I want to use cron job to run a task for example every 3 days at 7pm BUT start in the future and for a specific period of time. (for example from 14/02/2023 to 22/05/2023).
The only thing i could do is running a task every 3 days at 7:00pm.
const cron = require('node-cron'); cron.schedule("0 0 19 */3 * *", function () { console.log("running a task "); });
scheduler = BlockingScheduler(timezone='US/Eastern')
scheduler.add_job(get_scores, 'cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour='8-18', minute='*/15')
I need this code to execute every 15 minutes from 9am - 5pm M-F EST. But for some reason it is doing:
Next wakeup is due at 2021-07-22 08:00:00-04:00 (in 47626.905794 seconds)
Thanks in advance!
timezone needs to be in the add_job, like:
scheduler.add_job(get_si_data, trigger='cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour='8-18', minute='*/15', timezone='US/Eastern')
I have a time zone (timerTimeZone): For e.g. "America/Chicago".
let timerTimeZone = "America/Chicago"
Our server local time is in UTC.
I want to execute a function every night at 12.00 AM in the time zone which is stored in the timerTimeZone variable.
Let's say the program is running at 6.00 PM UTC/1.00 PM CST. So the first execution should be after 11 hours (12.00 AM CST) and next subsequent executions every 24 hours.
I have been trying to use moment and moment-timezone but not able to find any way.
I would suggest using the excellent Cron module.
This allows you to schedule tasks according to a cron expression, and also lets you specify an IANA timezone to use.
I'm also logging here the next 5 dates the job will run, both in the specified timezone and UTC.
const CronJob = require("cron").CronJob;
// Run at midnight every night
const cronExpression = "00 00 * * *";
const timeZone = "America/Chicago";
const cronJob = new CronJob(
function cronFunction() {
console.log("cronFunction: Running....");
/* Do whatever you wish here... */
// Get the next N dates the job will fire on...
const nextDates = cronJob.nextDates(5);
console.log(`Next times (${timeZone}) the job will run on:`, nextDates.map(d => d.tz(timeZone).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")));
console.log("Next times (UTC) the job will run on:", nextDates.map(d => d.utc().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")));
I am trying to run a job between monday hour 0 to friday 19 and add second job scheduled in friday 20. It's not working, Not sure when combining multiple trigger for cron & interval works this way.
from apscheduler.triggers.combining import AndTrigger,OrTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
scheduler = BlockingScheduler()
def job():
print('job started in mon 0, will be executed each minute until fri 19')
def job_report():
print('end job & report mail to team in fri 20')
trigger1 = OrTrigger([IntervalTrigger(minutes=1),
CronTrigger(day_of_week='mon', hour=0),
trigger2 = OrTrigger([CronTrigger(day_of_week='fri',hour=20)])
scheduler.add_job(job, trigger1)
scheduler.add_job(job_report, trigger2)
Or should I use standard cron from aps? For example-
sched.add_job(job_function, CronTrigger.from_crontab('0 0 1-15 may-aug *'))
Any help will be appreciated.
trigger1 is executed monday to fri from 0:00 to 19:00 every day (not executed from 19:00 to 23:59)
trigger1 = AndTrigger([IntervalTrigger(minutes=1), CronTrigger(day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=0-19)])
I'm using node-cron to run scheduled jobs.
I want the jobs to run every 45 minutes, but its acting strangely
Here's the pattern I'm using
'00 */45 * * * *'
I started my script at
Tue Jun 17 2014 08:17:39 GMT+0000 (GMT)
Here's are the first couple of times the job was executed
1. Tue Jun 17 2014 08:45:03 GMT+0000 (GMT)
2. Tue Jun 17 2014 09:00:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)
3. Tue Jun 17 2014 09:45:02 GMT+0000 (GMT)
This is definitely not what I expected or want.
All I want is to run the Jobs every 45 minutes.
Can anyone help me with the pattern?
Thanks :)
You're probably looking for
0 */45 * * * *
The ranges are here.
