Adding values to different cells depending on conditions - Excel - excel

I am not very good with excel formulas, and I would need some help with a process I want to implement:
Simplifying things, I have an excel sheet (sheet n°1) with rows like this:
Company name | Price | Date
On other excel sheet (sheet n°2) I have one row for every company, and in each column there are all 12 months. I would need a formula so every time I add a row in the first sheet, the price I add is automatically added to the corresponding company row and in the corresponding month (based on the date) on sheet 2
I am really lost here, I know how to apply simple formulas, but not this, is there a way to add each value to a different cell depending on some conditions?
I forgot to add, that I would need to sum this values in sheet 2, so every time I add a new value, it is summed to the actual value of the corresponding cell.
I hope my english is not to bad, and thank you in advance!! :)

One caveat to this the month headers must be an actual date in the month desired. This can be formatted any way you want to display. My cells all contain the 1st of each month as their true dates.


Filtering or Importing data for specific date

I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to import a data, in a sort of a COUNTIF function but only for the data dated today?
I have 2 sheets, Attendance and Department.
In the Department tab, I have a list of employee's in column A. In column B and so on, I have a drop down option to select which department they're are stationed for each day. Each column represent a day, B being the 1st, C being 2nd, ... and so on. The header for each column has the day for the day as well.
On the attendance sheet, I have the list of Department in column A and in B, it is used to record how many employee are stationed at that department. I also have the day for the day on this sheet on A1.
Is it possible that when I change the date, the number of employee stationed in each department will change according to the date?
Is it possible to do this with just functions?
I've tried using the COUNTIF function, but I've found that I will have to change the range on a daily basis.
Use The Function: in B4 of Attendance Tab
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Department!" &ADDRESS(3,MATCH($A$1,Department!$A$2:$P$2,0)) & ":" &ADDRESS(6,MATCH($A$1,Department!$A$2:$P$2,0))),$A4)
Results: Attendance Tab
Department Tab:
I have used all the references as in the screenshots, you can change them if they are different in your sheet.
your question can be solved by SUMPRODUCT function. See below solution picture:
Just to quickly explain my solution, I gave a name to the date on the Department sheet, called it 'Date_Lookup'; and I gave a name to the dates on the Attendance sheet, called it 'Date_List'. Names will simplify my formula especially when referencing across worksheets.
You will eventually find a lot of COUNIF scenario can be solved by SUMPRODUCT and this is just one example. SUMPRODUCT can do a lot IFs than COUNTIFS can do. In your case there are two criteria, one is which department did an employee attend to, and the other is on which date did the employee attend to that particular department. So my SUMPRODUCT formula can be understood as:
=SUMPRODUCT(('from the list of dates'='the particular date I want to see')*('from the full attendance record'='how many employees went to the given department'))
Let me know if you have difficulties understand my answer. A good 1 hour read through some online articles regarding SUMPRODUCT will help.
Cheers :)
Your first step would be to use a function to work out in which column the entered date appears. So in your Department sheet you enter a date in A1, then set B1 to:
=IFERROR(MATCH(A1, Attendance!2:2, 0), 0)
I use the IFERROR as I don't like seeing errors on my sheet. Assuming the result isn't zero, use a COUNTIF looking for the department letter in a range in the result column. I'd simply use on OFFSET to get the right range, but sticklers would tell you to find a different way of doing it. So long as your spreadsheet isn't going to increase in size to a massive complexity, OFFSET is fine.

Sum values in different rows if they match

I need some help regarding an issue that I was not able to solve. I tried to figure it out but without reaching my goal. This is what I have:
In sheet 1 I have estimated active customers for a period of time, where columns are months and rows are departments/states:
Sheet 1
Then, in sheet 2, I'm forecasting sales and need excel to return values from sheet 1 depending on which month we are kicking-off for each department:
Sheet 2
Of course, the kick-off month may vary for each department and values from sheet 1 should accommodate according to the selected month on column B in sheet 2.
And within C2:I4 I have used this formula:
The formula above actually works great when departments are not repeated in sheet 1 but, what would happen if departments are repeated (as shown in sheet 1) and I have to sum values from the same department and show the result on each cell in sheet 2?
I look forward to your kind help!
Try using SUMIF like this:
Please try this formula, designed for your Sheet2!C2 cell.
In order for this formula to work you should declare a named range comprising of your range Sheet1!A2:F4. My formula calls the range Rodrigo. If you choose another name please change the name in the formula accordingly.
You can exclude zero results by adding a further IF condition to the formula. I would prefer to do that via cell formatting, like 0;0;; where the third semi-colon determines that a zero will not be shown. You can also suppress display of zeros for the entire sheet in the worksheet options.

