Azure Functions: Is using gcServer recommended for consumption plans? - azure

I'm going through the list of perf improvements that can be made against Cosmos DB. My APIs are hosted in a Function app in consumption mode. Is turning on gcServer recommended for Azure Functions?
There is more information on gcServer here.
For single-processor computers, the default workstation garbage
collection should be the fastest option. Either workstation or server
can be used for two-processor computers. Server garbage collection
should be the fastest option for more than two processors. Most
commonly, multiprocessor server systems disable server GC and use
workstation GC instead when many instances of a server app run on the
same machine.
How many processors run in an active instance in a consumption plan?

How many processors run in an active instance in a consumption plan?
Each instance of the Functions host in the Consumption plan is limited to 1.5 GB of memory and one CPU. So there is only 1 processor for that. For more details, you can refer to this article.


High memory consumption on Azure Function App on Linux plan

I just switched from Windows plan to Linux on Azure Function App and memory usage went up 5 times.
I didn't change the way how package is built. And it is just dotnet publish -c Release --no-build --no-restore. I wonder if I could do sotmething here - build for specific runtime?
Is there a way to decrease that consumption? I'm wondering because my plan was to switch all functions to Linux plans as they are cheaper, but not neceserilly if it ends up in higher plans.
Few details:
dotnet 3.1
function runtime version ~3
functions run in-process
The function is rarely used, so there is no correlation between higher memory usage and bigger traffic.
Please check if my findings are helpful:
Memory Working Set is the Current amount of memory used by the Function App in MB's or the tracking how much of the application is currently loaded in physical memory.
If the requests are high, then the Memory working set is most likely to increase.
AFAIK, during the initial start/request or cold start of the Azure Function takes high memory consumption ranges nearly 60 MiB - 180 MiB and the net memory working set count depends on the amount of physical memory is using by our function application during requests and response time.
According to Azure Functions Plan Migration Official documentation, direct migration to a Dedicated (App Service) plan in not supported currently and this migration is not supported on Linux.
Also, you can check the cause and resolution on Azure Functions (Linux Plan) > Diagnose and Solve Problems > Availability & Performance >

What is the optimal architecture design on Azure for an infrequently used backend that needs a robust configuration?

I'm trying to find the optimal cloud architecture to host a software on Microsoft Azure.
The scenario is the following:
A (containerised) REST API is exposed to the users through which they can submit POST and GET requests. POST requests trigger a backend that needs a robust configuration to operate properly and GET requests are sent to fetch the result of the backend, if any. This component of the solution is currently hosted on an Azure Web App Service which does the job perfectly.
The (containerised) backend (triggered by POST requests) perform heavy calculations during a short amount of time (typically 5-10 minutes are allotted for the calculation). This backend needs (at least) 4 cores and 16 Gb RAM, but the more the better.
The current configuration consists in the backend hosted together with the REST API on the App Service with a plan that accommodates the backend's requirements. This is clearly not very cost-efficient, as the backend is idle ~90% of the time. On top of that it's not really scalable despite an automatic scaling rule to spawn new instances based on the CPU use: it's indeed possible that if several POST requests come at the same time, they are handled by the same instance and make it crash due to a lack of memory.
Azure Functions doesn't seem to be an option: the serverless (consumption plan) solution they propose is restricted to 1.5 Gb RAM and doesn't have Docker support.
Azure Container Instances neither, because first the max number of CPUs is 4 (which is really few for the needs here, although acceptable) and second there are cold starts of approximately 2 minutes (I imagine due to the creation of the container group, pull of the image, and so on). Despite the process is async from a user perspective, a high latency is not allowed as the result is expected within 5-10 minutes, so cold starts are a problem.
Azure Batch, which at first glance appears to be a perfect fit (beefy configurations available, made for hpc, cost effective, made for time limited tasks, ...) seems to be slow too (it takes a couple of minutes to create a pool and jobs don't run immediately when submitted).
Do you have any idea what I could use?
Thanks in advance!
Azure Functions
You could look at Azure Functions Elastic Premium plan. EP3 has 4 cores, 14GB of RAM and 250GB of storage.
Premium plan hosting provides the following benefits to your functions:
Avoid cold starts with perpetually warm instances
Virtual network connectivity.
Unlimited execution duration, with 60 minutes guaranteed.
Premium instance sizes: one core, two core, and four core instances.
More predictable pricing, compared with the Consumption plan.
High-density app allocation for plans with multiple function apps.
Batch Considerations
When designing an application that uses Batch, you must consider the possibility of Batch not being available in a region. It's possible to encounter a rare situation where there is a problem with the region as a whole, the entire Batch service in the region, or your specific Batch account.
If the application or solution using Batch always needs to be available, then it should be designed to either failover to another region or always have the workload split between two or more regions. Both approaches require at least two Batch accounts, with each account located in a different region.

