Drag formulas from Range with several variables, Error 1004 - excel

I have a task to drag formulas in several columns based on length of one specific column (which length can vary).
I managed to do it, but had to create new line of code for each range.
Sample of my Variant 1:
Sub DragRows()
Dim LastRowEPS As Integer
Dim tr As Range
Set tr = Range("A14:G" & LastRowEPS)
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=tr, Type:=xlFillDefault
Set tr = Range("I14:K" & LastRowEPS)
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=tr, Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
I want to optimize my code and include several variable ranges in one line of code.
Here is my Variant 2:
Sub DragRows()
Dim LastRowEPS As Integer
Dim tr As Range
LastRowEPS = Sheet1.Cells(14, 12).End(xlDown).Row
Set tr = Range("A14:G" & LastRowEPS & ", I14:K" & LastRowEPS & ", M14:N" & LastRowEPS & ", P14:P" & LastRowEPS)
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=tr, Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
The selection process works, and tr.Range is defined properly, but VBA autofill shows Error:
Run-time error '1004': AutoFill method of Range class failed
Is it possible to include several variable ranges as destination of autofill or any other way to optimize my code?

Actually i found out a solution, which i was lookin for. Maybe for someone it will be helpful. .AutoFill is bad with multiple ranges, that's why simple use of .FillDown is an answer here:
Sub DragRows()
Dim LastRowEPS As Integer
Dim tr As Range
LastRowEPS = Sheet1.Cells(14, 12).End(xlDown).Row
Set tr = Sheet1.Range("A14:G" & LastRowEPS & ", I14:K" & LastRowEPS & ", M14:N" & LastRowEPS & ", P14:P" & LastRowEPS)
End Sub

AutoFill, Formula, FillDown
The following shows two different approaches.
OP already revealed the superior solution, which is covered in the second procedure.
Three Solutions (Inferior: Applied to Four Ranges)
Sub dragRows()
' Define constants.
Const FirstRow As Long = 14
Const LastRowCol As Long = 12
Dim Cols As Variant
Cols = Array("A:G", "I:K", "M:N", "P")
' In worksheet...
With Sheet1
' Determine Rows Count.
Dim RowsCount As Long
RowsCount = .Cells(FirstRow, LastRowCol).End(xlDown).Row - FirstRow + 1
' Declare variables
Dim rng As Range
Dim n As Long
' Define and fill each range.
For n = LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols)
Set rng = .Columns(Cols(n)).Rows(FirstRow)
' Choose one of the following solutions
rng.AutoFill Destination:=rng.Resize(RowsCount), Type:=xlFillDefault
'rng.Resize(RowsCount).Formula = rng.Formula
Next n
End With
End Sub
FillDown Solution (Superior: Applied to One Range)
Sub dragRowsFillDown()
' Define constants.
Const FirstRow As Long = 14
Const LastRowCol As Long = 12
Dim Cols As Variant
Cols = Array("A:G", "I:K", "M:N", "P")
' In worksheet...
With Sheet1
' Determine Rows Count.
Dim RowsCount As Long
RowsCount = .Cells(FirstRow, LastRowCol).End(xlDown).Row - FirstRow + 1
' Declare variables
Dim rng As Range
Dim n As Long
' Define (non-contiguous) range.
For n = LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Union(rng, .Columns(Cols(n)).Rows(FirstRow) _
Set rng = .Columns(Cols(n)).Rows(FirstRow).Resize(RowsCount)
End If
Next n
End With
End Sub


