How to generate a warning/error when using non-string-variables inside string interpolation? - string

TypeScript does not produce any errors for the following code:
const maybe_a_string: undefined | string = undefined;
const false_or_string: false | string = false;
// I'd like the following to produce an error/warning...
const message_string = `Some readable string info should be here: ${maybe_a_string} ${false_or_string}`;
Is there some kind of setting I can turn on, or simple alternative ways to write the last line that will warn me about trying to use non-string variables inside strings like this? (but without needing to add extra lines of code for every sub-string to be asserted individually)
I guess it treats them as fine because some types like bools, numbers and misc objects have a .toString() method...
But especially in the case of undefined (which actually doesn't have a .toString() method) - it's quite common for you to have a bug there, as the only time you really want to see the string "undefined" inside another string is for debugging purposes. But there's a lot of these bugs out there in the wild where end users are seeing stuff like "hello undefined" unintentionally.

Personally I would handle this by making the string template into a function. That way you can specify that the arguments must be strings.
const createMessageString = (first: string, second: string): string => {
return `Some readable string info should be here: ${first} ${second}`;
const message_string = createMessageString( maybe_a_string, false_or_string );
// will give an error unless types are refined

Vote for [Restrict template literal interpolation expressions to strings]
Additionally, you can try workarounds from the issue comments.


Why postgres is returning additional backslash in a simple query

So in my node code postgres query is returning double quotes when it's returning its values.
As opposed to the query at pgAdmin.
I already tried to solve it using regex but this attempt was innefective. So if anyone had a problem like this and could help me, I would be glad.
Thanks in advance
There are neither quotes nor extra back slashes in the string. They are part of the string representation as literal.
Try console.log(value) - or even directly console.log('/\\w/g') - and you'll see the output is /\w/g as expected.
To answer my own question, after a lot of reading and researching, I managed to discover that because a backslash character is a special character it will create some problems around its implementation in regex, because it is not permitted to have a lone backslash stored in a variable for example.
This would never work stored inside a variable because the backslash have to be escaped.
Javascript will transform it automatically to be able to perform.
When reading
RegExp - Javascript documentation, I came across an interesting statement, the RegExp function will recognize and use a double slash regex, thankfully!
So I just adapted my regex to split it's statement from it's flags and mount it again using RegExp.
Below is the code that I used to solve this problem
// Getting values from postgres
const values = (await pgConn.admRead.query(clientQuery)).rows[0].value || [];
// Splitting regex ( values: /\w/g )
const valuesSplit = values.split('/'); // RESULT -> ['', w, g]
// Removing first array item when it's empty
if (valuesSplit[0].length === 0) {
// Creating regex from splitted array
const regexOperation = new RegExp(valuesSplit[0], valuesSplit[1]);
// Executing replace function
const messageMasked = message.replace(regexOperation, '*');
return messageMasked;