Seconds: 0-59
Minutes: 0-59
Hours: 0-23
Day of Month: 1-31
Months: 0-11
Day of Week: 0-6
I'm more familiar with cron than with node-cron, but I've taken a quick look at the documentation.
If I understand it correctly, node-cron uses a syntax similar to that used by cron, but with an additional "seconds" field. So where a cron job might have:
# min hour mday month wday command
*/15 * * * * some-command
to schedule some-command to run every 15 minutes, node-cron would use a similar syntax to specify the time to run:
'0 */15 * * * *'
(with an additional field to specify seconds), but it executes a specified JavaScript function, not an external command.
In standard cron, there is no syntax to specify running a job every 45 minutes. A specification of 0/45 * * * * would run a job twice each hour, at 0 and 45 minutes after the hour. To run a job every 45 minutes (at 00:00, 00:45, 01:30, 02:15, ..., i.e., 32 times per day) you'd have to schedule it to run every 15 minutes, and then invoke a script that checks the current time to decide whether to do anything.
Or you can write an exhaustive list of all the times you want the job to run:
0 0 * * * some-command
45 0 * * * some_command
30 1 * * * some_command
15 2 * * * some_command
# 28 lines omitted
I'd definitely want to write a script to generate this list.
(This is workable because 24 hours happens to be a multiple of 45 minutes.
You couldn't run something every 35 minutes this way.)
A similar approach should work for node-cron. Schedule the function to run every 15 minutes, and invoke a function that checks the current time to decide whether to run. For example, you can check whether the number of minutes since midnight modulo 45 is zero. (You might want to allow for a small variance in case the scheduling is not exact.)
I don't know JavaScript well enough to suggest the best way to write this function, but it should be reasonably straightforward.
Or write 32 lines to specify all the times you want it to run.
There is no direct way to do this. However, we can get the result by intercepting the schedule using a shell command within the target script.
First, run the script at every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * <target_script>
Then, within the target_script, place the following code before actual codes:
# Exit except at 0:45, 1:30, 2:15, 3:00, 3:45 etc
if ! echo "((`date +%-H`*60)+`date +%-M`)/45" | bc -l | grep "\.0*$" &> /dev/null;
then exit 1;
# Your actual code goes here;
I tried this string for a 45-second interval and it works well:
'*/45 * * * * *'
You need to write a script as a wrapper to decide if the actual command shall be executed at every 45 minutes. That's 0, 45, 30 (= 45 + 45 - 60), 15 (= 30 + 45 - 60), 0 (= 15 + 45 - 60). so, the minutes to run the script shall be 0,15,30,45.
The command date +%M may be helpful in the shell script.
you can use node-reel which is more readable, straight forward and awesome 😉.
const reel = require('node-reel')
reel().call(() => {
Answer: */45 * * * *
This will run every 45th minute
Have a look here for clear understanding 👇
use cron npm moduel something like this
var cronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
var job = new cronJob({
cronTime:'0 */45 * * * *',
onTick: function(){
var my_date = new Date();
var tomorrow_date = my_date.getFullYear() + "-" + ('0'+(my_date.getMonth()+1)) + "-" + (my_date.getDate()+1)
var condition = [{},{$set: {'plannedDeliveryDate' :tomorrow_date +'T00:00:00.000Z'}}]
dbQuery.updateMany(orderModel, condition, function(err, result){
if(result.nModified == result.n) console.log(err, result)
You can refer to cronr, it supports all the macro pattern and provides online demo cronr -- online demo
Just recently (27|01|22) used Node Cron in my project
const TaskSchedulerTimeInterval = 45;
// Runs a job for every 45 mins asynchronously
const fetchYoutubeAPIScheduler = () => {
try {
nodeCron.schedule(`*/${TaskSchedulerTimeInterval} * * * *`, async () => {
} catch (error) {
console.log('error =', error);
Underlying Meaning (loved the explanations given by others, so referencing them together in one post) :
#sec min hour monthday month weekday
*/15 * * * * *
Above example runs every 15 secs
range of each field:
Sec: 0-59
Min: 0-59
Hour: 0-23
monthday(Day of Month): 1-31
Months: 0-11
weekDay(Day of Week): 0-6