Column Table convert Matrix Table in VBA code - excel

Current i using formula(index and Match) to create matrix i wish using VBA coding, this will make more fast compair to formula. Thanks in advance
enter image description here
Sub columntomatrix
Dim mS As Worksheet
Dim eS As Worksheet
Set mS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Matrix")
Set eS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Price Entry Book")
Dim Matrix() As String
Dim entryPrice() As String
Dim Product As Range
Dim PriceBook As Range
Set Product = Range("Product")
Set PriceBook = Range("PriceBookName")
With mS.Range("B2")
.Formula = "=IFERROR(INDEX(ListPrice,
MATCH(" & .Offset(0,-1).Address(False, True) & "&" &
.Offset(-1, 0).Address(True, False) & ",ProductKey,0)),"" N/A "")"
'offset(0,-1) = selected cells move to left 1 column'
.Offset(0, -1).PasteSpecial
.offset(-1,0) = selected cells move to up 1 row'
.Offset(-1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
With Range(.Offset(0, 0), .Offset(Product.Rows.Count - 2, PriceBook.Rows.Count - 2))
End with
End with
End Sub

Pivot RCV
Copy all four procedures to a standard module, e.g. Module1.
Carefully adjust the values in the Define constants. section of pivotRCV.
Only run the first procedure pivotRCV, the others are being called by it.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub pivotRCV() ' RCV: Row Labels, Column Labels, and Values
' Define constants.
' Define Source constants.
Const srcName As String = "Price Entry Book"
Const srcFirst As String = "A2"
Const rlCol As Long = 1
Const clCol As Long = 2
Const vCol As Long = 4
Const rlSort As Boolean = False
Const clSort As Boolean = False
' Define Target constants.
Const tgtName As String = "Matrix"
Const tgtFirst As String = "A2"
' Define workbooks.
Dim src As Workbook
Set src = ThisWorkbook
Dim tgt As Workbook
Set tgt = ThisWorkbook
' Define Source Range.
' Define Source Worksheet.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = src.Worksheets(srcName)
' Define Source Range.
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = defineEndRange(ws.Range(srcFirst))
' Write values from Source Range to arrays.
' Write values from Source Range to 1D Unique Row Labels Array.
Dim rLabels As Variant
rLabels = getUniqueColumn1D(rng.Columns(rlCol).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1) _
If rlSort Then
sort1D rLabels
End If
' Write values from Source Range to 1D Unique Column Labels Array.
Dim cLabels As Variant
cLabels = getUniqueColumn1D(rng.Columns(clCol).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1) _
If clSort Then
sort1D cLabels
End If
' Write values from Source Range to 2D Source Array.
Dim Source As Variant
Source = rng.Value
' Prepare to write values from Source Array to Target Array.
' Define Target Array.
Dim Target As Variant
ReDim Target(1 To UBound(rLabels) - LBound(rLabels) + 2, _
1 To UBound(cLabels) - LBound(cLabels) + 2)
' Define counters.
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
i = 1
' Write values from Source Arrays to Target Array.
' Write first row/column label.
Target(1, 1) = Source(1, 1)
' Write row labels.
For n = LBound(rLabels) To UBound(rLabels)
i = i + 1
Target(i, 1) = rLabels(n)
Next n
' Write column labels.
Dim j As Long
j = 1
For n = LBound(cLabels) To UBound(cLabels)
j = j + 1
Target(1, j) = cLabels(n)
Next n
' Write values.
For n = 2 To UBound(Source, 1)
i = Application.Match(Source(n, rlCol), rLabels, 0) + 1
j = Application.Match(Source(n, clCol), cLabels, 0) + 1
Target(i, j) = Source(n, vCol)
Next n
' Write values from Target Array to Target Range.
' Define Target Worksheet.
Set ws = tgt.Worksheets(tgtName)
' Define Target First Row Range.
With ws.Range(tgtFirst).Resize(, UBound(Target, 2))
' Clear contents from Target First Row Range to the bottom-most row.
.Resize(ws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1).ClearContents
' Define Target Range.
Set rng = .Resize(UBound(Target, 1))
End With
' Write values from Target Array to Target Range.
rng.Value = Target
' Inform user.
MsgBox "Data transferred.", vbInformation, "Success"
End Sub
' Defines the range from a specified first cell to the last cell
' of its Current Region.