Excel VBA - For Loop IS taking far far too long to execute

First question ever here, I am the newbiest newbie..
So.. what I am trying to get is:
to find if in sheet1 and sheet2 there are cells with the same value on column E from sheet1 and column F from sheet2. if there are, then copy the value from sheet2 column A row x to sheet2 column P row y.
rows x and y are where the identical values are on each sheet.
this is my code:
Sub ccopiazanrfact()
Dim camion As Worksheet
Dim facturi As Worksheet
Set camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
Dim nrcomanda As String
Dim nrfactura As String
For a = 2 To facturi.Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
nrcomanda = facturi.Range("F" & a).Value
For b = 4 To camion.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If camion.Range("E" & b).Value = facturi.Range("F" & a).Value Then
camion.Range("P" & b) = facturi.Range("A" & a).Value
Exit For
End If
Next b
Next a
End Sub
I would recommend using arrays to achieve what you want. Nested looping over ranges can make it very slow. Is this what you are trying? (UNTESTED). As I have not tested it, I would recommend making a backup of your data before you test this code.
I have commented the code. But if you still have a question or find an error/bug in the below code then simply ask.
Option Explicit
Sub ccopiazanrfact()
Dim Camion As Worksheet
Dim Facturi As Worksheet
Set Camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set Facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
'~~> Declare 2 arrays
Dim ArCamion As Variant
Dim ArFacturi As Variant
Dim LRow As Long
'~~> Find last row in Col E of Sheets("B816RUS")
LRow = Camion.Range("E" & Camion.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Store Values from E4:P last row in the array. We have taken E:P
'~~> because we are replacing the value in P if match found
ArCamion = Camion.Range("E4:P" & LRow).Value
'~~> Find last row in Col E of Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
LRow = ArFacturi.Range("F" & ArFacturi.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Store Values from A2:F last row in the array. We have taken A:F
'~~> because we are replacing the value in P with A
ArFacturi = Facturi.Range("A2:F" & LRow).Value
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(ArFacturi)
For j = 4 To UBound(ArCamion)
'~~> Checking if camion.Range("E" & j) = facturi.Range("F" & i)
If ArCamion(j, 1) = ArFacturi(i, 6) Then
'~~> Replacing camion.Range("P" & j) with facturi.Range("A" & i)
ArCamion(j, 12) = ArFacturi(i, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
'~~> Write the array back to the worksheet in one go
Camion.Range("E4:P" & LRow).Resize(UBound(ArCamion), 12).Value = ArCamion
End Sub
in the end, I came up with this and works instantly, get’s all the data filled within a blink of an eye. When I tried it first time I thought i forgot to clear the data before running the code:
Sub FindMatchingValues()
'Declare variables for the worksheets
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
'Set the variables to refer to the worksheets
Set ws1 = Worksheets("B816RUS")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
'Declare variables for the ranges to compare
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
'Set the ranges to the columns to compare
Set rng1 = ws1.Range("E1", ws1.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set rng2 = ws2.Range("F1", ws2.Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
'Loop through each cell in the first range
For Each cell1 In rng1
'Use the Match function to find the matching value in the second range
Dim match As Variant
match = Application.match(cell1.Value, rng2, 0)
'If a match was found, copy the value from column A in the second worksheet to column P in the first worksheet
If Not IsError(match) Then
ws1.Range("P" & cell1.Row).Value = ws2.Range("A" & match).Value
End If
Next cell1
End Sub
Please, test the next code. It should be very fast, using arrays and Find function:
Sub ccopiazaNrfact()
Dim camion As Worksheet, facturi As Worksheet, cellMatch As Range, rngE As Range
Set camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
Set rngE = camion.Range("E4:E" & camion.Range("E" & camion.rows.count).End(xlUp).row)
Dim a As Long, arrFact, arrP, nrComanda As String
arrP = camion.Range("P1:P" & camion.Range("E" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row).Value
arrFact = facturi.Range("A2:F" & facturi.Range("F" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row).Value
Debug.Print UBound(arrP): Stop
For a = 1 To UBound(arrFact)
nrComanda = arrFact(a, 6)
Set cellMatch = rngE.Find(What:=nrComanda, After:=rngE.cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, lookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not cellMatch Is Nothing Then
arrP(cellMatch.row, 1) = arrFact(a, 1)
End If
Next a
camion.Range("P1").Resize(UBound(arrP), 1).Value = arrP
MsgBox "Ready..."
End Sub
Please, send some feedback after testing it...
A VBA Lookup: Using Arrays and a Dictionary
Option Explicit
Sub CopiazaNrFact()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' Write the values from the Source Compare and Value ranges to arrays.
' f - Facturi (Source), c - Compare, v - Value
Dim frg As Range, fcData() As Variant, fvData() As Variant, frCont As Long
With wb.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
' Compare
Set frg = .Range("F2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp))
frCont = frg.Rows.Count
fcData = frg.Value ' write to array
' Value
Set frg = frg.EntireRow.Columns("A")
fvData = frg.Value ' write to array
End With
' Write the unique values from the Source Compare array to the 'keys',
' and their associated values from the Source Values array to the 'items'
' of a dictionary.
Dim fDict As Object: Set fDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
fDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim fr As Long, NrFacturi As String
For fr = 1 To frCont
NrFacturi = CStr(fcData(fr, 1))
If Len(NrFacturi) > 0 Then ' exclude blanks
fDict(NrFacturi) = fvData(fr, 1)
End If
Next fr
' Write the values from the Destination Compare range to an array
' and define the resulting same-sized Destination Value array.
' c - Camion (Destination), c - Compare, v - Value
Dim crg As Range, ccData() As Variant, cvData() As Variant, crCont As Long
With wb.Sheets("B816RUS")
' Compare
Set crg = .Range("E4", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
crCont = crg.Rows.Count
ccData = crg.Value ' write to array
' Value
Set crg = crg.EntireRow.Columns("P")
ReDim cvData(1 To crCont, 1 To 1) ' define
End With
' For each value in the Destination Compare array, attempt to find
' a match in the 'keys' of the dictionary, and write the associated 'item'
' to the same row of the Destination Value array.
Dim cr As Long, NrCamion As String
For cr = 1 To crCont
NrCamion = CStr(ccData(cr, 1))
If fDict.Exists(NrCamion) Then cvData(cr, 1) = fDict(NrCamion)
Next cr
' Write the values from the Destination Value array
' to the Destination Value range.
crg.Value = cvData
End Sub

