ADF Pipeline not getting triggered after trying to execute in Debug mode - azure

I was trying to execute a pipeline in Debug mode. After clicking on Debug, notification says the pipeline started running but there is no response there after and the output screen also shows no entry of the pipeline being executed. Anyone have faced this issue before ?


Not able to See HTML result in Azure release pipeline

I have a azure release pipeline in that I have a task publish my html report.
That step executed but after release run i do not see that html
For build pipeline:
You can check the Html result in the "HTML Viewer" tap of the run.
But for the release pipeline, it seems there is no way to display the tap. Please check the same issue raised before for the extension : I cant see the HTML tab after successfull release.

How to debug Gitlab CI scheduled pipeline not running?

I have a Gitlab CI pipeline schedule and noticed that pipelines are not running (anymore).
When starting the schedule manually via the UI (<repo-root>/-/pipeline_schedules) it shows the following
However, there is not pipeline started and no error message is provided.
What can I do in this situation?
The success message is misleading in the sense that one might thing the pipeline was actually created, although it only means that a pipeline was scheduled.
There are various reasons, why a schedule cannot run (anymore).
This can be for example because of conflicting rules or outdated fields in your yml caused by breaking changes due to Gitlab upgrades.
To get to the root of the problem why your pipeline did not run you can trigger a pipeline manually and set the
CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE to hold "schedule" as value.
To do so, go to <repo-root>/-/pipelines/new, set your target branch or tag and the variable as follows
Additionally, you may want to provide further variables required to properly simulate your problematic schedule via the manual run.
Next hit Run pipeline and you should observe an actual error message why the pipeline could not run.

Azure Synapse Notebook not running in Pipeline

I cant seem to run my Synapse Notebook in a pipeline, however if i run it by itself it works fine.
The error i get is simply : "Operation on target LoadFactSalesDoc_without_DimResource failed: MessageQueueFullException: The message queue is full or is completed and cannot accept more items."
Anyone had this error before?
I tried running the notebook in a different pipeline, I also tried allocating more ressources to the notebook. It always has the same error.

How to fail the Azure pipeline if any errors are reported in the task

Pipeline is not failing even though the application errors are reported in one of the task. For that i have used failonstderr: true in the pipeline and pipeline detects the errors and start failing. But the problem is failing the pipeline for warnings also. But i am looking for the pipeline should fail when errors are reportedenter image description here not on warnings. Is there any alternate solution?
You could set the control option of each task by disable Continue on error and Run this task Only when all previous tasks have succeeded. Then, any errors are reported in the task, pipeline will failed. Please refer to Task control options for more information.
As for YAML pipeline, please make sure you have add continueOnError: false to you task. Besides, make sure you haven't add condition: expression to each task. Then, it default to Only when all previous task have succeeded.

encounter the issue in ADF

We have encounter the issue in our UAT environment however it was working fine in DEV environment and as per the advise we have execute the pipeline multiple time but still isuee is there.
Error code -1000
Failure type - System error
Detail- Fail to complete sub job b.This could be a transient issue and you may re-run the job.if it fails again continuously contact customer support