Function defineEndRange(FirstCellRange As Range) _
As Range
' Define Current Region ('rng').
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = FirstCellRange.CurrentRegion
' Define End Range.
Set defineEndRange = FirstCellRange _
.Resize(rng.Rows.Count + rng.Row - FirstCellRange.Row, _
rng.Columns.Count + rng.Column - FirstCellRange.Column)
End Function
' Returns the unique values from a column range.
Function getUniqueColumn1D(ColumnRange As Range, _
Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean = False) _
As Variant
Dim Data As Variant
Data = ColumnRange.Columns(1).Value
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim Key As Variant
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
Key = Data(i, 1)
If Not IsError(Key) And Not IsEmpty(Key) Then
.Item(Key) = Empty
End If
Next i
getUniqueColumn1D = .Keys
End With
End Function
' Sorts a 1D array only if it contains the same data type.
Sub sort1D(ByRef OneD As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Descending As Boolean = False)
With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(OneD) To UBound(OneD)
.Add OneD(i)
Next i
If Descending Then
End If
OneD = .ToArray
End With
End Sub


Filter "#N/A# rows to eliminate them in a short period of time

I am working with an excel which has about 500000 rows.
I have one sheet called "B" where is all the info and I only need the rows where the column Y contains text, not de #N/A from the LOOKUP.
I have to copy the rows with info, to another sheet called "A".
I used this code for the same process
On Error Resume Next
Columns("Y").SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors).EntireRow.Delete
On Error GoTo 0
But in this case, there are many rows so it takes 5 minutes(not worthy)
I only have 3000 rows with non NA, so I thought it will be easier to filter them and copy to "A" the entire row(the column A from the row in "B" it's not necessary, and the destination sheet "A" the column A has to be empty).
I don't know how to do it, i'm new in this language, thank you
Sheet B; the column Y with the header SKU contains the not found and the found ones ex:SKU1233444
Sheet A;
I have to copy from B except headers and column A, all the rows with SKU found and paste them into Sheet A leaving its headers and the column A empty because it's formulated
Arrays work faster than deleting rows one by one in VBA
Arrays need to be transposed / flipped before they're pasted into a worksheet
I ran the code below and it works.
I assumed that we're only working from column B as your attached photo above seems to suggest
Option Explicit ensures that we declare all variables we use.
$ is short hand for string; % for integer; & for long
Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()
Dim sChar$, sRange$, sRange2$
Dim iCol%, iLastUsedCol%
Dim iLastUsedRow&, iRow&
Dim r As Range
Dim aCleaned As Variant, aData As Variant
Dim WS As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet
Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("A")
Set WS2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B")
With WS
'furthest column to right on a worksheet
sChar = ColumnChars2(Columns.Count)
'last used header column on this sheet
iLastUsedCol = .Range(sChar & 1).End(xlToLeft).Column
'last used row of data on this sheet
iLastUsedRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count - 1).End(xlUp).Row
'cells containing data
sRange = "B2:" & ColumnChars2(iLastUsedCol) & iLastUsedRow
'transferring data to array
aData = .Range(sRange)
End With
'temporary store for row of data
ReDim aParam(iLastUsedCol - 2)
'cleaned data
ReDim aCleaned(iLastUsedCol - 2, 0)
'setting first entry of cleaned data to blank initially - needed for AddEntry subroutine called below
aCleaned(0, 0) = ""
For iRow = 1 To UBound(aData)
'if Y column cell for this row does not contain error
If Not IsError(aData(iRow, 24)) Then
'save entire row temporarily
For iCol = 0 To UBound(aParam)
aParam(iCol) = aData(iRow, iCol + 1)
'transfer saved row to cleaned data array
Call AddEntry(aCleaned, aParam)
End If
With WS2
iLastUsedCol = .Range(sChar & 1).End(xlToLeft).Column
iLastUsedRow = .Range("B" & Rows.Count - 1).End(xlUp).Row
'if data in B sheet
If iLastUsedRow > 1 Then
sRange2 = "B2:" & ColumnChars2(iLastUsedCol) & iLastUsedRow
End If
Set r = .Range("B2")
'copy cleaned data to sheet B
r.Resize(UBound(aCleaned, 2) + 1, UBound(aCleaned, 1) + 1).Value = my_2D_Transpose(aCleaned)
End With
End Sub
The first subroutine called by the test routine above:
Public Function ColumnChars2(iCol As Variant) As String
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
' calculates character form of column number
Dim iPrePrefix As Integer, iPrefix As Integer, iSuffix As Integer
iSuffix = iCol
iPrefix = 0
Do Until iSuffix < 27
iSuffix = iSuffix - 26
iPrefix = iPrefix + 1
iPrePrefix = 0
Do Until iPrefix < 27
iPrefix = iPrefix - 26
