Mongoose join two collections and get referenced data in two properties - node.js

I'm doing a simple follow friend functionality.
Please see my codes below:
Following schema:
"userId": { type: String },
"followers": [{ "followerId": type: String }],
"followings": [{ "followingId": type: String }],
User schema:
"fullName": { type: String }
Note: user 8 has 1 follower and 2 followings.
Now, my expected output should be like this:
"userId": 8,
"followers": [
"followerId": 4,
"fullName": "Rose Marriott",
"followerId": 5,
"fullName": "James Naismith",
"followings": [
"followingId": 1,
"fullName": "Russell Oakham",
"followingId": 5,
"fullName": "James Naismith",
This is what I tried so far:
{ $unwind: "$followers" },
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "followers.followerId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "users"
users: { $arrayElemAt: ["$users", 0] },
{ $unwind: "$followings" },
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "followings.followingId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "users2"
users2: { $arrayElemAt: ["$users2", 0] },
{ $match: {"userId": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId) } },
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
userId: { $first: "$userId" },
followers: {
$push: {
followerId: "$followers.followerId",
fullName: "$users.fullName",
followings: {
$push: {
followingId: "$followings.followingId",
fullName: "$users2.fullName",
But I'm getting 2 followers and 2 followings. I wonder what's causing this issue. Appreciate any help. Thanks!

You can try,
$addFields to make a unique array called userIds form both arrays followers and followings, $setUnion to get unique ids,
$lookup with users collection
$project to show fields,
followers get fullName, $map to iterate loop of followers and get the name of followerId from users array using $reduce and $cond
followings get fullName, $map to iterate loop of followings and get the name of followingId from users array using $reduce and $cond
$addFields: {
userIds: {
$setUnion: [
$map: {
input: "$followers",
in: "$$this.followerId"
$map: {
input: "$followings",
in: "$$this.followingId"
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "userIds",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "users"
$project: {
userId: 1,
followers: {
$map: {
input: "$followers",
as: "f",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
fullName: {
$reduce: {
input: "$users",
initialValue: "",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this._id", "$$f.followerId"] },
followings: {
$map: {
input: "$followings",
as: "f",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
fullName: {
$reduce: {
input: "$users",
initialValue: "",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this._id", "$$f.followingId"] },

when working with relations on Mongoose you should create the relationship based on a unique id, and then reference the document. In your case, it would be:
followingSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
"followers": [{type: mongoose.Schema.types.ObjectId, ref="User"}],
"followings": [{type: mongoose.Schema.types.ObjectId, ref="User"}],
userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
fullname: String,
be aware that the userId will be created automatically by Mongoose with a field called _id. so, the end result of creating a new following documents would be:
_id: "klajdsfñalkdjf" //random characters created by mongoose,
followers: ["adfadf134234", "adfadte345"] //same as before, these are Ids of the users randomly generated by mongoose
followers: ["adfadf134234", "adfadte345"]
_id: adfadf134234,
fullName: "alex",
now, because there is no use for us to have a random number as information in the fields of following and followers in the following object, we can now use the method .populate() that can be used over the document itself to transform those Ids into actual information. You can see more about it here: mongoose documentation
our final result would be something like this:
_id: "añfakdlsfja",
followers : [{_id: "adlfadsfj", fullName: "alex"}],
following : [{_id: "adfadfad" , fullName: "other"}, {_id: "dagadga", fullName: "another"}]


Mongoose - How to get unique data based on some fields using aggregation

I have these fields in the document,
doc: {
"id": "632ac8cba7723378033fef10",
"question": 1,
"text": "aasdfghjk,mnbvcxswertyuikmnbvcxsrtyuiknbvcdrtyujnbvcddtyjnbvfty",
"slug": "xcvbnrddfghjktdxjjydcvbyrsxcvbhytrsxggvbjkytrdgc",
"subject": 25866,
"tutorInfo": {
"tutorId": "632ac8cba7723378033fa0fe",
"tutorIncrementalId": 95947
the same tutorInfo can Occur in multiple documents.
const allQuestionBySubject = await QuestionParts.aggregate([
$match: {
$and: [
subject: subjectIncrementalId
{tutorInfo: {$exists: true}}
{ "$skip": page * limit },
{ "$limit": limit },
$lookup: {
from: "profiles",
localField: "tutorInfo.tutorIncrementalId",
foreignField: "incrementalId",
as: "tutorDetails"
Code to get a list of questions as per subject.
I am filtering documents based on subject and as I mentioned the same tutorInfo can be present in multiple documents so in the result same tutor can be present in multiple documents, How can I get a unique list of documents in which tutorInfo shouldn't be repeated.
Since the same tutorInfo is present in multiple records, You can use $group to group the document on the tutorInfo.tutorId field.
const allQuestionBySubject = await QuestionParts.aggregate(
$match: {
$and: [
subject: subjectIncrementalId
{ tutorInfo: { $exists: true } }
{ "$skip": page * limit },
{ "$limit": limit },
"$group": {
_id: "$tutorInfo.tutorId",
question: { $first: "$question" },
text: { $first: "$text" },
slug: { $first: "$slug" },
subject: { $first: "$orderId" },
tutorInfo: { $first: "$tutorInfo" },
$lookup: {
from: "profiles",
localField: "tutorInfo.tutorIncrementalId",
foreignField: "incrementalId",
as: "tutorDetails"

