how to query the highest digit in a search? - vim

Searching for the pattern /{{c\d, I'd like to get the highest digit found and use it in a macro.
For context, I'm using Anki (flashcard tool) and its cloze card type, and recently started creating my cards within vim.
Example card:
## Front
{{c1::A::reading A}}
{{c2::C::reading C}}
{{c1::D::reading D}}
## Back
In that example, given I'm positioned above E, I'd like to execute a macro that'll figure out that the highest cloze digit is 2 (in {{c2::C::reading C}}) and create a new cloze with highest digit incremented by one as {{c3::E::reading E}}
My macro currently looks like this:
"c ysiw}wysiw}wyiwic3::^OP::reading
ysiw} uses vim-surround to wrap the word in braces.
wysiw} repeats that operation
wyiw yanks the word
ic3:: adds c3:: in insert mode <= How do I calculate 3 from the highest cloze number in the file?
^OP paste the yanked word in insert mode
::reading adds the remaining text.

You can use a :%s command with the [/n] flag, which doesn't execute the substitution but only counts the matches.
Use that together with a \= expression on the replacement side, just for the side effects of the expression.
You can use that to append the cloze numbers to a list and then find the maximum after you've collected them all.
function! NextCloze()
let nums = [0]
let view = winsaveview()
silent %s/\m{{c\zs\d\+\ze::/\=add(nums, submatch(0))/egn
call winrestview(view)
return 1 + max(nums)
The function is also saving and restoring the view around the %s operation, since that operation will move the cursor and we want to keep it in place.
To insert it in the middle of a mapping you can use something like:
Though there are probably other ways you can put that result in your buffer. For instance, if you'd like a mapping that takes the current word under the cursor and replaces it with the {{cN::...::reading ...}} block, consider these:
nnoremap <Leader>c ciW{{c<C-R>=NextCloze()<CR>::<C-R>"::reading <C-R>"}}<Esc>
xnoremap <Leader>c c{{c<C-R>=NextCloze()<CR>::<C-R>"::reading <C-R>"}}<Esc>
In Normal mode, it will act on the Word (sequence of non-white space symbols) under the cursor. In Visual mode, it will act on the visual selection. These are closer to your original #c macro.


vim: command like f{char} but for series of chars instead of single char

In vim I can navigate to char in current line using f{char} -- To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right. The cursor is placed on {char} (inclusive).
Lets look on next line:
from fmodule import futility
-- there are three words starting from f letter and assume that I want to jump to futils. To do it (with cursor at the beginning of line) I will execute 2ff, but instead I would really like to do something like f{fut} (providing first chars of word not single one).
What are the ways to accomplish this task?
You can use the / search as a motion, also in visual mode and in combination with a command like d. You need to conclude the search with <Enter>, as usual. In contrast to f, this will also find matches in following lines. Some consider this a feature (and change f accordingly via plugins), others don't like this. If you're in the latter camp, the following mapping will restrict the pattern to the current line automatically:
noremap <expr> <Leader>/ '/\%' . line('.') . 'l'
You might also want to define <Leader>? for the opposite direction.

Writing whole alphabet in Vim

I sometimes need to write the whole alphabet abcd…z and I hate typing it letter by letter in Vim's insert mode. Does there exist any method to do this more efficiently?
I know about the ga command which gives me the ascii code of the character where the cursor is … but don't know anything about how to mix it with my standard solution to type numbers from 1 to (for example) 5000: a1ESCqqyyp^Aq4998#q …
Using set nrformats+=alpha:
Step by step:
ia<Esc> " Start with 'a'
qqylp<C-a>q " #q will duplicate the last character and increment it
24#q " Append c..z
If your shell does brace expansion this is a pretty elegant solution:
:r !printf '\%s' {a..z}
:read! reads the output of an external command into the current buffer. In this case, it reads the output of the shell's printf applied to {a..z} after it's been expanded by the shell.
How about this command:
:put =join(map(range(char2nr('a'),char2nr('z')),'nr2char(v:val)'),'')
Collect the ASCII values of the characters in the range from a to z, then map them over the nr2char() function and insert the result into the current buffer with :put =.
When you leave out the enclosing join( … ,'') you get the characters on a separate line each.
:h nr2char(),
:h char2nr(),
:h :put,
and look up range(), map(), join() and friends in the list-functions table.
First, set nrformats+=alpha.
Which means:
ia insert the initial a
Y25p yank the a and duplicate it on 25 lines
<CTRL-V> go into visual block mode
} go to the last character at the end of the current paragraph
g<CTRL-A> incrementally increase each alphabetic character (see help v_g_CTRL-A)
k go up one line
26gJ join 26 lines without inserting or removing any spaces
Which leads to:
I have found a shorter solution (you don't need to change nrformats beforehand) while solving
which means:
iabcdefghijklm<Esc> insert first half of the alphabet
yiw copy it
g?? ROT13 encode (shift by 13 letters) to get the second half
P paste the first half
You might try using Vim abbreviations or a full-fledged snippet manager plugin like UltiSnips. It might take a few moments to set up, and you'd have to type that alphabet one more time to define it as an abbreviation or snippet, but after that you'd be able to insert the alphabet or any other common chunk of text much more easily.