Print Element GString Property in Human Readable format

I'm writing a rust application with a simple gstreamer pipeline. I would like to print the stats property of the appsink element in a human readable format.
With this code:
let stats = appsink.get_property("stats").unwrap();
println!("stats: {:?}", stats);
I get:
stats: Value(GString(Foreign(0x7f9c008f00, 101)))
Since that isn't human readable, I tried:
let stats = appsink.get_property("stats").unwrap().get::<GString>();
println!("stats: {:?}", stats);
but got:
stats: Err(GetError { actual: GstStructure, requested: gchararray })
I'm not sure how to interpret the output.
I've looked at this post: gstreamer rust get human readable output for bitrate set on x264enc but it doesn't show how to approach a GString.
I was able to sort of reproduce this using the following example:
use gstreamer::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let source = gstreamer::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc", Some("source")).expect("Could not create source element.");
let val = source.get_property("pattern").unwrap();
println!("{:?}", val);
This will attempt to get the pattern property on a generic VideoTestSrc element, and it will print out the string address instead of the actual string. Adding .get::<GString>() to the let val statement will produce a runtime error:
Err(GetError { actual: GstVideoTestSrcPattern, requested: gchararray })
which is telling us that it tried to cast to gchararray but the actual data type of the property is a custom type, GstVideoTestSrcPattern, which is not a string. In your example, the property value has the type GstStructure. It might be possible to use .get::<GstVideoTestSrcPattern>() to get the value of the pattern property and manipulate it as such, but since we want a string here, there's another way using the .transform() method defined on a glib::Value:
let val = source.get_property("pattern").unwrap().transform::<String>().unwrap().get::<String>().unwrap().unwrap();
This is rather unwieldy and it would be advised to do a lot more error checking on the values returned here (for example using the ? operator instead of the .unwrap()s).
The .transform::<String>() call will try to give us a String representation of the property's value, but it gives us a Option<Value> which we must unwrap and convert into an actual String using .get::<String>(), which gives us a Result<Option<String>, GetError> (the inner option is because the string could be NULL). Unwrapping those values gives us a printable string.
There might be a simpler way, but this at least gives you the result. There is more documentation on how to deal with glib Value types here:
But unfortunately it's not very easy to read and doesn't have examples. It might be possible to glean more info from the rust port of the gstreamer tutorials:
Close to what transistor wrote, the correct way of doing this would be
let stats = appsink.get_property("stats").unwrap();
println!("stats: {:?}", stats.get::<gst::Structure>().expect("not a structure").expect("structure was None"));
You don't have to transform the glib::Value to a String, but you can directly get a gst::Structure from the glib::Value and work on that. Among other things it provides a Debug impl that allows direct printing of it, and various API for accessing the fields, etc. See

Weird backticks string behavior in ES6 [duplicate]

I'm not sure how to explain this, but when I run
In google chrome, I get output like
VM12380:2 ["1", raw: Array[1]]
Why is the backtick calling the log function, and why is it making a index of raw: Array[1]?
Question brought up in the JS room by Catgocat, but no answers made sense besides something about templating strings that didn't really fit why this is happening.
It is called Tagged Template in ES-6 more could be read about them Here, funny I found the link in the starred section of the very chat.
But the relevant part of the code is below (you can basically create a filtered sort).
function tag(strings, ...values) {
assert(strings[0] === 'a');
assert(strings[1] === 'b');
assert(values[0] === 42);
return 'whatever';
tag `a${ 42 }b` // "whatever"
Basically, its merely tagging the "1" with console.log function, as it would do with any other function. The tagging functions accept parsed values of template strings and the values separately upon which further tasks can be performed.
Babel transpiles the above code to
var _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function (strings, raw) { strings.raw = raw; return strings; };
console.log(_taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["1"], ["1"]));
As you can see it in the example above, after being transpiled by babel, the tagging function (console.log) is being passed the return value of the following es6->5 transpiled code.
_taggedTemplateLiteralLoose( ["1"], ["1"] );
The return value of this function is passed to console.log which will then print the array.
Tagged template literal:
The following syntax:
function`your template ${foo}`;
Is called the tagged template literal.
The function which is called as a tagged template literal receives the its arguments in the following manner:
function taggedTemplate(strings, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
console.log(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
The first argument is an array of all the individual string characters
The remaining argument correspond with the values of the variables which we receive via string interpolation. Notice in the example that there is no value for arg4 (because there are only 3 times string interpolation) and thus undefined is logged when we try to log arg4
Using the rest parameter syntax:
If we don't know beforehand how many times string interpolation will take place in the template string it is often useful to use the rest parameter syntax. This syntax stores the remaining arguments which the function receives into an array. For example:
function taggedTemplate(strings, {
taggedTemplate `a${1}b${2}c${3}`;
taggedTemplate `a${1}b${2}c${3}d${4}`;
Late to the party but, TBH, none of the answers give an explanation to 50% of the original question ("why the raw: Array[1]")
1. Why is it possible to call the function without parenthesis, using backticks?
As others have pointed out, this is called Tagged Template (more details also here).
Using this syntax, the function will receive the following arguments:
First argument: an array containing the different parts of the string that are not expressions.
Rest of arguments: each of the values that are being interpolated (ie. those which are expressions).
Basically, the following are 'almost' equivalent:
// Tagged Template
fn`My uncle ${uncleName} is ${uncleAge} years old!`
// function call
fn(["My uncle ", " is ", " years old!"], uncleName, uncleAge);
(see point 2. to understand why they're not exactly the same)
2. Why the ["1", raw: Array[1]] ???
The array being passed as the first argument contains a property raw, wich allows accessing the raw strings as they were entered (without processing escape sequences).
Example use case:
let fileName = "asdf";
fn`In the folder C:\Documents\Foo, create a new file ${fileName}`
function fn(a, {
console.log(a); //In the folder C:DocumentsFoo, create a new file
console.log(a.raw); //In the folder C:\Documents\Foo, create a new file
What, an array with a property ??? ???
Yes, since JavaScript arrays are actually objects, they can store properties.
const arr = [1, 2, 3]; = "value";
console.log(arr); //[1, 2, 3, property: "value"]

