Azure LinkedAuthorizationFailed on Active Directory Account / Key Vault Authentication when running DevOps Server Deployment Template - azure

I am trying to deploy an on-prem instance of Azure DevOps Server to a VM in an Azure Government subscription (which by nature, seems it does not support standard DevOps).
This template is referenced within support material directly from Microsoft:
All the referenced resources were created from scratch for the purpose of getting this server running.
This requires an AAD account with the associated password stored in a Key Vault. However, every attempt I make to run the template returns the following error on the 'Write VirtualMachines' step (when all other components pass):
The client has permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Compute/images/read' on scope '(MY_SUBSCRIPTION)\(MY_RESOURCEGROUP)\(VM)', however the current tenant '(MY_KEYVAULT)' is not authorized to access linked subscription '(ID in the template with the deployment files)'
This seems to me like the password cannot be retrieved from Key Vault- is it a formatting issue with the Secret? An access control issue somewhere? I've tried many various combinations of both. Hopefully this is just a trivial issue..

I am the original author of the code in that repo. I went ahead and merged a pull request into that repo which should address your issue. I did the following:
Updated the ReadMe file to include information on creating the image
Updated the azuredeploy.json with parameters for Key Vault & image references
Updated the ps1 file to eliminate hard links for KV (a particularly bad oversight on my part, my apologies).
Updated and tested everything for the latest version of Azure DevOps Server 2020
This should fix your issue and several other related ones. I retested the entire deployment from scratch and it worked as designed. A couple of other quick notes:
The USRI and all of it's repositories including the one being utilized here are not Microsoft official repositories. They represent an open-source Azure community dedicated to regulated entity customers. The members which contribute there are mostly Microsoft employees and the repos themselves just represent interesting and sometime niche templates that might be of interest.
This particular repo shows a manner in which Azure templates could be used to deploy services when no internet connection is available or permitted. I just used Azure DevOps Server because it was interesting and regulated industry customers use it.
All the best


Azure Machine Learning - authorization error despite having maximum permissions

I am trying to build a machine learning model on Azure for my company. The IT team at the company I work at has given me maximum permissions for our Azure Machine Learning account since I am doing all the setup part (we started using it only last month). However, I checked the portal and realized that I am not authorized to access any of the modules within Azure ML, namely Experiment, Models, Endpoints, Datasets, etc. Is there something I am missing that is giving me this error? The error message has this link but I am not sure it serves the purpose.
Note: I am new to Azure so please forgive me if this is a very basic doubt.
any chance you could ask your IT team, exactly what permissions you have? can you also confirm that you have permissions on the all the resources (not just the workspace)? There are three associated resources you need access to besides the ML workspace: the storage account, the key vault, and the container registry.
try going to to see if you can find those resources

Client Credentials Flow for Azure DevOps

I have been looking at this issue for days and I know from experience that I usually work these things out but this time I have hit a brick wall.
I have a python app that gets instantiated inside an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline.
The app calls the Azure DevOps REST API to create a repository
The app uses a PAT (personal access token) to authenticate
Firstly issue is, a personal access token is connected to me as a human user. If I leave the company the PAT will be revoked which is not good for an app that needs to run in a non-user context.
So now I want to setup my Python app to authenticate to the Azure DevOps REST API using client credentials flow.
My issue is, I can't find consistent information about this.
I have created an app in Azure DevOps:
My plan would be to get this all working in Postman and then port my finding to Python code.
So really, I am looking for help with the setup I do in Postman and I can work the rest out myself in Python.
Many posts talk about Azure DevOps and Azure AAD (Azure Active Directory) together but, seeing as I create my app registration in Azure DevOps, as shown in the picture, I don't see why I would do anything in AAD.
(Note, my Azure DevOps instance was created outside Azure. Azure knows nothing about my Azure DevOps instance)
Any pointers to the CORRECT information about how to do this would be good. And remember, I definitely need the client credentials type flow. There is no human interaction between my app and the Azure DevOps REST API.
Here is what I have in Postman right now:
You can see the check boxes which I am using to toggle application/x-www-form-urlencoded key / value pairs on and off
the resource - 499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798 is apparently the GUID for Azure DevOps and doesn't change
If I look inside the HTML from the 500 error I see this: Could not find partition for hostId: 499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798 which is the DevOps resource GUID mentioned above.
And here is the 500 error I get from Azure Devops:
It's all very confusing but I am sure I just need to tweak one or two things to get it working.
I want to use client_credential flow in Azure DevOps for the same reasons as you! Last time I spoke to support they told me it was planned for Q3 2020. Reviewing the roadmap I can't see it on there at the moment. I also couldn't see any feature requests currently raised on Dev Community so you could consider trying to raise the profile of this issue on there.