iPrePrefix = iPrePrefix + 1
ColumnChars2 = IIf(iPrePrefix = 0, "", Chr(64 + iPrePrefix)) & IIf(iPrefix = 0, "", Chr(64 + iPrefix)) & Chr(64 + iSuffix)
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ColumnChars2"
Resume Exit_Label
End Function
The second subroutine called by the test routine above:
Public Sub AddEntry(aList As Variant, aEntry As Variant)
' build array for later copy onto sheet
Dim i%
Dim aEntry2 As Variant
If VarType(aEntry) = vbString Then
aEntry2 = Array(aEntry)
aEntry2 = aEntry
End If
If aList(0, 0) <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve aList(0 To UBound(aEntry2), 0 To UBound(aList, 2) + 1)
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(aEntry2)
aList(i, UBound(aList, 2)) = aEntry2(i)
End Sub
The third subroutine called by the test routine above:
Function my_2D_Transpose(arr As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'works better than delivered Application.Transpose function
Dim a&, b&, tmp As Variant
ReDim tmp(LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2), LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1))
For a = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
For b = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
tmp(b, a) = arr(a, b)
Next b
Next a
my_2D_Transpose = tmp
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "my_2D_Transpose"
Resume Exit_Label
End Function
Copy Criteria Rows
Option Explicit
Sub CopyNoErrors()
' Define constants.
' Source
Const sName As String = "B"
Const CritColumnString As String = "Y"
' Destination
Const dName As String = "A"
' Reference the workbook ('wb').
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Reference the source worksheet ('sws').
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim srg As Range
Dim rCount As Long
Dim cCount As Long
' Reference the source range ('srg') excluding the first column
' and the headers.
With sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
rCount = .Rows.Count - 1
cCount = .Columns.Count - 1
Set srg = .Resize(rCount, cCount).Offset(1, 1)
End With
' Determine the criteria column ('CritColumn') which has to be reduced
' by one due to the shifting of the source range
' which is starting in column 'B'.
Dim CritColumn As Long
CritColumn = sws.Columns(CritColumnString).Column - 1
' Write the values from the source range to a 2D one-based array ('Data').
Dim Data() As Variant: Data = srg.Value
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long, dr As Long
' Write the rows, not containing the error value in the criteria column,
' to the top of the array.
For sr = 1 To rCount
If Not IsError(Data(sr, CritColumn)) Then
dr = dr + 1
For sc = 1 To cCount
Data(dr, sc) = Data(sr, sc)
Next sc
End If
Next sr
' Reference the destination worksheet ('dws').
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
' Reference the destination range ('drg'), a range with the same address
' as the source range.
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = dws.Range(srg.Address)
With drg
' Write the values from the top of the array to the destination range.
.Resize(dr).Value = Data
' Clear below.
.Resize(dws.Rows.Count - .Row - dr + 1).Offset(dr).ClearContents
End With
' Inform.
MsgBox "Data copied.", vbInformation
End Sub

Defining the end of the Range with last cell with a value instead of the row number

I use two data dumps which are saved in OPL_Dump and OPL_DUMP_2 sheets.
The code I am trying to improve, finds the data in one of the dumps and copies and pastes as a new parameter as addition to the same corresponding value it sees for the other dump.
The length of both the data dumps varies. I manually amend the length of the range every time.
I am trying to make my code a bit more robust
I tried defining N and L instead of fixed numbers of last rows.
Sub Merging_Both_Dumps_for_Product_Type()
Dim out() As String
'Dim out2() As String
L As Long
L = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP_2").Select.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
keyarray = Range("F" & 2 & ":F" & L)
valuearray = Range("J" & 2 & ":J" & L)
N As Long
N = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").Select.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim out(N, 0)
For j = 2 To N
ind = Index(keyarray, ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").Cells(j, 2).Value)
out(j - 2, 0) = valuearray(ind, 1)
Next j
'ReDim out2(1, 0)
'out2(1, 0) = "test"
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").Range("AD2:AD3") = out2()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").Range("AC" & 2 & ":AC" & N) = out
End Sub
Try this code, should work fine, fast and always no matter the size of your dumps:
Option Explicit
Sub Merging_Both_Dumps_for_Product_Type()
'You need the reference Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'under tools-references activated for this code to work.