Guide me Regarding Compare the Value of Cell contain date and other cell contain Drop down list

Hy Every One, I need help in excel formula, I have two sheets, sheet1 for sale tracker, sheet two for goals tracker, I used Now() to enter date automatically, and its working fine, Next in goal sheet, I use =Sumif() to calcualte various category totals and refer them in cell. Its also working fine. But I want to track record according to month and category. Like I have 6 categories detail is as under,
Sales Tracker
In the First picture Column Date consist of formula "=IF(ISBLANK(B5),"-",TODAY())" and it display the name of month like "October"
While in second picture there is a drop down list of "Month" Column.
1- I want to use if statement like =if(Date=Month, Sum(Revenue Secure column Data), "-") But its not working the formula I wrote here is an example....
2- I want when I select any month from second sheet like January, February, It should calculate sum from picutre one data and only show the sum of january etc.
Please help me, this is eating my brain a huge,,,,,,:)
Thanks in advance....
In short my question is how can I use If statement to compare value of cell that contain formula and other that contain drop down list?
Or use the MONTH function to change your date to a number 1 to 12 corresponding to the month. Then have the combo return a number for the month chosen. It might be faster using integers than test
I Believe you have to compare the month and not the whole date.
You can do TEXT(NOW();"mmmm") to get the full month name of the current data (in the language of excel) and then compare it to your drop down.
If you replace the NOW() with any data it works as well.

How to Make a Summary Table combine data from Multiple sheets ?

I Would like to ask you how to transferred values automatically from multiple tables in multiple sheets, where this value will be under the same column's name
For Example, I designed a worksheets of month sales Report and create 4 sheets and named it " week 1, Week 2, Week 3,Week 4" this sheet have the same table columns with different contents based the sales information of each week, so in separate sheet I would like to make a summary to some of this columns from each sheet to combine the data in one table with specific columns
Please, Anyone Help ? I'd Be Thankful
Your data architecture is the wrong way around.
You have several sheets for data entry and you want to consolidate them into one report. That will always be hard work. Pivot tables won't work, formula solutions will be almost impossible, so you will need VBA and even then you probably won't be able to avoid constant manual adjustments.
... you change the data architecture and enter all data into one sheet, with a column for date (or week number or some such). Then you can quickly and easily create a pivot table and report on all kinds of aspects of the data, filter by week or other date ranges. You don't need to know anything about VBA or even formulas.
Work with Excel, not against it.
In my opinion, it is nearly doable - just use some tweaks.
What you can do is input the sheet names into one column, say column A: Week 1, Week 2, etc. and then you can use the INDIRECT() function to turn the strings/values in column A (Week 1, week 2, etc.) into a variable.
My source:
Since OP said the tables in each sheet are all the same, you'd easily be able to ctrl+d down the same cell value, but for different sheet names.
For example, if your values were in cell B2 in sheet "Week 1" and sheet "Week 2":
Column A Column B
Week 1 =INDIRECT(A1&"!$B$2")
Week 2 =INDIRECT(A2&"!$B$2")

How to show a value in one cell when current week is in another cell in excel

My first time to this forum.
I am a free range poultry farmer and I am trying to make spreadsheets to monitor my flocks. I have made the flock specific input sheets and now working on getting information for all of them into one summary sheet.
My question is...
I have the age of the birds going down column A also I have dates by week end date going down Column B... I would like to know how to have it that in one summary cell when the current date falls into one of the weeks listed in Column B that the corresponding cell in Column A is shown in that Summary cell (showing the current age of the flock). I would like this obviously auto update when the date progresses into another week.
Can any one help??
Put the current date in the header (=TODAY() function or variations).
Name the current date cell (e.g. Current_date)
If your data are in table format I recommend putting them in a Table, this will insert your formulae to any new row started. If you dislike them you can simply create filters.
Use the formula in say C5 "=B5=Current_date" This will give you a logical expression, TRUE or FALSE. You can filter for TRUE to see the flocks to sell/cut.
