How to calculate average of parent category in excel? - excel

I have data in below format. It shows starting and end time of an activity and calculates duration accordingly. The activity is performed through out the day at different times.
I have added a pivot. I want to find out the average duration in a workday or a holiday(Day category). When I am trying to apply average in the current pivot, it is dividing the total duration by the number of sessions in a day.For example in week 1, an activity was done on 4 work days and the total duration for the activity in workdays was 04.19, I want to divide this number by 4 and find out the average time spent on each day but the pivot divides it by 11 which is the total number of sessions in the four days.
Link for data

Add a helper column to identify how many unique pairs of Dates/Day Categories there are:
You can add extra products to this formula to force extra fields to be unique to be counted as well.
SRC:Simple Pivot Table to Count Unique Values
Add a Calculated Field in the PivotTable that is:
SUM(Duration)/SUM([Helper Column Name]) and include it in the 'Values' section of the PivotTable. Due to the new column being added, you might have to re-create the PivotTable.
This should produce the average in the manner that you want.


Excel: Count distinct numerical values if string condition matches

I have a list of employee names on one tab and another tab with orders shipped by employees and the month they were shipped going back 12 months. I'd like to calculate the average number of products shipped per employee per month, but I need to know how many months they were here to do that. So what I'd like to do is essentially write a formula that says give me the count of the distinct number of months they've been shipping products.
Sample employee data:
And here's the sample data on the individual shipments:
So in short, I need to know that Joe Smith shipped those 250 products across 3 distinct months to see he averages 83.3 shipments per month. Again, because there are many new people who have come onboard in the last 12 months, I can't just divide them all by 12 and need to know how many months they were shipping items in.
FILTER Shipper and Month based on Shipper column with criteria Employee name. Apply UNIQUE on filtered array to get only unique values (name + month number). Use COUNT to get active months. Divide Products Shipped by it.
Average by Count of Uniques
You can use this array version, which spills all the results at once:
=LET(empl, A2:A4, prods, B2:B4, shipper, B7:B16, months, C7:C16,
ux, MAP(empl, LAMBDA(e, COUNT(UNIQUE(FILTER(months, shipper=e))))), prods/ux)
Here is the output:
It is also possible not using MAP but it is a verbose solution:
=LET(empl, A2:A4, prods, B2:B4, shipper, B7:B16, months, C7:C16,
left, TRANSPOSE(N(shipper=TOROW(empl))), right, N(months=TOROW(UNIQUE(months))),
cnts, N(MMULT(left, right)>0), ux, MMULT(cnts, SEQUENCE(ROWS(cnts),,1,0)), prods/ux)
Replacing TOROW with TRANSPOSE it should work for older Excel versions.
This is how I would have done it, create a Pivot table(Insert->Pivot Table) with Months as column, Employee as row and the values as count of shipments. Once you have the Pivot table, your life becomes easier. Now you do a count of the employee row (COUNT(COL-1:COL-X)) to count the total months a particular employee showed up.You now have count of shipments and a count of months. You can calculate the average. Not sure I can think of anything else easier.

How do I create an extra column in an Excel Pivot Table to be able to calculate a percentage when using counts

We have an Excel Pivot Table based on a Jet Report table that displays a series of intervals tracking Customer On Time Delivery. The intervals are calculated as the difference between the Shipment Date and the original Requested Delivery Date. An On Time shipment has an interval of zero. Below is a screenshot of some sample data.
What I would like to do is to add a calculated column to the right of the Total that shows the On Time Percentage calculated as the Zero Interval count / Total count (e.g. 337 / 369 or 1,369 / 1,392), but I don't know how to determine which column contains the Zero Interval count. Is there anyway to do this within an Excel Pivot table? Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions.

Excel Pivot Table: Grand Total Average

I have traffic volumes counted for many days. What I want is to select dates, and make Pivot Table show me the totale volume per day, but the average grand total of the sum (Grand Total divided by the number of dates selected). If possible I would also like to show the number of dates selected. I have not found a solution to combine sum of and average in the same Pivot Table. Any tips?
What I am trying to achieve (but included in the Pivot Table):
Pivot Table
I do not want to add any data to the input-sheet
edit1: there are 24 counting hours per day, so the sum of Volume per day is the sum of 24 cells per day.
edit2: adding Count of Dato results in "24" per day, and a Grand Total of 480 (if 20 days * 24). I want this to be 20, like number of selected dates. See picture: image

Statistical functions on non-numerical value

I am not looking for any code or formula but a rationale/logic.
Background: My data set comes in Date/Time format where a new timestamp is created for each new occurrence of an event.
My goal is to calculate number of occurrences within each hour for a given day. Unfortunately, system does not capture number if occurrences per period as integers. So I have count the number of time an hour value appears within the hour i.e number of times 4 o'clock hour appears. I am currently using Pivot Table in Excel to count the number of times each hour appears. Fields in Rows are hour and dates, and field in Values is count of hour.
Trouble is that I cannot use any summarize functions to get stuff like sum, min, max, percentile, and standard deviation. For example, changing count to sum will only add up all hours. So sum of 4 o'clock hour will return 12 instead of 3. So I am having to use array formulas on pivot table to give me max and min etc.
If I was to use this data in data viz tools like Tableau or Power BI. I won't be able to get very far. I am looking for a suggestions/workaround that can allow me to manipulate my data in a way so it can be used in Pivot Tables in Excel and in data viz tools.
I know my questions is not specific to one tool but I am looking to enhance me understanding of data and data manipulations techniques.
EDIT: Please see attached image
Build a data model, using PowerPivot. Join your fact table to a calendar dimension table. Create a row count measure - you can then summarise that measure to suit (sum, average, min, etc)

Excel Pivot table: Calculated field based on only the first row of a group

I've got the following data and pivot table:
The Total column in the pivot table is the sum of the following calculated field:
=start-TIME(7, 30, 0)
I know that this calculation is wrong for what I want to achieve. I need to know how much delay I have had on each day to start the work. e.g. on 1-Oct-12, assuming I should have started my work at 7:30, 8:00 - 7:30 which yields 30 minutes delay, 1 hour delay for 2-Oct-12 and 50 minutes for 3-Oct-12.
So my question is, how can I have a calculated field based on only the first row of each group in a pivot table?
I tend to avoid calculated fields and do the calculation in the source data if possible. So in this case I'd add a delay column to your source data, with a calculation that sums the difference only for the first row for each date:
Then you can pivot on the sum of delay. Format the delay pivot field like [h]:mm.