NodeJS why is object[0] returning '{' instead of the first property from this json object?

So I have to go through a bunch of code to get some data from an iframe. the iframe has a lot of data but in there is an object called '_name'. the first key of name is 'extension_id' and its value is a big long string. the json object is enclosed in apostrophes. I have tried removing the apostrophes but still instead of 'extension_id_output' I get a single curly bracket. the json object looks something like this
Frame {
_name: '{"extension_id":"a big huge string that I need"} "a bunch of other stuff":"this is a valid json object as confirmed by jsonlint", "globalOptions":{"crev":"1.2.50"}}}'
it's a whole big ugly paragraph but I really just need the extension_id. so this is the code I'm currently using after attempt 100 or whatever.
var frames = await page.frames();
// I'm using puppeteer for this part but I don't think that's relevant overall.
var thing = frames[1]._name;
// console.log(thing)
thing.replace(/'/g, '"')
// this is to remove the apostrophes from the outside of the object. I thought that would change things before. it does not. still outputs a single {
instead of getting a big huge string that I need or whatever is written in extension_id. I get a {. that's it. I think that is because the whole object starts with a curly bracket. this is confirmed to me because console.log(thing[2]) prints e. so what's going on? jsonlint says this is a valid json object but maybe it's just a big string and I should be doing some kind of split to grab whaat's between the first : and the first ,. I'm really not sure.
For two reasons:
object[0] doesn't return the value an object's "first property", it returns the value of the property with the name "0", if any (there probably isn't in your object); and
Because it's JSON, and when you're dealing with JSON in JavaScript code, you are by definition dealing with a string. (More here.) If you want to deal with the object that the JSON describes, parse it.
Here's an example of parsing it and getting the value of the extension_id property from it:
const parsed = JSON.parse(frames[1]._name);
console.log(parsed.extension_id); // The ID

