How to automatically deploy a web job to Azure portal using Power shell - azure

I have been checking for ways to deploy a web job to azure automatically using PowerShell. I saw some blogs that depict the steps and the following summarizes what I have tried
I build my application (ASP.NET Console Application) in release mode and Zipped the contents of bin/Release to a folder.
In PowerShell, I logged in with az login
Then I tried the following commmand
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$$webJobName ` -InFile $ZipFile -ContentType "application/zip" -Method Put
$ZipFile has the path to the folder I created on step 1.
The output I get is the following
Invoke-WebRequest : The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large
Please let me know if you know what the issue is or If you have any reference that would help.
Thanks in advance!

Thanks for pitching in everyone! Your input was helpful, however I would like to update the answer with the solution I found that was so easy and saved me so much time. I will like to update you on how I could successfully deploy the app service and web job in a single go. Its very easy and since it deploys web app and corresponding web jobs in a single go, this was the perfect solution for my scenario. Thanks to my colleague who helped me with this solution.
The following depicts the steps I had to go through.
Lets suppose that my app service in Azure is "appService1" and I want to create a triggered web job under appService1 that goes by the name "webJob1".
I followed zip-deployment with azure cli.
Publish your web application (For the app service) solution in release mode to get the files you will have to deploy. Let this folder be WebAppBuild.
Build your application (a console application in my case) that would serve as the web job for the app service in release mode.
Inside the published folder for the web application (for app service ie WebAppBuild in our example), add a folder with the following path
(If you need more than one web jobs deployed, you can create more than one folders like webJob2, webJob3 etc)
Add the files you have in step 2 to this folder. This is basically the files needed for your web job
Zip the contents in a single folder that acts as your deployment folder for web app and web job
Go to powershell and run az login (works if you have installed azure cli, otherwise you will have to install it as well)
Log into your respective account with the prompt window
Run the following commands that sets run from package property to true for your web app and the second command is the actual deployment command
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE="1" ;
az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --src <<zipFilePath>>
Now login to your azure portal and navigate to your web app. Check under web jobs option and you will see that the web job has been created with the files you deployed.
For more help on starting, stopping, deleting the web job with azure cli, go through the following document.
Check here


Can I deploy code from DevOps to Azure Web running on Linux Container?

I have a Web app running on Linux which is deployed from Docker Container.
Container comes from Azure container registry and was defined when I created the web app.
When I try to set my release pipeline to deploy to this web app, it doesnt offer me this choice.
When I set my subscription and Web app on Linux, I only see web apps that are deployed from code. My web app from docker container is not in the list in the App Name select:
I tried to do this manually using Azure PowerShell. I have set up local connection and trying to test the deploy but it doesnt work.
I have downloaded the repository locally as a zip file and I am trying to deploy it from this local zip file to the Web app on Azure. I try to deploy it from Powershell:
$webapp = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup" -Name "my-container-app"
$path = 'C:\temp\'
Publish-AzWebApp -WebApp $webapp -ArchivePath $path -Force
I am using Publish-AzWebApp command.
This command goes without an error, I also tried without -Force parameter, and with -AsJob parameter.
Everytime the command is executed successfully, but when I check my web app there is nothing deployed there. If I try this exact procedure with web app that is not from container, but from code than it works. By code/container I mean this setting that you choose when creating web app:
Currently I am using docker image that is also used by Azure as default so it should be the same Debian. I need to use it because I want to set some things differently in my web app, so I want to have my own system on web app, but deploy code from Devops to it.
However it seems that this type of web app is not supperted for deploy - nether from Devops gui, nor from Azure CLI. Can I somehow deploy my code on a web app that is running on my custom docker image?
PS: One option is to use the agent in Devops pipeline, compile a docker image from it and publish it with my code to the Azure container repository, from which it can be used form my web app. Problem is that you can only choose from 2 Ubuntu versions as an agent for build pipeline and I dont want that.
Any help is appreciated, thanks
For your requirements, first of all, you need to know the Web App on Linux and Web App for Container are two different resources, so it does not list your app deployed from the docker image. And second, when you use the docker image, it means you need to create a new image when your code change. So it does not support that create the Web App from the docker image and then publish the code from the DevOps.
The option that you think is right. Don't worry about the OS, you can use the Azure CLI command to create the docker image and push it to the Azure Container Registry directly:
az acr build -t image_name:tag -r acr_name source_code_path
And then deploy the image from the ACR to the Web App. In this way, the DevOps agent just use to run the task, not for the creation of the docker image.