What would cause high KUDU usage (and eventual 502 errors) on an Azure App Service Plan?

We have a number of API apps and WebApps on an Azure App Service P2v2 instance. We've been experiencing an amount of platform instability: the App Service becomes unhealthy and we get a rash of 502 errors across various of the Apps (different ones each time), attributable to very high CPU and Memory usage on the app service. We've tried scaling all the way up to P3v2, but whatever the issue is seems eventually to consume all resources available.
Whenever we've been able to trace a culprit among the apps, it has turned dout not to be the app itself but the Kudu service related to it.
A sample error message is High physical memory usage detected on multiple occasions. The kudu process for the app [sitename]'pe-services-color' is the most common cause of high memory usage. The most common cause of high memory usage for the kudu process is web jobs. where the actual app whose Kudu service is named changes quite frequently.
What could be causing the Kudu services to consume so much CPU/Memory, and what can we do to stabilise this app service?
Is it simply that we have too many apps running on one plan? This seems unlikely since all these apps ran previously on a single classic cloud service instance, but if so, what are the limits for apps and slots on a single plan?
(I have seen this question but the answer doesn't help)
From Azure support, these are apparently the limits on Small - Medium - Large non-shared app services:
Worker Size Max sites
Small 5 Medium 10 Large 20
with 'sites' comprising app services/api apps and their slots.
They seem ridiculously low, and make the larger App Service units highly uneconomic. Can anyone confirm these numbers?
(Incidentally, we found that turning off Always On across the board fixed the issue - it was only causing a problem on empty sites though - we haven't had a chance yet to see if performance is good with all the sites filled.)
High CPU and memory utilization would be mostly caused by your program/code itself. If there are lot of CPU intensive tasks and you applied lot of parallel programming that spawn lot of new threads can contribute to high cpu and memory utilization. So review your code and see such instances. When number of parallel threads increased cpu utilization goes high and it starts scaling up frequently that adds up your cost also sometime thread loss and unexpected results. As Azure resources costs are high you need to plan your performance accordingly.
You can monitor this using the Metrics option of the app service plan in the blade .

Allocating resources for SQL Server instances -dba

I have a question regarding allocating resources for SQL Server 2008 R2. We a have physical server Windows 2008 R2 with three installations of SQL Server 2008 R2 for Production, test and development. The server has 64GB of RAM and 24 cores. If we want to allocate specific amount of resources to specific instance, can we do it? For instance, we want allocate 32 GB and 12 cores for production instance, and 12 GB and 6 cores each for test and development.
Because all three instances are on the same physical server, we do not want the test and development instances to consume more resources than we want them to. Is there a way to set it in the server or in SQL Server?
You have some options. The three options I see are:
(1) use a VM for each server on the same physical machine and allocate resources to the VMs as you see fit.
(2) use sql server resource governor (
With this you can setup resource consumption by user. So for your test server, just setup its users with a lower resource allocation.
(3) in sql server you can also set the max memory of an instance in sys.configurations using sp_configure. For CPU you could try experimenting with affinity mask in a test environment or assigning a specific CPU id range or NUMA node id range to the instance. For more details:
I would recommend always setting max server memory in any instance. I would not recommend messing with the affinity or CPU range settings without a lot of testing. Instead, for your case I would recommend using resource governor. This is bc it does not have the drawback of VMs, which themselves have overhead and thus use up some server resources. Also you can leave the CPU scheduling to the OS and server with resource governor. This option also gives you the most flexibility since you can limit resources by specific user, in case you ever need that.

Azure VM pricing - Is it better to have 80 single core machines or 10 8-core machines?

