot and swap deployment using circleci config.yml

Azure App service slot deployment using circleci config.yml
Need to add a step to deploy to production slot or staging slot then modify the config to swap the deployment
Description: When i run this config file then it deploys to production slot of azure app service by default , but i want to deploy to stage slot first and then do a swap .
below file is working fine but need some configuration changes so that i should be able to deploy to stage slot and then swap the slot to the production slot .
Using Circleci config.yml , below is my config.yml
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:10.16.3
## Fetch all release tags
- checkout
- run:
name: Install Node.js dependencies with Npm
command: npm install
- run:
name: Test
command: CI=true npm run coverage
machine: true
- checkout
- run:
name: create / update infrastructure
command: |
docker run --rm -it -e TF_VAR_repo_branch=$CIRCLE_BRANCH -e vaultkey=$VAULT_KEY -v `pwd`:/dp/config dockerimage/dpdeployer:beta-1.0 .dp.yaml
version: 2
- build
# - hold: # <<< A job that will require manual approval in the CircleCI web application.
# type: approval # <<< This key-value pair will set your workflow to a status of "On Hold"
# requires: # We only run the "hold" job when test2 has succeeded
# - build
- dev-deploy:
- build
only : feature/appservice
Hmmm, this may be a good link to review: Deploy to Azure from CircleCI
But, I think it comes down to how you want to deploy your code to Azure App Service. There are a lot of different ways to do so. Checking your config, you are using Docker already. This link, , talks about the steps for deploying your container as an Azure App Service.
The gist of it seems to be you need to configure your WebApp to pull from a docker registry per Azure app slot .
Then after a successful build, have circleci push/tag the docker image to that registry. Then Azure App Service will start up the new version of the app.
For jumping between Azure App service slots, you could have your circleci config push to different docker registry image tags. This would require setting up each Azure App Service slot with a slightly different config. For example ...
# Dev
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_DEV ...
# Staging
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_STAGE ...
In your circleCI config, when you setup your pipeline between dev , stage and production jobs. Dev and Stage jobs would either do docker pushes or tagging for you. And the Production job does the swap for you for the final step. Something like this...
- run:
name: swap staging and product slots
command: az webapp deployment slot swap -g MyResourceGroup -n MyUniqueApp --slot staging --target-slot production
Also see:
Hopefully this helps..and I did not misunderstand your question. 🤞
Yes, it worked!!! Thanks
Although as per our current deployment structure , We are using a deploy script and handling swapping from there and then deploying an application through CircleCI.

How to deploy to custom server after success CI in docker environment?

I already did CI, but now I want to deploy to my server. My server is the same machine where I do CI, but I do CI in docker-executor. So I can't have acces to server folders to update production.
There is my script:
image: node:9.11.2
- node_modules/
- npm install
- test
- deploy
stage: test
- npm run test
stage: deploy
#here I want to go to /home/projectFolder and make git pull, npm i, npm start
# but I can't beause I run CI in docker-environment which hasn't acces to my server's dirictories.
First of all you should consider using gitlab auto cicd ( or use it as a base to customize if you dont want to use kubernetes)
You have multiple way to do so but the simplest way should be to use an alpine image and
- install ssh (if necessary)
- load your private ssh key ( from pipeline secrets)
- run your npm commands through ssh.
The cleanest way would be :
- generating adding a valid Dockerfile to your project
- adding docker image generation for each commit on master (in your pipeline)
- Adding docker rm running image (in your pipeline)
- Adding docker run the newly generated image (in your pipeline) (by sharing your docker volume)
- Make nginx redirect to your container.
I can give more detailed advice depending on what you decide to do.
Hoping i helped.