How do I get into the folder of a Web App in Azure

Recently I am trying to use:
func azure functionapp publish WebAppName --publish-local-settings -i
to publish local.settings.json to a web app (actually an Azure function) but I get this error message:
Unable to find project root. Expecting to find one of host.json in project root.
I have logged in to Azure with az login but it looks like I need to get into the folder where I have deployed the Azure function where all those json files are.
A little background, we are using Octopus Deploy to deploy to an Azure function. After the deployment, we want to add a step so that the local.setting.json will be used to populate app settings.
So how do we change the current folder to be in the Azure function root where all those json files are?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You need to go to your local function project folder to run the command, for example, my function project is under MyFunctionProj folder.
Execute the command
func azure functionapp publish tonyfunc --publish-local-settings -i --publish-settings-only
By the way, if you just want to update the settings, you need add --publish-settings-only parameter.
Core Tools development

"No route registered for '/ZipDeployUI' in Azure

Am following node application deployment guide in Azure app service .After creating the web app in azure it asks to redirect to below url
But after redirecting it says.
"No route registered for '/ZipDeployUI'
Any clue to fix this issue.
https://<app_name> does not work for Linux App Services at this time. Consider using FTP or the ZIP deploy API instead.
Uploading the zip file through the cli.It worked fine for me
az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group myResourceGroup --name <app_name> --src clouddrive/<filename>.zip
You have few options. Don't worry about not having the zipDeploy endpoint. You can ssh file, you can upload from a CLI, and a few others options are also there. Please refer to the below documentation:
I got this error on a Linux App Services instance. According to the documentation for the ZipDeployUI endpoint:
The above endpoint does not work for Linux App Services at this time.
Consider using FTP or the ZIP deploy API instead.
Switching to a Windows App Services instance fixed the issue for me.

How to restart Azure Web App with schedule

I would like to restart my Azure Web App on 06:00 everyday.
I find a reference from Azure App Services: Automate Application restart using Web Job
But, there's some error in this post.
Save-AzureProfile => Save-AzureRmContext
Select-AzureRmProfile => Import-AzureRmContext
After fix this, run at local ,it's perfect.
When i create a web job on my Azure Web App, that get a error
Looks like it's not support Stop-AzureRmWebApp
Is there a soluction?
I tested it on my side. The PowerShell code which provided by the blob is working fine on my side. Here are the detail steps I did.
Step 1. Create a folder named TestRestartWebApp.
Step 2. Generate the profile file to that folder.
Save-AzureRmProfile -Path "D:\TestRestartWebApp\azureprofile.json"
Step 3. Create a PS file named run.ps1 in that folder.
Step 4. Following are the code which I put in run.ps1.
$ProgressPreference= "SilentlyContinue"
Select-AzureRmProfile -Path "azureprofile.json"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId 'my subscription id'
Stop-AzureRmWebApp -Name 'my web app name' -ResourceGroupName 'my resource group name'
Step 5. Compress this folder and create a WebJob using the compressed file.
After upper steps, I can see the logs in WebJob dashboard. The Web App has been stopped.
Please double check your steps, are there any differences between yours and mine. Have you set the right path for profile file in run.ps1 file.

Azure NodeJS console log

I have a Visual Studio Enterprise MSDN subscription so I decided to move from Heroku to Microsoft Azure because I used to pay: now I don't. My Service Plan is the D1.
I wish I can trail the console.log strings of my Node JS application deployed on my Azure platform. My service plan is the shared one named
I deployed the app code on BitBucket and linked my repo to the application with a correct destribution. Correct means I see the green check flag. I deployed, on the main folder of the app, a file named IISNode.yml, here is the content:
nodeProcessCommandLine: "D:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\0.12.6\node.exe"
loggingEnabled: true
debuggingEnabled: false
devErrorsEnabled: false
node_env: production
The firse line I copied from the iisnode.yml created by Azure itselves. The other lines I am not quite sure about the exact meanings of all of them, but I figured they were enough. If I visit the url: I can click on Tools->Log Stream menu but the page remains on loading.
I can reach the Azure Portal, enter my node app, Tools -> Application Log and Web Server log. The application log shows this (I think quite interesting) message:
System.ApplicationException: The trace listener AzureBlobTraceListener is disabled. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The SAS URL for the cloud storage account is not specified. Use the environment variable 'DIAGNOSTICS_AZUREBLOBCONTAINERSASURL' to define it.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.WebSites.Diagnostics.AzureBlobTraceListener.RefreshConfig()
I have not reached informations about this "environment variable", and I can0t guess what the BLOB container has to do with my log application. And: what is the correct value for this variable? And if there is any, why is that one correct?
The Web Servier log is are empty. I can see http activities from the monitor of the app on the same portal, but still no log.
Am I missing something ? I decided to install Visual Studio, maybe this will help? I hope this has tools to be integrated with Azure for good. Meanwhile, where is the console log of my (Extremely Simple) node application?
You can view your logs in real time if you use the azure SCM interface. This can usually be accessed on the following url
https://{{ name of webapp }}
All your console output from your application is redirected here.
You can also use curl:
curl -u {{ deploymentCredentialsUsername:deploymentCredentialsPassword }}
Otherwise you could use the nodejs azure cli. Install it with
npm install -g azure-cli
Switch to asm mode:
azure config mode asm
Then you can proceed to look at the logs from your terminal:
azure site log tail {{ webapp name }}
You can add an item in iisnode.yml named logDirectory, set the value as iisnode for example, then the application will create a folder in this name in your root directory and store files with stdout and stderr captures in it. You can refer to for the details for this configuration.
You can store logs in files whatever you need via console.log(), then the application will create a html file index.html in the log folder to provide logs. You can visit the logs via the URL: http://<you_app_name><log_file_name>/index.html
Additionally, you can leverage Node.js console class to customize logger, refer to for the sample
If you are using the Azure Portal web interface, you can find the console.log output under the Log Stream section under Monitoring.
Refer to the screenshot below:
