Selecting a block of members in PDS directory for editing - mainframe

I want to select a group of members in a PDS for editing but unlike in SDSF, putting // in the beginning and end of block doesn't work.
Does anybody know how can I do that? For viewing a range of PDS members! is that even possible??
I appreciate your opinion on this.
This is what I mean of selecting a block of members

Edit the dataset via option 3.4, the DSLIST command or the ISPF Workplace (usually option 11 and the best option).
Make sure that the 'Enhanced member list for Edit, View, and Browse' option is selected. This can be found in the 'options -> DSLIST' menu.
Enter 'e' against multiple members or use e * to select all members or e abc* to select all members beginning with abc and press 'enter'.
When you press PF3 to finish editing one member, you will be taken straight into edit on the next member.


How can I bulk search and find data with slight differences in different rows?

There is something I want to do; but i don't know if it is possible.
I want to know if I can do what I want to do with EmEditor or something else.
You can find an example of what I want below.
Example Picture:
• The data on the left does not have the full name.
• The data on the right are those with the full name.
I present a small video to express what I want clearly.
Please watch the video first and then see the sample files where you can try how to do what I want.
Sample Video
Sample Files
The file on the right contains much more data than the file on the left.
That's why the first thing that comes to mind is; so sorting is useless.
For example, the data in the 1st row of the data on the left; corresponds to row 2 of the data on the right.
So no one has the same row.
That's why sorting doesn't work; and I need to search the left side data one by one inside the right side data and find the full name.
On the left: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1
On the right: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1-D5DADA
Instead of searching all of them one by one, I want to automatically find the left-hand data among the right-hand data.
I thought this might be possible with EmEditor; but I don't know how.
If this is possible I would like to know how.
Also, there is one more thing I want to know.
I have something to add to the end of each line; but I can't put a bulk cursor at the end of all of them.
How can I do this with EmEditor?
I hope I was able to express clearly what I wanted.
If there is anything that confuses you, please let me know.
You can use Advanced Filter to find multiple strings combined with Logical Disjunction (OR). To do this:
Open Missing Data.txt with EmEditor, select all (Ctrl+A), and copy all the text to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C).
Open Full Data.txt, and click the Advanced Filter button on the Filter toolbar.
Click in the list box of the Advanced Filter dialog box, and press Ctrl+V to paste the Clipboard contents to the list box.
While all the items in the list box are selected, make sure the Match Case, (None), and Logical Disjunction (OR) options are selected, but no other options are selected.
Click the Filter button.
You didn't write what you want to do after searches, but if you want to remove all the matched lines from Full Data.txt:
Click the Abort button if you are already filtering. Click Bookmark button, and Close to dismiss the dialog box.
Right-click on the left edge of the editor (or select Edit menu - Bookmarks), and select Delete Bookmarked Lines.
As for selecting the end of each line, you can drag Mouse while pressing Alt to make a zero-width vertical selection at right (or press Alt+E, E to make a vertical selection, and press End). See Multiple Selection Editing for more information.

In LibreOffice, How do I create two consecutive sets of radio buttons

In LibreOffice Calc, if I create four radio buttons on a Basic dialog, with a tab-order of say 11, 12, 13, 14 then they will be treated as a single four-way group.
If I insert any other active form item, such as another text field, (but unfortunately not a dividing line), in the middle, then I get what I want, which is two distinct groups.
Q.1: * Yes
* No
Q.2: * Yes
* No
All of the documentation seems to be saying that a group is made by giving each button the same name, but this appears to be out of date or out of context, as the dialog editor simply will not allow them to have the same name.
Giving the buttons in each group two different group names also has no effect.
According to
If wizards are on, creating a group box launches the Group Element wizard. This creates a group of option buttons (in which only one may be selected at a time). In most cases, using a group box is the best way to create a set of option buttons.
Typically I use group boxes as recommended here. However, instead of the wizard (LibreOffice wizards often give messy results), I find it easier to create the dialog in the dialog editor and then modify the resulting .xdl file using a text editor.
The important thing is the tab index order, as explained at
Note, that option buttons that belong to the same group must have consecutive tab indices. Two groups of option buttons can be separated by any control with a tab index that is between the tab indices of the two groups.
A horizontal line will work if that is what you want. For example, here is an example that has two groups. Notice the tab index of 2 for the horizontal line, which is in between the tab indices of the buttons we want to separate (0 to 1 and 3 to 4).
<dlg:radio dlg:id="OptionButton1" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="52" dlg:top="23" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="12" dlg:help-text="&20.Dialog3.OptionButton1.HelpText" dlg:value="&21.Dialog3.OptionButton1.Label" dlg:group-name="a"/>
<dlg:radio dlg:id="OptionButton2" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="52" dlg:top="46" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="12" dlg:help-text="&22.Dialog3.OptionButton2.HelpText" dlg:value="&23.Dialog3.OptionButton2.Label" dlg:group-name="a"/>
<dlg:fixedline dlg:id="FixedLine1" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="50" dlg:top="70" dlg:width="82" dlg:height="6" dlg:help-text="&28.Dialog3.FixedLine1.HelpText" dlg:value="&29.Dialog3.FixedLine1.Label"/>
<dlg:radio dlg:id="OptionButton3" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="52" dlg:top="74" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="12" dlg:help-text="&24.Dialog3.OptionButton3.HelpText" dlg:value="&25.Dialog3.OptionButton3.Label" dlg:group-name="b"/>
<dlg:radio dlg:id="OptionButton4" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="52" dlg:top="93" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="12" dlg:help-text="&26.Dialog3.OptionButton4.HelpText" dlg:value="&27.Dialog3.OptionButton4.Label" dlg:group-name="b"/>
If you don't like the idea of modifying the .xdl file directly, it is possible to do this in the dialog editor without the wizard by selecting each control and changing the value of the tab order field.

intelliJ -> is there any way to scope your search to be within a function

Very often while coding, I need to search for keywords which are common and happen throughout a large file, but I am looking for an instance within a function.
The default search functionality often gives me all results starting from the top. Is there any way/workflow to search only within a specific method/function or block of code?
Do Ctrl + F
Then Ctrl + Alt + E
Type the text to search
On MacOS, it's cmd instead of Ctrl
Original Post
You can do it like this (mentioned keymaps are for Linux):
Let's take as an example the following code, where we will be searching for the word "key" inside the method "clear". As you can see there are many occurrences of that word (in red, highlighted the ones we want in our results, and in blue other occurrences, which we do not want to appear in our search results)
1- Select the area you want to limit the search scope to.
2- Press Ctrl+Shift+F. It will pop up a search window with the selected text pre-filled in the search box.
3- Select the options "Scope" and, in the combo next to it, "Selection" (if they are not selected by default)
4- Type the word(s) you want to search (in this example, the key word).
5- The results shown will be limited to the selected area. Notice how there are only 9 matches in the upper right corner ("Match case" option is checked), despite in the same file there are many other occurrences of the same word.
However, I was neither able to find a key combination in order to do this as a single action nor assign a new one. Also, notice how the search includes the text in the method documentation.
Tested using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.4 (Ultimate Edition), Build #IU-181.5087.20 on Ubuntu 18.04
Looks like we're finally getting this feature in IDEA 2019.3: (Ctrl-F for subtitle "Ability to search in a selected area when using the Find action")
It’s now possible to search only in a selected area using the Find action (cmd+F / Ctrl +F). Simply select the code piece you need in the editor and invoke the Find action and the IDE will perform the search only in the selected area.
Screenshot from the article (was a GIF originally)
There is a way to search inside a method, however, it doesn't seem to work for other scopes.
When searching in file as usual, click "Find all"
You'll get a list of results in the bottom panel. If you enable "Group by file structure" (I had it disabled by default), you can get a list of matches for a particular method.
On IntelliJ in Mac:
In a file select the specific block in which we want to find
Press CMD + F
Notice that the cursor has automatically landed in the find toolbar's text field
Type in what is intended to be found
Press enter to move the cursor
to the first occurrence.

Lotus Notes - Move email to folder quickly

I have several folders to manage emails in a Lotus Notes database.
And I want to move email(s) to a specific folder just by a few key strokes.
It would act like this:
1. Click a button (It seems one cannot create a user-defined shortcut for user command)
2. prompt an ComboEdit box, whose options are the folders in current database.
3. input a few letters and the filtered results shows.
4. Choose the folder and press {enter}, the email(s) gets filed.
Just like Launchy to start a MS Windows application.
Is it possible to do this by using the #function and #command?
I've got some info here:
#Prompt([OkCancelEditCombo]; "Select a Database"; "Select a database to open, or type a database specification."; "Schedule"; "Schedule":"Phone Book": #Subset(#MailDbName;-1))
So how can I get a list of folder and to enable step3 to work?
In my Lotus Notes client I move my mails to a folder by just doing the following:
Click Alt + 5, M
(the number and the letter depend on the version and language of your mailtemplate, 5 is the fifth Button in the action- bar and "M" is the underlined letter for the action "Move to folder")
Start typing the name of the folder where you want to put the mail
Press Enter
No need to write even one line of code... And it even searches for folders CONTAINING the text, that I typed, not only folders STARTING with that characters...
No, there's no capability in Notes formula language or even in LotusScript that could allow typing a few characters and filtering the available folder names without requiring the user to press the Enter key or click on something first.
You could mock that up in a dialogbox using the onchange event of a dialoglist field that allows new values and doesn't define any values -- you would have to calculate the matching values yourself and put them up as the choices in a second keyword field. Or you could take advantage of the typeahead of the dialogbox field and give it all the folder names as its choices, but that wouldn't work exactly as you described.
BTW did you have a look at SwiftFile for Notes?

CListCtrl - how to find it is selected

I have got a CDialog Class, inside which there are two ClistCtrl classes.
I want to find out which of the listCtrl's is selected at the moment.
say, listCtrl A and B. Even when I move between A and B, suppose first I go to A and select a row. Then even when I go to B and select an item there, item in A remains selected as I don't come to know that I have gone in other list.
Any suggestions, how I can find this.
If understand you correctly, you need to know which one of list boxes has a focus. You could do that by calling GetFocus(), it returns a pointer to the focused control.
The problem you might have though is when your dialog is not an active window and then focus would be somewhere else. In this case you should be tracking WM_SETFOCUS and WM_KILLFOCUS messages and keeping record of which of the list boxes was activated last. In MFC there are callbacks CWnd::OnSetFocus and CWnd::OnKillFocus that could be used to achieve that.
I found a way of doing this. I can register for NM_Click notifications on both the lists
When list A is selected, I set curSel of list B to -1 and vice versa.
