Firebase Cloud Storage Do a WildCard Search Nodejs - node.js

Suppose I have this directory structure in the firebase cloud storage gs://my-bucket/userData/, and inside this directory I have multiple files with a similar name, like some-file-1.json, some-file-21.json, some-file-34.json.
My end goal is to get all these similar named files.
I'm guessing to do that, I need to do a wildcard search, as described here. There it shows how to do it using the gcloud command line. How do I do that in Nodejs or JavaScript?

Google Cloud Storage APIs do not support wildcard characters search of files, however, you can use prefixes to get a list of files that start with the same name prefix, which I assume will suite the needs of your app, here is an example implementation:
async function readFiles () {
const [files] = await bucket.getFiles({ prefix: 'userData/some-file-'});
files.forEach(file => {
In this example you will log all the file names that start with some-file-.


How to use blob from Azure Storage in Puppeteer function?

Right now I have an Azure Function that runs Puppeteer to fill out some forms. At one page, I need to upload a pdf. Until now, I've been using a test pdf that's deployed to the same directory as the function, meaning I could do something similar to the Puppeteer documentation for waitForFileChooser:
const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([
await fileChooser.accept(['/data/myfile.pdf']);
But I would like the file I upload to be one chosen by the user that is uploaded and stored in a blob container.
I tried to downloadToFile(userInput.filename); but Azure is a read only system. Is there a way around this? Can I pass a blob into a fileChooser like this, or make my directory rw but clear it out at the end of the function?

Downloading folders from Google Cloud Storage Bucket with NodeJS

I need to download folders with NodeJS from my Bucket from my Google Cloud Storage. I read all the documentation and I only found a way to download files and not folders. I need to get/download the folder to provide user's download files.
Could someone help me?
As Doug said, Google Cloud Storage would show you the structure of different directories, but there are actually no folders within the buckets.
However, you can find perform some workarounds within your code to create that very same folder structure yourself. For the workaround I came up with, you need to use libraries such as shelljs, which will allow you to create folders in your system.
Following this GCP tutorial on Cloud Storage, you will find examples on, for instance, how to list or download files from your bucket.
Now, putting all this together, you can get the full path of the file you are going to download, parse it to separate the folders from the actual file, then create the folder structure using the method mkdir from shelljs.
For me, modifying the method for downloading files in the tutorial, was something like this:
var shell = require('shelljs');
async function downloadFile(bucketName, srcFilename, destFilename) {
// [START storage_download_file]
// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Storage} = require('#google-cloud/storage');
// Creates a client
const storage = new Storage();
//Find last separator index
var index = srcFilename.lastIndexOf('/');
//Get the folder route as string using previous separator
var str = srcFilename.slice(0, index);
//Create recursively the folder structure in the current directory
shell.mkdir('-p', './'+str);
//Path of the downloaded file
var destPath = str+'/'+destFilename;
const options = {
destination: destPath,
// Downloads the file
await storage
`gs://${bucketName}/${srcFilename} downloaded to ${destPath}.`
// [END storage_download_file]
You will want to use the getFiles method of Bucket to query for the files you want to download, then download each one of them individually. Read more about how to use the underlying list API. There are no folder operations in Cloud Storage (as there are not actually any folders, there are just file paths the look like they're organized as folders).

Cloud Functions: how to upload additional file for use in code?

