Using Azure B2C with PowerBI Embedded - azure

Kick tires around. We want use Azure B2C for identity management for our web application that embeds PowerBI. PowerBi Embedded and the application are on a separate tenant that is used for our organization. Can this still be done?

You could use Embed content for your customers, also known as App owns Data.
User logs in using Azure B2C
Application back-end will verify user log-in and receive user details
Application back-end should generate embed token. This means that you need to understand how to link a B2C user to a report id / role etc. You can do this in your back-end based on metadata or a table lookup.
You can also include the username and roles if you would like to use Row Level Security (RLS).


What is a good strategy to save user premium subscription for a web app with Azure AD B2C as user management system?

I am building a Blazor Server web app that will have locked features only accessible via paid subscription (payment handled with stripe).
I am using Azure AD B2C for user management/authentication.
I also have an Android and iOS app built with Xamarin, from which users will be able to subscribe to the service (payment handled with Android/iOS built-in payment service), and therefore have full access to the web app.
What is the right approach to save the fact that a user has completed payment, and retrieve that data on future sign up ?
I read about custom attributes in Azure AD B2C, so maybe I should build the system on top of Azure AD B2C, but I am not sure it is the appropriate approach for this use case.
Thanks in advance
Yes, you could use a custom policy and custom attributes if you have a simple system where you just want to store a value and deny access during login if the value is not set.
For anything more complicated, rather store all the details in a DB and access it via a REST API.
You can access the attribute direct from custom policies. You just read and write it like any other attribute.
If you want to use the Graph API, be aware the name is different.

Role based authorization with Azure ADB2C having mobile app(Xamarin Forms IOS app) as a client

We have a scenario where in mobile app(Xamarin Forms IOS APP) logs into the Azure ADB2C and generate a JWT token if the user is a valid user(user is configured in Azure AD B2C). We have a requirement where in, we need to generate a token based on the role i.e. based on the role with which user logs in, we want to generate a token and that token we are trying to use it in subsequent Web API calls.
Articles which we found out on this particular scenario was having web application as a client where in some mechanism of secrets were explained. In the mobile app client scenario, its not possible to have a secrets.
Followed the below mentioned article, but couldn't get any concrete information also
Any pointers on this particular scenario would be very much helpful to us.
There is no out-of-the-box support for RBAC / Roles in Azure AD B2C. However there are a lot of samples in the official GitHub repository. For example the "Implementing Relying Party Role Based Access Control" by this method you can add the groups to JTW token and also prevent users from sign-in if they aren't members of one of predefined security groups.

Azure AD B2C - how to implement custom sign up process?

This is basically a follow up to my prev question - I've implemented an Azure B2C sign up and auth in my web app (.NET Core 2.0) and now I want to add a custom sign up logic with Graph API (as described here -
But I'm confused about app registrations. For B2C auth I created an app in the Portal under Azure AD B2C -> Applications. Now, in order to use custom sign up logic I need another app registration under Portal -> App Registrations -> New Application Registration (where I can grant necessary permissions to Azure AD, like Read and Write directory data).
So, if I need auth AND custom sigh up, how should I set up my app? What's the right way of doing this?
For simplicity's sake, as well as a healthy separation of concerns, I would indeed make a separate app for the custom sign-up. It doesn't have to be a full-fledged app, a microservice that does the sign-ups for the main B2C app would be fine.
If you want to use the custom attribute to implement the custom sign up process, you need to register two apps as the document you mentioned in the post. One app is for integrating with Azure AD B2C for login, and the other is using the Azure AD Graph to query the custom attribute.
After that, you can using the Azure AD Graph REST to query the relative info and handle your own business logic in the web app. And to query the extension info, we just need to query the user info like below:
If you are just trying to have your own look and feel, as opposed to the default templates with your logos and other branding, then look into providing a template for UI customizations:
Also, see this other answer to a similar question:
Azure AD B2C UI Customization
If you are trying for a whole different workflow, the you will want to create a custom policy.
Or if that does not work, then I guess you could just use the GraphApi, but that is the most laborious of options and completely destroys the entire purpose of using B2C in the first place. I do not recommend this approach.
I would not do everything you want to do in a custom policy. Separating the signup into it's own application/service would be a great approach (as #camsoper suggested), but only use the policies for the bare amount needed to create the initial account or authenticate an approved user. I've never used a policy to change the "accountActive" attribute, but I would be inclined to use the GraphApi to modify the user profile after the account is created by using the "NewAccount" attribute to key off. There is a "Block sign in" setting on a users profile in the azure portal which can be used to restrict access (and the signup application could set the default after the account is created), but I'm not sure if that corresponds to the "accountActive" attribute or not (yet).
Most of the administration you've described can be done in the azure portal, such as changing the "Block sign in" setting on a users profile can be used to restrict access (and the signup application could set the default after the account is created). If there is some capability that the portal does not offer, I would put that into a separate application. Avoid duplicating functionality in your customized admin app, and instead just redirect the admin to the users profile in "".{objectId}
Note: there may be some issues with that URL template if the admin has access to more than one Directory for her account. It will try to pull up the directory that her account was created on by default.

