Map ctrl to leader key - vim

After seeing how doom-Emacs use their leader key for almost everything I wanted to implement something similar to my vimrc.
Specifically the " ws" as a s-split is much more comfortable then the default keybinding "ctrl-w s"
Is it possible to map "ctrl" to my leader key (which is " " space)?

Vim won't let you map the Control key individually.
Instead, you can make custom mappings:
nnoremap <leader>ws <C-w>s
nnoremap <leader>wv <C-w>v


map vim leader key to backspace

The vim documention on how to set the default leader key ( :h mapleader) provides one simple example:
:let mapleader = ","
I want to map it to backspace and tried a bunch of options, this being the first one:
:let mapleader="<BS>"
But nothing seemed to work.
To make it work I had to use:
:let mapleader="\<BS>"
Another option is to not override the default \ leader key, but map backspace to it, effectively ending up with two simultaneous leader keys:
map <BS> <Leader>

Map <space> to <leader> in VIM

I want to map the <space> key to <leader> (which is currently the \ key here) in VIM 7.4.
I would also like to be able to use both the <space> and \ keys as leaders.
If possible, it would be great to see the / character appearing in the bottom right corner when I type it (instead of funky stuff like <20>), but I can live without it.
I've tried to
nmap <space> <bslash>
this works for simple <leader>keys commands, but <leader><leader>key commands (like the easymotion maps) don't work.
I also tried to
let mapleader = " "
nmap <bslash> <space>
but analogously to the problem above stated, the <bslash> key doesn't work anymore for <leader><leader>key commands.
I already tried a bunch of stuff in these related questions/wiki pages:
Can I use SPACE as mapleader in VIM?
:h mapleader
I can't see your .vimrc, so I can't guarantee this is the issue, but I would bet that the issue comes from using nnoremap. The following works for me:
let mapleader =" "
nmap <leader>i iHello World<esc>
nmap <bslash> <space>
I can use either <space>i or <bslash>i and both of them run the iHello World<esc> mapping. But this:
let mapleader =" "
nnoremap <leader>i iHello World<esc>
nnoremap <bslash> <space>
Does not work. <space>i runs the mapping, but <bslash>i does not, which is exactly what should be expected, since nnoremap is used to avoid nested/recursive mappings. So one possible solution would be to use nmap everywhere. I would definitely not recommend this, since you'll likely end up in a map loop. This solution should work better:
let mapleader =" "
nnoremap <leader>i iHello World<esc>
nmap <expr> <bslash> mapleader
Note that if you change the mapleader setting, this will break because, as :h mapleader says:
Note that the value of "mapleader" is used at the moment the mapping is
defined. Changing "mapleader" after that has no effect for already defined

What the D-S-Up means in vim?

I find a .vimrc file config:
" Move selection up/down (add =gv to reindent after move)
:vmap <D-S-Up> :m-2<CR>gv
:vmap <D-S-Down> :m'>+<CR>gv
I know the D-S-Up must be a key, but what is the key?
I type:
:help D-S-Up
nothing happened
:help key-notation tells you the meaning of all those <key> notations.
You can't expect :help D-S-Up to do anything because:
it doesn't follow established patterns like i_ctrl-r,
it is a custom mapping and Vim only provides documentation for its own commands.
<D> is the Cmd key on Mac keyboards, <S> is the Shift key, and <Up> is the Up arrow key.
So <D-S-Up> means Cmd + Shift + Up.
The Cmd key only works in the MacVim GUI.
Non-portable mappings are worthless.
One should use :xmap or :xnoremap for visual mode mappings, not :v*.
Non-recursive mappings should be used by default unless one really wants recursion.
Using someone else's vimrc is a bad idea.
By the way, here are enhanced versions of those mappings:
nnoremap <silent> <D-S-Up> :<C-u>move-2<CR>==
nnoremap <silent> <D-S-Down> :<C-u>move+<CR>==
xnoremap <silent> <D-S-Up> :move-2<CR>gv=gv
xnoremap <silent> <D-S-Down> :move'>+<CR>gv=gv
<silent> prevents the commands in the mapping from echoing useless info,
<C-u> removes any default range inserted by Vim,
move-2<CR> is a more readable version of m-2<CR>,
== re-indents the line,
gv=gv reselects the lines, re-indents them, and re-selects them again.
Have a look at Move entire line up and down in Vim
In an answer you can read (concerning the line :vmap <D-S-Up> :m-2<CR>gv):
According to the shortcuts above, pressing Cmd-Shift-Up/Down will shift the block selection up/down. "D" is the Command key in MacVim, for Windows try "C" (Control), or "A" (Alt) (eg. would be Control Alt f).
Since I don't have a Mac myself, I can't check, but it's most certainly true.

How do I map multiple <leader> keys in vim?

I'd like to have a left and right hand leader key. If I want both the default \ and , to be my leaders I thought it would be as simple as adding nnoremap , \ or nnoremap , <leader> to my .vimrc. But apparently not. How do I do this?
My <leader> is bound to , and this works for me:
:nmap \ ,
All of my leader mappings are now available using either \ or , as the leader. I think it's the nnoremap that's tripping you up.
You can map one leader key to the other, as in the accepted answer, but if you're going to use <leader> in the first place, you should make the binding to <leader> itself. That way the binding will still work if you change (or remove) the first leader key.
map , <leader>
Note that this still doesn't quite work like a second leader. If the first leader is unset, the binding will still work, but Vim will also revert to using \ as a leader, since there is no longer an "official" leader (ie. valid value for the mapleader variable). (This wouldn't be a problem for the OP, but may be for others.)
<leader> is convenient but you can create mappings like ,mm or \mm without using it. Just duplicate all your <leader>something and remap them with ' and \ directly:
nnoremap <leader>d "_d
would become
nnoremap ,d "_d
nnoremap \d "_d
How exactly would that work? Vim, when it encounters <leader> it replaces it with the mapped key. Were you to use two (keys for <leader>), how would it know which one to replace <leader> with?
What you can do however, is use <leader> and <localleader> but that's just two separate leaders, not mapping two keys to one of them.
So, no ... you can't.
You can map your shortcuts explicitly though.

How change short keys in Vim?

I am a new user in Vim. How change these keys in Zen Coding,
And also change in omni,
ctr+x ctr+o
How can I do that?
I suggest you to type:
:help map.txt
inside vim, you'll find all the explanation to understand how to do it.
You can't use the same shortcut for 'zencoding' plugin and for an omnicomplete function; anyway you could add to your .vimrc:
imap <C-j> <C-y>
But I suggest not to use 'C-j' as 'j' is always related to movement in vim; use 'leader' (:help leader) which is targeted to user shortcuts, instead.
You may follow the answer provided by #eolo999, but I suggest you to read zencoding documentation and add the following to the vimrc:
" Note the `nore'. You must use it where possible "
" in order not to get remapping problems when your vimrc grows up "
inoremap <C-j> <C-x><C-o>
" from :h zencoding-customize-keymappings "
let g:user_zen_expandabbr_key='<C-e>'