Prepending a character followed by the line number to every line

I'm hand-editing CNC Gcode text files and need a way to reference locations in the file and on the toolpath.
I want to modify every line in the text file so that it begins with the the upper case letter N followed by the line number, incremented in tens for each successive line, then a whitespace followed by the original text on that line. How can I do this in Vim?
I'm not sure about vi, but (since you're using the vim tag) Vim allows you to accomplish your task as follows:
Adjust the first line by hand (insert a N10 at the beginning of the line), then put the cursor at the beginning of the next line.
Press qb to start recording a macro (the b names the register used to store the macro; feel free to use a different letter -- and definitely do use a different letter if you've got something useful stashed away in b).
Move the cursor upward to the beginning of the previous line (which you have adjusted by hand). Press v to start visual selection mode, then f to move the cursor to the next space on the line (if you use a single space as your whitespace separator, that is; adjust this step if you're using a tab or multiple spaces).
Press y to yank the selected text. This will also remove the visual selection.
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Press P to insert the previously yanked text before the cursor, that is, on the very beginning of the line.
Move the cursor to the numeric part of the line header. Press 10 C-a (1, 0, control + A) to increment that number by 10.
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Press q to stop recording the macro.
Press 10000000 #b to execute the macro 10000000 times or until it hits the end of the file. This should be enough to take care of all the lines in your file, unless it is really huge, in which case use a bigger number.
...or use Vim to write a simple script to do the job in whichever language you like best, then run it from a terminal (or from withing Vim with something like :!./your-script-name). ;-)
The following command will prepend ‘N<line number * 10>’ to every line:
:g/^/exe 'normal! 0iN' . (line('.')*10) . ' '
You can do it easily in Vim with this:
:%s/^/\=line(".")*10 . " "/
This replaces the start of every line with the result of an expression that gives the line number times ten, followed by a space.
I have not timed it, but I suspect it might be noticeably faster than the other Vim solutions.
Cheating answer:
:%!awk '{print "N" NR "0", $0}'
There are two ways to implement that without resorting to external
tools: via a macro or by using Vimscript. In my opinion, the first way
is a little cumbersome (and probably not as effective as the solution
listed below).
The second way can be implemented like this (put the code into your
.vimrc or source it some other way):
function! NumberLines(format) range
let lfmt = (empty(a:format) ? 'N%04d' : a:format[0]) . ' %s'
for lnum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
call setline(lnum, printf(lfmt, lnum, getline(lnum)))
The NumberLines function enumerates all lines of the file in a given
range and prepends to each line its number according to the provided
printf-format (N%04d, by default).
To simplify the usage of this function, it is convenient to create
a command that accepting a range of lines to process (the whole file,
by default) and a optional argument for the line number format:
command! -range=% -nargs=? NumberLines <line1>,<line2>call NumberLines([<f-args>])

Notepad++ like "multi editing" in Vim?

