DocuSign API - Request Payments via Stripe - Use Stripe Test Account - stripe-payments

I'm using the DocuSign Sandbox environment to test out sending agreements and request payment using the Stripe payment Gateway. I've added Stripe as a Payment Gateway and can add a new Payment tab to a template successfully.
I just wanted to make sure, before I send an actual envelope, how do I confirm that it will also be using the Stripe test/sandbox environment and not the live Stripe account to collect payment here? I wouldn't want to accidentally request money into my live Stripe account during testing.

You could use any stripe account and just use the 4242 fake credit card numbers to do your testing.
Here is more information about testing from Stripe


Get invoices for stripe payments in xero

My client want to use xero accounting software in live website which is using stripe as payment gateway. I have some doubt on it.
How to integrate stripe with Xero
Is Xero auto calculate and create invoices for stripe payments including subscriptions
Is it good to use stripe with xero

Stripe transfer receipt

I am developing app where transfer money from platform to connect when completing some task.
And then my app customers can get money in their stripe account.
I think they need to get receipt for getting earning when using my app but I can't see how to send receipts to customer's email for transferring.
I know it can by specifying receipts_email when charing and refund but no such stuff in transfer object.
How can my app send receipt to customer for transferring ?
if it's impossible what is providing instead in stripe?
Really I need to get help.
Thank you.
The email receipt feature is only available for Charges which happen when you charge a Customer's card. This is documented here:
Stripe does not send email receipts when you transfer funds to a connected account or when funds are sent to their own bank accounts. This is something that you would need to build on your side instead based on the funds you're sending to them.

Connect "Stripe Connect" with the Telegram Payment API

How can I use Stripe Connect, let's say to create a "Direct Charge", while sending an Invoice on the Telegram Payment API?
The Telegram API seems to only allow for a "provider_token", I see no further details for the Stripe API, like the required "stripe_account" property for direct charges.
I guess Telegram itself uses Stripe Connect to charge on the users behalf... But that doesn't seem to have stopped this guy from doing something very similar:
He uses express accounts, but the fundamental problem of not being able to speak to stripe directly seems to be the same.
Thanks :)
You're correct about the Telegram API: there is no way to create a direct charge to a connected Stripe account when receiving payments through Telegram. But there are workarounds. I'm the author of the bot you linked; here's how I managed to move funds from my account to a connected Stripe account via Telegram.
Firstly, you need to accept the payment as usual (e.g. follow the normal sendInvoice flow). For my purposes, I made the payload parameter the ID of the user that is being sent the money (it's later matched with the Stripe account ID in the database, but you can do this however you want). The rest is out of scope of the question, so I won't describe this process in detail; Telegram has a very nice guide on it.
Once you receive the successful_payment event from the Telegram API, you can then transfer the money from your own Stripe account to the linked Stripe account using the Stripe Connect transfers endpoint, but be careful: it doesn't give you the amount that was given to your own Stripe balance (taking fees into account), so you will need to calculate that yourself. Depending on your account, it would look something like this for JavaScript: payment.total_amount - Math.round(payment.total_amount * 0.029 + 30).
After you've transfered the money to their account, you can perform a payout as usual with the payouts Stripe Connect endpoint.
But note that this is just one example; you can use all of the Stripe Connect APIs with this. In fact, you probably have even more flexibility with this, since the funds hit your Stripe account before they reach the connected account's, so you can do whatever you want with them :)
So, TL;DR: Once you've received the successful_payment from Telegram, transfer the money to the connected Stripe account, then perform a payout on it.

Sending money to customers through paypal

For our application we are accepting payments to our account through Braintree. However, after a particular action has occurred we need to send money from the brain tree account to the desired customers account. I have been looking at the payouts API (node js) but this only allows me to send payments to customers who have an associated PayPal account. I would also like to send payments to customers who do not own a PayPal account. Does PayPal support anything like this?
Actually, Payouts is the solution to your answer. This is how it will work:
If the recipient has a PayPal account it will be credited to the PayPal Account.
If the recipient does not have a PayPal account then they can sign up to receive the amount and then move it to their bank account.

How to send Billing information with Stripe token for validation checks

I have got a stripe token from stripe js, Now I want to charge the customer. How do I send the billing address along with the stripe token for charging. My objective is to validate zip code and address_line1 which I have enabled at the stripe dashboard.
Note:- I can send the billing info without using a stripe token, by using the card details entered. I want to do it using the token received. Is it possible?
The best solution is to send the billing address details when creating the token with Stripe.js This is covered in the createToken() documentation where it lists all the fields you can provide.
Otherwise, you would save the card on a customer first and then use the Update Card API on the server to provide the billing address.