Excel VBA: What is the best way to sum a column in a dataset with variable amounts of lines?

I need to sum two columns (B and C) in a dataset. The number of rows with data will vary between 1 and 17. I need to add the sums two rows beneath the last row of data (end result example in image 1).
My code worked beautifully for one dataset, but I am getting an error
Run-time error'6': Overflow
for a different dataset. What am I doing wrong?
'Units total
Sheets("Revenue Summary").Select
lastrow = Worksheets("Revenue Summary").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
Dim a As Integer
a = 10000
For i = lastrow To 2 Step by - 1
a = a + Worksheets("Revenue Summary").Cells(i, 2).Value
Worksheets("Revenue Summary").Cells(lastrow + 2, 2).Value = a
Correct End Result
You can try below sub-
Sub SumBC()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim lRowB As Long, lRowC As Long
Dim bSum As Double, cSum As Double
Set sh = Worksheets("Revenue Summary")
lRowB = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
lRowC = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
bSum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(sh.Range("B2:B" & lRowB))
cSum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(sh.Range("C2:C" & lRowC))
sh.Cells(lRowB + 2, 2) = bSum
sh.Cells(lRowC + 2, 3) = cSum
Set sh = Nothing
End Sub
Remember: If you want to run same sub multiple time then you need clear totals otherwise it will add totals again again below of last totals.
Your code is perfect but there is only one error. You have initialized variable 'a' with 10000. Change it to 0.
a = 0
then your code will be perfect.
Add Totals to Multiple Columns
If you're not OP: It is easy to test the code. Open a new workbook and insert a module. Copy the code into the module. Uncomment the Sheet1 line, and outcomment the Revenue Summary line. In worksheet Sheet1 add some numbers in columns 2 and 3 and your ready.
Run only the insertTotals procedure. The calculateSumOfRange is called when needed.
Play with the constants in insertTotals and change the values in the columns. Add text, error values, booleans to see how the code doesn't break.
The issue with Application.Sum or WorksheetFunction.Sum is that it fails when there are error values in the range. That's what the calculateSumOfRange is preventing. If there is an error value, the loop approach is used. If not, then Application.Sum is the result.
You can use the calculateSumOfRange in Excel as a UDF. Just don't include the cell where the formula is and you're OK, e.g. =calculateSumOfRange(A1:B10).
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub insertTotals()
Const FirstRow As Long = 2 ' First Row of Data
Const LastRowCol As Long = 2 ' The column where the Last Row is calculated.
Const TotalsOffset As Long = 2 ' 2 means: 'data - one empty row - totals'
Dim Cols As Variant
Cols = Array(2, 3) ' add more
'With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
With Workbooks("Final_Files.xlsb").Worksheets("Revenue Summary")
' Define Last Row ('LastRow') in Last Row Column ('LastRowCol').
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, LastRowCol).End(xlUp).Row
' Define Last Row Column Range ('rng').
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, LastRowCol), _
.Cells(LastRow, LastRowCol))
Dim j As Long
' Validate Columns Array ('Cols').
If LBound(Cols) <= UBound(Cols) Then
' Iterate columns in Columns Array.
For j = LBound(Cols) To UBound(Cols)
' Use 'Offset' to define the current Column Range and write
' its calculated total below it.
.Cells(LastRow + TotalsOffset, Cols(j)).Value = _
calculateSumOfRange(rng.Offset(, Cols(j) - LastRowCol))
Next j
End If
End With
End Sub
Function calculateSumOfRange(SourceRange As Range) _
As Double
' Initialize error handling.
Const ProcName As String = "calculateSumOfRange"
On Error GoTo clearError ' Turn on error trapping.
' Validate Source Range.
If SourceRange Is Nothing Then
GoTo NoRange
End If
' Calculate Sum of Range.
Dim CurrentValue As Variant
CurrentValue = Application.Sum(SourceRange)
Dim Result As Double
If Not IsError(CurrentValue) Then
Result = CurrentValue
Dim Data As Variant
If SourceRange.Rows.Count > 1 Or SourceRange.Columns.Count > 1 Then
Data = SourceRange.Value
ReDim Data(1, 1)
Data(1, 1) = SourceRange.Value
End If
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(Data, 2)
CurrentValue = Data(i, j)
If IsNumeric(CurrentValue) And _
Not VarType(CurrentValue) = vbBoolean Then
Result = Result + CurrentValue
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
' Write result and exit.
calculateSumOfRange = Result
GoTo ProcExit
' Labels
Debug.Print "'" & ProcName & "': No range (Nothing)."
GoTo ProcExit
Debug.Print "'" & ProcName & "': " & vbLf _
& " " & "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "':" & vbLf _
& " " & Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn off error trapping.
GoTo ProcExit
End Function
The following code summs up all the rows under "B2" and "C2". Adapt it to your needs.
' Keep a reference to the worksheet
Dim ws as Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Revenue Summary")
' This is how many rows there are.
Dim rowCount as Long
rowCount = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row-1
' This is the summation operation over each column
Dim b as Double, c as Double
b = WorksheerFunction.Sum(ws.Range("B2").Resize(rowCount,1))
c = WorksheerFunction.Sum(ws.Range("C2").Resize(rowCount,1))
' This writes the sum two cells under the last row.
ws.Range("B2").Cells(rowCount+2,1).Value = b
ws.Range("C2").Cells(rowCount+2,1).Value = c

