Login Unauthorized -

Hi, I'm trying to access from mobile
But when I try to login from google it is giving me unauthorized error
It works fine in pc, any fix?

I don't think it is accessible on mobile devices.


Getting unauthorized error 401 while hitting SharePoint server URL

When i am hitting SharePoint server URL with credentials while using SharePoint Mobile App in (Mobile Iron MDM configured ) iPhone, I am getting an unauthorized error 401 in IIS Log. Kindly, provide me with any solutions. Thank you.
I wasn't expecting this error

How to use google OAuth from mobile, using laptop IP instead of localhost?

I am building a web app which is currently only on localhost on my station. This is supposed to work on mobile as well, so I am also testing it by connecting to my laptop's IP from my phone. This works fine, except for the google OAuth. I get the error that
google permission denied to generate login hint for target domain
I am guessing the reason is that the ip is not within the allowed origins/redirects of google OAuth, but there is no way I can use localhost, from what I read, and it seems like I cant add the specific IP either (which makes sense). So do you have any idea if there is any way I could test it on mobile while not hosting it? Thanks in advance!

Google oauth is working on localhost but not on my web server

Just an interest into google oauth.
Google has three basic scopes you can access, email, openid and profile. When building this into my website locally all three of the scopes work. However I uploaded the website onto my server today and when I tried to authenticate through the google oauth and it brought back error 403 (forbidden). When I removed the profile from the scope it worked awesome!!
How come 'profile' works on local websites but not on sever-side websites? I have researched all day into this and found something about using the google+ api, but I don't know where to place the key in my application.
The 'openid' and the 'email' works so I can do a work around on the site, however any help would be greatly appreciated.

SSO configured as per docs and API works fine on Postman but only gets errors on the actual app and emulator

Using this (, a WordPress-based OAuth server and using Postman as well to make sure that the API is responding as expected. I even went so far as to whitelist the specific URLs from the firewall.
I'm only seeing a generic "Error while testing SSO Login" in the emulator and on the actual app, we get "Invalid Login" errors.
Using the same credentials in Postman works as expected.

Simplesamlphp 403 Forbidden when try to authenticate as SP

I installed 2 of the simplesamlphp program (1 as IDP and the other as SP) in my sharing host using method 13.1 in the installation documentation due to my site being a shared hosting account and unable to symlink the directory.
When I tried authentication testing from the sp site (, it shows '403 Forbidden' but if test as idp ( the authentication page work and will redirect to the login page.
Tried changing POST to Redirect, remove .htaccess, changing to another type of authentication but still showing the 403 forbidden when clicking the authentication link.
Anyone have any idea on fixing this issue? Thank you.
Have solved the issue.
Contacted hostgator and they had whitelist mod security rule that being hit by the script. So now working fine.
