Show a commandbutton on datapulled lines - excel

Once every 3 months we make a file available for our engineers.
This Excel files, pulls data from an Access file and shows it in Excel format.
Since some of this data doesn't change, we don't know whether the engineers haven't looked at it or whether the value isn't changed. What i'm trying to implement is some sort of "confirmation" button so we know the value shown is actually confirmed.
What i'm trying to do is enter an extra column in our access file called "confirmation".
When we pull this data in our excel file, i'm trying to find a way to convert that "confirmation field" into a commandbutton so whenever the data gets pulled, a commandbutton shows up on every line. Whenever the button gets clicked, the data gets saved in our Access file so we know the line is actually confirmed.
Maybe there are some other , easier, ways to do this?
I currently have some code to save excel data in Access but its not working in its current form:
Sub S_SaveDataToDB()
If ActiveSheet.Name = "Estimate" Then
ViKey = 1
ViKey = 2
End If
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.ListObjects("TB_ACC" & ViKey).ListRows.Count
VsData = "SET [BE] = '" & F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 17)) & "', [PO STATUS] = '" & F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 18)) & "', [REMARKS] = '" & F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 19)) & "', [LOGDATE] = '" & Now() & "', [LOGID] = '" & Environ("Username") & "' WHERE [PO item] = '" & ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 9) & "'"
If Len(F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 16))) + Len(F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 17))) + Len(F_FilterData(ActiveSheet.Cells(7 + i, 18))) > 0 Then Call S_UpdateDataInDB(VsData)
Next i
MsgBox "Data has been saved"
Sub S_UpdateDataInDB(VsData)
Dim cnDB As New ADODB.Connection
VsDBPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Settings").Range("B2").Value
VsTable = "KCD"
cnDB.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data Source=" & VsDBPath & ";" & "Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;" & "Persist Security Info=False;"
cnDB.Execute ("UPDATE " & VsTable & " " & VsData)
End Sub
Differences here are:
I want to just save text ("Data confirmed") for that particular cell.
So if one wants to confirm data on Row 8 and clicks "Data confirm". It should only save "Data confirm" for row 8 in access.

Generally, when I'm trying to add a feature to every row in a column, I'll use a hyperlink. It fits neatly into the cell, it can be anchored to a specific cell, and it also shows when it's been followed (the color changes). I've mocked together some code as an example; try to adapt it to your application and let me know if you need help.
First, in a standard module, enter the following code to create the hyperlinks. Presumably, you'd embed this into the code that pulls the data.
Sub PullData()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
'Pull the data
'Identify the range of the pulled data
Set sh = Sheets("PulledData")
lastRow = sh.Range("A" & sh.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Loop from row 2 through last row
For i = 2 To lastRow
'Assuming the 'save' option is in Column c
sh.Cells(i, "C").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=sh.Cells(i, "C"), Address:="", _
SubAddress:="", TextToDisplay:="Click To Save"
Next i
End Sub
Next, in the worksheet code for the sheet with the data, enter the below code. This tells the application what to do when a hyperlink is clicked. I created a fake function that is meant to mimic saving the data. You can change this as needed, or use a different design if it suits your needs better.
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
'Confirm that this is a hyperlink in column 3
If Not Intersect(Target.Range, Columns(3)) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox SaveData(Target.Range)
End If
End Sub
Private Function SaveData(rng As Range) As Boolean
Debug.Print rng.Address & " has been saved."
SaveData = True
End Function