Dim output_values As Dictionary
Set output_values = load_output_values(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP_2").UsedRange.Value)
'Store your output worksheet inside an array
Dim arr As Variant: arr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").UsedRange.Value
'loop through the array
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
'check if the value in col B exists in the dictionary
If output_values.Exists(arr(i, 2)) Then
arr(i, 29) = output_values(arr(i, 2))
End If
Next i
'paste back the array to the worksheet
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPL_DUMP").UsedRange.Value = arr
'Note that using worksheet.usedrange.value will store
'everything in the sheet that has been used, even if its blank
'meaning if you do ctrl+end in your keyboard, the array will be
'as big as A1: the cell where ctrl+end sends you.
End Sub
Private Function load_output_values(arr As Variant) As Dictionary
'this function will store in a dictionary each key (col F = index 2)
'with it's item (col J = index 10)
'Since we stored the sheet inside an array we can loop through it
Set load_output_values = New Dictionary ' init the dictionary
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
'first check either column B is empty or already exists
'will take the first ocurrence if col B is duplicated.
If Not arr(i, 2) = vbNullString _
And Not load_output_values.Exists(arr(i, 2)) Then
load_output_values.Add arr(i, 2), arr(i, 10)
End If
Next i
End Function
Lookup Data Using Application.Match
Option Explicit
Sub LookupData()
' 1. Define constants.
' Source
Const sName As String = "OPL_DUMP_2"
Const skCol As String = "F" ' 2. ... lookup the key...
Const svCol As String = "J" ' 3. ... read the associated value...
Const sfRow As Long = 2
' Destination
Const dName As String = "OPL_DUMP"
Const dkCol As String = "B" ' 1. Read the key...
Const dvCol As String = "AC" ' 4. ... write the value.
Const dfRow As Long = 2
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' 2. Reference the source key (one-column) range ('skrg')
' and write the values from the source value (one-column) range ('svrg')
' to a 2D one-based (one-column) array ('svData').
' We will use 'skrg' because 'Application.Match' is faster on a range.
' We will use 'svData' because reading from an array is faster than
' from a range.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim slRow As Long: slRow = sws.Cells(sws.Rows.Count, skCol).End(xlUp).Row
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = slRow - sfRow + 1
If srCount < 1 Then
MsgBox "No data in column range.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim skrg As Range: Set skrg = sws.Cells(sfRow, skCol).Resize(srCount)
' ... which is the same as:
'Set skrg = sws.Range(sws.Cells(sfRow, skCol), sws.Cells(slrow, skCol))
Dim svrg As Range: Set svrg = skrg.EntireRow.Columns(svCol)
Dim svData() As Variant
If srCount = 1 Then ' one cell
ReDim svData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): svData(1, 1) = svrg.Value
Else ' multiple cells
svData = svrg.Value
End If
' 3. Reference the destination key (one-column) range ('skrg')
' and write its values the to a 2D one-based (one-column) array,
' the destination keys array ('dkData').
' We will use 'dkData' because reading from an array is faster than
' from a range.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim dlRow As Long: dlRow = dws.Cells(dws.Rows.Count, dkCol).End(xlUp).Row
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = dlRow - dfRow + 1
If drCount < 1 Then
MsgBox "No data in column range.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim dkrg As Range: Set dkrg = dws.Cells(dfRow, dkCol).Resize(drCount)
' ... which is the same as:
'Set dkrg = dws.Range(dws.Cells(dfRow, dkCol), dws.Cells(dlrow, dkCol))
Dim dkData() As Variant
If drCount = 1 Then ' one cell
ReDim dkData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): dkData(1, 1) = dkrg.Value
Else ' multiple cells
dkData = dkrg.Value
End If
' 3. Write the matching values to the destination values array ('dvData'),
' a 2D one-based one-column array, with the same number of rows
' as the number of rows of the destination keys array.