How get all objects from an array of Id's in mongoose with express nodejs?

I'm developing a Chat application where I'm saving the conversation list in the DB like this;
Conversations Collection:
members: [ "123", "456" ]
and User Collection:
_id: ObjectId( "123" ), name: "anyone"
_id: ObjectId( "456" ), name: "someone"
I want the result to be like:
members: [
{_id: ObjectId( "123" ), name: "anyone"},
{_id: ObjectId( "456" ), name: someone"}
I know aggregation with lookup is the rescue but can't find a way how to fetch all ids from that member's array because in the future it can be 20 to 30 ids. If it is a simple field then I'm able to fetch but with an array, I can't.
I have tried this
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "members",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "members_details"
but it returns members_details: [ ]
You could use the following query to accomplish what you want. You'll need to use $lookup since you are wanting to gather data from a different collection then the one you are currently querying.
You can check out a live demo here
Here is an updated live demo
"conversations": [
members: [
"users": [
"_id": 123,
"name": "foo"
"_id": 456,
"name": "bar"
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "members",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "members"
$project: {
_id: 0,
members: 1
"members": [
"_id": 123,
"name": "foo"
"_id": 456,
"name": "bar"
See new live demo here
New Query
$unwind: "$members"
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"as": "membersFlat",
"let": {
memberObjectId: {
"$toObjectId": "$members"
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
$group: {
_id: null,
members: {
$push: {
"_id": {
$first: "$membersFlat._id"
"name": {
$first: "$"
$project: {
_id: 0
New Result
"members": [
"_id": ObjectId("124578987898787845658574"),
"name": "foo"
"_id": ObjectId("124578986532124578986532"),
"name": "bar"
Since your members id is string in conversation collection, you can convert it to object id and the join to users collection,
$addFields to update members array
$map to iterate loop of members array
$toObjectId to convert string object id type to object id type
$addFields: {
members: {
$map: {
input: "$members",
in: {
$toObjectId: "$$this"
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "members",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "members"
You can use a normal .find() like this:
const members = [
const docs = await model.find({
'_id': { $in: members }
Install mongoose-autopopulate. And in your model code
import {Schema, model} from 'mongoose';
const modelSchema = new Schema({
chats: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Chat", autopopulate: true}]

