Docusing Custom Connect url to publish not support http - docusignapi

So far i finished Docusing integration with our DMS including webhook listener, when we config for Custom Connect, url to publish not supporting http://, in some articles mentioned it support htpp and https, in some article not mention http will support,
I have demo sandbox account in Docusing, from my account setting page, if i enter url to publish link for webhook listener and i click save button, it will not save, it show error like "url need https"
Screenshot -
Pls advise me what i did wrongly ?

Unfortunately you can't use HTTP with Connect
This guide explains it
Quote from Q&A:
DocuSign Connect is used to transmit sensitive data about your envelopes across the Internet. As part of DocuSign’s focus on security, we are upgrading all notifications to use HTTPS only.
Hope this answer your question


DocuSign Connect Signing Complete Request URL?

In DocuSign connect, I've configured it such that when a user has completed signing the documents that were emailed to them, DocuSign will send an HTTP POST request that includes the signed documents to an endpoint on an app on our servers that I've specified.
For the purpose of managing whitelists and firewalls, members of my team are asking what URL the request is going to come from. I haven't found a straightforward answer in the documentation. What URL does the request come from?
Thanks for reading.
The URL cannot be fixed and more URLs can be added in the future.
If you can use wildcards for something like * * then you should be good.
You can whitelist specific DocuSign IP ranges defined for any of our sites. See the list on this page

How do I create a notification url endpoint for microsoft graph api change notifications

I am trying to get change notifications for users using microsoft graph api. For testing purpose I have been using ngrok as suggested by many.
But now I want to use the real notification url to test my code.
How do I do it? The microsoft documentation says "This URL must make use of the HTTPS protocol".
Do I create an endpoint in azure or what are the other options?
Thanks in advance.
The notificationUrl is just your proxy URL. See the example here:
The one in the sample using ngrok looks like:
You could use a Power Automate Instant Cloud Flow with the trigger as "When an HTTP request is received" and the subsequent steps could include emails with the details of the notification.
When you save the flow a URI will be generated which you can copy and use as your Graph change notification URI.

Connect XML data

I am trying to embed docusign on my website by using powerform. As of now I am using demo account and I am stuck with using DocuSign connect how would I create a sample connector and fetch XML data.
You don't contact DocuSign connect, it contacts you! (Your application.)
Use the Administration tool--in the Connect section you can add a subscription to Connect, including your application's url.
When an event that you're interested in occurs (eg Envelope.Complete), Connect will make a POST HTTPS request to your application. The body of the post will be the XML notification message with the details on the envelope that had reached the complete (signed) state.
Ask additional questions on StackOverflow if you have additional questions.
Note: your server (your listener) must be on the public internet so it can be contacted by DocuSign.

Docusign Webhook is not hitting into my application

I created application and using e-signature using Docusign.
I want to get Envelop status updates using Docusign Webhook through eventNotification.
I hosted my website into public accessible environment also enabled ssl here is
my webhook url -
As per the Docusign feature, when Envelop status gets changed then webhook try to post some data into webhook url but it's getting failed and I can see that failed post request at Docusign -> connect -> failure tab. here is screen shot enter image description here
I have check with with my network team, No firewall is blocking. and also tried to post some data using fiddler from other network it is working fine. then I am wondering, why Docusign webhook is unable to post data into my webhook url.
I am unable to access the URL
Looks like it is not publicly accessible.
Use a tool like GeoPeeker and make sure your URL is indeed publicly accessible.
As CodingDawg suggested, it should either be publicly accessible or becasue of security concern you don't want it to be publicly accessible then you have to work with your Network/Firewall team to whitelist DocuSign IPs. You can find DocuSign IPs at

Evernote webhook notification

I registered for Evernote webhook successfully with a valid end point recently. But whenever I make any changes to my evernote account, either by creating or updating a note, I am not being notified by the webhook. I am using a page created with as an endpoint but I don't see evernote making any requests to it. I have reached out to Evernote support but haven't received a response yet.
How do you test to see if Evernote Webhook is working as expected?
The easiest way is to check the web logs of the web server you've set up to receive them.
I have a couple of web hooks set up and they seem to work. I've used a node.js app to receive the webhooks.
Double-check that you asked for the right kinds of notifications? What filter did you ask for?
Other than double-checking the URL you gave them, and double-checking the logs, and if using https ensuring you are using a valid certificate, there isn't much else other than waiting for the support response.
In the meantime you can test your code by hitting your webhook server with appropriately formatted URLs.