Dim dvData() As Variant: ReDim dvData(1 To drCount, 1 To 1)
Dim sr As Variant
Dim dValue As Variant
Dim dr As Long
For dr = 1 To drCount
dValue = dkData(dr, 1)
sr = Application.Match(dValue, skrg, 0)
If IsNumeric(sr) Then ' is a number (the row index)
dvData(dr, 1) = svData(sr, 1)
'Else ' is an error value (no match); do nothing
End If
Next dr
' 4. Write the values from the destination values array
' to the destination values range ('dvrg').
Dim dvrg As Range: Set dvrg = dkrg.EntireRow.Columns(dvCol)
dvrg.Value = dvData
' Save the workbook.
' 5. Inform.
MsgBox "Lookup has finished.", vbInformation
End Sub

Pick random number from a range of cells, some of which are empty cells

I am trying to pick a random value from a range of values and output this value in Cell E6.
Some of the cells are blank so I need to pick from a cell that contains a value.
The range of which the values to choose from is H127:1127.
Sub Generate()
Dim i As Double
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Upstream-Overall")
For Each Cell In ws.Range("H127:H1127")
If ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then
Range("E6") = Random_Number = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0.1, 5)
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
Return the Number From a Random Cell
Sub Generate()
Const wsName As String = "Upstream-Overall"
Const sRangeAddress As String = "H127:H1127"
Const dCellAddress As String = "E6"
' Reference the worksheet in the workbook containing this code.
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(wsName)
' Write the values from the first column of the range to an array.
Dim Data As Variant: Data = ws.Range(sRangeAddress).Columns(1).Value
Dim sr As Long, dr As Long
' Shift the numeric values (up) to the beginning of the array.
For sr = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
If VarType(Data(sr, 1)) = 5 Then ' is a number
dr = dr + 1
Data(dr, 1) = Data(sr, 1)
'Else ' is not a number; do nothing
End If
Next sr
' Check if at least one number was found.
If dr = 0 Then
MsgBox "No numbers in the first column of the range.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' Write the number from a random element
' of the numeric part of the array to the cell.
ws.Range(dCellAddress).Value = Data(Int(dr * Rnd + 1), 1)
' Inform of success.
MsgBox "New random number generated.", vbInformation
End Sub
You could do something like this:
Sub Generate()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, i As Long, v
Set ws = Sheets("Upstream-Overall")
Set rng = ws.Range("H127:H1127")
i = Application.RandBetween(1, rng.Cells.Count)
v = rng.Cells(i).Value
Loop While Len(v) = 0 'loop until selected cell has a value
ws.Range("E6").Value = v
End Sub
(assuming the range will never be completely empty)

Repeat even numbers in an array VBA

I'm trying to make a macro for where a user inputs a number and the even numbers are repeated in an array. I have got the code for repeating the numbers from 0-n (n being the number inputted). However, I don't know how to go about repeating the even numbers twice.
Sub Macro3()
For n = 1 To Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2) + 1
Cells(2, 1 + n).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = (n - 1)
End Sub
Below is the output
Current code vs what I really want
Write an Array of Integers
Writes an array of integers between 0 and the specified value in cell B1 to a row range starting from B2. Even numbers are written twice (one worksheet).
Initial Solution
This is a slow solution meant to be educational in understanding object variables (workbook-worksheet-range), ranges (Resize, Offset), loops,...
Option Explicit
Sub WriteArrayOfIntegersRange()
Const ProcTitle As String = "Write Array of Integers Range"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' Create a reference to the source cell.
Dim sCell As Range: Set sCell = ws.Range("B1")
' Write the value of the source cell to a variable.
Dim sValue As Variant: sValue = sCell.Value
Dim LastInteger As Long
' Validate the source cell value.
If IsNumeric(sValue) Then ' is a number
LastInteger = Abs(CLng(sValue)) ' positive ('Abs'), whole ('CLng')
Else ' is not a number
MsgBox "The value in cell '" & sCell.Address(0, 0) & "' ('" _
& sValue & "' is not a number.", vbCritical, ProcTitle
Exit Sub
End If
' Create a reference to the first destination cell.
Dim dCell As Range: Set dCell = ws.Range("B2"): dCell.Value = 0
Dim Size As Long: Size = 1
Dim n As Long
' Loop through the numbers and apply alternating row size (1 or 2)
' and column offset (2 or 1) before writing.
