I'm using SharePoint Online ModernUI.
I could delete multiple item from List using PowerAutomate's 'Get Items' action.
But it's for list only.
I'd like to do the same for files and folders in the document library.
Do you have any ideas on which action in PowerAutomate to use for my requirement.
Appreciate any ideas\Pointers. Thanks,
Couldnt you use the "Get files" SharePoint action? And then Apply to Each file and delete file?
I am doing a power query in excel and im just using it to list all files in a specific directory.
I have two problems:
I cannot choose a sharepoint for the query. I may only choose folders on my hard drive. Is it possible to use a network sharepoint?
When I choose the folder i want, the query digs deep in all subfolders and list all files. However, i want it to search max 1 subfolder deep. and not 300. Is it possible?
Thanks for anyone who can help me! much appreciated
PS: If there is a vba code which lists all files one subfolder deep, this would also be a great solution
You can choose a network SharePoint folder by using the SharePoint Folder connector under Get Data. But you have to only use the root folder as your target for the URL. That will bring up a list of all files that exist within the hierarchy under that root folder. From there, use the Transform Data button (not the Combine & Transform Data button). Then you can rely upon the Folder Path column to filter for your desired actual folder.
[The Folder connector works similarly to the SharePoint Folder connector, in that it will bring up a list of all files that exist within the hierarchy under the targeted folder.]
I am not aware of it being possible to go straight to your desired folder using either the SharePoint Folders connector or the Folders connector.
filter the results of your list of there is a PATH column
To preface: I believe this may be impossible with OOTB solutions and if it is I have a plan B, but this plan would be much easier to implement if it is indeed possible.
Is there any way to create a SharePoint workflow that moves a file from a separate document library to another separate library?
The workflow is launched when a new item is created in a list. The item contains the information needed to find the document that it's referencing (ID, path, folder path, name etc...). Is it possible to take this information and then move the file being referenced to another library using a SharePoint workflow?
The document can't be simply copied because version history must stay with the document. I'm also unable to run the workflow in the library that contains the document because it's deciding on what documents to move based on the last modified date and as soon as the document is touched by the workflow it's been modified.
If you only want to copy files with metadata, we can use the OOTB workflow to achieve it.
If you want to copy files with version history, please check the Nintex workflow.
Nintex Workflow Move Document and Preserve Version History
Or we can create event receiver with custom code to achieve it.
Copy files between libraries by keeping versions
how can I search in specific folder of a list in SharePoint 2013 with the API?
A lot of tries of me failed :(
I need a fulltext search for a specific folder of the DocumentLibList. Optional with filtering properties of the documents - if possible.
Thanks in Advance for any idea(s)! ;)
Have you tried using an asterisk by the end of the path string? Also, you could try using the site: filter passing the absolute path to the folder as a value.
The SharePoint 2013 Search Query Tool would be helpful in this trial and error process:
how can i copy a sharepoint list with all its data to a different web?
is there an stsadm command to do this?
or even through the gui.
What you can do is Save that List as Template with the contents included and create a List Based on the save template.
To Save the List as Template you need to navigate to the List Settings Page and Select Save as Template, check the "include content" check box. Enter a Name for the template and say Okay. Next time when you try to create the list you will see the saved template and you can create list using that.
You can also take that saved template from the List Template Gallery and add it to different application / site collection.
You can also do this with Gary LaPointe's stsadm extensions. They're pretty sweet. Specifically, look into the gl-copylist command.
I want to migrate a Discussion List from one site collection to another site collection with all content. Is there any way to do it? We can not save the list as a template. Because we want to keep all the original information, like the Created By.
Best Regards
I suggest you take a look at the SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard (http://www.codeplex.com/SPDeploymentWizard) by Chris O'Brien. The tool uses the built-in migration API and it should allow you to move your content.
In addition to Walkdek's answer :-
Simplest way is when you create a template you have the option of including the existing content (Save List As Template > Include Content). When you move the tmplate to hte other site sollection and create a new list based on it then your data will be there.
You can also do this using SharePoint Designer - select the list, select Copy then find destination and select Paste.
Another option is Gary Lapointe's STSADM extensions such as gl-exportlist and gl-importlist