Product sum with dynamic sheet names in formula

We have a macro that loops through a set of 50 workbooks that have different amounts of sheets. The sheets look similar but all have different sheet names.
We want to place a formula in the first sheet ("Framsida") that searches through column B in sheet 3 to the last sheet to identify how many unique entries there are.
We have been working with PRODUCTSUM and FREQUENCY.
The formula works when pasted into the sheet manually.
When trying this with the macro, it starts linking to other data sources with the error message
"This workbook contains links to other data sources".
The code we tried:
Worksheets("Framsida").Range("m5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(--(FREQUENCY(''" & Sheets(3).Name & " : " & Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & " '!$B$6:$b$200, ' " & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).Name & " : " & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & " '!$B$6:$b$200)<>0))"
This is the result that comes out in sheet "Framsida" when running the macro:
=PRODUKTSUMMA(--(FREKVENS('8007029 :[ 8007062 ] 8007062 '!$B$6:$B$200; '8007029 :[ 8007062 ] 8007062 '!$B$6:$B$200)<>0))
It adds the last sheet name in square brackets and we have no idea why. We are open for suggestions to other solutions.
This is the entire loop:
Sub SummeringFramsida()
'Variabler för loopen
Dim MyFile As String
Dim Filepath As String
'Öppnar filer tills det att man kommer till Huvudfilen i listan, filerna som ska sökas måste alltså ligga ovanför i listan'
Filepath = "C:\Users\JohannaFalkenstrand\Desktop\Excelfix\"
MyFile = Dir(Filepath)
Do While Len(MyFile) > 0
If MyFile = "Huvudfil.xlsm" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Workbooks.Open (Filepath & MyFile)
Worksheets("Framsida").Range("m5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(--(FREQUENCY('" & Sheets(3).Name & " : " & Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & " '!$B$6:$b$200, ' " & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).Name & " : " & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & " '!$B$6:$b$200)<>0))"
'Stänger, sparar och går till nästa fil'
MyFile = Dir
End Sub
Give it a try with Range(...).Address(1,1,xlA1,1). This will give you a string of range reference that contains both the workbook and the sheet reference. Then you can compile the required formula with simple string manipulation, like
For Each wb in <SomeCollectionOfWorkbooks>
For Each sh in wb.Sheets
Debug.Print "Copy this to the required cell = SUM(" & _
sh.Range("B6:B200").Address(1,1,xlA1,1) & ")"
The key is the external reference parameter of .Address.
It looks like you want to use same range but on different sheets at same time, so you need to check this out:
Create a reference to the same cell range on multiple
Applying this to your code this should kind of work:
Worksheets("Framsida").Range("m5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(--(FREQUENCY(" & Sheets(3).Name & ":" & Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & "!$B$6:$b$200," & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).Name & ":" & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name & "!$B$6:$b$200)<>0))"

Automatically running macro when CommentThreaded is modified?

I have a column whose cells have comments via CommentsThreaded and CommentThreaded objects. In another column, I successfully copy the contents of these threads using the function =GetComments(A1), as shown below:
' Returns the concatenated string of parent and child comments for the specified input cell.
Function GetComments(SelectedCell As Range) As String
Set CellComment = SelectedCell.CommentThreaded
Dim Result As String
If Not CellComment Is Nothing Then
Result = CellComment.Author.Name & ": """ & CellComment.Text & """ " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Dim ChildCount As Integer
ChildCount = 1
For Each ChildComment In CellComment.Replies
Result = Result & "[Reply #" & ChildCount & "] " & ChildComment.Author.Name & ": """ & ChildComment.Text & """ " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
ChildCount = ChildCount + 1
Result = "No Comments"
End If
GetComments = Result
End Function
Example output would be: John Doe: "My comment"
However, I've noticed that when a comment is added/edited/deleted, the output cell that uses the GetComments function is not updated. I have to manually re-run the function in the output cell to get its contents to update by selecting it and pressing Enter.
I've tried using all of the typical event handlers, such as Worksheet.Change, SelectionChange, etc. None of the events fire when a comment is modified. Neither does manually forcing Volatile or Calculate. It's almost like the Add/Delete/Edit methods of CommentsThreaded are not included in workbook events at all.
Is this possible? Thanks!

