Android studio 4.1 Emulator extended controls - android-studio

Extended control settings/options are missing in this update? like sending sms, gps settings unable to find the settings any help appreciated.

To see the additional options you need to run the Emulator in a separate window (process).
To do so go to File...Settings... and then choose the following.
You'll need to uncheck the Launch in a tool window option.
After you do that and restart Android Studio and start your emulator, it will run in a separate window and you'll see the options you want on the ellipse menu item on the side of the emulator.
Here's my Android Studio version info:
Android Studio 4.1
Build #AI-201.8743.12.41.6858069, built on September 23, 2020 Runtime
version: 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6222593 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit
Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 5.4.0-52-generic
Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME

Edit: September 2021
Now, since Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) you can enable that in settings:
And you have it there:
Old answer
Currently, you can't use
Base on documentation:
Currently, you can't use the emulator's extended controls when it's running in a tool window. If your development workflow depends heavily on the extended controls, continue to use the Android Emulator as a standalone application. In addition, certain virtual devices—such as Android TV and foldable devices—can't be run in Android Studio because they have specialized UI requirements or important functions in the extended controls.

After hours of struggling, I finally started my emulator using terminal-command and I was able to see the extended controls. Followed this answer,


Android Studio very laggy on M1 Apple Silicon chip

I've upgraded to the M1 chip 2020 Macbook Air from a 7th gen. Intel chip pc. Overall, I'm very happy and content with it but when it comes to Android Studio performance, which I use quite often, it is very disappointing I'm sorry to say. When will an Apple Silicon compatible version be available? Are any of you guys have any clue?
I had the exact problem and the solution was as follows:
Open Android Studio, go to Help -> Edit Custom VM Options and add the following lines:
Restart the IDE and wait for the files to sync. Done, IDE running smooth again.
Starting from Android Studio Artic Fox version, they not only changed versioning number style (replaced number system with Year-styling Version names), but also introduced Android Studio for M1/Apple Silicon (arm arch 64bits).
To check if you'r using right Android Studio for your M1, click on 'About Android Studio' and check the runtime, it should show as aarch64 (ie. Arm architecture 64bits). If not, mostly you might be having x86_64 if you installed regular Mac's Android Studio.
To switch to M1's Android Studio,
first exit already installed Android Studio, if it's open.
Go to Finder and under 'Applications', rename 'Android Studio' to preferably 'Android Studio_x86_64'.
Go to Android Studio downloads page (, and download the one tagged as 'Mac (64-bit, ARM)' and unzip and move to 'Applications'.
Click to open 'Android Studio' from the Finder/Applications. You may drag and add it as a Dock shortcut option.
Good thing is that there is no extra installation required and the existing project, (at least for me), opened without any issues.
Android-SDK based and Flutter projects should be good right after switch, NDK not yet there.
AS is now faster again as you are using it as intended on Apple M1's chipset. !
Now Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) is available in Stable Channel. If your version is older than Bumblebee, download it for more performance.
I find out that the link shown by default is for intel architectures.
Automatic update performed by android studio also downloads the intel version even if this download occurs on a Mac with an ARM architecture (M1) .
You should navigate to the download options and choose ARM architecture manually.
You can download version 2021.1.1.22 Bumblebee for MAC ARM (M1) here (Link updated on Mar 7 2022 )
Check Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Beta 3 (have apple silicon support)
use Intellij CE the latest version released on April 6th has native support for m1 and its very fast and intuitive, i've been using it and it's not very different from android studio
Edit: September 21
Download m1 native supported Android studio through
Download Mac (Apple silicon)
All the above did not work and my emulator was completely unusable but in my case the following fixed my issues:
Android studio Preferences > Tools > Emulator
Make sure 'Launch in a tool window' is checked
'Wipe Data' on emulator and then relaunch
Having the emulator launch as a separate window caused a huge slowdown but this fixed it immediately

Android Profiler stuck in loading

I am trying to opening Profiler but it's not working as it stucks in loading, I have Android Studio 3.3.
Profiler stuck in loading
I am using this real device..
If your platform-tools's version is 29.0.3 on Android Studio 3.5, please rollback version to 29.0.2.
I found it in google issue tracker
I can confirm that downgrading to version 29.0.2 fixed the issue of not founding devices in the Android Profiler. You can download that version from here: Unzip it in your Android SDK folder.
Click on the '+' (see image) signal!
This worked for me on Android Studio 3.5.1
with platform-tools's version 29.0.4
For me it was also showing the loading gif but just click on the '+' button and select your android!
I had the same problem for Android Studio 3.5.3, but I used a device on android 8.0, which is supposed to work fine with profiler, unlike 4.4. What I had to do was to update the platform tools from 29.0.2 to 29.0.5 and it finally started to work. You can find it in Tools - SDK Manager - Android SDK
that's because the profiler doesn't work with API 25 or lower levels.
when you are trying to start profiler you should see this message from Android Studio
or you can check the Event log, and you'll see this message
Startup CPU Profiling: Starting a method trace recording on startup is only supported on devices with API levels 26 and higher.
so all you need is to change the phone which you are working on but be Ensure that have API Level 26 or higher.
when you change the API to higher one Ensure to do these Steps:-
disable instant Run from File > Settings > unmark enable instant run...
Enable advanced profiling from app > Edit Configuration > profiling > then mark on "like the image blew" ...
Enable Advanced Profiling.
Start Recording CPU Activity on startup.
finally, plug in your new device which has a higher API and start working on your app.
I faced the exact problem. Because I tried to use Profiler in lower API level of Android. In my case it was API level 19 (KitKat).
Pre-Lollipop devices aren't supported by Profiler
Use the later (>21) or latest version of Android Devices for Profiling App
It worked for me.
I had the same probleme, i fixed it by changing the targetSdkVersion to the version of my phone.
I had targetSdkVersion to 29 and the profiler wasn't loading.
Then i changed it to 28 that is my phone sdkversion then it worked fine.

Visual Studio Mac Won't Show iOS Simulators

I've got a Xamarin Forms solution with iOS and Android projects. The iOS side was working, I switched over and did a bunch of work on the Android side. Now I need to do some more iOS stuff (push notifications) and I can't get the iOS Simulator to kick in. Xcode is installed, VS says it can see the SDK. I can open the simulator from XC but inside VS no matter what Debug combination of the .iOS project I select all I get is "Generic Simulator". Any ideas?
Try Unload the IOS Project and Reload and Set as a Startup Project, it works for me
See the answer in the comment provided by #lowleetak:
Is the minimum supported version in Info.plist less than or equal to
the version of iOS Simulator that you have?
This was the issue. The project settings listed 10.2 as the target SDK but the info.plist file had 10.3 which wasn't installed on the machine via Xcode. The machine has Xcode 8.2.1 and iOS 10.2 installed.
Additionally there's now a bug opened about this behavior. If the two fields are going to allow different values there should at least be a warning next to them about the mismatch.
I also showed Generic Simulator only on my project after updating to XCode 14 early. At the release of XCode 14 the stable Visual Studio for Mac (Xamarin) release did not yet support this version of XCode. Even the preview channel was not yet ready. Guidance from Xamarin.iOS discussion group was that the special XCode14 channel could be used to evaluate.

