How to get the number of elements in protractor nodejs and how to click on particular element having the same xpath - node.js

My scenario is to add a section in a page and perform an action on it.But as there are elements with the same xpath already, webdriver is clicking on first element and the script is failing.So, I want to fetch the existing number of elements having the same xpath and then increase the count by 1 so as to click on the newly added section. Please find the below code and correct me where it is going wrong.(Or) Suggest me any other approach.
Also, please let me know will line no. 9 works if getting the number of elements issue is resolved. Thanks!
Method :
this.getElementCount=async function(locator) {
try {'Verifying count for element ' + locator);
let noOfElements = await element.all(locator).count();
await'There are ' + noOfElements + 'elements in UI');
return noOfElements;
} catch(err) {
throw err;
Calling method :
var compLocator = element(by.xpath("//div[#title='Test']"));
this.clickOnComp=async function(){
var elementsCount=getElementCount(compLocator);"No. of elements : "+elementsCount);
var currentEle=elementsCount+1;
var currentCompLocator=compLocator[currentEle]; // line no.9"comp locator :" +currentCompLocator);
await clickElement(currentCompLocator);"Clicked : "+currentCompLocator);
await clickElement(compLocator);
Output :
Verifying count for element [object Object]
No. of elements : [object Promise]
(node:13915) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Invalid locator

Start with resolving promise with await
var compLocator = element(by.xpath("//div[#title='Test']"));
this.clickOnComp=async function(){
var elementsCount=await getElementCount(compLocator); // <-----------------"No. of elements : "+elementsCount);
var currentEle=elementsCount+1;
var currentCompLocator=compLocator[currentEle]; // line no.9"comp locator :" +currentCompLocator);
await clickElement(currentCompLocator);"Clicked : "+currentCompLocator);
await clickElement(compLocator);

There are two issues in your code:
getElementCount() expects a locator argument by you give a element
(Line 9) compLocator is an element not an xpath or an element array, you can't use compLocator[currentEle]
var compXPath = "//div[#title='Test']"
var compLocator = by.xpath(compXPath);
this.clickOnComp=async function(){
var elementsCount = await getElementCount(compLocator);"No. of elements : "+elementsCount);
if(elementsCount > 1){
var currentEle = elementsCount+1;
var currentCompXPath = compXPath + "/["+ currentEle +"]" // line no.9"current Comp xpath :" +currentCompXPath);
var currentCompLocator = by.xpath(currentCompXPath)
await clickElement(currentCompLocator);"Clicked : "+currentCompLocator);
await clickElement(compLocator);


the jscript code we have on our store website is not working properly

I have this code installed on my website and what it is suppose to do is see if a product has a single or double attribute and then it disables products from there that are out of stock so customers can't click on it. The code works great for the single attribute products but it doesn't seem to work for the double attribute products.
Single Attribute Product link -
Double Attribute Product link -
// A quick check to see if it is a product being viewed (checking the microdata) - to avoid running the rest of the code if viewing a page other than the product page
if ($('[itemtype*="//"]').length > 0) {
//Check the url to see if a variant is being viewed or not
var curl = location.href;
//choose the appropriate ajax url
if (curl.indexOf('?') > -1) {
var url = curl + '&format=json';
} else {
var url = '?format=json';
//Start the ajax call
url: url,
// Add the disabled attribute to the variants that aren't available
.done(function(obj) {
//create a variable with the product variants
var data = obj.product.variants;
//fun a function on each variant
$.each(data, function(index, value) {
//check if any of the variants aren't available for purchase
if (!value.stock.available) {
//check if the variants are double attribute
if (value.title.indexOf(',') > -1) {
console.log('Double Attribute matrix!');
var attribute1 = value.title.replace(/"/g,'').split(',')[0].split(": ")[1];
//only disable the variants for which the first attribute is being viewed
if ($('select[name*="matrix"]:first()').val() == attribute1) {
var option = value.title.replace(/"/g,'').split(',')[1].split(":")[1];
$('select[name*="matrix"] option:contains(' + option + ')').each(function(){
if ($(this).text() == option) {
$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
} else {
console.log('Single Attribute matrix!');
var option = value.title.split(': ')[1];
var selectname = value.title.split(': ')[0];
$('select[name*="matrix"] option:contains(' + option + ')').each(function(){
if ($(this).text() == option) {
$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
} else {
console.log('not a product page!');

Unable to run includes() method on string returned by fs.readFileSync()

having a bit of trouble:
let data = fs.readFileSync(pathToCsv, "utf8");
the value of data comes out to be:
(through console.log())
but still data.toString().includes("pm") is false.
Here is my full code:
const filter = (m) => === false;
.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 60000,
.then((collected) => {
if (clans[parseInt(collected.toJSON()[0].content) - 1]) {
let clan = clans[parseInt(collected.toJSON()[0].content) - 1];
let data = fs.readFileSync(pathToCsv, "utf8");
console.log(typeof clan);
// let reg = new RegExp(clan, "g");
// let count = (data.match(reg) || []).length;
if (data.split(",").includes(clan)) {
"People from this clan are already registered!\nPlease contact the hosts for help!"
} else {
teamCheck = true;
} else {"Invalid Clan! Please try again!");
.catch((collected) => {
try {
console.log("Error" + collected);
} catch (e) {
if (teamCheck === false) {
I have tried splitting the data, using regular expressions but nothing seems to work on the string returned by
PS. I am making a discord bot.
In the source string you have pm with a space before it. That's why after calling split("," you end up with the element " pm" in the result array and "pm" is not equal to it.
You just need to trim spaces in all elements before searching some string in it
The problem was in the clans array.
I was defining it as such:
var clans = fs.readFileSync(pathToData, "utf8").split("\n");
but the problem was that the readFileSync() method added an "\r" after every string of the array. That is why it was not able to match the clan string to the data
So what worked was var clans = fs.readFileSync(pathToData, "utf8").split("\r\n");
Now, the array includes only the string, and the includes() method can find a match!