Exce VBA how to generate a row count in that starts with specific row and stops at last row? Formula is flawed

So I have what might be a simple issue. I have a worksheet where I'm just hoping to generate a row count starting with cell A4. So A4 = 1, A5 = 2 , etc. The problem is I'm not sure how to configure this with the following goal:
1 - I'm hoping the count starts with cell A4 and ends the count at the final row with data.
The code I have below only works if I manually put A4 = 1, and also populates formulas past the last row unfortunately.
Please help if this is possible.
Sub V14()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DCT")
.Cells(5, 1).Resize(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1).Formula = "=IF(DCT!B5="""","""",DCT!A4+1)"
End With
End Sub
Write Formula to Column Range
The Code
Sub V14()
Const wsName As String = "DCT" ' Worksheet Name
Const tgtRow As Long = 4 ' Target First Row Number
Const tgtCol As String = "A" ' Target Column String
Const critCol As String = "B" ' Criteria Column String
' Define worksheet ('ws').
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(wsName)
' Define Last Non-Empty Cell ('cel') in Criteria Column ('critCol').
Dim cel As Range
Set cel = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, critCol).End(xlUp)
' Define Target Column Range ('rng').
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ws.Cells(tgtRow, tgtCol).Resize(cel.Row - tgtRow + 1)
' Define Target Formula ('tgtFormula').
Dim tgtFormula As String
tgtFormula = "=IF('" & wsName & "'!" & critCol & tgtRow _
& "="""","""",MAX('" & wsName & "'!" & tgtCol _
& "$" & tgtRow - 1 & ":" & tgtCol & tgtRow - 1 & ")+1)"
' Write Target Formula to Target Range.
rng.Formula = tgtFormula
' If you just want to keep the values:
'rng.Value = rng.Value
End Sub
I think you might just need an extra IF:
Sub V14()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DCT")
.Cells(4, 1).Resize(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1).Formula = "=IF(DCT!B4="""","""",IF(A3="""",1,SUM(DCT!A3,1)))"
End With
End Sub
Report any question you have or bug you have encountered. If, according to your judgment, this answer (or any other) is the best solution to your problem you have the privilege to accept it (link).
Dim target As String
Dim lastrow As Long
target = "A4"
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count
'for example
Range(target) = "1"
Range(target).Offset(1, 0) = "2"
Range(Range(target),Range(target).Offset(1, 0)).Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(target & ":A" & lastrow + Range(target).Row - 1), Type:=xlFillDefault
You only got to change the target cell, this does the rest.