Azure AD B2C - How to map the user logged in from social IDP to a local user table?

one of our existing projects is running with a traditional authentication logic (having a user table in database). How the plan is to move the identity to AzureB2C with social IDPs integrated. But there are still some ares where we would need the reference of the existing user table. I need to find a way to map the logged in user from Azure B2C with the user table in database. I can read the email property from claims and try to map, but the challenge is user might have a different email for his social accounts. I know this actually defeats the purpose of the openId/oAuth to look back again in the user table after login. But this is a strange situation in running into. Any ideas how best this can be done ?
Copying response from:
Some facts are missing from your question so I will make assumptions which you can correct.
Assume that:
You do not use social IDPs today. So no existing connection between the social account and the local DB account.
This point is crucial because it is usually the user's prerogative (due to privacy) to make this link explicitly.
Assume that you will tell the user explicitly what you are doing as part of the transition.
To achieve this with b2c built-in policies you could:
1. Your app logs in the user the old fashioned way.(existing lookup DB)
2. Your app then invites users to register (in fact re-register) using a b2c signup policy which offers them social idp choices.
3. At the end of the b2c registration process, the user's email which was provided and proofed during the b2c signup and Object ID (newly created) is sent back to the App
4. The app uses the object ID and Graph to write the users existing id (old DB email or other unique user id you used today) to the new user's object in Azure AD B2C.
5. The app should note on the old DB that this user has been migrated so in the future the app does not present the option to re-register.
6. The app has to manage users in 2 different states.
Other alternative is to use custom policies and Account Linking
Here you could
1. Migrate all users into b2c using their old passwords. (assume you can get them from old DB in the clear) using Graph.
2. Point your app to b2c - users can login
3. Offer you users the option to link their b2c account to a social account. this requires custom policy and a policy path that is not public but its a simple sample we can provide.

Checking a user exists in Azure Active Directory B2C

I am creating a new Azure AD B2C authenticated site to replace an older Forms Authenticated one. In the new site, I am asking the user to initially enter their email address so I can check if they exist in Azure B2C and send them to the appropriate sign-in page and if not send them to the older Forms Authenticated site.
The issue is I have when following Microsoft's tutorials, is that they show user management but they all require you to have logged in with your Azure account first and obviously this is not possible given the system I am trying to build. Is what I am doing even possible?
Thanks in advance!
MS tutorials:
Sadly, it seems like this is not possible within the Azure B2C Preview.
From the limitations section ( there is this paragraph which describes what I am trying to do:
Daemons / Server Side Applications
Applications that contain long running processes or that operate without the presence of a user also need a way to access secured resources, such as Web APIs. These applications can authenticate and get tokens using the application's identity (rather than a consumer's delegated identity) using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. This flow is not yet available in Azure AD B2C preview - which is to say that applications can only get tokens after an interactive consumer sign-in flow has occurred.
So it seems like this is currently not possible. Hopefully it'll work once it comes out of preview.
Be careful with this, check if your site is not vulnerable to username enumeration:
With the old users going to forms based authentication, you could call the Graph API to create the users in the B2C directory:
Then the next time they can login through B2C