For n = 1 To LastInteger
Set dCell = dCell.Offset(, Size) ' define next first cell
Size = 2 - n Mod 2 ' calculate the size (Odd = 1, Even = 2)
dCell.Resize(, Size).Value = n ' write to the resized row range
Next n
' Clear the range to the right of the last cell to remove any previous data.
Dim crrg As Range
With dCell.Offset(, Size) ' define next first cell
' Define the range from the next first to the last worksheet cell
' in the row.
Set crrg = .Resize(, ws.Columns.Count - .Column + 1)
End With
crrg.Clear ' or crrg.ClearContents
MsgBox "Array of numbers written.", vbInformation, ProcTitle
End Sub
Using Arrays
This is a more advanced solution that utilizes the multi-purpose GetArrayOfIntegers function. By modifying the related constants (Function Parameters) in the following procedure, you can easily change the output.
Note that it returns the results in another worksheet (Sheet2).
The last procedure is created for anyone to quickly get a flavor of the GetArrayOfIntegers function. Just add a new workbook, add a new module and copy the codes to it. Modify the function parameters in the last procedure to get different results in the Immediate window (Ctrl+G).
Sub WriteArrayOfIntegers()
' Needs the 'GetArrayOfIntegers' function.
Const ProcTitle As String = "Write Array of Numbers"
' Source
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
Const sCellAddress As String = "B1"
' Destination
Const dName As String = "Sheet2"
Const dfCellAddress As String = "B2"
' Function Parameters ' experiment with these five parameters
Const EvensCount As Long = 2
Const OddsCount As Long = 1
Const DoReturnRow As Boolean = True
Const IncludeZero As Boolean = True
Const IsZeroOdd As Boolean = True
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Create a reference to the source cell.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim sCell As Range: Set sCell = sws.Range(sCellAddress)
' Write the value of the source cell to a variable.
Dim sValue As Variant: sValue = sCell.Value
Dim LastInteger As Long
' Validate the source cell value.
If IsNumeric(sValue) Then ' is a number
LastInteger = Abs(CLng(sValue)) ' positive ('Abs'), whole ('CLng')
Else ' is not a number
MsgBox "The value in cell '" & sCell.Address(0, 0) & "' ('" _
& sValue & "' is not a number.", vbCritical, ProcTitle
Exit Sub
End If
' Return the result (an array) of the 'GetArrayOfIntegers' function.
Dim Data As Variant: Data = GetArrayOfIntegers( _
LastInteger, EvensCount, OddsCount, DoReturnRow, IncludeZero, IsZeroOdd)
' Without the constants it would be:
'Data = GetArrayOfIntegers(LastInteger, 2, 1, True, True, True)
If IsEmpty(Data) Then Exit Sub
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = UBound(Data, 1)
Dim dcCount As Long: dcCount = UBound(Data, 2)
' Create a reference to the first destination cell.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim dfCell As Range: Set dfCell = dws.Range(dfCellAddress)
' Clear all cells next to (to the right of) and below
' the first destination cell.
Dim dcrg As Range: Set dcrg = dfCell.Resize( _
dws.Rows.Count - dfCell.Row + 1, dws.Columns.Count - dfCell.Column + 1)
dcrg.Clear ' or dcrg.ClearContents
' Create a reference to the destination range.
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = dfCell.Resize(drCount, dcCount)
' Write the values from the array to the destination range.
drg.Value = Data
MsgBox "Array of numbers written.", vbInformation, ProcTitle
End Sub
' Author: VBasic2008
' Dates: 20211101
' Purpose: Returns an array of integers in a 2D one-based array.
' Remarks: The first element is always 0 or 1.
