Can I use BERT as a feature extractor without any finetuning on my specific data set? - pytorch

I'm trying to solve a multilabel classification task of 10 classes with a relatively balanced training set consists of ~25K samples and an evaluation set consists of ~5K samples.
I'm using the huggingface:
model = transformers.BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(...
and obtain quite nice results (ROC AUC = 0.98).
However, I'm witnessing some odd behavior which I don't seem to make sense of -
I add the following lines of code:
for param in model.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
while making sure that the other layers of the model are learned, that is:
[param[0] for param in model.named_parameters() if param[1].requires_grad == True]
['classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias']
Training the model when configured like so, yields some embarrassingly poor results (ROC AUC = 0.59).
I was working under the assumption that an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers. So, where do I got it wrong?

From my experience, you are going wrong in your assumption
an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers.
I have noticed similar experiences when trying to use BERT's output layer as a word embedding value with little-to-no fine-tuning, which also gave very poor results; and this also makes sense, since you effectively have 768*num_classes connections in the simplest form of output layer. Compared to the millions of parameters of BERT, this gives you an almost negligible amount of control over intense model complexity. However, I also want to cautiously point to overfitted results when training your full model, although I'm sure you are aware of that.
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers. The one instance in which it can be helpful to disable at least partial layers would be the embedding component, depending on the model's vocabulary size (~30k for BERT-base).

I think the following will help in demystifying the odd behavior I reported here earlier –
First, as it turned out, when freezing the BERT layers (and using an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model without any fine-tuning), the number of training epochs required for the classification layer is far greater than that needed when allowing all layers to be learned.
For example,
Without freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.98, train loss = 0.0988, validation loss = 0.0501 # end of epoch 1
ROC AUC = 0.99, train loss = 0.0484, validation loss = 0.0433 # end of epoch 2
Overfitting, train loss = 0.0270, validation loss = 0.0423 # end of epoch 3
Whereas, when freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.77, train loss = 0.2509, validation loss = 0.2491 # end of epoch 10
ROC AUC = 0.89, train loss = 0.1743, validation loss = 0.1722 # end of epoch 100
ROC AUC = 0.93, train loss = 0.1452, validation loss = 0.1363 # end of epoch 1000
The (probable) conclusion that arises from these results is that working with an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model as a feature extractor (that is, freezing its layers) while learning only the classification layer suffers from underfitting.
This is demonstrated in two ways:
First, after running 1000 epochs, the model still hasn’t finished learning (the training loss is still higher than the validation loss).
Second, after running 1000 epochs, the loss values are still higher than the values achieved with the non-freeze version as early as the 1’st epoch.
To sum it up, #dennlinger, I think I completely agree with you on this:
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers.


What is the proper to save the fitted CNN model for MNIST dataset?

I develpoed a simple CNN model for MNIST dataset and i got 98% validation accuracy. But after saving the model through keras as model.h5 and evaluating the inference of th saved model in another jypyter session, the performance of the model is poor and the predictions are random
What needs to be done to get same accuracy after saving and uploading the model in different jypyter notebook session?
(Consider sharing your code/results so the community can help you better).
I'm assuming you're using Tensorflow/Keras, so'my_model.h5') after your should save the model, including the trained parameters (but not including the internal optimizer data; i.e gradients, etc..., which shouldn't affect the prediction capabilities of the model).
A number of things could cause a generalization gap like that, but...
Case 1: having a high training/validation accuracy and a low test (prediction) accuracy typically means your model overfit on the given training data.
I suggest adding some regularization to your training phase (dropout layers, cutout augmentation, L1/L2, etc...), a fewer number of epochs or early-stopping, or cross-validation/data reshuffle to cross off the possibility of overfitting.
Case 2: low intrinsic dataset variance, but unless you're using a subset of MNIST, this is unlikely. Make sure you are properly splitting your training/validation/test sets.
Again, it could be a number of issues, but these are the most common cases for low model generalization. Post your code (specifying the architecture, optimizer, hyperparameters, data prepropcessing, and test data used) so the answers can be more relevant to your problem.