Find the last filled row in a filtered column without dropping the Autofilter

How do I get the position of the last non-empty cell in a filtered column without dropping the applied Autofilter? I understand it's easy to get the number of the last visible row with
Dim ws as Worksheet, rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Letter & 1 & ":" & Letter & 1) ' where Letter is the letter code of the column
GetLastVisibleRow = ws.Range(Split(ws.Cells(, rng.Column).Address, "$")(1) & ws.Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
but I need the number of the last filled row instead. At the same time, I'd like to avoid setting
ws.AutoFilterMode = False
if it's possible.
Thanks in advance.
Probably not the most efficient or fastest method, but this appears to work:
Function GetLastCellOfColumn(ColLetter As String) As Range
Dim Col As Range
Dim Rw As Long
Set Col = Range(ColLetter & ":" & ColLetter)
Set GetLastCellOfColumn = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Col)
For Rw = GetLastCellOfColumn.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1
If Len(GetLastCellOfColumn.Cells(Rw).Value) > 0 Then
Set GetLastCellOfColumn = GetLastCellOfColumn.Cells(Rw)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
A charming solution by #jkpieterse plus a useful comment by #BigBen is exactly what I was looking for. Just to finalize the thread, the function returning the row number is
Function GetLastFilledCellOfColumn(ws As Worksheet, ColLetter As String) As Long
Dim Col As Range, Urng As Range, Rw As Long
Set Col = ws.Range(ColLetter & ":" & ColLetter)
Set Urng = Intersect(ws.UsedRange, Col)
For Rw = Urng.Cells.count To 1 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(Urng.Cells(Rw)) Then
GetLastFilledCellOfColumn = Rw
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Problem solved.
So maybe this is an alternative way to look into:
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim col As Long: col = 2 'Change to whichever column you interested in
Dim rw as Long
With Sheet1 'Change to whichever sheets CodeName you need
Set rng = .Range("_FilterDatabase").Columns(col)
rw = .Evaluate("MAX(IF(" & rng.Address & "<>"""",ROW(" & rng.Address & ")))")
End With
End Sub
I'm afraid I rushed this a little and might have made a mistake but will have to get going. Hopefully you understand whats going on =)
The above would definately work, but as figured out through the chat, there is actually a ListObject involved, called Table1, which throws of the AutoFilter range. So here are two alternative ways of doing the same thing:
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim col As Long: col = 2 'Change to whichever column you interested in
Dim rw as Long
With Sheet1 'Change to whichever sheets CodeName you need
Set rng = .Range("Table1")
rw = .Evaluate("MAX(IF(" & rng.Address & "<>"""",ROW(" & rng.Address & ")))")
End With
End Sub
Or, when you don't know the name of the table:
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim col As Long: col = 2 'Change to whichever column you interested in
Dim rw as Long
With Sheet1 'Change to whichever sheets CodeName you need
Set rng = .ListObjects(1).Range
rw = .Evaluate("MAX(IF(" & rng.Address & "<>"""",ROW(" & rng.Address & ")))")
End With
End Sub

Copy comma delimited values into two new rows

I have 2 columns and one of the 2 columns has several numbers separated by comma but what I am trying to do is to separate those numbers and insert new line for each of the numbers. To explain little bit more here is what it looks like:
Current issue:
Code1 Code2
2510' 2512 '
0542','0740','5282','5280 '
38101' 3829 '
99812' 9981'
After the macro or the VB code is run I would like my result to look like this
Desired Results:
Code1 Code2
2510' 2512 '
0542' 5280 '
'0740' 5280 '
'5282' 5280 '
38101' 3829 '
99812' 9981'
here is the solution i found: thanks
Sub ExpandData()
Const FirstRow = 2
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("A" & CStr(Rows.Count)).End(xlUp).Row
' Get the values from the worksheet
Dim SourceRange As Range
Set SourceRange = Range("A" & CStr(FirstRow) & ":B" & CStr(LastRow))
' Get sourcerange values into an array
Dim Vals() As Variant
Vals = SourceRange.Value
' Loop through the rows in the array and split each comma-delimited list of items and put each on its own row
Dim ArrIdx As Long
Dim RowCount As Long
For ArrIdx = LBound(Vals, 1) To UBound(Vals, 1)
Dim CurrCat As String
CurrCat = Vals(ArrIdx, 1)
Dim CurrList As String
CurrList = Replace(Vals(ArrIdx, 2), " ", "")
Dim ListItems() As String
ListItems = Split(CurrList, ",")
Dim ListIdx As Integer
For ListIdx = LBound(ListItems) To UBound(ListItems)
Range("A" & CStr(FirstRow + RowCount)).Value = CurrCat
Range("B" & CStr(FirstRow + RowCount)).Value = ListItems(ListIdx)
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Next ListIdx
Next ArrIdx
End Sub
This is a great opportunity to use the SPLIT function. This can be used in VBA code, or as a worksheet function.
As tigeravatar pointed out, the best thing to do is get something going yourself. You might check out this question. More info on the split function is available from MS here.