Update cell with a value when form field is selected

I have an excel workbook with modeless form. The way it's setup is that: each sheet in the workbook has a tab in the form. Each field in these tabs is Linked to a cell in corresponding sheet. So when a value is changed/updated in the form, it is automatically updated in the relevant cell. The way I am doing this is by using the onChange event for each filed which call's a UDF that does the updating. My question, there are a lot of fields in the form and lots more to be added. Is there a way to update relevant cell when a field in the form is selected without having to add the call to a UDF in onChange event for each field?
I have tried using things like ControlSource but that only one way where it just updates the value in the form but doesn't update the value in the cell when form is updated.
As a side note, unfortunately I cannot share the form or the sheet but am willing to answer any questions
Below is the function that updates the field:
Sub UpdateWorksheetValue(ByVal oObj As Object)
Dim oWS As Worksheet
Dim sCurrentValue As String
Dim iC As Long
' Lets check if tag is set
If Len(Trim(oObj.Tag)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Empty tag found for '" & oObj.Name & "' field. Failed to update field value" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please contact system administrator with this information", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Update Failed"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Trim(Mid(oObj.Tag, InStr(1, oObj.Tag, "¬") + 1))) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Tag for '" & oObj.Name & "' field does not include page title. Failed to update field value" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please contact system administrator with this information", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Update Failed"
Exit Sub
End If
' Set worksheet
Select Case LCase(Trim(Mid(oObj.Tag, InStr(1, oObj.Tag, "¬") + 1)))
Case "client identification"
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets("Client Identification - Output")
Case "request details"
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets("Request Details - Output")
Case "db responsible individuals"
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets("DB Responsible Ind - Output")
Case "additional details"
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets("Additional Details - Output")
End Select
' Set value
With oWS
' Lets check if tag is set
If Len(Trim(Mid(oObj.Tag, 1, InStr(1, oObj.Tag, "¬") - 1))) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Tag for '" & oObj.Name & "' field does not include corresponding cell information. Failed to update field value in '" & oWS.Name & "' worksheet" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please contact system administrator with this information", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Update Failed"
Exit Sub
End If
' Set the search value
.Range("Z1").Value = Mid(oObj.Tag, 1, InStr(1, oObj.Tag, "¬") - 1)
' If a row with tag text is not found, throw a message and exit sub
If Len(Trim(.Range("Z2").Value)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to find corresponding cell for '" & oObj.Name & "' field in '" & .Name & "' worksheet. Failed to update field value" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please ensure that the field's 'Tag' matches a cell in the sheet or contact system administrator", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Update Failed"
Exit Sub
End If
' Set field value
Select Case LCase(TypeName(oObj))
Case "textbox", "combobox"
.Range("B" & .Range("Z2").Value).Value = oObj.Value
Case "optionbutton"
If oObj.Value = True Then
.Range("B" & .Range("Z2").Value).Value = oObj.Caption
.Range("B" & .Range("Z2").Value).Value = ""
End If
Case "listbox"
' First lets the current cell value
sCurrentValue = .Range("B" & .Range("Z2").Value).Value
' Now lets build the string for the cell
For iC = 0 To oObj.ListCount - 1
If oObj.Selected(iC) And InStr(1, sCurrentValue, oObj.List(iC)) = 0 Then
sCurrentValue = sCurrentValue & "/" & oObj.List(iC)
ElseIf Not oObj.Selected(iC) And InStr(1, sCurrentValue, oObj.List(iC)) > 0 Then
sCurrentValue = Replace(sCurrentValue, "/" & oObj.List(iC), "")
End If
' And finally, set the value
.Range("B" & .Range("Z2").Value).Value = sCurrentValue
End Select
End With
' Clear object
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub
I now have a class called formEventClass as suggested by David. Contents of the class are:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents tb As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub tb_Change()
UpdateWorksheetValue (tb)
End Sub
But when I make a change in any given text box, cells are not updated (as per David's suggestion, I've removed the call to UpdateWorksheetValue in text box onChange event. Cells are not updated even when I tab out of the field. As this is working for David, I suspect I am missing something here
If you want to get fancy using WithEvents...
Create a Class Module and name it tbEventClass. Put the following code in this module.
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents tb As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub tb_Change()
Call UpdateWorksheetValue(tb)
End Sub
This defines a custom class (tbEventClass) which is responsive to the events of it's tb property which is a TextBox. You'll need to map your textboxes to instances of this class during the form's Initialize event:
Public textbox_handler As New Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ctrl As Control, tbEvent As tbEventClass
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
Set tbEvent = New tbEventClass
Set tbEvent.tb = ctrl
textbox_handler.Add tb
End If
End Sub
Important: You will either need to remove or modify the Change event handlers in the UserForm module to avoid duplicate calls to the "update" procedure. If the only thing going on in those event handlers is the call to your update macro, just get remove the event handlers entirely, they're fully represented by the tbClass. If those events contain other code that does other stuff, just remove or comment out the line(s) that call on your update function.
This is working for me with the controls within a MultiPage and required ZERO changes to the implemented code above.