Function GetArrayOfIntegers( _
ByVal LastInteger As Long, _
Optional ByVal EvensCount As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal OddsCount As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal DoReturnRow As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal IncludeZero As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal IsZeroOdd As Boolean = False) _
As Variant
Dim eoArr() As Long: ReDim eoArr(0 To 1)
eoArr(0) = EvensCount: eoArr(1) = OddsCount
Dim zCount As Long
If IncludeZero Then
If IsZeroOdd Then zCount = OddsCount Else zCount = EvensCount
End If
Dim iMod As Long: iMod = LastInteger Mod 2
Dim eCount As Long: eCount = Int(LastInteger / 2)
Dim oCount As Long: oCount = Int(LastInteger / 2) + iMod
Dim dtCount As Long
dtCount = eCount * EvensCount + oCount * OddsCount + zCount
Dim Data As Variant
Dim dt As Long: dt = 1
Dim n As Long
Dim r As Long
If DoReturnRow Then
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To dtCount)
If zCount > 0 Then
For dt = 1 To zCount: Data(1, dt) = 0: Next dt
End If
For n = 1 To LastInteger
For r = 1 To eoArr(n Mod 2)
Data(1, dt) = n
dt = dt + 1
Next r
Next n
ReDim Data(1 To dtCount, 1 To 1)
If zCount > 0 Then
For dt = 1 To zCount: Data(dt, 1) = 0: Next dt
End If
For n = 1 To LastInteger
For r = 1 To eoArr(n Mod 2)
Data(dt, 1) = n
dt = dt + 1
Next r
Next n
End If
GetArrayOfIntegers = Data
End Function
' This is an unrelated example to play with.
' Note that changing the fourth parameter will make no difference since
' the results are written to the Immediate window (Ctrl+G).
Sub GetArrayOfIntegersTEST()
' Needs the 'GetArrayOfIntegers' function.
Dim Data As Variant: Data = GetArrayOfIntegers(4, 3, 2, False, False, False)
Dim r As Long, c As Long
For r = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(Data, 2)
Debug.Print Data(r, c)
Next c
Next r
End Sub
Fast alternative via ArrayList
Working with an ArrayList (disposing btw of methods like .Sort,.Remove, .Insert, .Reverse) may be a convenient way to manipulate array data in a very readable way. It is not part of VBA, but can be accessed easily via late binding (referring to .Net library mscorlib.dll).
Option Explicit ' code module head
Sub DoubleEvenNumbersGreaterOne()
'a) define upper limit
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheet1 ' << change to project's sheet Code(Name)
Dim Limit As Long
Limit = ws.Range("B1")
'b) declare ArrayList
Dim arr As Object ' late bind .Net mscorlib.dll
Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
'c) populate list array
arr.Add 0 ' start adding with zero
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Limit ' loop through sequence 1:Limit
arr.Add i ' add current number
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then arr.Add i ' additional even number
'd) get array
Dim a As Variant: a = arr.ToArray ' change ArrayList object to VBA array
'Debug.Print Join(a, "|") ' optional check in VB Editor's immediate window
'e) write 0-based 1-dim array to ws (here: Sheet1) or declare another target worksheet (e.g. ws2)
With ws.Range("B2")
.EntireRow = vbNullString ' empty target row
.Resize(1, UBound(a) + 1) = a ' write values into correct number of cells
End With
End Sub
A formula oriented approach // late edit as of 11/1 2021
a) A first and very elementary way would be to
enter formula =COLUMN(A1)-INT((COLUMN(A1)+2)/3) into cell B2 and to
copy into the right neighbour cells as long as you get the wanted maximum
b) Refining this approach you can code the following udf accepting the wanted maximum as argument (note that I changed the flat Column reference to a vertical Row reference to simplify calculation of the actual maxima):
Function Sequ(ByVal maxNo As Long)
Dim myFormula As String
myFormula = Replace("=ROW(1:$)-INT((ROW(1:$)+2)/3)", "$", maxNo + maxNo \ 2 + 1)
Sequ = Application.Transpose(Evaluate(myFormula))
End Function
A direct formula entry of e.g. =Sequ(10) into B2 benefitting from the newer dynamic features of vers. 2019+/MS 365 would display all (row) elements automatically in a so called spill range without need of further inputs.
Using VBA to display results in VB Editor's immediate window could be coded as follows: Debug.Print Join(Sequ(10), "|") resulting in
or to assign the results to a variable that can be used in further code.
Your code is really ok, just add question is number even and one more variable to see where to write. Also just change n loop from 0:
Sub Macro3()
For n = 0 To Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2)
a = a + 1
Cells(2, 2 + a).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = n
'check if number is even and check if a > 1 because we don't want to repeat 0
If n Mod 2 = 0 And a > 1 Then
a = a + 1
Cells(2, 2 + a).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = n
End If
End Sub
Try this code
Sub Test()
Dim v, ws As Worksheet, i As Long, ii As Long, n As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
v = ws.Range("B1").Value
If Not IsNumeric(v) Or IsEmpty(v) Then MsgBox "Must Be Number", vbExclamation: Exit Sub
ReDim a(1 To (v / 2) + v)
For i = 1 To v
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
For ii = 1 To 2
n = n + 1: a(n) = i
Next ii
n = n + 1: a(n) = i
End If
Next i
Range("C2").Resize(, UBound(a)).Value = a
End Sub

How to use VBA to extract the data after the right arrow?