I am limited by a piece of software that utilizes a single core per instance of the program run. It will run off an SQL server work queue and deposit results to the server. So the more instances I have running the faster the overall project is done. I have played with Azure VMs a bit and can speed up the process in two ways.
1) I can run the app on a single core VM, clone that VM and run it on as many as I feel necessary to speed up the job sufficiently.
2) I can run the app 8 times on an 8-core VM, ...again clone that VM and run it on as many as I feel necessary to speed up the job sufficiently.
I have noticed in testing that the speed-up is roughly the same for adding 8 single core VMs and 1 8-core VM. Assuming this is true, would it better better price-wise to have single core machines?
The pricing is a bit of a mystery, whether it is real cpu usage time, or what. It is a bit easier using the 1 8-core approach as spinning up machines and taking them down takes time, but I guess that could be automated.
It does seem from some pricing pages that the multiple single core VM approach would cost less?
Side question: so could I do like some power shell scripts to just keep adding VMs of a certain image and running the app, and then start shutting them down once I get close to finishing? After generating the VMs would there be some way to kick off the app without having to remote in to each one and running it?
I would argue that all else being equal, and this code truly being CPU-bound and not benefitting from any memory sharing that running multiple processes on the same machine would provide, you should opt for the single core machines rather than multi-core machines.
Isolate fault domains
Scaling out rather than up is better to do when possible because it naturally isolates faults. If one of your small nodes crashes, that only affects one process. If a large node crashes, multiple processes go down.
Load balancing
Windows Azure, like any multi-tenant system, is a shared resource. This means you will likely be competing for CPU cycles with other workloads. Having small VMs gives you a better chance of having them distributed across physical servers in the datacenter that have the best resource situation at the time the machines are provisioned (you would want to make sure to stop and deallocate the VMs before starting them again to allow the Azure fabric placement algorithms to select the best hosts). If you used large VMs, it would be less likely to find a suitable host with optimal contention to accommodate many virtual cores.
Virtual processor scheduling
It's not widely understood how scheduling a virtual CPU is different than scheduling a physical one, but it is something worth reading up on. The main thing to remember is that hypervisors like VMware ESXi and Hyper-V (which runs Azure) schedule multiple virtual cores together rather than separately. So if you have an 8-core VM, the physical host must have 8 physical cores free simultaneously before it can allow the virtual CPU to run. The more virtual cores, the more unlikely the host will have sufficient physical cores at any given time (even if 7 physical cores are free, the VM cannot run). This can result in a paradoxical effect of causing the VM to perform worse as more virtual CPU cores are added to it.
In short, a single vCPU machine is more likely to get a share of the physical processor than an 8 vCPU machine, all else equal.
And I agree that the pricing is basically the same, except for a little more storage cost to store many small VMs versus fewer large ones. But storage in Azure is far less expensive than the compute, so likely doesn't tip any economic scale.
Hope that helps.
According to Windows Azure Virtual Machines Pricing Details, Virtual Machines are charged by the minute (of wall clock time). Prices are listed as hourly rates (60 minutes) and are billed based on total number of minutes when the VMs run for a partial hour.
In July 2013, 1 Small VM (1 virtual core) costs $0.09/hr; 8 Small VMs (8 virtual cores) cost $0.72/hr; 1 Extra Large VM (8 virtual cores) cost $0.72/hr (same as 8 Small VMs).
VM Sizes and Performance
The VMs sizes differ not only in number of cores and RAM, but also on network I/O performance, ranging from 100 Mbps for Small to 800 Mbps for Extra Large.
Extra Small VMs are rather limited in CPU and I/O power and are inadequate for workloads such as you described.
For single-threaded, I/O bound applications such as described in the question, an Extra Large VM could have an edge because of faster response times for each request.
It's also advisable to benchmark workloads running 2, 4 or more processes per core. For instance, 2 or 4 processes in a Small VM and 16, 32 or more processes in an Extra Large VM, to find the adequate balance between CPU and I/O loads (provided you don't use more RAM than is available).
Auto-scaling Virtual Machines is built-into Windows Azure directly. It can be based either on CPU load or Windows Azure Queues length.
Another alternative is to use specialized tools or services to monitor load across the servers and run PowerShell scripts to add or remove virtual machines as needed.
You can use the Windows Scheduler to automatically run tasks when Windows starts.
The pricing is "Uptime of the machine in hours * rate of the VM size/hour * number of instances"
e.g. You have a 8 Core VM (Extra Large) running for a month (30 Days)
(30 * 24) * 0.72$ * 1= 518.4$
for 8 single cores it will be
(30 * 24) * 0.09 * 8 = 518.4$
So I doubt if there will be any price difference. One advantage of using smaller machines and "scaling out" is when you have more granular control over scalability. An Extra-large machine will eat more idle dollars than 2-3 small machines.
Yes you can definitely script this. Assuming they are IaaS machines you could add the script to windows startup, if on PaaS you could use the "Startup Task".