How to fine tune InceptionV3 in Keras

I am trying to train a classifier based on the InceptionV3 architecture in Keras.
For this I loaded the pre-trained InceptionV3 model, without top, and added a final fully connected layer for the classes of my classification problem. In the first training I froze the InceptionV3 base model and only trained the final fully connected layer.
In the second step I want to "fine tune" the network by unfreezing a part of the InceptionV3 model.
Now I know that the InceptionV3 model makes extensive use of BatchNorm layers. It is recommended (link to documentation), when BatchNorm layers are "unfrozen" for fine tuning when transfer learning, to keep the mean and variances as computed by the BatchNorm layers fixed. This should be done by setting the BatchNorm layers to inference mode instead of training mode.
Please also see: What's the difference between the training argument in call() and the trainable attribute?
Now my main question is: how to set ONLY the BatchNorm layers of the InceptionV3 model to inference mode?
Currently I set the whole InceptionV3 base model to inference mode by setting the "training" argument when assembling the network:
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
# Scale the 0-255 RGB values to 0.0-1.0 RGB values
x = layers.experimental.preprocessing.Rescaling(1./255)(inputs)
# Set include_top to False so that the final fully connected (with pre-loaded weights) layer is not included.
# We will add our own fully connected layer for our own set of classes to the network.
base_model = keras.applications.InceptionV3(input_shape=input_shape, weights='imagenet', include_top=False)
x = base_model(x, training=False)
# Classification block
x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(name='avg_pool')(x)
x = layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax', name='predictions')(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=x)
What I don't like about this, is that in this way I set the whole model to inference mode which may set some layers to inference mode which should not be.
Here is the part of the code that loads the weights from the initial training that I did and the code that freezes the first 150 layers and unfreezes the remaining layers of the InceptionV3 part:
for layer in base_model.layers[: 150]:
layer.trainable = False
for layer in base_model.layers[ 150:]:
layer.trainable = True
The rest of my code (not shown here) are the usual compile and fit calls.
Running this code seems to result a network that doesn't really learn (loss and accuracy remain approximately the same). I tried different orders of magnitude for the optimization step size, but that doesn't seem to help.
Another thing that I observed it that when I make the whole InceptionV3 part trainable
base_model.trainable = True
that the training starts with an accuracy server orders of magnitude smaller than were my first training round finished (and of course a much higher loss). Can someone explain this to me? I would at least expect the training to continue were it left off in terms of accuracy and loss.
You could do something like:
for layer in base_model.layers:
if isinstance(layer ,tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization):
This will iterate over each layer and check the type, setting to inference mode if the layer is BatchNorm.
As for the low starting accuracy during transfer learning, you're only loading the weights and not the optimiser state (as would occur with a full model.load() which loads architecture, weights, optimiser state etc).
This doesn't mean there's an error, but if you must load weights only just let it train, the optimiser will configure eventually and you should see progress. Also as you're potentially over-writing the pre-trained weights in your second run, make sure you use a lower learning rate so the updates are small in comparison i.e. fine-tune the weights rather than blast them to pieces.

Sentiment analysis using images

I am trying sentiment analysis of images.
I have 4 classes - Hilarious , funny very funny not funny.
I tried pre trained models like VGG16/19 densenet201 but my model is overfitting getting training accuracy more than 95% and testing around 30
Can someone give suggestions what else I can try?
Training images - 6K
You can try the following to reduce overfitting:
Implement Early Stopping: compute the validation loss at each epoch and a patience threshold for stopping
Implement Cross Validation: refer to Section Cross-validation in
Use Batch Normalisation: normalises the activations of layers to
unit variance and zero mean, improves model generalisation
Use Dropout (either or with batch norm): randomly zeros some activations to incentivise use of all neurons
Also, if your dataset isn't too challenging, make sure you don't use overly complex models and overkill the task.

Accuracy of fine-tuning BERT varied significantly based on epochs for intent classification task

I used Bert base uncased as embedding and doing simple cosine similarity for intent classification in my dataset (around 400 classes and 2200 utterances, train:test=80:20). The base BERT model performs 60% accuracy in the test dataset, but different epochs of fine-tuning gave me quite unpredictable results.
This is my setting:
These are my experiments:
base model accuracy=0.61
epochs=2.0 accuracy=0.30
epochs=5.0 accuracy=0.26
epochs=10.0 accuracy=0.15
epochs=50.0 accuracy=0.20
epochs=75.0 accuracy=0.92
epochs=100.0 accuracy=0.93
I don't understand while it behaved like this. I expect that any epochs of fine-tuning shouldn't be worse than the base model because I fine-tuned and inferred on the same dataset. Is there anything I misunderstand or should care about?
Well, generally you'll not be able to feed in all the data in your training set at once (I am assuming you have a huge-dataset that you'll have to use mini-batches). Hence, you split it into mini-batches. So, the accuracy that is displayed is strongly infuluenced a lot by the last mini-batch, or the last training step of the epoch.

Overfitting after one epoch

I am training a model using Keras.
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=300, input_shape=(timestep,103), use_bias=True, dropout=0.2, recurrent_dropout=0.2))
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])
while True:
history = model.fit_generator(
generator = data_generator(x_[train_indices],
y_[train_indices], batch = batch, timestep=timestep),
steps_per_epoch=(int)(train_indices.shape[0] / batch),
validation_steps=(int)(validation_indices.shape[0] / batch),
x_[validation_indices],y_[validation_indices], batch=batch,timestep=timestep))
It is a multiouput classification accoriding to definition:
Multioutput regression assigns each sample a set of target values.This can be thought of as predicting several properties for each data-point, such as wind direction and magnitude at a certain location.
Thus, it is a recurrent neural network I tried out different timestep sizes. But the result/problem is mostly the same.
After one epoch, my train loss is around 0.0X and my validation loss is around 0.6X. And this values keep stable for the next 10 epochs.
Dataset is around 680000 rows. Training data is 9/10 and validation data is 1/10.
I ask for intuition behind that..
Is my model already over fittet after just one epoch?
Is 0.6xx even a good value for a validation loss?
High level question:
Therefore it is a multioutput classification task (not multi class), I see the only way by using sigmoid an binary_crossentropy. Do you suggest an other approach?
I've experienced this issue and found that the learning rate and batch size have a huge impact on the learning process. In my case, I've done two things.
Reduce the learning rate (try 0.00005)
Reduce the batch size (8, 16, 32)
Moreover, you can try the basic steps for preventing overfitting.
Reduce the complexity of your model
Increase the training data and also balance each sample per class.
Add more regularization (Dropout, BatchNorm)