How to concat string in node js to call column

I wish to make call different column if user using different language, example in one collection I have description_en for English and description_ind for Indonesia.
The problem if I concat it is not working.
This is example code
let lang = req.params.lang;
order_status_description:element.orderstatus.description + lang,
this is my complete code
const MyOrderResource = (req,res,next)=>{
let lang = req.params.lang;
let arrayResult = [];
req.order.forEach(element => {
let arrayItem =[];
fprice:'Rp ' + new Intl.NumberFormat().format(item.price),
fprice:'Rp ' + new Intl.NumberFormat().format(item.amount),
ftotal:'Rp ' + new Intl.NumberFormat().format(,
order_status_description:element.orderstatus.description + lang,
status : 200,
module.exports = MyOrderResource;
For this code, I wish to call, column description_en, but the result is undefined
Thanks for helping
You can use something like
order_status_description : element.orderstatus["description" + lang]
In the posted snipet, it instructs to concat the value of key- 'element.orderstatus.description' to the value of key - 'lang'

place a marker on leaflet map from mongodb coordinates

I would like to place markers on a leaflet map but from a database,
I would like to save on mongodb the lat and long and show 'em like markers on my map, is that possible?
Create a request for example with JQuery Ajax:
$.ajax({url: "/your_data_provider.php", success: function(result){
//result = JSON.parse(result); // If your result is not a json Object.
// It depends on what your data looks like
//Example 1: Lat and Lng has a own field in the db
var lat =;
var lng = data.lng;
var marker = L.marker([lat, lng]).addTo(map);
//Example 2: you have one geojson-data string field "geo" in db
// Before inserting in db create a featuregroup `var fg = L.featureGroup();`
// and add all markers to the group `marker.addto(fg);`.
// Then you can call `var datageo = fg.toGeoJSON();` and add this datageo to the db in the field "geo"
var geo = data.geo;
error: function(xhr){
alert("An error occured: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);
Also you need a data provider. You can create a REST-Api or calling directly for example a php file.
php file:
// I have never used MongoDB, you have to code your own request. I copied it.
try {
$mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
$listdatabases = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(["listDatabases" => 1]);
$res = $mng->executeCommand("admin", $listdatabases);
$databases = current($res->toArray());
$result = new array();
$x = 0;
foreach ($databases->databases as $el) {
$result[$x]['id'] = $el->id;
//Example 1:
$result[$x]['lat'] = $el->lat;
$result[$x]['lng'] = $el->lng;
//Example 2:
$result[$x]['geo'] = $el->geo;
echo json_encode($result);
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {
$error = new array();
$error['exception'] = $e->getMessage();
$error['line'] = $e->getLine();
echo json_encode($error);

jQuery: check if text exists in another element

Using jQuery, I want to check if the text of a link I'm clicking is present in another element on the page. The text in the other element is added dynamically and isn't present on the page initially.
So far I have this:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:has(" + seed + ")")){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
But for some reason, I always get the "already have it" alert even if the text of the #results a link isn't present in the #seeds <div>. What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: using :contains instead of :has, as suggested, works for the most part...except if #seeds contains a string that's a superset of the text in the #results anchor.
For example, if #seeds contains the text Americana and the #results anchor's text is America, I will still get the "already have it" alert. I want the alert to appear only for an exact match. Is this possible?
You can use :contains() instead of :has():
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
This checks if the #seeds element contains the text that the link clicked contains.
If you want to find any elements that are descendants of the #seeds element:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds").find(":contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
Here is a demo:
Notice that I am checking the length of the returned set of elements, if there are no elements then zero will be returned and the if statement will resolve to false, if there are any elements then it will resolve truthily.
Also note that :contains() is case-sensitive:
If you are using jQuery 1.4.2 or greater then you can use .delegate() rather than .live(). The main benefit to .delegate() is that you can select your root element. So if for instance, #results, is always present in the DOM then you can use it as the root element rather than the document element (which is what .live() does):
//it's this easy to change to `.delegate()`
$("#results").delegate("a", "click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds").find(":contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
If #results is added to the DOM dynamically then you can find it's parent and use it as the root element (... as long as it persists in the DOM).
If you want to only match the exact text of the link then you can iterate through the descendant elements of the #results element and check the text of each element:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text(),
found = false;
$.each($('#seeds').find('*'), function () {
if ($(this).text() == seed) {
found = true;
if (found){
alert("already have it");
else {
alert('that\'s new');
return false;
Here is a demo:
You can also use RegExp to match the value:
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var regexp = new RegExp("^(" + $(this).text() + ")$", "i"),
found = false;
$.each($('#seeds').find('*'), function () {
if ($(this).text().search(regexp) > -1) {
found = true;
if (found){
alert("already have it");
else {
alert('that\'s new');
return false;
Here is a demo:
The important part here is the creation of the RegExp: var regexp = new RegExp("^(" + $(this).text() + ")$", "i"). Notice the i flag which sets the RegExp to search case-insensitive. Also the ^ matches the beginning of the string and $ matches the end, so this look to see if the current text being checked is the exact same string as the search term (except that it's case-insensitive).
Use :contains() instead of :has() and check for length property because jQuery always gives an object.
:has(selector) takes selector as input and looks for element which match selector where as :contains(text) takes the text to check for within elements text content and select them.
$("#results a").live("click", function(event){
var seed = $(this).text();
if ($("#seeds:contains(" + seed + ")").length){
alert("already have it");
else {
// other code