What is the difference between Azure devops and VSTS

Last year i am integrating VSTS with our testing environment but with new Azure devops it is completely change my old account of VSTS is working with my integration but new account of Azure devops (VSTS) is not working. Why it is happen.
Could not find any reference that's shows me breaking changes.
Kindly help.
Thanks in advance.
On September 10, 2018, Microsoft renamed Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to Azure DevOps Services.
VSTS features are now separate services:
For the url's change. We've moved to the new domain name as the primary URL for new organizations. (Specifically, it's{your organization}/{your project}.)
If you want to change your URL to be based on as the primary, an organization administrator can change this from the organization settings page. We will also support redirects from URLs so there will not be broken links.
For more information about this change, see Introducing Azure DevOps.
About the concept of collection in Azure DevOps, Default collection is no longer present in the URL for a long time. You could take a look at our PM's word:
One important note – we have been working for some time to enable
grouping multiple VSTS organizations together under a higher-level
artifact. We had been calling this artifact an organization in blog
as well as in our communication with some users already trying it out
in private preview. The work here will continue, and we’ll be coming
up with a new name for these groupings of organizations.
For the url of REST API, the request URI, in the following form:
VERB https://{instance}[/{team-project}]/_apis[/{area}]/{resource}?api-version={version}
instance: The Azure DevOps Services organization or TFS server you're sending the request to. They are structured as follows:
Azure DevOps Services:{organization}
TFS: {server:port}/tfs/{collection} (the default port is 8080, and
the value for collection should be DefaultCollection but can be any
We do not use collection concept in Rest API of Azure DevOps, so you do not need to specify it in the url. Actually Azure DevOps organization is collection level, TFS is server level, they are not the same level, one TFS server could have multiple collections.

azure devops access log

I am looking to find access logs for azure devops to
1) List time and date of authorized users who have accessed the code repository
2) List the changes made for all of the the repository and by whom
3) Assuage audit fears of unauthorized users downloading the code
Looks like there is auditing capabilities slotted in the roadmap but I need something now. I tried using the azure portals activity logs but I get zero results for azure devops events
Note: we do not use Active Directory integration yet
Any help is greatly appreciated
For auditing repo changes, every write operation in source control is part of its history.
For limiting read access, you already know the solution, because you said you aren't using it yet: Azure AD. Limit access to within your organization.
For auditing access, as you said, there is no solution yet, it's on the backlog. The reason it's on the backlog is because there is no way to do it at the moment.

What is the best practice for updating an already existing web app deployment using ARM?

My company developed an Azure Resource Manager-based solution that deploys a set of resources (essentially a Storage, SQL DB and Web App), and it is already implemented as our provisioning process for new customers.
However, we are now studying the best way to perform updates, and one of the hypotheses we are considering is having a specific template that updates the binaries of this application.
The idea is to have a separate template, that only has the web app, an app host and a MSDeploy resource that gets the latest version of our package and reuploads it to that web app.
The only problem I'm seeing with this solution is the ability to handle any changes in configuration that are necessary with newer version of the binaries - we do not want users to have to re-input any parameters they placed for the original deploy (done via a Deploy To Azure button), so, any configurations will have to be performed within the application - the plan is for it to use the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites library.
The major limitation with using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites is that you are restricted to authenticating with either a certificate or a service principal. Ideally we would like to find a way for the updates to not need any authentication other than the one you provide when you are deploying the update.
Is there any recommendation of best practices to follow for this kind of scenario?
Thank you.
Link to the equivalent discussion on TechNet
It is possible to update only via ARM templates.
For example connection strings can be added automatically to the application settings even when creating the dependent resources themselves.
Ex. Account storage connection string.
Only first time creation of your web sites will take a bit more time, something like 30 sec.
ARM will not destroy your WebApps if they exist already. it will update only.
If there are no changes, then the deployment is very fast.
If your changes require a new Appsettings parameter, you can enter it in ARM , check in to your repository.
and next deployment will pick up and update the WebApp.
So no need for anyone to log-in and update.
Our final decision was to give up on using ARM exclusively. The Service Principal solution, through the SDK, would allow us to use a Web Job or a Site Extension to perform (automatic or prompted) updates that included configuration changes. However, it would require "too many" privileges - why would a customer trust an application that can, at will, create new resources or update existing ones to increase his Azure bill?
The decision was made to utilize Powershell only for updates - if the customer can see the scripts and authenticate himself, this is not a concern. Sadly, this increases update complexity, but we found it to be a necessary evil.