I need to get access to protoc file in my code. Locally I just put it in the folder but how to get this file from deployed Firebase functions?
const grpc = require('grpc');
const PROTO_PATH = __dirname + '\\protos\\prediction_service.proto';
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response){
var tensorflow_serving = grpc.load(PROTO_PATH).tensorflow.serving;
You'd like to upload 3 files to deploy your Cloud Function:
In order to do so via the Developer Console, you'll need to:
Go to the Google Cloud Developer Console > Cloud Functions > Create Function
In the "Source Code" field, choose either:
"ZIP upload" and select a zip file including your 3 files,
"ZIP from Cloud Storage" and select file location on GCS,
"Cloud Source repository" and provide your repo details
Fill in the remaining fields and click "Create"
Once deployed, in the source tab for your function you'll see the three files displayed.
Alternatively, you can use gcloud to deploy your files via the following command:
gcloud beta functions deploy <functionName> --source=SOURCE
where source can be a ZIP file on Google Cloud Storage, a reference to source repository or a local filesystem path. I'd recommend to have a look at the doc for this command for full details.
When you are using Firebase Cloud Functions with TypeScript (your code is in functions/src/index.ts), you need to put the additional files in functions/lib
I find this way the easiest when it comes to Firebase Functions:
Put your .proto file into functions folder of your firebase project (where index.js and package.json is located).
Deploy your functions as normal with the CLI command firebase deploy --only functions
As you can see here the file is automatically added to the project in the GCP:
And you can access it in your node.js project:
protobuf.load(__dirname + '/schema.proto')
While it is possible to use GCS, it's simple to include files in your source.
Put your package.json, index.js (or whatever file is specified in package.json's 'main' field) and other dependent files in a directory.
When you create your function, provide that directory including your other files via the ZIP upload or Cloud Source repository.
Your other files are available at path.join(__dirname, 'your/path/file.ext')

Node.js: multi-part file upload via REST API

I would like to upload invoking a REST endpoint in multi-part.
In particular, I am looking at this API: Google Cloud Storage: Objects: insert
I did read about using multer, however I did not find any complete example showing me how to perform this operation.
Could someone help me with that?
^^ this is a a good example of how to use multer to upload a single image to Google Cloud Storage. Use multer to create filestream for each file ( storage: multer.memoryStorage() ), and handle the file stream by sending it to your GCS bucket in your callback.
However link only shows an example for one image. If you want to do an array of images, create a for-loop, where you create a stream for each file in your request, but only put the next() function after the for loop ends. If you keep the next(); in each loop cycle you will get the error: Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
There is an example for uploading files with the nodejs client library and multer. You can modify this example and set the multipart option:
Download the sample code and cd into the folder:
git clone
cd nodejs-docs-samples/appengine/storage
Edit the app.yaml file and include your bucket name:
Then in the source code, you can modify the publicUrl variable according to Objects: insert example:
const publicUrl = format(`${}/o?uploadType=multipart`);
Download a key file for your service account and set the environment variable:
Go to the Create service account key page in the GCP Console.
From the Service account drop-down list, select New service account.
Input a name into the Service account name field.
From the Role drop-down list, select Project > Owner.
Click Create. A JSON file that contains your key downloads to your computer. And finally export the environment variable:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/key/file
After that, yo're ready to run npm start and go to the app's frontend and upload your file:

Delete folder in Google Cloud Storage using nodejs gcloud api

I am using gcloud nodejs api to access Google Cloud Storage. I can save/delete/exists files individually, but I didn't find a way to delete a folder or even to list the files in a folder using gcloud nodejs api.
I have seen people say that the folder hierachy in GCS is not a real tree structure, but just names. So I tried to use wildcard to match the file name string, which did not succeed.
I wonder if there is any way to do it. If not, what tool should I use?
The code to list files in a directory should look something like this:
bucket.getFiles({ prefix: 'directoryName/' }, function(err, files) {})
And to delete:
bucket.deleteFiles({ prefix: 'directoryName/' }, function(err) {})
getFiles API documentation
deleteFiles API documentation
Instead of using gcloud nodejs api, there are two other ways to do this.
Use the googleapis package to access the standard JSON API and XML API of gcs. googleapis is a lower level API tool which includes interacting with google cloud services. We can create/list/delete files on gcs. Documentation and examples:
Use childe_process to execute the gsutil commmand line tool. This is not a standard way of programatically accessing the google api, but still a viable solution.Wildcard is allowed when issuing the command. Note that is may not work on the google app engine. Here is an example.
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec("gsutil rm gs://[bucketname]/[directory ]/*" , function(error,stdout,stderr){});
As Stephen suggested, using standard gcloud method bucket.getFiles and bucket.deleteFiles is the most desirable approach. Since gcs don't have the concept of directories, the manipulation of multiple files obviously should be considered as a bucket level operation.