Populate one collection with lookup in mongoose

I'm trying to populate a collection with lookup. The thing is I need to join three collections at once using mongoose in express js.
I have three collections namely, users, skills, userskills.
User and UserSkills are connected. Skills and UserSkills are connected. But not User and Skills.
My model is like
_id: 5ec6d940b98e8f2c3cea5f22,
name: "test one",
email: ""
_id: 5ec786b21cea7d8c8c186a54,
title: "java"
_id: 5ec7879c1cea7d8c8c186a56,
skillId: "5ec786b21cea7d8c8c186a54",
userId: "5ec6d940b98e8f2c3cea5f22",
level: "good"
I tried
user = await User.aggregate([{
$lookup: {
from: "userskills",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "userId",
as: "userskills"
}, {
$unwind: {
path: "$userskills",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
}, {
$lookup: {
from: "skills",
localField: "userskills.skillId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "userskills.skill",
}, {
$group: {
_id : "$_id",
name: { $first: "$name" },
skill: { $push: "$skills" }
}, {
$project: {
_id: 1,
name: 1,
skills: {
$filter: { input: "$skills", as: "a", cond: { $ifNull: ["$$a._id", false] } }
Required result:
"users" : [
_id: "5ec6d940b98e8f2c3cea5f22"
name: "test one",
email: "",
"skills" : [
_id: "5ec7879c1cea7d8c8c186a56",
level: "good",
"skill" : {
_id: "5ec786b21cea7d8c8c186a54",
title: "java"
_id: "5ec6d940b98e8f2c3cea5f23"
name: "test two",
email: "",
"skills" : [
_id: "5ec7879c1cea7d8c8c186a57",
level: "good",
"skill" : {
_id: "5ec786b21cea7d8c8c186a55",
title: "php"
when using
user = await User.find().populate('Skills").exec()
The result is coming like
"users" : [
_id: "5ec6d940b98e8f2c3cea5f22"
name: "test one",
email: "",
"skills" : [
_id: "5ec7879c1cea7d8c8c186a56",
level: "good",
skillId: "5ec786b21cea7d8c8c186a55"
The problem is I need the skill name should also be fetched. Please help me to solve this issue. I'm writing a backend API in nodejs and mongodb.
You can embed that second $lookup as part of custom pipeline:
await User.aggregate([
$lookup: {
from: "userskills",
let: { user_id: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: [ "$$user_id", "$userId" ] } } },
$lookup: {
from: "skills",
localField: "skillId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "skill"
{ $unwind: "$skill" }
as: "skills"
Mongo Playground

Mongodb lookup with match in aggregate returns an empty array

This is my user document
and a company document
"name":"Coca Cola",
This is my query for users
let users = await Persons.aggregate(
name: {$concat: ['$context.firstName', ' ', '$context.lastName']},
companyId: {$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]}}
{$match: {name: searchRegExp}},
{$lookup: {from: 'companies', let: {company_id: {$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]}}, pipeline:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: ['$_id', '$$company_id']
$project: {name: '$'}
as: 'company'}}
When I run this query I get company field as an empty array, what am I doing wrong here?
Your first pipeline stage $project only outputs _id, name and companyId so then when you're trying to refer to $ in your $lookup there will be an empty value. You can use $addFields instead:
$addFields: {
name: {
$concat: [
" ",
companyId: {
$arrayElemAt: [
Mongo Playground
When you add field companyId: {$arrayElemAt: ['$', 0]}}, then you can use the simple version of $lookup. There is no need to set it twice, once as companyId: ... and in let: {company_id: ...}
$addFields: {
name: { $concat: ["$context.firstName", " ", "$context.lastName"] },
companyId: { $arrayElemAt: ["$", 0] }
$lookup: {
from: "company",
localField: "companyId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "company"

Followers - mongodb query check

I have 2 collections in my database. One is called User
_id: storeUserId,
name: ...,
the other one called Following
userId: ...,
followingUserId: ...
the userId is the current user id and the followingUserId is the id that current user wants to follow.
For example, in User collection I have:
_id: userIdOne,
_id: userIdTwo,
and in Following collection I have:
userId: userIdThousand,
followingUserId: userIdTwo
When I run find query
I get
"_id": userIdTwo,
"username": "random27005688"
"_id": userIdThree
"username": "random232111"
"_id": userIdOne
"username": "random2702"
The result is what I want but I want to add a 'isFollowed' field to each result item to check following status. I have a user id let say: 'userIdThousand' which I want to use it to check against each result item based on my Following collection. E.g,
check if userIdThousand is following userIdOne
check if userIdThousand is following userIdTwo, etc.
Below is my expected result. Thanks!
_id: userIdTwo,
"username": "random27005688",
"isFollowed": true
"_id": userIdThree
"username": "random232111",
"isFollowed": false
"_id": userIdOne
"username": "random2702",
"isFollowed": false
You need $lookup to get the data from second collection matching by followingUserId then you can use $filter to get only followers with particular _id and check if new array has any elements (using $size) which means that user is followed by other user:
$match: {
_id: { $ne: "userIdOne" }
$lookup: {
from: "Following",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "followingUserId",
as: "followers"
$addFields: {
followers: {
$filter: { input: "$followers", as: "follower", cond: { $eq: [ "$$follower._id", "userIdOne" ] } }
$project: {
_id: 1,
username: 1,
isFollowed: { $gt: [ { $size: "$followers" }, 0 ] }
maybe you could split it into two step.
1. query User and get the result
for example, you get a user.
_id: userIdTwo,
"username": "random27005688",
2. query Following and get if the user has been followed.
such as
not the best solution but it might help u.
