Implementing push feed in node js - node.js

I am trying to implement push feed in nodejs provided by sportradar (
It uses HTTP publish/subscribe model
They already provide it for java and python but tried to look into node js but not found something
I have looked into but that is used to read xml but here sportradar push feed is providing json
It returns json response in the following format:


openapi-request-validator Validate against yaml

Please let me know if openapi-request-validator nodejs library can be used to validate request against open api 3 spec yaml file. I had a look at express-openapi-validator, but my application does not use expressjs. My service is a lambda function (nodejs) deployed in aws.
I believe in your lambda function you can use openapi-request-validator, which already makes it's function signature very friendly to the openapi spec yaml file. What you can do:
Include the openapi spec yaml file in the zip file when deploying to AWS.
At runtime, load the yaml file and convert it into a Javascript object using some library (e.g. js-yaml).
write a simple function to do the following:
Look up the Javascript spec object based on the request path to find out related parameters, requestBody, schemas etc required by OpenAPIRequestValidator.
Transform the incoming API Gateway proxy event object (I assume it's proxy integration) into the format that validateRequest expects.
Then you will be able to new OpenAPIRequestValidator and call its validateRequest method to validate the transformed request object.

apollo graphql query an uploaded file

Apollo Server 2.0 has the ability to receive file uploads as described in this blog post.
However, all the tutorials and blog posts I found only showed how to upload a file. Nobody demonstrated how to actually retrieve the file back to display it onscreen.
Does anybody know how to properly query the file contents for display onscreen?
Also, there's the possibility that maybe there is no way of querying a file and you have to build a separate rest endpoint to retrieve the contents?
Some thoughts:
I imagine the query to be something like
query {
fetchImage(id: 'someid')
with the respective server-side definition
type Query {
fetchImage(id : ID!): Upload //maybe also a custom type, but how do I include the actual file contents?
Hint: Upload is a scalar type that apollo-server automatically adds to your type definition. It is used for the upload so I imaging it also being usable for the download/query. Please read the blog post mentioned above for more information.
The response from a GraphQL service is always serialized as a JSON object. Technically, a format other than JSON could be used in serialization but in practice only JSON is used because it meets the serialization requirements in the spec. So, the only way to send a file through GraphQL would be to convert the file into some format that's JSON-compatible. For example, you could convert a Buffer to a byte array and send that as an array of integers. You would also have to send the appropriate mime type. It would be up to the client to convert the byte array back into a usable format on receiving the response.
If you go this route, you'd have to use your own scalar or object type -- the Upload scalar does not support serialization so it will throw if you try to use it as an output type (and it's not really suitable for this sort of thing anyway).
However, while doing this is technically possible, it's also inadvisable. Serializing a larger file could cause you to run out of memory since there's no way to stream data through GraphQL (the entire response has to be in memory before it can be sent). It's much better to serve the file statically (ideally using nginx instead of Node). If your API needs to refer to the file, it can then just return the file's path.
You can do this by installing express with apollo server.
Install above package and instantiate Express object with Apollo Server as explained in package docs.
Then set the static folder using express like this
app.use("/uploads", express.static("uploads")); //Server Static files over Http
uploads is my static folder & /uploads will server get request to that path
//Now I can access static files like this

How do you open zlib compressed data from Node.js in Ruby?

I am using the Pako NPM package like so: pako.deflate(JSON.stringify(json), { to: 'string' }) to compress a JSON payload and am able to open it up correctly over a REST call by using JSON.parse(pako.inflate(response.body, { to: 'string' })) via another Node.js service successfully.
However, when trying to inflate and view the JSON in a Ruby environment, I'm consistently getting 'inflate': incorrect header check (Zlib::DataError) using Zlib::Inflate.inflate(resp.body). So, in general, how does one get this data viewable from a potentially different language driven micro service by using zlib (or is there another package that can do this...)?

How to get Firebase Function request size?

What is the best way to read size of a request object sent to Firebase Callable Function?
I would like to take actions based on the size of request sent from a client but the only options I see are:
calculating size of the object in a custom function as suggested here.
using the object-sizeof npm package.
Is there any build in Firebase solution to this?

Foxx/ArangoDB: Can you create a response that adhere to JSON API specification?

I am currently writing some micro services with Foxx to be consumed by Ember.js. Ember data plays very nicely with JSON API ( responses. So I tried to serialize the Foxx responses with the json-api-serializer ( - but with no luck. I only found the forClient method, but this only allows me to operate on the JSON representation of single objects, not the whole response. So my question: Is it possible to implement JSON API with Foxx/ArangoDB?
You can return arbitrary responses from Foxx routes, so it's entirely possible to generate JSON responses that conform to JSON API.
However there's no built-in way to do this automatically.
I don't see anything in json-api-serializer that shouldn't work in Foxx, so I'm not sure what problems you are encountering. You should be able to simply return the output object with res.json(outputFromSerializer) and set the content type with res.set('content-type', 'application/vnd.api+json').
If everything else fails you can just write your own helper functions to generate the boilerplate and metadata JSON API expects.