Place data in multiple cells with command button

I connected two weighing scales to my PC and used a VBA tutorial and the XMComm to create Excel userform that collects the weight data from a scale and places it in a cell.
I can retrieve the weight from each scale with separate command buttons. I would like to combine both scales into one command button.
I've tried by putting ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Select between the two Userforms in the command button. However, when I use this command button, the Active Cell shifts right immediately and only one of the two weight values is placed.
I use ActiveCell to place this information in any cells.
I think it may be an issue with the individual userforms themselves. When I try to place a single weight from a command button tied to just one userform, the weight is sometimes not placed.
Here is the userform code:
Private Sub XMCommCRC1_OnComm()
Static sInput As String
Dim sTerminator As String
Dim Buffer As Variant
' Branch according to the CommEvent property
Select Case XMCommCRC1.CommEvent
Buffer = XMCommCRC1.InputData ' Use Input property for MSComm
sInput = sInput & Buffer
If Worksheets("Settings").Range("Terminator") = "CR/LF" Then
sTerminator = vbCrLf
sTerminaotr = vbCr
End If
If Right$(sInput, Len(sTerminator)) = sTerminator Then
XMCommCRC1.PortOpen = False
sInput = Left$(sInput, Len(sInput) - Len(sTerminator))
Select Case Left$(sInput, 2)
Case "ST", "S "
ActiveCell.Value = CDbl(Mid$(sInput, 7, 8))
Case "US", "SD"
MsgBox "The balance is unstable."
Case "OL", "SI"
MsgBox "The balance is showing an eror value."
End Select
sInput = ""
End If
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub RequestBalanceData()
With Worksheets("Settings")
' Configure and open the COM port
If Not XMCommCRC1.PortOpen Then
XMCommCRC1.RThreshold = 1
XMCommCRC1.RTSEnable = True
XMCommCRC1.CommPort = .Range("COM_Port")
XMCommCRC1.Settings = .Range("Baud_Rate") & "," & _
.Range("Parity") & "," & _
.Range("Data_Bits") & "," & _
XMCommCRC1.PortOpen = True
End If
' Send balance's "SI" (Send Immediate) command
' to request weighing data immediately
If .Range("Terminator") = "CR/LF" Then
XMCommCRC1.Output = "R" & vbCrLf
XMCommCRC1.Output = "R" & vbCr
End If
End With
End Sub
I am using Excel 2007.
The VBA tutorial -
The link to XMCOMM -

Assign code to _Change method of a Combobox

below code adds a ComboBox in cell A3 of a worksheet. It also writes code so that when the value is changed in the ComboBox, cell A2 is updated with the value. Here is the code:
Sub AddComboBox()
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet7")
Dim oRN As Range: Set oRN = oWS.Range("A3")
Dim oCB As Object
Dim sCode As String
Dim iLR As Integer
' Get last row for column D (holds the values for combobox)
With oWS
iLR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
End With
' Create Combobox
With oRN
Set oCB = oWS.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.Combobox.1", Left:=.Left, Top:=.Top, Height:=.Height, Width:=.Width)
oCB.ListFillRange = "Sheet7!D1:D" & iLR
oCB.Name = "cmbTest1"
oCB.Object.Font.Size = 8
End With
' Set code to add for the Combobox
sCode = "Private Sub " & oCB.Name & "_Change()" & Chr(13) & _
" ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(" & Chr(34) & oWS.Name & Chr(34) & ").Range(" & Chr(34) & "A2" _
& Chr(34) & ").Value = Me." & oCB.Name & ".Value" & _
"End Sub"
' Add the code for Combobox
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(oWS.Name).CodeModule
.InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, sCode
End With
End Sub
Code works fine but for it to work, user has to make sure that Trust access to the VBA project object model is selected in Trust Center. My question is, is there another way to approach this problem so that user doesn't have to change the settings on their PC? i.e. maybe just assign a macro in a Class module. I did give this a try but I need to be able to pass the name of the ComboBox to the called UDF but have no idea how to do that or if that is even possible with this approach? Reason why I want to pass the name of ComboBox is because: the naming convention for ComboBox will give me the cell address where the ComboBox is created. I need this as each row in the sheet will have multiple ComboBoxes (created dynamically) and there will be multiple rows in the sheet
The Trust Centre is there for a reason.
In order to get around it, you may put the xl-vba file in a specific folder. Then add this folder as a trusted location, through the Trusted Settings like this:
Trust Center>Trust Center Setting>Trusted Locations
But I am not sure whether this would be less job than making sure that the Trust access is selected. However, it is an option.