Hello everyone,
I'm doing a challenging task assigned by my supervisor but I'm not sure how to solve this problem. The task that I want to do is to extract the values after the right arrow in column B (Input) and paste it in column C (Output). If there is only one value in the cell (e.g. B4,B8,B9,...), then the output in column C will just be the value. If the cell in column B is empty, then just leave the output column as blank. So the final output should be exactly the same as column C. May I know is there any way to achieve it using VBA scripting? I know that this can be done without using VBA, but I'm requested to use VBA to solve this problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Try the next function, please:
Function extractValLngArrSep(str As String) As Double
Dim x: x = Split(str, " ")
'For the case of empty cell - it will return 0:
If str = "" Then extractValLngArrSep = 0: Exit Function
If UBound(x) > 0 Then
extractValLngArrSep = x(2)
extractValLngArrSep = x(0)
End If
End Function
It can be tested with the next testing Sub. It can be easily applied to all column, just iterating through its cells. Now, please activate one of such a cell with separated numbers and run the code. Then one cell having a simple number:
Sub testExtractVal()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = extractValLngArrSep(ActiveCell.Value)
End Sub
It should be also adapted to catch the case of a single string instead of a number, but this is something out of the question and not very difficult to be handled (I think...).
To process your example range, please use the next code:
Sub testExtractValBis()
Dim sh As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, C As Range
Set sh = ActiveSheet ' please, use here your necessary sheet
lastRow = sh.Range("B" & sh.Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
For Each C In sh.Range("B3:B" & lastRow)
If C.value <> "" Then
C.Offset(0, 1).Value = extractValLngArrSep(C.Value)
End Iff
End Sub
Extract After Character
Adjust the values in the constants section.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub extractAfterChar()
Const wsName As String = "Sheet1"
Const srcFirst As String = "B3"
Const dstfirst As String = "C3"
Dim Delimiter As String: Delimiter = ChrW(10141)
' Define workbook.
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' Workbook containing this code.
' Declare variables
Dim rg As Range ' Source Range
Dim wrCount ' Worksheet Rows Count
' Define Source Range.
With wb.Worksheets(wsName).Range(srcFirst)
wrCount = .Worksheet.Rows.Count
Set rg = .Resize(wrCount - .Row + 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious) ' Define Last Cell Range.
If rg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' Validate Last Cell Range.
Set rg = .Resize(rg.Row - .Row + 1) ' Define Source Range.
End With
' Write Source Range's Rows Count to a variable.
Dim rCount As Long: rCount = rg.Rows.Count
' Write values from Source Range to Data Array.
Dim Data As Variant
If rCount > 1 Then
Data = rg.Value ' multiple rows (cells)
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = rg.Value ' one row (cell) only
End If
' Declare additional variables.
Dim Key As Variant ' Current Value (in Data Array)
Dim i As Long ' Data Array Row Counter
' Replace values in Data Array with results.
For i = 1 To rCount
Key = Data(i, 1)
If IsError(Key) Then
Data(i, 1) = Empty
If Len(Key) = 0 Then ' empty or blank ("")
Data(i, 1) = Empty
Key = Val(rightString(Key, Delimiter))
If Key = 0 Then
Data(i, 1) = Empty
Data(i, 1) = Key
End If
End If
End If
' Write values from Data Array to Destination Range.
With wb.Worksheets(wsName).Range(dstfirst)
.Resize(wrCount - .Row + 1).ClearContents ' from first to bottom-most
.Resize(rCount).Value = Data
End With
End Sub
Function rightString( _
ByVal SearchString As String, _
Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = ",", _
Optional ByVal doTrim As Boolean = True) _
As String
Dim slen As Long: slen = Len(SearchString)
If slen = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim sPos As Long: sPos = InStr(1, SearchString, Delimiter)
If sPos > 0 Then
rightString = Right(SearchString, slen - sPos)
rightString = SearchString
End If
If doTrim Then
rightString = Trim(rightString)
End If
End Function