I’m switching from Notepad++ to Vim as my main text editor.
In Notepad++, you can have multiple cursors by holding down Ctrl and clicking anywhere in the text, so that if you type, the text appears in multiple locations.
Is it possible in Vim? Something like insert after selecting multiple rows in Visual mode, but with the possibility to have cursors anywhere in the text.
It’s a feature I rarely use, and it’s also quite easily avoidable; I’m just curious, since it’s the only one I could’t find a replacement for in Vim yet.
There is not a built-in feature of that kind.
Let me suggest a function that repeats command (for example . repeating last
change command) at the positions of given marks. Both marks and command are
specified as string arguments. Marks specified in the way ranges in regular
expressions or scanf-format specifier are defined. For example, za-dx
means marks z, a, b, c, d, x.
function! MarksRepeat(marks, command)
let pos = 0
let len = strlen(a:marks)
let alpha = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
let beta = '1234567899bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZZ'
while pos < len
if a:marks[pos + 1] != '-'
exe 'norm `' . a:marks[pos] . a:command
let pos += 1
elseif a:marks[pos] <= a:marks[pos+2]
let mark = a:marks[pos]
let stop = a:marks[pos+2]
if mark =~ '[0-9a-zA-Z]' && stop =~ '[0-9a-zA-Z]'
while 1
exe 'norm `' . mark . a:command
if mark == stop
let mark = tr(mark, alpha, beta)
let pos += 3
In your case, the function could be used as follows.
Mark all places for simultaneous insertions (except one) using Vim
marks (by means of m command).
Actually insert text in the one place that has not been marked.
Run the function:
:call MarksRepeat(‹marks›, '.')
You could insert the text in one place, in a single operation, then use . to repeat that insertion at each other place you want the text.
It's the converse of what you asked for, because you wanted to mark the locations before entering the text, but it gives you the same result in the same number of keystrokes :).
Check multi select vim plugin:
ib's response and the multi select vim plugin are interesting, but the following is a suggestion that does not require a special function or plugin.
Temporarily set foldmethod=manual, then mark the blocks you want to operate on with zf.
Finally, use the ex command :folddoclosed to do ex commands on the folded blocks.
For example: :folddoclosed norm Iinsert some text at the front
Note, you can use :folddoclosed on any folded groups of lines, so you could use other foldmethods... but usually it makes sense to manually create the folds.
You can also use visual markers, followed by :norm which gives you :'<,'>norm... But visual markers only let you select a continuous range of lines. Using folds and :folddoclosed you can operate on multiple ranges of lines at once.
Another tip... to save time having to type out :folddoclosed, I will type :fo<shifttab><shifttab><shifttab>

Vim: Split Words Into Lines?

I frequently use Shift+J in visual mode to join several selected lines into a single line with the original lines separated by spaces. But I am wondering if there is an opposite shortcut such that it will split selected words into separate lines (one word per line).
Of course I can do:
:'<,'>s/ /^M/g
But something more succinct in terms of keystrokes would be very useful. Has anyone else found a way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
Map it if you are using it often in your ~/.vimrc file or similar
vnoremap \ll :'<,'>s/ /^M/g<cr>
nnoremap \ll :s/ /^M/g<cr>
if you are only wanting to to it multiple times now you can use & command to repeat last search also
Theres also gqq but thats for textwidth eg 80 chars
Recently I stumbled across the same problem. My solution is the following vim function (put in my .vimrc):
function SplitToLines() range
for lnum in range(a:lastline, a:firstline, -1)
let words = split(getline(lnum))
execute lnum . "delete"
call append(lnum-1, words)
This can be used with line ranges, e.g., as follows
:26call SplitToLines()
which would split line number 26. But the code also handles ranges of lines gracefully (that's why the range in the for loop is built in reverse order).
1,10call SplitToLines()
will split lines 1 to 10 into several lines. However, I mostly use this in visual mode, like
'<,'>call SplitToLines()
which splits all lines that are visually marked. Of course you may define some single letter abbreviation for this function call (with auto completion by Tab I do not find it necessary). Also note that by adding an additional argument which would also be used by 'split' you can have a function that does split lines at specific patterns (instead of just white space).
I use this in my config to Un-Join/split the last word on current line:
nnoremap <C-J> g_F<Space><Space>i<CR><Esc>k
It maps CTRL-j to do the opposite of Join, I think of it as Counter-Join :) I mostly use it to convert between K&R style vs ...the other kind of curly brace placement.
g_ : search for the last non-whitespace on current line
F<Space> : reverse-find first space
<Space> : go one character forward
i : enter insert mode
<CR> : insert a line break
<Esc> : return to normal mode
k : go up one line to where we begun