Standalone SDK Manager option in Android Studio 2.3

I have recently updated Android Studio from 2.2.3 to 2.3. Now can't see the option "Launch Standalone SDK Manager", which is useful to check for updates, google play services, etc.
It is a deprecated feature: There is an option in Android Studio to "Show Package Details".
For manual SDK and AVD management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
See also:
Even I had this issue when I updated to Android Studio 2.3
Click on Configure on the bottom left side
Select the Check Box to Show Package Details on the bottom left side
Move between the different tabs as per your requirements.
Can't working on Android Studio 2.3.3
On Mac :
click android, you'll see standalone SDK manager
On Windows :
double click on android.bat, standalone SDK Manger will be launched (see image below).
As the standalone sdk manager has been deprecated in favor of studio builtin sdk manager, there's a workaround to get back the standalone sdk manager.
Download command line sdk tools for your platform:
the links refer to an old distribution intentionally (see note below).
Copy the SDK Manager.exe, tools/android.bat and tools/lib/archquery.jar into your existing sdk to which android studio is currently being pointed.
Run SDK Manager or tools/android.bat and you will get back your beloved standalone sdk manager while having latest android studio > 2.3
if you download latest command line tools for sdk, you wont be able to find the archquery.jar which is required to run the standalone sdk utility.
In this latest version (2.3.1 and 2.3.1+), after some digging, I found a faster way to open AVD and SDK: In the welcome interface of Android Studio, after pressing CTRL+SHIFT+A, a search box will jump out, then you can input "AVD", the AVD manager will come out. To open SDK is the same way.
However, AVD does not work in the welcome interface but SDK works. If you want to use CTRL+SHIFT+A to quickly open AVD you must create a new project and open AVD in the project interface.
If you are a Xamarin user, you can install the Xamarin Android SDK Manager, available on the Visual Studio Marketplace which will give you an interface like this:
NOTE: The Xamarin SDK manager has to be accessed from visual studio, but it will (should) work on both windows and mac
You can open it from your SDK path which in my case is
Double click on SDK Manager.exe and it will open standalone SDK manager, refer attached Screenshot.

No devices attached in xamarin VisualStudio for ios

I'm having real trouble when I try to use the IOS emulator from the visual studio. So I created a hello world app in VS using xamarin (latest stable version), I set the project as main project, and When I refresh the connexion with the mac, I can't select the device that should be shown in the selectList. The message is "No device attached" :
And if I try to use xamarin studio on the host mac, all is okay, the sample app builds on the iphone emulator:
Thanks to help me !
I know this question has already been answered, but i found it when i had a problem, and it did not help... but i did find the solution:
Under the debugging menu in VS2012, click on Configuration Manager
make sure that iPhone Simulator (or iPad, if you want) is set...
Default seems to be looking for a physical device...
hope this helps.
Are you sure the device is connected to the Mac and not the Windows machine? Have you tried debugging from that same device from Xamarin Studio on the Mac?
Had the same problem. Issue was when i loaded my solution, visual studio 2012 decided to choose a library project as the 'Startup project'.
Rt Clicked the ios project, chose 'Set as StartUp Project' and the device list was populated.
P.S: Visual Studio you should be old enough to figure this out by now.
When I ran into this problem, I had another instance of visual studio running which was connected to the Mac.
Apparently you can only have on VS instance connected at a time.
Check your server log in Visual Studio output window for some more clues:
Closing the other instance of Visual Studio allowed me to connect in the instance I wanted to debug in
I discovered something missing. For me, in Visual Studio 2013, for some reason they have removed Solution Platforms from the toolbar. This makes it impossible to switch from iPhone to iPhoneSimulator without opening Configuration Manager. So, to fix this.
Click TOOLS/Customize then select the 'Commands' tab then select the 'Toolbar:' radio button and click the dropdown to the right of it and select 'Standard' as the toolbar you're working on.
Now, click 'Add Command' and select 'Build' from the catagories on the left and then scroll down commands until you find 'Solution Platforms'. Select that one and click OK. Then click the 'Close' button. You will now see an additional dropdown next to the Solution Configurations dropdown on your Standard Toolbar.
This will allow you to easily switch from iPhoneSimulator and iPhone. Use iPhone when you want to plug in an actual device, and use iPhoneSimulator when you want to pick a simulated device.
Hope this helps somebody out. I too have spent lots of time trying to figure this one out when I went from a device and was trying to use the simulator instead.
Restarting of Visual Studio 2010 worked for me.
Different things worked for me (Windows 8.1 & Visual Studio 2013):
Restart Visual Studio
Set 'iPhoneSimulator' as platform (only working one)
In Properties - iOS Application change 'Deployment Target' version to some lower number (6.0 worked for me).
As well as checking you have the right startup project selected as per #Chamkila's answer, check that you haven't accidentally broken your project's Info.plist file by attempting to open it through Visual Studio.