How to check if the first variable passed into a method is a string. Perl

I have no idea how to check for this. My method(if condition in method) should only work (execute) if the first argument passed in is a string. I know how to check other types, but I can't seem to find anything for checking for a string.
For a hash I would do something like;
if(ref eq 'HASH') {...}
If someone could provide a simple example I'm sure I would be able to apply it to what I'm doing. I will put up the code for the method and an explanation for the whole operational details of the method if needed.
Added Information
This is a method for handling different types of errors in the software, here are the 3 possible input formats:
$class->new("error string message")
$class->new("error string message", code => "UNABLE_TO_PING_SWITCH_ERROR")
$class->new("error string message", code => "UNABLE_TO_PING_SWITCH_ERROR", switch_ip => $ip3, timeout => $timeout)
There will always be an error message string first.
With the 1st case there is also a hashref to an error hash structure that is located in a library,
this method new will go into a template processing if the word "code" exists as an arg. where the longer detailed error message is constructed. (I already have the logic for this).
But I have to add logic so that the error message string is added to the hash, so the output is one hash, and not strings.
The second case is very similar to the first, where there are parameters eg. switch_ip , which are inserted into the string using a similar template processing logic, (already have this too).
So I think the first and second cases can be handled in the same way, but I'm not sure, so separated them in this question.
The last case is just can error message string by itself, which at the minute I just insert it into a one key message hash { message => "error string}.
So after all that how should I be checking or dividing up these error cases, At the minute my idea for the ones with code , is to dump the arguments into a hash and just use something like:
if(exists($param{code}) { doTemplateProcess()...}
I need to ensure that there is a string passed in first though. Which was my original question. Does any of my context information help? I hope I didn't go off the topic of my question, if so I'll open this a new question. Thanks.
Error hash - located in
use constant ERROR_CODE => {
category => 'Connection Error:',
template => 'Could not ping switch %s in %s minutes',
tt => {template => 'disabled'},
fatal => 1,
wiki_page =>,
From comments:
These will be called in the software's code like so
"Phase x this occured because y was happening:",
switch_ip => $ip3,
timeout => 30,
Putting the wisdom of your particular problem aside and channeling Jeff Foxworthy:
If you have a scalar and it's not a reference, you might have a string.
If your non-reference scalar doesn't look like a number, it might be a string.
If your non-reference scalar looks like a number, it can still be a string.
If your non-reference scalar has a different string and number value, it might be a dualvar.
You know that your argument list is just that: a list. A list is a collection of scalar values. A scalar can be a reference or not a reference. I think you're looking for the not a reference case:
die "You can't do that" if ref $first_argument;
Past that, you'd have to do fancier things to determine if it's the sort of value that you want. This might also mean that you reject objects that pretend to be strings through overloading and whatnot.
Perhaps you can make the first argument part of the key-value pairs that you pass. You can then access that key to extract the value and delete it before you use the remaining pairs.
You may easily check only whether the error string is a simple scalar value or a reference. You would do that with ref, but you must consider what you want to do if the first parameter isn't a string
You should write your constructor in the ASC::Builder::Error package along these lines
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($error, %options) = #_;
die if ref $error;
bless { string => $error }, $class;
This example simply dies, and so kills the program, if it is called with anything other than a simple string or number as the first parameter
You may call it as
and all will be well. If you try
ASC::Builder::Error->new('message', 'code')
then you will see a warning
Odd number of elements in hash assignment
And you may make that warning fatal
If there is anything more then you should explain
Supporting all of the following is simple:
$class->new("s", code => "s")
$class->new("s", code => "s", switch_ip => "s", timeout => "s")
All you need is the following:
sub new {
my ($class, $msg, %opts) = #_;
You can checks such as the following to examine what the called provided:
if (exists($opts{code}))
if (defined($opts{code}))
if ($opts{code})
Despite saying that the string will always be provided, you now ask how to check if was provided. As such, you are probably trying to perform validation rather than polymorphism. You shouldn't waste your time doing this.
Let's look at the hash reference example you gave. ref($arg) eq 'HASH' is wrong. That returns false for some hash references, and it returns false for some things that act like a reference to a hash. The following is a more proper check:
eval { %$arg; 1 }
The equivalent for strings would be the following:
eval { "$arg"; 1 }
Unfortunately, it will always return true! Every value can act as a string. That means the best thing you can do is simply to check if any argument is provided.
use Carp qw( croak );
croak("usage") if !#_;
It's rare for Perl subs to perform argument validation. Not only is it tricky, it's also expensive. It also provides very little benefits. Bad or missing arguments usually results in exceptions or warnings shortly after.
You might see suggestions to use croak("usage") if ref($arg); (or worse, die if ref($arg);), but keep in mind that those will cause the rejection of perfectly fine objects that overload stringification (which is somewhat common), and they will fail to detect the problem with ASC::Builder::Error->new(code => ...) because code produces a string. Again, performing type-based argument validation is an expensive and buggy practice in Perl.
